Don’t blame me.

Status: Married

Hello readers! On the last chapter, TOP and Seungri had a slight discussion at the bar. TOP told Seungri that Anna had cheated but Seungri finds it hard to believe. Let's continue.. 


Although TOP drank a lot , he still wasn't that drunk. He was still clear on what was going on. He still knew that his wife has an affair. Now, he is just silent as he watch the scenery drive by in Seungri's car. Once in awhile, he would wind down the window and pop a stick of cigarette in his mouth. Soon, the scenery became more and more familiar and that was when Seungri stopped and parked. 

“ You’re home." Seungri broke the silence. TOP unbuckled his seatbelt and wanted to pull the door handle but Seungri stopped him. 

“ Hyung. Remember. She's pregnant. Don't argue too much." Seungri tried to help the couple a little but TOP just forced out a smile. 

“ Thank you." He pulled the car's door handle and got off the car, closing the door before entering the gate to his house. TOP walked slowly towards the main door of his house. He didn't want to go home tonight. He didn't want to talk to his wife. He just needed time and space alone for one night but he knew he needed to go home. He didn't want his pregnant wife to worry. He didn't want another arguement. He took off his shoes and walked in his house, immediately heading for the stairs, to his bedroom.

“ Hey. You're home." Anna look away from her laptop. TOP ignored her and walked to the bed. She watched him fall on the bed, his back facing the ceiling. Anna stood up from her dresser's stool and walked towards him but cringed a little when she smelled the alcohol and cigarette smell mixed. 

" Did you drink?" she walked towards him, who sprawled on the bed..

" Why do you bother?" He mumbled but enough for Anna to hear. Anna was getting pissed off now. He is acting so cold towards her and she really would like to know the reason. 

" I bother because you are my husband. Now, what is wrong with you?" She gave a tap on his back and that made him turned and stare hard at her. 

"So you do know I'm your husband." He sat up this time. Anna looked at him. Shocked. Why would he say something like that? 

" I tried for months to win your love back and yet you can do this to me?!" He raised his voice at her this time, startling her. She was confused, afraid, concerned and pissed. What is going on?! 

Oh my, Seunghyun.. 

“ Choi Seunghyun! What are you talking about?!" She frowned and placed her hands on her hips. 

" Forget it." He got off the bed, wanting to head to the bathroom but Anna held his arm. 


" No. Tell me what's going on?!" Anna was frustrated, annoyed and pissed! 

" Get lost!" he shove his arm away and shouted at her. Tears began to fill her eyes now. 

" Choi Seunghyun!" She shouted as well. 

" What's going on ?!" She could feel her blood pressure rising. 

" Why not you tell me!" TOP blood pressure was rising as well. To him, Anna was really good at hiding her lies and cheats. 

" What are you talking about?! I can't seem to understand you!" She was genuinely confused. Her tears had filled her eyes. Her tears can roll down any time now. 

“ Just shut up!" He walked to the bathroom and slammed the door. She sat on the bed and closed her eyes, allowing her tears to roll down her cheek. She opened her eyes and started sobbing softly. She headed to her side of the bed and lay there, using her soft pillow and bolster to absorb her tears. 

The moment TOP came out from his shower, he heard her sobbing softly and that made him even more pissed. She did something wrong and all she could do was cry?!

" Is that all you can do ?!" He shouted again. 

She can't take this anymore. The coldness he is treating her. The shouting. She dont even know what she did wrong. She didn't even know what happened. So she stood up taking her pillow and bolster heading towards the direction of the door but he grabbed her. 

" Where are you going?!" He asked but she released herself from him. 

" Away from you!" She turned the door knob, wanting to stomp out of the room but he shouted back. 

" Fine! Get out of this room!" He knew he would regret the words coming out but he was angry. It was all angry words.

She took a deep breath and dropped her pillow and bolster on the floor before heading towards him, charging at him.

" Choi Seunghyun. Tell me right now, what did I do!" TOP could see she was really angry but he was angry as well. 

" Anna Chia. Do not blame me if I go for another women, since you have another guy!" He pointed his index finger at her. That was it. That was why he was so mad?! Really?! 

" Another guy ?! What guy !" She shouted at him. 

" Stop acting like you don't know. The way he wrapped around you. Hugging. Teasing. Laughing." He used his sickening fake sweet voice to piss her off even more. 

" What guy did that?!” Her voice started to get hoarse now. 

" You tell me!" He shouted louder. 

Hugging? Teasing? Laughing? She then recalled that her cousin was the only guy she met a few days ago. Could that be him? She remembered her cousin telling her, that she didn't have to let TOP know about his holiday here since it was just a short impromptu meet up. He will ask both of them out again for a proper meal. Thats the reason why she didn't tell him. 

" Oh!" she began to recall making TOP fiercer. This made him angrier. 

" Finally recalled?!" He asked. 

" Listen." She wanted to explain but was cut off by her husband. 

" No! Just get out! I don't even know if that is mine !" he pointed at her tummy. This sentence made her SO MAD! THAT WAS IT! HE CROSSED THE LINE! He had a little bit of regret from what came out his mouth. Those were anger words. 

" WHAT?! " She shouted on top of her voice. She know by the rate she is shouting, she would lose her voice by tomorrow. 

" HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Judging by Anna's reaction, he started to doubt himself.


" YOU CAN INSULT ME. YOU CAN SHOUT AT ME BUT YOU CAN'T ACCUSE ME FOR HAVING SOMEONE ELSE'S BABY!" He knew he made a mistake by shouting that. Oh dear. 

That's too much. 




" GET THIS! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT ED ANOTHER GIRL. I DIDN'T ANY OTHER MAN BUT YET I FORGAVE YOU. NOW YOU ARE ACCUSING ME?!" She wiped the tears that had rolled down her cheeks. Wow. He felt really bad now. It was his mistake that he said that. He was sure the baby was his but it was all anger words. 

" Anna..I.." He soften down, wanting to hold her but she pushed him hard. Away from her. 

" I'll grant your wish, you can go and find back your mistress. " She took her pillow and bolster on the floor as she proceeded out. It was her turn to slam the door now. 

She found the furthest guest room from him and on the lights there. She plotted herself on the bed and cried. She cried in her bolster. She cried in her pillow. How can he suspect that the baby is not his? Is this how much trust she have for her? She didn't sleep the whole night. She kept tossing and turning. She slowly notice it was soon morning, see could see some light coming from the curtain. She was startled when she heard a ring on the doorbell. She turned her attention to the clock on the wall that reads 8am. Who could that be? She got off the bed and lazily walked out of the room, proceeding to the monitor screen on door to see a guy. She opened the door slightly to be greeted by him. 

" Hello. Is this Miss Anna ?" The man in shirt and jeans asked her. 

" Yes. I am.. " Her attention was turned to the brown envelope that he was carrying. 

" this is for you." He bowed slightly making Anna bow back immediately before he walked away. She closed the door and looked at the brown envelope. What is this? She took out the contents in the brown envelope and let out a gasp when she saw photos of her husband and Nicole! 


They were in many positions. TOP seemed to be enjoying whatever he was doing with her. What is going on?! She took time to take deep breaths and clear her mind. She took awhile to gain back her senses before stomping up the stairs.

She opened the master bed room door to see him hugging his bolster, with his eyes closed. Anna wasn't the only one who didn't sleep last night. He didn't sleep as well. He felt too guilty after what he said but his ego was too high to apologise right away.

" Choi Seunghyun! Wake up !" She shouted at him. He started moving and opening his eyes to see his wife standing beside him. 

" Anna?” he was cut off when he saw her standing there with a envelope in her hand and her tears rolling down. She threw the pictures at him. He took one of the pictures that landed on his lap, viewing a kissing picture of Nicole and him making his eyes widen.

" How did this .. I thought I .. How did she .. " he was lost for words. She fold her arms and stared at him. He looked at her and started to stutter. 

" You.. You shouldn't be so angry with me anyway." He tried to defend himself. 

" I SHOULDNT BE?! " She shouted again. 

" As I say. Since you have another guy , I can have another girl .. " Seriously?! Is he being serious right now?! Anna could feel her blood boil! He didn't even ask her about that man that he saw her with! He could at least asked her before getting all crazy! Damn it.. 

" Okay! Alright ! Go to her then!" She went to her wardrobe and took out her luggage, taking out her clothes from the wardrobe and throwing them into the luggage. She seems like she was packing. 

“ Are you going to find your lover?” He still didn't stop! Anna simply ignored him and continue to pack. She had enough of his nonsense! In his defence, he did drink a lot last night. It actually took him awhile for him to get back his senses to realise his wife was actually leaving. She zipped the luggage and pulled it towards the direction of the door but he quickly got off the bed and stopped her. 

" You can't leave! " he began to realise that she is actually leaving. 

" Anna. You are pregnant!" He was sober now. 

" WHY DO YOU CARE?!" She pushed him away but he quickly bounced back and stood between the door. 

" MOVE ! " she shouted.

" I'm not going to move." He prevented her to step out of the room. 

" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME! " She literally threw her luggage on the floor infront of her. She then placed her hand on her stomach the moment she felt her baby kicked her. This was too much pressure. 

" I .. I want you to explain... " he couldn't think of any other thing to say. He wanted her to stay, and at the same time explain to him what was going on.

" You could have asked me to explain from the start!" She shouted again, anyway she really wanted to clear her name. Since he was willing to here her explain. That was good!

"Okay, I shall explain.
Number 1. That guy you saw is my COUSIN, Eugene!
Number 2. It was impromptu, we met up and we have a drink. I didn’t call you because he said that he will be calling us out for a proper meal. Number 3. Call him if you don't believe me!" She explained point by point. He stood there, without moving. Damn it. He was wrong all these while. 


She went out of the bedroom with anger and frustration leaving him, standing there. He was just standing there. He didn't know what else to do. He just accused his wife, no worse, he insulted her. His thoughts were interrupted when she came back to the bedroom with her smartphone. 

“ FIND MY COUSIN'S NAME, CALL AND ASK HIM!" She shouted again. He just stood there with his smartphone on the ground after getting hit on the body by his smartphone. 

Come to think of it he does seem to look like her cousin. It was the cousin that he never really talk to. Maybe that was why he couldn’t recognise him. He stood there feeling stupid again. It was his mistake again. 

" I have explained. Now, MOVE! " She used her strength again and shouted on top of her voice at him. 

" Anna. Listen to me.." He felt so dumb right now. 

" SHUT UP! GET OUT OF THE WAY ! GO FIND YOUR MISTRESS FOR ALL I CARE !" She pushes him again and she was about to move but she stopped and immediately place a hand on her stomach when she felt her baby kicked again. She really need to calm down. 

" What happened?" He quickily held on to her, afraid she might be in pain or if she loses balance. 

" Let go of me." she shove his hand away. She wanted to drag her luggage out but TOP beat her to it. He rushed to the luggage when he saw her going nearer to it. He threw her luggage further into the room, hoping that will cost her some time to pick it up. Maybe he could explain or apologize while she does that. He needed to do something and that was the fastest he could think of. 

" What are you doing?!" She saw her luggage flew further in the bedroom. 



" Don't go. Let me explain." He tried to stop her from leaving but she was still so angry. 



" Forget it. I don't need any of those." She went took her handbag from her dresser's table and went out of the bedroom. Shen then made her way to her guest bedroom to take her smartphone which was on the bedside table. She just needed her smartphone and wallet. 

" Wait baby!" He got out of the room and followed her to guest bedroom. He stood at the door frame of the guest bed room this time. 

" Move!" She tried to push him but he didn't budge. Not this time. 

" You can't leave. Your clothes are here. Where can you go without clothes? Do you even have enough money in that small bag of yours and your tummy is getting bigger. You need to be careful" He was concerned now. He was guilty, concerned and scared. He was scared of losing her. 

" THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Its none of your business Wherever my son and I go! " She held on to her stomach and shouted again. 

" Son?" Oops! She had accidentally revealed the gender but that was not the main concern now. She had bigger issues. 

" Yes! My son! It was suppose to be a surprise for you. I was planning to tell you on our anniversary but i dont see the need. Now. MOVE!" Again, he didn't move. 

" Son? I'm going to have a son ?”He looked at her tummy and started smiling. He was going to have a son!

" Let me rephrase for you. I am going to have a son. Not YOU! " she shove him to the side as hard as she can before walking down the stairs. He quickly following behind once he get his senses back. 

" What do you mean your son?! I have a part too !" He followed her down the stairs. She turned around and frowned this time. 

" I was the one carrying him for 5 months while you went around sleeping with girls!" she had a point there. 

“ Besides, you told me last night that he might not be yours." She used his own words against him. 

" I never should have trusted you." She turned and walked out of the main door with a slam. She had enough of quarrels and arguement with him. It's really bad for her baby. She needed to get out of the house as soon as possible. He stood there, looking at the direction of where his wife just left. He didn't know what to do now. He can't chase after her, knowing her character she might go crazy. So he just stood there and sighed. 

Complete idiot.

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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
15 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
Jessie221 #4
Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
FannyChoi #6
Chapter 26: I mean i kill TOP Shirley & Nicole🤣
Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
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Chapter 22: I would gladly kill TOP, Anna & Sherly
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Desileem2 #10
Chapter 39: Oh shiZzle