Please prepare it for me.

Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, although she has not totally forgive him yet, she decided to go back home with TOP. Let's continue..


(A week later..)

She was about to enter the kitchen when she saw him at the stove, struggling to fry something. She could smell some sausages being fried, she could see a plate of scrambled eggs on an empty white plate sitting on the marbled counter. Anna uncontrollably let out a small smile seeing her husband struggling to cook. He was so adorable. She kept her smile in the moment he turned to the plate of scrambled eggs, planning to place the sausages there. 

" Oh. Just in time. " He placed the plate on the counter, in front of her. 

He had cooked breakfast for her. He had cooked it all by himself and he was proud of himself that he could cooked a meal all by himself for her. He couldn’t even cook instant ramen by himself a week ago and now he cooked a simple meal for her. Honestly, It doesn't look perfect. A little burnt parts here and there but it looked perfect for her. She have to admit she was touched by his actions. 

" Thank you. " She started to pick up her fork and took her first bite. Maybe because she was hungry. Maybe because she was craving for the sausages. Or maybe because it was her husband that cooked for her but it tasted superb.

He placed the wash cloth down on the counter before leaving the kitchen, and slowly proceeding up the stairs. Anna turned to look at him as he leave. 

“ Where are you going?” She asked, raising her voice a little to get his attention. He didn’t really answer her, he just headed straight for the masterbed room. He closed the door and leaned on it. His head resting on the door. It was hard for him to fake a smile in front of her. He needed to be away from her this minute because he could feel tears filling his eyes. He clenched his fist and have a hard punching the wall beside him. Passing his anger and frustration on the wall. His knuckles were red and bruised from that one punch he gave but that is nothing compared to the pain he was feeling in his heart. He slowly walked over to one of the many drawers on table and opened the drawer, taking out a A4 sized brown envelope.


" Please prepare it for me. " TOP was on the phone with a guy for the past fifteen minutes. 

" Please find a suitable and comfortable place for my wife to stay and a suitable school for my child.” He continued while his Bluetooth was in his right ear. He wasn't actually driving. He had parked at a nearby parking lot just to talk to his lawyer. He needed to stop. He knew he might not be able to focus if he drove and talk to his lawyer. 

“ I have emailed and scanned the documents on my wife’s bank account. Please transfer half of my income to her every month” TOP continued. 

" Mr. Choi, everything will be taken care. There is only one thing left."  The lawyer spoke back. 

" I know..” TOP replied back with a small sigh.

" The papers will be ready by tomorrow. You can come down to my office and collect it. " The lawyer responded back.

" Thank you. " He closed his eyes and leaned on his headrest the moment he ended the call. This is it. He had applied for a divorce for his wife. Maybe she would be happier without him. Maybe she wouldn't be so hurt by him all the time. He didn't want to let her go. He love her so much but if getting a divorce could make her happier. He had to convince his own heart to do it. 

(Flashback end..)

He couldn’t stop a tear that had rolled down his cheek. He looked down at the brown envelope that he is holding.


Oh .. 


He walked down streets alone with his hands in the pockets of his black coat. He looked around the streets to admire the street lights. He sat down on one of the bench as he let out a heavy sigh. He saw couples walking around the street holding hands. Some are wrapping their arms around their waist. They were once so happy just like the other couples. What have he done? Did he do the right thing by getting the divorce papers? 

“ She wouldn't find out." There is no way she would find out.” " she wouldnt know." These were his thoughts in his mind when he was with Nicole, especially in Japan. He was too confident and cocky. He gave in to temptation too easily. 

After all this drama. After much effort of gaining her trust and heart back, he went breaking it again because the same girl that his wife caught him ing had told him some stories regarding his wife having an affair. He accused his wife of cheating. 

He scoffed at himself. He felt so stupid. Stupid enough to believe an outsider. Stupid enough to let another women break his family. He realy couldn't blame anyone except himself.

He stayed there for at least forty minutes before walking back home. He needed the walk. He needed to talk a walk, allowing the cool breeze to run though his hair. His legs just taking him home slowly. He stopped when he reached right outside his house. It's time to go in. He dragged his steps, entering his house and slowly dragging it to his masterbed room, slowly taking out the A4 sized brown envelope. This was it. He slowly turned and exited his room, walking to her room and slowly opening the door to see her asleep. He slowly walked in and placed the brown envelope on the night table beside her, squatting beside her bed after that. 

He couldn't help but look at her. She had suffered enough. She has been through a lot with him, if a divorce could make her happy, he knew he would hate himself but he would have to let go.

He bend down slowly and kissed her forehead before standing up and walking out the room slowly and quietly.


She stretched herself awake, letting out a small yawn. She stretched her hand and reached for her phone that was on the night table. She checked her phone a little before she slowly sat up. She needs to shower. She needs to use the toilet. She needs to eat. So many things to do when she's feeling so lazy. She stood up lazily and was about to place her phone down on the bed side table beside the bed when she saw an A4 brown envelope. She took the envelope and opened it. Her jaw dropped when she saw the papers content inside the envelope.


Has her husband gave up? Gave up on wanting to salvage their marriage? Could it be that his feelings disappeared for her? Or maybe he rather choose his mistress than her? She can’t help but think of all these scenarios. All these were running through her mind.

Her eyes scanned down to find that her husband has already signed his name. Now it was only left her to sign her name. Her heart felt so heavy. Her heart felt as though a knife have stabbed it so many times. Her heart is bleeding. What is going on?! Is this the end of her marriage? Has TOP really gave up?

WHAT?! Divorce?!



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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
15 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
Jessie221 #4
Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
FannyChoi #6
Chapter 26: I mean i kill TOP Shirley & Nicole🤣
Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
FannyChoi #8
Chapter 22: I would gladly kill TOP, Anna & Sherly
Pevitahernandez #9
Desileem2 #10
Chapter 39: Oh shiZzle