
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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It was finally another Saturday. Baekhyun was again late today, but this time, he didn't ignore her calls like previous week. Apparently, his parents came over to Byun mansion this morning, since they were also invited at the wedding ceremony of Liana and Minseok. So, he had to spend some time with them before leaving. 

Early evening was the time when Baekhyun had finally arrived. Though he insisted that his parents wouldn't mind if he didn't have lunch with them, but Munhee disapproved of his proposal and reminded him that his parents were equally important as her. 

However, back to the present, Baekhyun didn't get even the fraction of attention he was expecting for having to meet his lover after around five long days. Because currently, she and her mother were gushing about the videos and pictures Liana had sent to Munhee. 

"Mun! Your boyfriend is here! Please, at least look at me once!" After being blatantly ignored for seven whole minutes ever since he'd arrived here, Baekhyun whined. He was grateful that his girlfriend's father wasn't present here, or else he wouldn't be able to whine like a kid, because he needed to maintain a manly vibe in front of the older male. 

"I'll go get those cookies for your lonely boyfriend here." Noticing his whines, his mother-in-law slash girlfriend's mother told her daughter with a stiffled giggle, before leaving. 

"Mun!" Since there were no one but the two of them at the living room now, he continued to whine as annoyingly as he could, whatever would earn him his girlfriend's attention. He couldn't help but to agree that he wanted to snatch and hide her handphone right now, because that damned little device was the root cause for his existence being ignored.  "I am gonna go back if you don't have time for me!"  Lastly, he relied on sulking and loudly declaring, already getting up from the couch he was occupying. 

Finally, that had earned him what he was seeking for ever since he stepped inside this house. Munhee got up from her own couch, and walked towards him, giving him a loud welcome peck. Gently pushing onto his chest she led him to sit back, then surprising him, she comfortably settled down on his laps. Still gaping, he did snake his arms around her waist as she sat sideways. "B-Baby..." His voice was still stuck at his throat, since the view and feeling of having her on his lap was as alluring as ever. 

However, again ignoring him, she turned herself, so that her back would be cladded to his sturdy front, and started watching her phone's screen again.

Sighing and cursing at nothing particular, the male rested his chin on her shoulder, mostly to peek down at the content, only to notice that they were pictures of Liana in what he assumed was her wedding gown. "Wow, she looks really pretty!"  Baekhyun murmured, putting more emphasis on the 'wow'. 

"Yeah, imagine how pretty she would look tomorrow with her makeup and hair done as well!" Munhee cooed back, not even a bit jealous of the fact that her boyfriend, her husband, the father of her babies, was praising another girl right in front of her.

Baekhyun couldn't help but scoff at her reply, or maybe at his own pathetic self, because instead of having his beautiful girlfriend jealous over him, it was him who was getting jealous of her handphone and even Liana. What should he exactly do that would score higher in the test of getting her attention than Liana in her wedding gown? Should he take her to her room and strip in front of her? That would definitely beat Liana, right? 

Before he could think about actualizing his limbless plan, his mother-in-law got back with two bowls of different cookies Munhee had said she baked yesterday. His eyes rounded when he made eye contact with the elder lady, he was certain that his ears were turning red if they already hadn't. Having Munhee snuggled into him on his laps in front of her parents, wasn't something that he was habituated to. The most skinship they'd shown was to sit closely while the girl would be cuddling to his sides, and he would be holding her on her waist or shoulders; what they were doing right now, was a few levels up.

"It's okay. My husband has gone out of town for a few days, so no worries! And I am a cool Mom, I don't mind!" Placing the tray of food in front of him on the coffee table, her mother assured him. "Yah, Mun! Enough of torturing the poor guy." She then chided her daughter lovingly. "I am going to rest in my bedroom until dinner. So, you two have the whole house to yourselves. Do whatever you wanna do~" She lastly singsonged and left them to be.

Grateful at the information and open chance, Baekhyun finally did what he was dying to do. 

"Wha- give it back! Baekhyun!"  Munhee yelled at the male as her phone got seized by him even before she could decipher what was happening.

Baekhyun successfully pocketed her phone into one of the back pockets of his jeans,  "You're being too cruel on me, Sweetheart. Now I am not giving it back!" He announced her smugly.

Munhee glared at him, wanting to scratch that smug smirk off his enticing features, but before she could do anything, in a swift movement, she was practically thrown at the couch he was occupying. And seconds later, she had her boyfriend hovering over her with an intensified smirk.  "Get off me! And give me my phone back!"  She tried to protest, but her words came out airy, because who was she to deny how attractive he looked from that position? 

"Hmm? No way, Sweetheart. The only thing you're getting, is a strict punishment for being naughty and not giving me your sweet attention."  He spoke in his knee-weakening husky voice, eyes glinting in hypnotic glimmers. 

Gulp, gulp and gulp. Thump, thump and a lot more thumps.  "And w-what that punishment would be?" She squeaked out her query, his fingers on her clothed waist leaving burning sensations. 

"I don't know. You tell me. What punishment do you deserve? Hmmm?" He purposely prolonged his hum, letting his hot breath fanning her sensitive lips and neck. His dangerous eyes boring delicious holes into hers.

"Umm... A k-kiss?" She tentatively offered, though her heartbeats were going wild inside her chest. 

His fingers trailed down from her waist till her bum, freely caressing the soft clothed flesh and humming in satisfaction before speaking, "Have you already forgotten what I had taught you the other day? Bad and naughty girls deserve a kiss? No, wrong answer."  He smirked yet again, seeing her bite her quivering lips, eyeing the pairs albeit hungrily.

Munhee shuddered at his words, at his dilated gaze, his burning touches. Everything about him drove her insane with rough and cold splashes of desire all over her heated body. "Then two kissies!" She purposely played dumb and let out a dumber squeal. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, chuckling in disbelief,  "You don't get to play your naughty games with me, Baby." He slipped his fingers underneath her short dress, lingering them around her underwear cladded flesh before leaving a soft spank there. "You still have time. So, answer carefully. Or else, today you don't even have your father to save your cute little from me." He warned her while smirking devilishly. 

'Oh God! Why is he so hot? Send help!'  Munhee was such a weakling for his dominance mode. She felt excited tingles even inside every veins in her body. The indication behind his words were equally thrilling, causing goosebumps to raise on her skin.  "But you can punish me after giving me two kissies?"  She still tried her luck, pressing him on with both her words and fingers. She let out another gasp when he bit her thumb - which she was using in caressing his lower lip, it stung but in an exhilarating way. When he freed her thumb, she bravely led that finger into her own mouth, letting out a purposeful and shameless moan, "Sweet. But I want more of your taste." She let him know, she knew she was playing with fire and she wouldn't mind getting burned in that fire of desire that the male had for her.

The male growled under his breath; unable to hold back any longer and continue their little game, he dived into her lips, attacking those soft pairs for a deep and torturous kiss.

"Hey, I forgot to show you guys something! Would this dress suit me? I haven't attended any wedding recently, so I don't know the trends- huh? Where have they gone?" The couple had to practically struggle in controlling their voices and breathing, remained hidden and frozen at wherever they were, grateful of the fact that the couch's backrest was tall enough to cover their scandalous position. Both of them inwardly groaned at the interruption from the older lady. "Maybe they've gone back to the room! Aigoo, young energetic love!" They lastly heard her giggle to herself, then footsteps faded after her. 

Breaking the intense kiss - that had lastly turned into a stiffened one, thanks to his girlfriend's mother's sudden entry, Baekhyun got up when he deemed the coast was completely clear, and helped Munhee up as well. Both of them were aware that their faces must've been looking like two big ripe tomatoes.  "Looks like, it's your mother who has saved your ." Baekhyun spoke up, they shared a silent look with each other before bursting into fits of laughter, were they embarrassed of their stupid little adventure. No matter how cool the older lady was, if by any chance they'd gotten caught before her in that position, they were certain that they wouldn't be able to meet her eyes for the next couple of months.  

"It's all your fault!" Munhee stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend when she was over the wave of fluster. 

"Hey! I am not the one who was avoiding my lover!" Baekhyun immediately defended himself, earning an eyeroll from the girl. He was suddenly reminded of something he had prepared for his girlfriend. "Okay, now that we're here, I want to show you something." Saying so, the male left her there, and rushed out of the house without any heads up. 

After waiting curiously for a few minutes, Munhee finally noticed Baekhyun reentering the house, but this time, with a garment bag on his hold. He presented her with his charming grin, successfully playing with her weakened heart without even trying. "What's that?" The girl asked with equally curiosity. 

"Let's go to your bedroom first?" Baekhyun proposed when he reached in front of her seated form, already expanding his hand in her direction.

Munhee raised a brow at her lover's mysterious gesture, but held onto his open palm anyway, she also grabbed one of the bowls of cookies on her way - so that it would help her distract him in case he had any wicked scheme behind this. 

Upon reaching her bedroom at upstairs, Baekhyun ped the bag, revealing a very pretty dress, and grinned widely at her,  "For you."  

"Huh? Why?" She asked in slight confusion, while running her fingers into the material of the outfit. It was of a stunning color which she reckoned to be something in between ballerina pink or rose pink, any shade of light pink; a medium length dress with spiraling flowers of white and the same pink doned all over the surface.

"Baby! At least tell me whether you like it or not before inquiring!" Baekhyun complained with a forced pout.  

Munhee shoved a cookie into the male's pouty mouth, it was just an attempt of saving her already weakened heart from his adorable pouty attacks. "Yeah, it's really pretty. But-" 

"That means you like it? Cool! Now go get changed into it." Baekhyun interrupted her before she could again start with her questioning. "Love, I've got it for you for tomorrow!" When the girl didn't budge, the male sighed and explained. "Now can you please show me how beautiful my girlfriend would look in it? Hmm?" He blinked his lashes cutely at her. "Or do you want to get changed right in front of me? I can help..." 

Baekhyun laughed when Munhee shoved him onto his chest and snatched the dress away from his grasp. "No, thanks. I can manage on my own."

"Wait, are you still shy? Really? After all we've done last weekend, you still feel shy?" He was having too much fun about everything, it was just too obvious with his growing satisfied smirk as he kept on teasing her. 

"I'm not shy!"  The girl scoffed with too much energy than it to be deemed as natural and nonchalant, she practically slammed the bowl of cookies onto her bed out of fluster. "I just don't want to change in front of you!" 

Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest, smiling slyly, "You are definitely shy, Sweetheart. Don't deny it." Leaning closer he murmured onto her face, his warm chocolatey breath making her momentarily dizzy with the pull of attraction. He laughed earning a push on his chest from his lover - who currently had her cute glary eyes trained at him while her cheeks shaded scarlet. "C'mon, it's not like I haven't seen anything! I literally know you inside out." He still continued his teases.

"You're gonna pay for this!"  Munhee warned him in advance and hid herself into her washroom. 

Baekhyun made himself comfortable on his lover's soft bed, keeping himself occupied with the sweet treat she had brought along, eagerly waiting to see how his choice of outfit would look on her - though he was already confident that she would look absolutely amazing, because well, she was Munhee, and she would look good even with nothing but grass and leaves on her body - 'Not with the grass and leaves and Munhee again, Baekhyun!' He immediately reprimanded himself for his innocent thoughts again going into the field of wildness, because damn, ever since he'd blessed his mind with the imaginary image of her with grass and leaves on her glory, he couldn't really manage to wash those enthralling images off his mind.

The door to the washroom unlocked after a batch of long minutes later, but much to his dismay, Munhee got out in the previous clothing she was adorning. "What happened? Did it not fit properly?" Worried, he asked while standing up to go near her. He was certain that it would fit, because he knew all of her curves - her measurements by heart and by hands. 

"It's a perfect fit." Munhee gave him a grin, too wide, that only indicated that she was in the mood to torture him. "Thanks for the dress." She pinched his cheek while giving him a loud airy peck from the distance. 

"Then? I thought you would give me a trial show!" Baekhyun protested without missing a beat.

"And I told you, you would pay for teasing me." She smugly crossed her arms over her chest, keeping her chin high. 

"But Baby! This is unfair!" He continued attacking her with his puppy eyes and adorable pouty protests, but Munhee held herself through the temptation. 

"Everything is fair in love and war, Mr. Byun." She sang while walking past him, playfully leaving a soft smack on his . 

However, he was fast in catching her wrist after she was done, and brought her to his chest, "I suppose this is war for now?" He scoffed, annoyed for having been cheated like that.

"No." Munhee smiled sweetly, this time it was a genuine one, cradling his cheeks onto her fingers, "With you, it's always love." And she ended the declaration with a sweet smooch on his lips. 

That was more than enough for the male to forget every other annoyances, and smile back at her with almost a shy but definitely a lovestruck grin. Byun Baekhyun, was really, utterly, stupidly, crazily in love with this woman. 




Next day…..


It was quite early at the morning, when Baekhyun's alarm rang, waking him up in a snap. He carefully retracted his hold from the peacefully sleeping girl's waist, hastily turning off the alarm so that her sleep wouldn't get disturbed. 

Even though he was bound to wake her up within a few minutes, he still didn't want to disrupt her slumber yet, since he had an inkling that she had stayed awake till late night even after they had decided to sleep early - as they'd have to leave for Seoul at the dawn. The girl had been way too excited to see how Liana had celebrated her bridal shower with her family members and close friends. He felt bad that he couldn't make time this Friday, and that had ruined Munhee's opportunity to attend this pre-wedding fun of the would-be-bride. Munhee was just too shy to attend a function without him, and with so many unknown people; not even Jisoo could persuade her.   

Planting a soft peck on her temple - atop her cutely messy hair, he finally pushed himself up to start his morning routine. Within a couple of minutes, he had gotten freshen up, changed into a spare pair of slacks and button down shirt he had brought along with him. Now that he had stalled as much as he could, it was a dire need to get Munhee awake.   

"Mun? Baby, wake up. We should be heading out soon!" He sat down beside her curled up figure - still sleeping in the same position he had last seen her, softly combed her hair to wake her up. When that didn't work a few times, he had to slightly shake her body, "Love, we are supposed to reach Seoul before breakfast, you said you wanted to have the brunch with my parents?" He tried to remind her of the important event. 

Finally, the girl stirred and let out some adorable sleepy noises, whining incoherently. Baekhyun chuckled at the cute being, inwardly cooing at her. He gently cradled her waist and helped her sit up groggily. Lastly, he even had to walk her till her toilet seat - because he was worried if she was left to be walking alone in this state, then she would definitely fall down or stumble into something. He was even fine with continuing to wait beside her while she did her morning business, but even in her half-asleep state, she had shooed him away. 

A few minutes later, the girl walked out of the washroom looking like she had freshened up, but she still had her eyes half closed and walked like a zombie before plopping herself on the bed almost lifelessly. Baekhyun sighed and went to sit beside her with the outfit he'd collected for her.   "Okay, you sleepyhead baby, I'm going to change your outfit for you, is that fine with you?"  He asked her a little loudly, so that she would hear him clear and fine.

She merely just nodded at him as a reply.  

"Do you want me to change your undergarments as well?" This time, he just asked as a sort of teasing, though he choked into his saliva when he got another hazy nod.   'Okay, she is definitely out still now.'   He concluded, as he knew Munhee would never allow him to do that in her right mind - not at least anytime soon. So being a gentleman, he erased the option of changing her undergarments, and just started with simply pulling over her pajamas. "Till how late you were awake to be this sleepy? Huh?" He gently demanded an answer while busy in the task at hand.

"Three..." Somehow the girl let out a barely audible reply. That figured out why she was still like this, a few hours of sleep wasn't something that Munhee was habituated to.

Baekhyun was grateful toward himself that he had chosen a dress for her, which was the simplest to put on; otherwise he would have to struggle while trying to decode how the hell he'd install the outfit on her. After being done with dressing her, he again softly tapped her shoulders,   "Baby, can you walk? Or do you want me to carry you?" He asked, but in actuality, he was already collecting the backpack she had prepared last night in advance, along with his own one, and then he'd just be carrying all of them - bags and Munhee - altogether. 

He ended up carrying her like someone would carry a kid, coaxing her to wrap her arms around his neck while he secured her limped figure by anchoring his one hand under her bum, and other protectively holding her nape so that her face would remain firm on his shoulder. The moment he opened her bedroom's door to step out, he almost let out an unmanly shriek seeing a figure standing there, whom he soon concluded was his mother-in-law.

 The older lady seemed like she was about to knock, as her hand was still up in the air. "I thought you guys are still sleeping." She grinned and spoke. She seemed totally ready for the journey ahead, unlike her daughter. She eyed her daughter in her boyfriend's arm, sleeping like a log. Shaking her head, she spanked Munhee on the bum, "Yah, wake up! You're going to strain him!" 

 Baekhyun immediately shook his head, "I won't have any issue, Mom, I promise! She's not even that heavy." He assured the older lady, giving her his reassuring smile to calm her down.

 "Fine. But you will let me carry those bags. No more arguments." She commanded, giving him a quite scary of a look. 

Baekhyun sheepishly nodded and let her get the bags from his hold, then they discarded downstairs. The moment they stepped out of the house, the first ray of morning sun greeted them, causing the girl in his arms to whine and stir at the sudden brightness, it had definitely disturbed her peace. He gently patted her head and led her to hide her face into the crook of his neck, "It's okay, go back to sleep." He softly murmured while doing so. 

After settling the sleeping girl into her regular seat in his car, and also helping her mother at the back seat, Baekhyun finally sighed in relief as they got to start their journey back to Seoul.



Munhee had fully woken up by the time more than half of their journey had been conquered. She woke up with a thirsty throat, and unfortunately they forgot to bring any water bottle with them, so she had made her boyfriend search for water on a highway. Luckily, they found a shop, and when Baekhyun had gone out to buy some drinks and light snacks for them - since they had plans to have breakfast at Byun mansion together with Mr. and Mrs. Byun, so they didn't want to eat anything heavy;  that was the time when her mother had given her a serene smile and told her quote, "You're really lucky that you have such a patient husband-boyfriend like Baekhyun." end of quote. 

Even though the comment almost went over her head, as she couldn't decipher what her mother was implying, but she still blindingly and wholeheartedly agreed with her mother on this. She indeed was lucky to have him, to be the one who received his endless affection and love, there was no more bargaining in this fact. 


The rest of the journey went pleasantly, with occasional gossips stirring here and there. And within the predicted time, they had arrived at Byun mansion. Her home. 

Her parent-in-law were already waiting at the door, so Munhee guessed her mother had texted her mother-in-law in advance. 

She was squashed in a bone-crushing emotional hug from Baekhyun's mother, the older lady couldn't stop saying how happy she was to see her and Baekhyun together again, how grateful she was to Munhee for forgiving her idiot of a son. She earned another warm hug - not as bone-wrecking as the previous one - from her father-in-law, the older male's solemn smile was enough to express that he was equally happy as his wife.

After that, Munhee went to wake her babies up, followed by none other than the father of the little angels. Though he was being a devil right now, because he had trapped her against the wall just before she could enter the kids' bedroom. "What?"  She tried to look annoyed, but ended up smiling at the male. Because simple, he was Baekhyun and she was Munhee. And his actions were always heart flattering.

Baekhyun grinned albeit flirtily,   "Before we get busy with our family, can we finish one unattended work?" He proposed, his fingers played around on her waist. 

Resting her arms on his shoulders loosely, she queried, "What work?"

"My morning kiss. I was deprived of it due to my sleepy girlfriend. Can I get it now?" He demanded cutely. 

"I don't know. Do you deserve to get that?" She tried to . 

"Of course, I do. Do you know how much of a hard struggle it was to first change your clothing by my own hands and still being a gentleman about it by not doing what I wanted to do with you? And then I had to carry you into my front, the struggle got harder." He explained in a low voice, his words making her ears burn in heat. 

"Then you definitely deserve it." Munhee giggled albeit shyly and held his chin to tilt his mouth for an easy access, and sealed their lips in a loving kiss. If she wanted, she could've a lot more, but it was already getting breakfast time, so they should wake the kids up. And also, they were standing and kissing in the open, anyone could catch them like this even if they just crossed the middle of the staircase. 

"Sweet." Her boyfriend hummed in satisfaction. "Let's go?" He murmured, but he wasn't moving from his place, and the fact that his greedy eyes were still going back to her smiling lips was leading unnecessary heat upon her figure. 

Taking a deep breath, she patted his cheek after giving him another bonus peck,  "I'll go wake them up. And you, you should better go to washroom. I don't think you're up for a decent family brunch when you're uncomfortable inside your pants." She slyly commented even though her own cheeks inflamed while letting out the obvious but mortifying information, her palms slipped till his hips to detach him from her.

Baekhyun only groaned, an obvious mixture of fluster and amusement in his features, but he did uncage her from his body. "Guess you're right. I'll just take a shower. Be back quickly, bye." And then he was gone behind the door to their bedroom. 

By the time Munhee had woken up her babies, and had them finish their morning routine before bringing them with her towards the direction of the stairs, Baekhyun was also done and they crossed path at the same time. The male quickly stole pecks from his daughters' cheeks upon noticing them. 

She scanned him from top to bottom, eyeing his half wet hair and changed clothing. With an amused brow raised at the direction of her boyfriend, she spoke, "Wasn't that too quick?" She knew him and his regular routine too well, so she knew he usually took a bit more time in showering or whatever he did inside the washroom.

Baekhyun grimaced, looking a bit embarrassed, "I had some situation, okay?" He vaguely replied, as they made their way downstairs. 

They didn't continue their topic as they already reached the dining space. So they all indulged into a long awaited get together - minus Munhee's father. Munhee felt her heart full after seeing all of them together and happy, just like they used to be in the past. She really couldn't ask for anything else at that moment. 







After a quick lunch, they all got busy in getting ready for the wedding ceremony, since it was going to begin at early evening. Munhee and Jisoo's first priority were to get their kids all prepared nicely, then the two girls started getting ready together. As for their husbands, well, technically, Baekhyun was kicked out of his own room because the girls had captured his property for the day, so he had gone to the kim's house, so that he would also have a company while preparing himself for the event, Junmyeon. 

Munhee went for a light but shiny makeup, since the program would stretch till night, so she deemed her glittery eyeshadow would look good, Jisoo had also approved the idea. Earlier, she got to know that Baekhyun had also ordered all the necessary accessories she would need to match with her outfit, so she didn't have to dig through her closet, which was a time saver and a life saver. She ended up letting her hair loose - save for the pretty matching hair clips she'd scooped the smaller side of her splitted hair. At the end of it, she deemed she looked decent enough to pass as a wedding guest.

When all of them were all set, they met outside, where the men had already readied their vehicles, waiting for others to be outside. 

Munhee was on the verge of losing her balance, when her eyes landed on her undeclared but definite plus one for today's program. Sure, she had seen him adorning fitted suits for an uncountable amount of times, but that didn't help the fact that he looked even more dashing in her eyes day by day. He was donning a light gray suit with white dress shirt underneath and light pink satin tie, his formal pants matched with the suit jacket - fitting too nicely around his thighs. Even though she would've found the color combination weird if someone was to tell her about it, but on Baekhyun, it looked aesthetically good. 

"Sweetheart, you look..." Baekhyun had already stepped out of his car to help his family settle down, and his eyes naturally first got caught in her direction. He rather boldly held onto her waist - the elders and kids were just a few steps back and Munhee was certain that everyone could notice them being openly lovey-dovey, bringing her closer to his awed face, it seemed like he was lacking verbal words, making her blush under his intense loving gaze. "....you look beautiful, too beautiful!" Swallowing, he managed to utter a few syllables.

Munhee continued to blush harder, but that didn't and couldn't stop her from admiring his undeniable handsomeness from up close. "T-Thanks." She wanted to curse herself for stammering inelegantly. "You look like someone I would have had a crush on at the first sight, if I were to see you at a wedding ceremony." Skipping her shyness, she expressed a portion of her praises that her heart had stored for him.

It made the male chuckle, fondness visible through his crinkled eyes. "If I tell you that you're the same to me, then what?" He softly cooed.

"Dude, can you continue your flirting later? We'd be late!" Junmyeon's loud call finally burst the bubble around the couple, reminding them that they had a function to attend, and that they were being watched by their whole family.

Baekhyun rubbed his nape after leaving Munhee, giving the elders a sheepish smile, while Munhee didn't even want to be seen right now, she wanted to hide behind him or wherever it was possible. While she was okay with the display of affection in front of her parents, doing it before his parents felt like another story. Only then she realized the reason behind Baekhyun's shyness regarding this matter in front of her parents. 

Without much delay, the family divided themselves into two cars, the elders took one, and the nuclear portion of the Byun family went into one. And Kim family into theirs.


The venue wasn't too far away, so they reached there in no time. Baekhyun watched his three favorite girls being awed at the pretty decorations all over the venue, they looked too cute in their matching pink-ish outfits, he couldn't help inwardly coo at them.  

"Oh hello, it's so nice to see you again?" Lay, being the brother of the bride, was standing near the entrance to receive the guests. He had walked in front of them and welcomed them warmly, then lastly relied on greeting Munhee separately.

Munhee accepted the offered handshake, "Nice to see you again too, Oppa. How have you been?" She sweetly smiled at him and they conversed.

Baekhyun inwardly rolled his eyes, these siblings were getting more attention of his lover these past days than he himself was. Okay, maybe not more than him, but he still envied every second of the times when she would be bestowing her attention to someone or something that wasn't him. But he also knew it wasn't possible to avoid such situations, so he'd have to it up and not sulk all the time. "Hey, bro, at least give your childhood friend some attention, huh?" Before their handshake lingered more than a few seconds, Baekhyun had laughed out loudly and pulled Lay into a tight bro-hug. No, he wasn't that cheap, okay? He had just missed his friend, that's all. 

After that small moment there, they took seats in the front rows - since there wasn't many people in the first place, they could score the front seats, much to Munhee's pleasure. She was way too excited to witness the beautiful moment from as closely as she could. 

The ceremony had begun shortly after, Liana looked like the prettiest bride while she walked down the aisle holding both her father and her brother's arms. Minseok was on the verge of crying seeing the love of his life walking towards him for them to become one forever. The bride herself was no better, she was shyly smiling and sniffling at the same time. 

Munhee felt Baekhyun's ever-so-warm fingers slipping into hers, intertwining them and giving her a squeeze, while his free hand's fingers made their way to caress her cheek - or more like wiping a single streak of tear that might've coursed down due to witnessing such heart-warming scene. She gave her lover a smile, his own serene smile soothing her soul even though she wasn't in any sort of pain. 

 "You're okay, Love?" He gently asked her, scanning her features closely.

 "Yeah. It's just… so beautiful." She admitted while sighing solemnly.

Baekhyun's smile stretched as he nodded, he leaned down and pecked the side of her temple. Then they again went back to focus at the front, witnessing the lovers getting all emotional during every step. Lastly, everyone clapped and happily cheered when the freshly married couple shared their first kiss as husband and wife. 

Munhee would be blatantly lying if she denied that she didn't get those familiar and tummy-churning open-eyed dreams of it being her and Baekhyun on that altar, holding hands, saying loving words to each other. But she pushed those thoughts away, feeling guilty of her selfish thoughts when she was there to be a part of the happiness of their friends.

Soon after, it was time for some group photoshoots with the bride and groom, so everyone got busy doing that while taking the chance to congratulate the married couple once again. 

After a chaotic, but nonetheless fun photo session with the happily married couple, it was soon the turn of the last but definitely not least event of the ceremony, "Bouquet tossing". 

"Munhee, girl, why are you standing here? Go, get into the line!" Jisoo insisted her to go stand among the group of unmarried guests - who were mostly the bride and groom's colleagues or cousins - who had lined up behind the bride, some hoping to catch the tossed bouquet and some just doing it for fun. There was a popular saying that the person who'd catch the bouquet tossed by the bride, would be the next one to get married. 

Munhee immediately waved her hands in denial, along with a nervous laughter, "I can't! It's for those who are unmarried!" And she honestly felt awkward, because she was telling the truth, it definitely wasn't for married ones.

"But it's fun! Okay, if you feel awkward, I will also join you!" Jisoo continued to persuade the girl.

Munhee helplessly looked up beside her to her boyfriend, wanting to be saved. The male only smiled lovingly at her, "I don't find anything wrong in you participating there. You should definitely go, Sweetheart." Instead, he encouraged her, even his palm resting on her waist gave her a slight push towards the direction of Jisoo. 

"Fine!" Conceding, Munhee went forward with Jisoo, cautiously standing at the very corner amongst the line of people. 

"I'm so excited!" Jisoo was on the verge of bouncing out of excitement, and Munhee found it a bit weird for the elder girl to be this excited for the simple game. Sure, it looked fun, but it wasn't even that enthralling. And the older girl's excitement would've been justified if she was unmarried, and hoping to catch the bouquet so that there would be a possibility of her getting married soon. Then again, perhaps it was her pregnancy hormones that were making her that much excited over it.

Munhee's thoughts got interrupted when everyone cheered, as the bride had positioned herself and looked back to wave at all the lined up participants. Munhee smiled and waved back when her eyes met Liana, the girl definitely looked so beautiful, Munhee couldn't stop fawning at her. 

 Lastly, just before the final moment, she caught her boyfriend's eyes, he gave her a charming smile and mouthed a  'best of luck'  to her, making her softly laugh because why would she even need luck? It's not that something's going to change even if she'd catch it, she was already married. And moreover, she was pretty bad at catching things, even if the bouquet accidentally came flying in her way, her clumsy self would undoubtedly miss it.

"Okay, ready?" Liana cheerfully asked, earning loud 'Yes' from the hyped crowd. And then finally, she counted till three before tossing the bouquet at her back, in the air. 

Munhee watched with wide eyes as the beautiful sprig of flowers actually flew towards her direction. Out of instinct, her hands naturally went upwards, ready to catch it before it could touch the ground, the flowers were too beautiful to be on the ground, so she had to save them. Although she realized that she was a bit away from the upcoming target she wanted to catch, but lastly, she ended up catching the bouquet by the help of a small push Jisoo had given on her back.

Munhee stumbled a bit, but she didn't let the flowers kiss the ground. Baekhyun was already beside her to steady her, the bouquet rested in between them as the male held her closer. Loud cheery hollers resonated from the other participants as well as the guest audience. 

"Congratulations, Sweetheart. You did it." Baekhyun proudly wished her, as if she had won a grand prize or something, there was such a bright gleam in his pupils that was captivating Munhee way too much - letting her forget about everything else but him - but she couldn't decipher it exactly. 

 Soon enough, she was dragged in a congratulatory hug from Jisoo and Liana, the girls gushing about how dramatically she had managed to catch it. Munhee felt her cheeks getting hot at all the attention she was receiving, even from the other participants. Nonetheless, at the end of it, she felt happy. 

"Mama! You catched it!" Her babies even came forward, wow-ing at their mother and the beautiful bouquet. Soon, she was surrounded by her own family members and friends. 

Among the sweet chaos, the girl definitely had missed the secret look and thumbs up her boyfriend and the bride for the day had exchanged, she also missed the knowing look all of the members of her family and her friends had exchanged as well.






Two weeks later......


Munhee was frustrated, annoyed, and raged. In conclusion, she was fuming. 

Reason? Who else other than her lovely boyfriend, The one and only piece, Byun Baekhyun? 

That man had been avoiding her ever since he had returned back to Seoul last week after meeting her at her hometown. They didn't even have any sort of arguments, okay, other than their usual small bickering, so it was irking Munhee too much as to why he had been doing this to her for the past few days? 

He hadn't even gone to meet her this weekend. She wasn't the type of girlfriend who would force her boyfriend to leave everything behind and continue to make time for her - even though she'd miss him badly; and she wouldn't have complained about him not visiting her if he had nicely explained his reasons to her. But his missed visit happening around same timing when he had been trying to avoid her as best as he could, all of this gave her the indication that he was doing it on purpose. 

Why? She had no clue. But she was Munhee, and she was going to get her answers herself if someone refused to give it to her. If this was happening even a few months back, she would've been utterly depressed and broken at the sudden avoidance from her lover; but now, she wasn't the old Munhee anymore. She had changed for the good, she now knew how to stand up for herself as well. 

And most importantly, she now knew the specimen named Byun Baekhyun pretty thoroughly, so she

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
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40 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///