
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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When the alarm broke the peaceful slumber of Munhee, only then she realized that she'd again slept on the bed, when the last thing she remembered she was gulping down some new questions on her study table, which was at least twenty steps away from the bed.

Did this mean she actually sleepwalked till the bed?  

Munhee's attention diverted when she heard a groan, Baekhyun. "Ah! Stop it already!" Baekhyun groaned again as the alarm tone ringed brutally. 

Munhee felt too sleepy and tired to even react on the fact that the both of them seemingly slept on the same bed. This isn't the first time they did it, is it?  

Munhee switched the alarm off as she groggily sat up, stretched up her limbs to kick off the tiredness from having to study till god knows how much till late night.  

She raked her gaze towards the sleeping figure right beside her. Then she saw the extra pillows carefully organized between their bodies, which might've worked perfectly as a boundary between them. 

Wait, does it mean Baekhyun was the one to bring me into the bed yesterday night? Also the previous night?    Munhee thought as her eyes slightly widen in realization, but even if he did, it's not any big deal, right?  He had done this the time when Munhee was drunk too. 

"Right, Munhee. You have bigger issues to think about. You have a freaking final today " She whispered to herself so that it would give her a push to not ponder over meaningless thoughts and concentrate on her biggest issue on hand.



The time Munhee was done with her morning routine and also took a quick shower, because it helped her to keep her head cool during the stress of exams, and got back out from the washroom to the room  she found Baekhyun already sitted up on the bed, rubbing his eyes....cutely.

"You're going to office?" Munhee asked casually while drying her hairs with her towel.

Baekhyun looked up at her face when he was done rubbing his eyes, ruffling his already ruffled hair as well,  "No." He replied, his voice deeply gruffed from the sleep. 

Munhee didn't ask him any further as they don't actually speak much. Whenever they speak, it somehow ended up in destructive arguments or little banters. So, she left him sitting there. 

As it was rather early in the morning, she didn't wake the kids, but she did peeked into their room to watch them sleeping for a minute. It's as if she's pretty much habituated with these little angels and the fact that she won't see them till afternoon, it made her stare at their sleeping faces another minute more. 

Munhee made her way into the kitchen after she was satisfied with her watching session. She badly wanted to give them some goodbye kisses too, but taken that their slumber gets lighter in the morning and even slightest touch can wake them up, so she managed to hold her mother instinct to jump out.

Munhee poured water into the coffee maker to start making her coffee, when Baekhyun joined her out of nowhere, "Make some for me too."  He mumbled. 

He was already in better clothes than his home clothes, but not the formal one, more like in a casual outfit. Munhee was contemplating whether she should ask his plans for today or just shut like she originally planned while she added coffee powder along with extra water for Baekhyun's portion.

 The next few moments of Munhee pouring the hot coffee into two mugs and serving before the two of them were passed in silence, an awkward one, as both of them didn't know what they should talk about when they have no topic to argue. 

"You're not gonna eat anything before exam " Baekhyun stated, an indication that he already knew this habit of her. 

"Nope. I don't wanna forget what I studied so hard to remember."  Munhee replied, showcasing her displease at the idea of ruining her long practiced exam time ritual. 

Baekhyun let out a small chuckle, but it somehow sounded a little deeper than it actually should,  "You do know that it's just your superstition, don't you?" 

Munhee didn't like the way he laughed at her, mocked her habit,  "It's not superstition. I just like to keep my stomach clean so that my head would also be clean." She defended.

"It's stupid." Baekhyun clucked his tongue at that, Munhee rolled her eyes at him.

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Munhee glared at him for trying to ruin her fresh mood with his nonsense logic, "And don't talk to me." She huffed.

"Don't talk to me." Baekhyun mocked her again by imitating her voice in an irritating one, "You were the one who talked to me first." He defended, pointing out their short conversation in the bedroom earlier.  

"Okay, fine. I won't talk to you again. I'm going." Munhee glared at him again before going back to her room to take her necessary things with her. She also told her mother that she was going out and reminded her to take care of the kids.  

When she was out of the main door of her parent's house, she found Baekhyun waiting outside. Out of habit, she ignored him and walked past him to get going toward the bus stand near the area. 

But she failed to do so as Baekhyun hold her wrist just when she walked past him, " Wait." he mumbled, making her stop and nervous with the sudden contact. 

Munhee gave him an annoyed look, "What?" she asked in a rather snappish way.

"I'll drop you." Baekhyun told her as he left her wrist and gestured her at his car. "Hurry, you don't have whole day to decide." He hollered as he took his driver seat.

Munhee followed after him, her face still contoured in annoyance, with a slight curiosity.  Baekhyun threw her a subtle victorious smirk when she settled down on her seat beside him. 

 "You're going somewhere in that way?" She asked as Baekhyun hit the engine.

"Nope. I'm going back to your house after this. I'm going to look after the kids." If it was a few months back, Munhee would've started her fangirling over his super daddy side. But it's different now. They are in more of a hostile relation for her to cheer on his this side. Also, the fact that he got up early and got changed,  he usually doesn't like to change out of his pjs untill late morning whenever he's on vacation, only to drop her till her destination made her pulse rush a little more than usual.  

"You don't have to." Munhee played with the handle of her duffle bag as she talked and successfully avoided making any eye contact. 

"I don't have to what? You don't want ne to look after my own kids?" he asked, his tone masked in slight confusion.

Munhee finally looked up at him, thankfully he had his eyes glued onto the front, she shook her head violently, " No, you got it wrong! I wanted to say you don't have to drop me till Uni. It's not that far, I could just use the bus."  

Baekhyun stayed silent till there was a red light, then he eyed her, "Buses are inconvenient. And I wanted to do this. You know, for making up my mistake regarding the other day. I don't want to feel guilty." He explained and Munhee felt like her heart sank.

His kind gesture wasn't genuine, rather it was his way of lessening his guilt regarding his brutal outburst from that day.  Munhee only let out a scoff, but deep inside she was hurt, because she actually thought that they're finally coming off the icebergs that have been formed between them ever since Myunghee was gone from their lives. But no, no matter how many times she would think this, Baekhyun would gladly prove her wrong. 

"We're here." Baekhyun announced. Munhee didn't even notice that they already reached her school as she passed the rest of the journey pondering over her painful thoughts.  "You'll be finished before afternoon, right? I'll pick you up. So wait for me." He spoke as he raked his eyes over the area before guiding his gaze again to the silent girl beside him. 

Munhee's grip on her bag tightened after she undid her safety belts, she mustered up her voice to speak back to him,  "You're forgiven."  she let out, with much difficulty.

"What? I'm what?" Baekhyun asked, either he didn't hear what she just said for real, or he was being a jerk and pretended to not hear her words.

"You    are    forgiven." Munhee gritted.  "So, you don't have to do these things. I accept your apology. You can go back to your house. I'll return with the kids next week." She mu

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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39 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///