She’s smiling..

Status: Married

Hello friends! On the last chapter, it seems like things are going well for TOP and Anna. They have gotten back together! Let's continue..


(4 months later..) 

" Where is your husband today?” The gynae was applying some gel on her stomach, preparing for the ultrasound. Anna would always go to this clinic for her monthly check up. This few months, TOP had always accompany her but unfortunately, today he has some practices to do.

" He is working today. " She understood. She knew her husband is an idol.The gynae then proceeded to lightly press the ultrasound scanner on her belly, allowing her to hear the heartbeat of her baby while she took measurements and height of the baby. Anna could only smile at her child. That was her first baby. 

" Both mother and child are fine. Everything seems fine." She took out the scanner once she was done. 


" It's too bad that your husband isn't here today. He would be excited." The gynae told her making her frown. What does she mean by that? 

“ What do you mean? ” She asked a little confused. The gynae chuckled while taking a few pieces of tissue paper and cleaning off the gel from her tummy. 

“ I think we are able to tell your baby's gender today" She smiled. Anna sat up immediately, she could feel her heart pumping and racing at the news. 

" are you serious?!” Anna could find out if she was having a girl or a boy?! It doesn't matter if she has a girl or a boy. As long her baby was healthy, she was happy but to know that she could actually find out the baby's gender today!

" Do you wanna know?” She left the scanner on the holder beside the monitor and proceed on to her desk, typing on her computer.

" oh my goodness! Should I? ” She hopped off the bed and wore her dress properly. She feel that she can't think straight now. She was getting too excited! 

“ You can wait if you want” The gynae stopped typing and looked away from her computer, smiling at the new mother. 

“ I want to know." She walked towards the chair and sat down, waiting for the result. 

“ Are you sure?" The gynae double confirmed with her before revealing the gender of her baby. 

“ Dr.Lee. Please don't do this. Tell me!" Anna was getting impatient by the second! 

" Congrats Anna. You are having a baby boy" She revealed. Anna could feel her heart nearly popping out from . She was having a boy. A son! She's having a son! 

" Really?! Are you serious right now? You are not playing with me right?!" She stood up from the chair, cupping with both her hands.

“ Well, I cant be a hundred percent sure but from the monitor, it looks like a boy" Dr.Lee explained. 

“ thank you so much!” Anna was about to cry. She was about to be a mother. It feels so real knowing the gender. She was going to have a son. 


" Hello? " Anna answered her phone that was ringing. She heard her ringtone and vibration coming out from her handbag that was sling on her shoulder the moment she stepped out of the clinic. 

" Hey Anna. Where are you?" The other guy on the other line spoke. 

" Why are you.. I'm in Korea." She replied. 


Just a little information or a reminder that Anna is not from Korea. She wasn't born in Korea. Julie and her are both Singaporean. They went over to Korea to study, manage to find and meet the five guys. 

" I know. Where are you?" The other guy spoke from the other line again making her frown. She took the smartphone screen off her ear and face, looking and reconfirming she was talking to who she thought she was. After re confirming, she placed her smartphone on her ear again. She told him her gynae's clinic name as well as the road name. 

" Great. Wait for me. " Was all he said before he ended the call. Anna continued to frown at her smartphone's screen. Why did he ask such questions? Is he here? Is he in Korea? Her heart starting pumping fast again the moment she thought he was in Korea as well. 

(10 minutes later)


It only took ten minutes before a taxi stopped at the sidewalk, right in front of her. She looked away from her smartphone screen to try and take a peak at the backseat window of the taxi. Her eyes widen the moment he stepped out. He was wearing a simple white shirt with light brown long pants. This guy even put on his ray bans. Damn, how did he become so stylish?! 

" Anna." He greeted with a smiled, standing right in front of her. She was stunned. She didn't know what to say. Why does he look so different? Why was he even in Korea?! 

" Are you serious? Why do you look so different?!" That's her first sentence. She covered with one hand.

"I got hotter right?" He gave a charismatic smile. The moment he took off his ray bans. Yup! She could recognise him now. He still look different, his body went fitter, he became more good looking but, she knew it was still him. 


" You on the other hand. You put on some weight." He began to scan her body earning a smack from her. Her baby bump starting to show now. 

" Is this what you would tell a girl you haven't met in years?" She folded her arms, pretending to be mad. 

" Sorry. I was just being honest but you did became prettier" He added making her smile uncontrollably. 

" come here .. " He stretched out both his arms. Anna couldn't resist. She stretched out both her arms and hugged him tight with a smile. 

" What are you doing here?" She asked the moment they released the hug. 

" I am here for a holiday." Ah! It make sense why he would be in Korea now. He lives in Singapore, why did he come here? Holiday. Make sense now! 

" Why are you here anyway?” It was his turned to ask as he looked around the area. Is there a mall nearby? Is there a food centre near by? Was she hanging out with her friends? Does she live around here? Why was she here? 

" I just came out from the clinic." She pointed to the clinic behind her. 

" Why did you.." He stopped talking and his eyes widen. He then scanned and planted his eyes on her stomach. That's why she looked like she gained weight. Oh! 

" I'm pregnant..  " she laughed when she saw that he had some difficulty talking. 

" Really?! That's great! How many months?" He asked with a bright smile. She's pregnant?! 

" 5." she smiled widely while touching her tummy. 

" Wow ! I'm so happy for you! You have no idea." He pulled her in for another hug, hugging her tight. 

“ So, I’m pregnant. Not fat” She smiled said the moment they release the hug. She need to get this right. She's pregnant. Not fat. 


" What do you want? I'm busy" He had both his hands in his pockets while he looked at the scenery in front of him. He didn't even want to look at her. 

" I want to talk to you" She spoke gently and softly. 

" Say what you want to say. I need to work." He continued with a emotionless expression. 

" I have not seen you for two months now. Don't just leave me here." She looked at him but since he was just looking at the beautiful beach in front of him, she could only see the side of his face. 

" Oppa." she tugged on his long sleeved button shirt. 

" Don't be like that." She went even softer and gentler. She didn't want to sound bossy and aggressive. She wanted to sound pitiful. He let out a sigh and turned to face her.

" Nicole. I dont want my marriage to be ruin again." He told her straight off.


At least he is trying to get away from her. 

" It won't. I can keep a secret." She went closer to him, trying to give new suggestions and ideas to him but he just moved away from her. 

" I don't mind if you are married. I just want to be with you." She tried again but he moved further away from her again. 


" I'm leaving." He was about to turn and head for his car that was parked just a few steps from them but Nicole spoke. 


" Oppa. Look at this. Look at how happy we are together." She took out her phone and started show him pictures. 


" Why do you want to throw all these memories away?" She asked, while she continue to show him pictures on her phone. His eyes widen as she swipe more and more pictures from her smartphone. 

" How did you.. When did you.." He stuttered. He couldn't complete a proper sentence! 

There on Nicole's phone were pictures and pictures of their body. positions. y pictures. It wasn't but it was still R rated pictures. 


" Our first night." She imagined what his questions would be and answered him. 


" Why did you take the pictures?!" He shouted at her.



" You didn't mind!" She defended herself. TOP was so drunk that night that he couldn't remember much. Did he really consent to taking pictures? . He can't remember. 


" You have to delete those pictures away" He sternly told her, wanting to get her smartphone but she moved it away. 

" I can only keep this pictures as memories. Oppa. I don't want to delete them" She said with a small pout. 


" Delete those pictures away. My entire career could be ruined. My marriage would be ruined." He pointed to her phone with a frown. Nicole didn't do anything for a few seconds, she was still thinking of how to reply him when TOP grabbed her smartphone and ran to her his car as fast as he could, locking the door. 


" Oppa!" She shouted and ran but because she was in shock, she was a few seconds slower, by the time she reached his car, the car door was already locked. 


He deleted all the pictures of him and her. Any pictures. Any picture. Any y pictures. Meanwhile, Nicole was banging on the car window, knocking with her palm, trying to pull his car door's handle from time to time but of course since it's locked. She can't get it. He didnt stop deleting until everything and anything picture that linked with her and him were gone. He was contented only when he couldn't find any picture of him and her together.

He wind the window down and stretched her phone out. 


" Stop looking for me" He told her. She took back her phone and pouted. 


" Oppa.." She wanted to talk but he simply started the car, wind the window up and drove off. She could only look at the back of his car as he drove off.


She looked down on her smartphone, going to her gallery to find the pictures but he had deleted them clean. She just shook her head with a small smile. 

Why is she smiling?

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15 streak #1
A story that i read 3 times
15 streak #2
Jessie221 #3
Chapter 45: Very beautiful I can’t wait to read their life with their baby and the drama that comes with it
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Chapter 44: So much love for jiyong he is a such a loyal man and very considerate
Jessie221 #5
Hello and welcome back I have been reading your stories since years ago and I’m delighted to know that you are back can I make a request please for a new story????
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Chapter 26: I mean i kill TOP Shirley & Nicole🤣
Chapter 42: Yo me hubiera quedado con gd
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Chapter 22: I would gladly kill TOP, Anna & Sherly
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Chapter 39: Oh shiZzle