
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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The next few days went in a little peaceful way for Munhee as she successfully avoided her bellicose husband, Byun Baekhyun. For the first few days, Baekhyun himself didn't seem like he wanted to initiate any sort of conversation with her. 

But then he again started attempting little talks here and there, such as do they need any groceries, did she find any more school to add on the list she made for the kids' potential schools, or sometimes even going to the extent of offering help in the kitchen or household chores, which Munhee utilized the most as she made him clean the whole house despite it being a workday on that certain day.

 In normal occasions, Munhee most definitely would've thought of giving him a hand here and there because cleaning a whole damn mansion isn't a child's play thing. But she was rather pissed with him to even offer him a glass of water in between his cleaning duty, and she thought Baekhyun didn't need to know the water and juices his daughters served him every half an hour were sent by her.  

Other than these events they didn't talk much. No talk with Byun Baekhyun meant peace in Munhee's dictionary.



This thursday morning, Munhee opted for a light breakfast as she didn't feel that good to prepare some lavish breakfast, also because she still couldn't master some dishes.  

Munhee went to wake up the kids in their room. She pressed soft kisses on their cheeks and softly patted their heads to wake them up as she concluded this was the best way to wake them up, otherwise they'd have a bad and sensitive mood throughout the whole day if the process of awakening them is a rough one. 

Being the light morning sleepers, both of them woke up, soft smiles decorated in their features. 

"Good morning, babies."  Munhee gave them another round of kisses as she could never get enough of these little angels. 

"Good morning, Mama."   They wished back and prepped some morning kisses in both of her cheeks after they sat up. 

"Hurry, go freshen up or you'll miss meeting your daddy before he goes , like yesterday!"   Munhee giggled as the small beans almost jumped from the bed in a rush so that they won't be late and miss their opportunity to bid their daddy before he goes to his office for the rest of the day. 


Munhee thought of changing their bedsheets as they needed a fresh one. So she picked out another fluffy purple bedsheet set along with matching duvets to replace them with the current pink ones.  Munhee pretended to not witness the entry of Baekhyun in the kids' room. She rather busied herself in removing the current bedsheets from her babies' bed. 

Baekhyun cleared his throat, and Munhee highly doubted he did that to gain some sort of attention rather than having any problem in his throat.   "Are the kids awake?"   He asked.

Munhee didn't turn her head, so she had a square opportunity to roll her eyes at his lame attempt of question when it was absolutely obvious that if the kids weren't in the bed, then they must've woken up already! 

"Mmm."  Munhee hummed in reply, still not facing him. After that the room filled in silent, an awkward one.

"Daddy!"   The awkwardly silent room filled in playful screeches and giggles when the girls emerged out from their washroom. Munhee peeked from the curtain of her hairs with a hidden smile as she noticed her adorable babies exchanging morning greetings and kisses with their jerk daddy. 

 "Princesses, daddy needs your help on something." Baekhyun said as he stood up from his kneeled down state and picked up something from the couch beside him to show it to the kids. Apparently he held two suits which Munhee initially didn't notice him bringing in.

Munhee was done removing the bedsheets and now concentrated on making the bed properly with the new one. But her concentration seemed to falter and her stupidly curious eyes took a few more peeks when the trio of father-daughters were talking about something.

"What help daddy?"  Asked Sarang.

"You're going to wear two suits today?"  Asked Miseo. 

Baekhyun walked in front of the mirror, he held the two suits in front of his body and explained,   "Daddy has a really important meeting today. Some really high class clients will be there in the meeting. So, daddy want to look good enough before them."   Baekhyun explained, still holding his two shortlisted options.   "Can someone tell me which one should I wear?"  This time Baekhyun's eyes found Munhee's through the mirror, seemingly being caught at giving him attention Munhee hurriedly darted her eyes towards the pillowcovers she was changing.  

"I like the blue one!"   Miseo said, pointing at the suit in Baekhyun's left hand, it consisted of light blue suit, with an indigo colored dress shirt.   "Wait..no, no! The black one! Daddy looks good in black!"   Miseo pointed the one in his right hand, black suit with white thin straps, white under shirt was it's elements, then the little girl gasped dramatically, her tiny eyes darting left to right, clearly confused out of the two options.   "Both are good. Daddy wear the both!"   Miseo whined.

"Yes daddy, both! But daddy look best in pink!!"  Sarang also chirped. And Munhee controlled her urge to giggle at all three confused faces. Munhee picked out the second pillow to change it's covers. While doing so Munhee spoke, but her eyes fixed on the pillow,   "Miseo, Sarang, tell your daddy that if it's a formal office meeting, then he should choose the black one."  She said nonchalantly. 

"Daddy, Mama says if it's meeting...no form..offs..no..Mama said the black one!"   Miseo huffed, and Munhee couldn't help but giggle at her cute attempt. 

"Okay Okay, you don't need to repeat it. I heard it at the first time!"   Baekhyun let out the second sentence a little more loudly, indicating his sentence directed to the one who gave the final suggestion.  

Munhee was done with her work there. So she decided to go to kitchen to prepare the coffees and juices along with the bread and jam/butter as for their breakfast. 

"Miseo, Sarang, can you ask your Mama, do I need to wear tie with this suit or not?"  Munhee halted at that. Did Baekhyun just copied her!. 

Miseo and Sarang ran towards her and started to repeat Baekhyun's words when she stopped them. "It's okay, I heard it clearly. Babies, tell your daddy that wearing tie won't be necessary with this one." Munhee said and glanced at the male, finding his eyes on her.  "And come downstairs for breakfast." She told the kids lastly before merching off of there. 






The kids were downstairs and seated on their chairs the time Munhee finished setting up the table for their breakfast.  "Where's your daddy?" Munhee asked as there was no trace of Baekhyun.

"Daddy change and then eat breakfast!" Sarang replied. So Munhee assumed that Baekhyun went to change in his new outfit. 

Without further ado she sat herself down and started the three of their breakfast. She did wonder for once or twice what made Baekhyun take so much time in getting ready! Though she just shrugged her thoughts after scolding herself for thinking about him. 


Baekhyun reached  the dining area when their breakfast was almost over. The kids gasped and clapped happily and Munhee also turned her head to witness the source of their actions, only to find Baekhyun now dressed in that black suit which fitted his proportions perfectly. And, he had his hairs gelled and styled in a neat yet....classy way.  Munhee couldn't deny that her choice was good. He looked good in that suit, even better than she initially expected.

"Daddy looks like a hero!" The girls gushed over their father's good looks. 

"Thanks babies." Baekhyun almost shyly rubbed his nape as he took his seat for breakfast. "Tell your Mama that daddy is thankful to her too." Baekhyun whispered, but loudly enough for Munhee to hear. 

"Babies, finish this soon. After that we'll revise the English alphabets again, you got ten of them wrong yesterday. Hurry!"  Munhee avoided whatever Baekhyun said and made the girls'  put their attention back on their breakfast.  

When the kids' breakfast was done, Munhee told them to go to their playroom, that's the general place where Munhee teaches them. 

"Can I have another glass of juice?" Baekhyun asked while munching on his toasted bread. Munhee reached for the jar of juice on her side but it was empty. "Oh, it's okay, I don't need it." Baekhyun said noticing it. 

"No, we have more. Wait here." Munhee said and stood up, her breakfast was done anyway, so she'd rather bring him juice than sit with him in this awkward silence. 

 "No, I don't...." Baekhyun called from behind but halted. Reason unknown to Munhee. Munhee poured a glass of juice and served it in front of him, and was about to leave this dining area when Baekhyun stopped her, or at least tried to,  "Hey, w-wait!"  

"What?" Munhee turned, she noticed his uncertain eyes darting here and there and he cleared his throat before opening his mouth to say something, but the bell of their house ringed.  "I'll take the door." Munhee didn't like the way his face seemed nervous as if he was going to tell her something serious or unpleasant, neither she liked talking to him at this moment because the hurt he emitted on her was still afresh. So she sprinted towards the main door to ignore whatever Baekhyun wanted to talk about. 

"Munhee, wait, don't open the door!" Baekhyun was hot on her tails and before she could cross the huge living room area to reach their main door, her wrist was caught in a firm grip.  "Wait, listen to me first!"  He pleaded through his eyes when Munhee openly glared at him for touching her.

"Don't.."  Munhee gritted as she struggled to loosen her wrist from the male's fist.  "Don't touch me."  She snapped finally and that seemed to falter Baekhyun as he unfisted his hand to let go of Munhee's wrist. Munhee's glary eyes and Baekhyun's seemingly concerned eyes kept staring at each other for a few moments, without both of them knowing it. It broke when they heard another few bells, back to back.

This time Munhee made it towards the door, because whoever was on their doorstep might be way too impatient to wait for a minute or two and also she couldn't stand Baekhyun's weird gaze for long, she wasn't habituated his with such gaze from him.

There was a huffing, devastated looking Junmyeon on their doorsteps the moment Munhee opened the door. 

"Oh, thank god you opened the door, finally!"   Junmyeon huffed. He looked like he just came back from a long Olympic race.  

"What brings you here?"   Munhee heard Baekhyun inquire from her behind, close behind.  'Why is he clinging with me like this?'  Munhee thought as her attention faltered from the male in front of her to the male behind her. 'Oh right! Act of a happy couple.'  Munhee grimaced at the thought. She was nowhere near in a mental state to act lovey dovey with this jerk, neither she felt physically alright as of this moment. 

"Jisoo! " Junmyeon was still panting. Munhee gasped at the mention of Jisoo. The older female's pregnancy was already confirmed, she let Munhee know through phone in between these days.  

"What? Is she alright?" Munhee asked out of concern. 

"Yeah, she's fine I guess..." Junmyeon who was a little less panting now, told them unsurely.  "But, she's been super sensitive from midnight. She said she had a bad dream and all. And she's been crying like a child since early morning. She says she haven't seen Miseo and Sarang for many days and she's missing them. She wants to see them this instant."  Junmyeon explained. The huge dark cricles under his eyes gave out the proof of his words. Munhee felt bad for him, but pregnant women's hormones are pretty difficult to decipher. She didn't want to remember the time Myunghee was pregnant and how many night's of good sleep she had to sacrifice for her pregnant sister as the girl would cry in the middle of night to facetime with her younger sister because she missed her. But now, Munhee wouldn't even mind thousands of nights' of her sleep being disturbed if that meant Myunghee would come back. 

"Do you need them then?" Munhee's thoughts broke when she heard Baekhyun ask, still behind her, his breath almost hitting her side face. 

Junmyeon nodded.

 "I'll bring them."  Munhee smiled at the poor man and was about to go towards the playroom when out of nowhere she felt two arms snaking on her waist from behind, capturing her in a surprising backhug,  Baekhyun. 

Munhee gasped at his action and tried to untangle his hands from her tummy but the man was way too stronger than her, and the way he tightened his arms around her, bringing her back cladded with his firm chest wasn't helping her in this matter.

"If you want to take my children, then go bring them out on your own. We're not gonna do it for you. They're in their playroom."   Baekhyun sassed while keeping his face hovered over Munhee's shoulder from the back, Munhee could literally feel the rumbles in his chest as he spoke. And without any valid reason Munhee's pulse incremently rushed with each wave of vibration she felt on her back.

"Looks like I've interrupted in your busy time, huh? Sorry man, I'll be quick to take the kids. You guys can continue at where you've left."  Junmyeon teased and winked, making Munhee's face go betroot at the suggestive words and the position in which Baekhyun was helding her didn't do any good in making Junmyeon's assumption wrong. 

When Junmyeon left the doorstep and went in the direction of the kids' playroom, Munhee found the perfect opportunity and she nudged Baekhyun on his ribs not-so-gently when he was still refusing to let go.  " I said let me go! I don't want to participate in your stupid happy couple act!"  Munhee whisper growled at him.

Baekhyun yelped at her action and loosened his grip a little, but before Munhee could create a distance between the both of them, he again caged her body in his strong arms.  "Would you please stop being a little tigress and listen to me?" Baekhyun pleaded in her ears. 

Munhee closed her eyes to keep her temper in check, then she sighed before saying,   "Okay, tell me what you wanna say so badly? And can't you let me go first? I don't like it when you touch me."   Munhee spat. 

"I don't like touching you either!  I'm just concerned that you'd be much more embarrassed if I hadn't stopped you from going."  Baekhyun said, his tone a little calm. Now that Munhee wasn't struggling in his hold, he held her firmly yet a little more gently. 

Munhee rolled her eyes and turned her head to watch his face so that she could notice what he's trying to say, but she utterly regretted doing that because now their faces were inches away, she could practically trace her sight at the beautifully scattered tiny moles of his face zoomed into her vision and she didn't think it was any good for her to be this close with his face. Both of them froze in their spots.

Munhee was the first one to blink her eyes rapidly and  immediately turned around, this time  waited for Baekhyun to reply with as much patience as she could muster up in this situation.  "You...actually you have..uhh.."  It was not a regular case to find a stammering Baekhyun. It was weird to have the always snappy and ready to fight back man stammering like this. And it annoyed Munhee to the limits.

"Either you tell me what's up with you or you Let. Go. Off. Me."   Munhee gritted, irritated at his actions, she pinched his forearms making him yelp out again at the non-gentle impact. 

"Okay, I'm saying it, stop abusing me for the love of god! Were you a ninja girl in your past life?"  Baekhyun mumbled, Munhee could hear the pout in his lips even though she wasn't watching him.  But she only groaned to let him know that she's annoyed and she wasn't here to have small talks with him.  She pinched his veiny forearms one more time,    "Damn it. You...you... have stain in your pant."  Baekhyun hissed in pain and whisper shouted at her ear.  "Stain as in...uh period stains!"

Munhee's heart skipped and the meter of her head started running again, connecting the dots. So that's why she was feeling so unwell from the morning. But this stupid thing, couldn't it just occur after Baekhyun was gone? How to help her embarrassed self now?  'Why in the earth did I have to wear white pan

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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39 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///