
Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, Anna and Jiyong spend some time in her apartment. They watched a movie together and Anna requested for Jiyong to sleepover! Let's continue.. 


Anna came out of the bathroom and her attention immediately turned to Jiyong's phone that was ringing and vibrating on the bedside table but the moment she walked over to the phone, the call has ended. She was shocked to see 5 Missed calls from YG, 8 Missed calls from Seungri and 2 messages.

“Hey! Oppa! Wake up! “ She unplugged his phone and squat down beside him. The bed side table was beside Anna's bed but since Jiyong was sleeping on the mattress, the bedside table actually behind his head. She then shake him, hoping he would wake up and answer back those people that called him! 

" Hey! " she shook him even more till she get a small response. A whine. This time the phone rang again, so Anna took the phone in her hands and place it near his ear.

“ Kwon Jiyong! Your phone is ringing!” She raised her voice a little but he simply smacked his phone off her hands, letting it fall to the floor.

“ Kwon Jiyong! ” She took the nearest pillow and started smacking his arm.

" Kwon Jiyong!" She called his name again but stopped smacking when she saw him move. His eyes slowly opened as he looked at her. Oh, finally!

"Where's my phone?” Was the first thing he said when he woke up, scanning around the room.She took the phone that was smacked on the floor by him, passing it to him. He let out a small gasp and took the phone to her bathroom. He came back out in 5 minutes, stumbling.

" Sorry Anna. I have to go." he continue to stumbling to wear his long pants that she hanged on the chair.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure she expected that you have to leave. 

" What happened? Why did Seungri oppa called you so many times?" she was worried something might happen.

" I’m late for recording!” he took his jacket as he rushed out of the room. Leaving her to chuckle in her room. It’s rare to see him rush and be so frantic, normally he is always punctual and systematic. It’s cute to see him like this once in awhile.


" sorry sorry.. " he bowed the moment he entered the recording studio, panting. He really ran. The moment he came out of the car and took the lift in YG building, he started running till he reach the studio. 

“Ah, hyung! Where did you go?” Seungri questioned, a little worried for him.

" I.. Erm.. I.." he started to stutter..

"Oh Wait! I remember you went to Anna’s place. Is she okay ?" Seungri just started to assume that he was late because of her. Maybe Anna needed his help with something. Maybe Anna needed him. Jiyong could see TOP glaring at him from the corner of his eyes but he chose to ignore it. Did Seungri just said Jiyong was at his wife's apartment? Did he spend the entire night there? Where did he sleep? Why wasn't he informed?! 

"She is fine." he replied. Short and sweet.

“ Let us continue?” He took the lyrics that was left on the table. Taeyang quickly filling him in on what they did this morning. TOP just continued to stare hard at him. He can't stop wandering what happened last night. Damn! It's so frustrating! 


" I’m so sorry I rushed out like that this morning." He apologized the moment Anna opened the door after she heard the knocking on her door. She smiled at the tired looking leader.

" Its fine! Are you tired?" She asked the obvious. 

" A little but I'm fine. Have you eaten?" He asked while leaning one arm on the door frame. 

" Nope. I'm not hungry" She placed one hand on her stomach as she pouted. 

"Lets go out and eat." he suggested. 

" Didn't you say you were tired? I can cook..." She couldn't complete her sentence when he held her wrist, pulling her out her apartment but she quickly release herself from his grip. 

" Oppa! I have not change yet!" She was wearing a big shirt with short inside. He really didn't observe her outfit, didn't he? She let out a small chuckle before heading back in her apartment to change into a simple dress before coming out of her apartment making Jiyong smile. 


He really didn't realize what she was wearing. He didn't bother either. He just wanted to be with her. To spend more time with her. That is what is important to him. He shook his thoughts away when he saw Anna exiting the bedroom door, walking towards him, who was at the apartment's main door frame. Jiyong then guided her towards his car. 

" This way ma'am." He opened the passenger side's car door for her, waiting for her to enter his car. 

" Thank you" She sat in his car with a smile. He is such a gentleman. Jiyong then when over his driver's side and drove the dark blue Mercedes off. 

Nice move Jiyong.


 Jiyong and Anna has been wandering around the mall aimlessly for almost twenty minutes now. They have just eaten their dinner and they decided to walk around the mall without any plans. Well, they are not awkward or silent for this twenty minutes. They talked, laughed, pushed and smacked around for teasing each other.


" My legs are getting tired." Anna headed to the nearest bench in the mall and sat there, lightly using her fist to hit her thighs, massaging them. 


" What would you like to do next?" Jiyong sat beside her. He really had no idea what to do next. He just wanted to be beside her. That's it. 


" Oppa. You decide." She smiled sweetly at him. He scanned around the mall, smiling when he saw the banner hanging down, it was an advertisement for a new released movie. 

“ How about a movie?" He asked. Anna turned her attention to him with a smile.


" What kind?" She asked.


" We will decide once we reach there." He stood up and pull her up from the bench making her chuckle. Now, they are heading up towards the theatre. 


TOP had a key to her old apartment, when they got married, she gave a copy to him. He was outside of her house knocking it a few times but obviously there was no reply. He take a peak at the window beside and noticed that the lights are off. Oh, she’s not home. He went to his car and took out the spare key that Anna gave him and went towards the door, opening it. 

" Anna?" he called her name as he enter the living room. Just to confirm that she wasn’t home.

" Baby?" He opened the bedroom's door and on the light, just to make sure she wasn't at home. He wanted to make sure. The moment the lights were on, he could feel his heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw the mattress beside the bed. Did the leader really slept over? Together with his Wife?! Oh, the more he thought about it, the more he could feel his blood pressure rising. He is getting jealous. He slammed the door and walked to the sofa, plotting himself there. He is going to wait there for her. He was going to ask her questions. 


" So.. what do you think?" She smiled, walking out of the movie theatre with him. They had just watched a movie that was romantic. That was sweet. It somehow just made his heart race, especially knowing it was Anna that was next to him. 

" Very.. romantic.." that was all that could come out. He cleared his throat and looked away. 

“ You could have disagreed when I suggested to watch this show." she saw that he looked a little uncomfortable.

“ No.. it was good .. it’s a good show" He didn't have to lie. It was a good show, just that his feelings and emotions are just taking control. 


The two made their way to the carpark, getting in to Jiyong's car as he drived her home. It took awhile before the awkwardness slowly faded away. They manage to joke, tease, laugh and giggle in the car but soon her smile faded when she saw her old apartment just in front. That was a fast ride! 


Or maybe you were having fun.

" Thank you oppa. I really had fun." She unfastened the seatbelt once the car stopped right beside her apartment.

" Do you feel better now?”  He asked her, earning small nods and a smile. 

“ Do you need me to accompany you for one more night?" He asked, knowing that she didn't want to be alone.

“ I'm fine. Thank you." Her eyes and locked on to his. He is such a caring man! Why didn't she notice this about him years ago? Why didn't she notice that he was so nice to her?  She couldn't look away. Maybe part of her didn't want to look away. She just wanted to continue to look into his eyes. It was filled with nothing but care, concern and infactuation.


" Thank you for being with me tonight." Words manage to come out from his lips but his eyes still locked to hers. Anna was the first one who broke away from the intense, sensual eye contact. She cleared and looked out the window. 

“ I think I better go home first. Good night oppa. “ She opened the car door, and almost running in the house. Why was her heart racing? She shook her head lightly and quickly unlock her house door and went in. He smiled and drove off once he saw her entering her apartment. Was that a moment that just had? Or was it because of the movie they just walk ? Or maybe .. it’s the pregnancy hormones .. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

TOP then heard the door sound as he lift his head up looking at the direction. He didn't turn on all the lights since it was just him alone. He just one or two lights. Once Anna opened her door, she realised her lights were on. Did she forget to turn them off? When she took off her shoes, she realised a familiar pair of man shoes in her house. Is her husband here? She walked further into her apartment to see TOP on the sofa. 

" What are you doing here?” She was surprised to see him in her apartment. He didn't message her. He didn't call her. What a surprise. 

" I was waiting for you. " he stood up from the sofa and walked towards her. 

" Have you eaten baby?” He walked towards her but she quickly looked away.

" Please don't call me that." The moment she hear him call her anything sweet, her mind would think of his mistress. Oh the drama. It was enough but yet, she can't help but melt a little when he calls her that. Damn it! She felt went dry. Was she getting too nervous? She wanted to walk to the kitchen but he held her wrist. 

" Where did you go?” he asked her. He was genuinely worried about her. Not to forget she was injured.


" Why are you here?" She folded her arms and asked a question over his question. 

" I came to see you. Why is there a mattress on the floor?" He asked another question that was lingering his brain. He needed to know. 

" Someone slept over last night." She finally answered one of his question. This made his blood pressure shoot up. Who slept over with his wife?

"Who slept over last night? " His voice went stern and serious. His heart was pumping faster, anticipating her answer. She walked past him, wanting to her walk to her room but TOP stopped her, holding her arms, looking at her straight in her eyes. His stare send chills down her spine. He looked so angry! 


" Who slept over last night?" He repeated his question, still looking into her eyes. 

" Ji..Jiyong oppa" She stuttered. She knew he would never physically hurt her. She trusts him but she was a little afraid when she saw the knives piercing through her heart.

" Jiyong." That was it. That was the confirmation he needed. He could feel he was starting to get jealous. He released her and moved away from her. 

" Why did he stay over ?” He asked while his back is facing her. 

" I wanted him to" Anna was being honest.

" Why did you ask him to sleep over? Do you know how inappropriate that is? Do you know..." He couldn't finish when he heard a door slam. When he turned around he frowned. Where is Anna? Did Anna just went in her room?! He hasn't even finish talking! Did she just slam the door?! He walked towards her bedroom and twist the door knob, angrily pushing it open. 

" Do you know how rude that was?" He asked when he saw Anna just beside her bed side table. She had just place down her phone, plugging it to the charger. 

" Please get out." Anna was tired. She didn't want to talk to him or argue with him anymore. She took her towel from her wardrobe and wanted to walk to the bathroom but again, he stopped her. 


" Explain" He commanded. This time Anna didn't look into his eyes, she knew she would give in. She shook her wrist free from him and rushed to the bathroom, slamming it too. Stupid man! 

He sat on the foot of her bed and sighed. So many questions were running through his head. Why did Anna ask him to sleep over? Did anything happen? He should trust her right? He should trust his best friend right? The more he think, the more he could feel he was going insane. He needed answers. He needed reassurance. He stood up from the bed and entered the bathroom earning a gasp from Anna. She immediately took a towel and wrapped her body. She was about to enter the shower tray! Oh my goodness! What is he doing?! 


" Choi Seunghyun! What are you doing?!" She shouted at him, holding on to her towel tight. She was totally under the towel. ! 


He walked towards her and pressed his lips on hers. She was shocked! Seriously?! What is he doing?! She struggled, hit his chest and tried pushing him away but he didn't work. He continued to squeeze his tongue in lips, he wouldn't stop till he succeed. It was to a point when Anna had no more strength. He took the chance to slip his tongue in and explored her tongue. When his tongue met hers. She didn't know why but she melted. Her mind is telling her no but her heart is telling her yes. She closed her eyes slowly and started to kiss him back. 


She could feel his hands wandering her chest area, touching her towel. She know he was going to pull her towel away. Maybe she didn't mind that he pulled her towel away. Maybe she wanted him. Maybe she miss him. Maybe she still love him so much. Wait!  She only got her senses back when the towel was completely off her. TOP threw her towel on the floor and continued to kiss her but that was when she gave him one hard push. This push probably caught him off guard, this lips manage to release this time. 


TOP got his senses back after Anna push him. What was he doing? He saw his wife in front of him, . She was trying to cover herself with her arms and that made him feel bad. He squat down and took her towel in his hands, standing up and passing it to her. 


" I'm sorry." He apologised before turning and leaving the bathroom. Damn it. Was it because he felt insecure? Was it because he was jealous? Was it because he miss her? He felt like a jerk. 


Yeah.. Poor couple.

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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
15 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
Jessie221 #4
Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
FannyChoi #6
Chapter 26: I mean i kill TOP Shirley & Nicole🤣
Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
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Chapter 22: I would gladly kill TOP, Anna & Sherly
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Chapter 39: Oh shiZzle