
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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 (Sorry for the extra notification.  For those who has already read this chapter, there's been just a little amount of change/addition in the last few para, at the airport scene. Don't worry, the plot or main events are just same, so it will be okay even if you don't read that portion.)





"I love you too, Baekhyun, so so much."


Baekhyun momentarily froze hearing her words. To say he was stunned, would frankly be a huge minimalism. It's not like he was absolutely unaware of her feelings. In fact, he had known about this for a good amount of time. And it was actually quite visible through her readable eyes as to how she felt towards him. What caused the shockingly surprised impact on him, was that he didn't expect her to say back those most awaited magical words as for the reply. At least, he didn't expect it to be this soon. This girl, constantly amused him with her unpredictable self. And he wasn't complaining here a bit.

"Byun Baekhyun,"  Seeing his stunned face, Munhee managed to crawl on his laps with much struggle, and pulled onto his collars to bring their faces forward. "I ing love you!" She spat on his face, whereas there was no hostility present in her voice. At this rate, her heart was splattering loudly as well, and probably he was no better.

Coming back to his right senses, Baekhyun gulped and blinked, his palms finding their way to hold onto her waist. "I love you too, Baby." Lost in the ocean full of honesty and love in each other's almost glossy eyes, their faces ceased the leftover distance, melting into a kiss full of love and well, love. 

However, their emotionally intimate kiss had shortened, when they heard footsteps along with murmurs resonating the place. Munhee tried to hastily climb off of Baekhyun's laps, but she accidentally hit him somewhere in the process, that had earned a loud-enough surprised groan from the male. And within a few seconds, five pairs of eyes were looking down at their direction.

"Woah! What am I seeing? Under the dining table? Seriously, guys?" Tao dramatically asked, his features in their full mischievous form, making the couple wince.

"You guys are a bit too adventurous, aren't you?" Mina giggled while fanning her own face, since she'd never witnessed the couple like this before.

"Not under the place where we eat!" Kyungsoo groaned.

"Were you guys trying to get some work done before the world ended in an earthquake?" Since everyone was leaving their comments, so Chanyeol also joined in the fun.

"C'mon guys, under the table isn't that bad of a place! I mean, I have tried worse places? How does behind a school's washroom door sound?" For once, Jongin tried to defend them, instead of teasing the hell out of them just like the others.

Baekhyun sighed and patted the frozen girl's back, "It's okay, Baby. Let's get out of here first." He then carefully got the two of them out of the cramped space. "You idiots, as you already know, there was an earthquake. And at the moment of emergency, the table seemed to be the safest place to hide." He then explained the reason behind their choice of place.

Munhee was still embarrassed, if not for her impulsive action of downright getting on top of his laps, others wouldn't have concluded such suggestive things. She kept hiding her face behind her husband- boyfriend's broad back while he did the talk. 

Realization dawned upon everyone's features. Then as if Baekhyun hadn't said anything to them in the first place, all of their attention went back to Jongin. 

"Behind school's washroom door? Boy, you gotta teach me how you do it!" Tao exclaimed with wide eyes, and jumped onto Jongin, arresting him with his arms.

"Yah! No! What are you saying! I'm not gay! I'm into girls! I can't teach that to you!" Jongin flapped his arms while yelling in horror. "Hyung! Help me!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, and didn't attempt to move a single muscle. Meanwhile, Munhee stiffeled her laughter.

"Yah! I'm not gay either!" Tao finally left the hyperventilating male when he registered Jongin's words. "I'm just asking you to teach me how to get girls!"

"Forget these two es. Why are you guys back?" Baekhyun ignored the chaos and asked the silent ones, Kyungsoo and Mina.

"Well, driving during earthquake is risky. So we returned back. We'll probably visit tomorrow." Kyungsoo rendered.

"I guess we should order some food for our lunch. Did you two have lunch already?" Mina popped the question.

"Yeah, we did. We'll just take some rest for now." Baekhyun spoke on both of their behalf and led Munhee towards her bedroom.  

Locking the door to Munhee's bedroom behind him, he didn't waste any extra moment in holding onto her wrist before pulling her into his arms for a tight relieved hug. Without any exchange of words, there was thousands of words being exchanged through the heart-to-heart embrace. He inhaled her presence while burying his head into her hair, thanking the universe that everything was alright around and between them.

When they broke the hug, Munhee gave him a smile before reaching elsewhere to collect her handphone. "I need to see my babies." She softly replied when Baekhyun had asked her what she was doing.

"Our babies!" Baekhyun corrected her with a loving scolding gesture, and he couldn't agree more about needing to see their babies. He himself was moderately terrified back then during the earthquake, but he had to remain strong for Munhee. Perhaps both of their fears had been the same. So, he settled themselves onto the bed while waiting for his mother to accept the video call. 






It was the nighttime already, the couple went back to Munhee's bedroom after dinner. This time, Baekhyun didn't even need Munhee's permission to spend time with her there, since the two of them had been stuffed in this place throughout the rest of the day anyway. They had talked with the kids and Baekhyun's mother, then they had watched two movies at a stretch, and lastly they went downstairs together since Munhee wanted to volunteer in cooking dinner.

"Today's dinner was delicious. I wish I could kiss the chef's lips." Baekhyun slyly commented when both of them were applying some moisturizers after freshening up. 

Munhee raised an amused brow at her boyfriend slash husband,  "Really? I didn't know you are so tempted to kiss Kyungsoo's lips! Have you perhaps gotten a crush on him after witnessing his kissing abilities last night?" She teased the male and walked back to her bed, settling her down the soft mattress with a relaxing sigh.

"Huh? No! Don't play smart with me, Sweetheart. I was there at the kitchen with you. So, you can't fool me! I saw with my own eyes that you contributed to the dinner with Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun defended himself, "And eww! Why would I crush on him? That even when I have a beautiful girlfriend and an equally beautiful wife?" He faked puking gesture at the mention of Kyungsoo, but turned into his greasy mode with all the praises and deliberate huskiness in his voice.

 Like a predator, he walked towards the bed with lazy but confident steps, then lunged himself towards his target, his ever so enchanting girlfriend slash wife. Successfully trapping her underneath his sturdy form like a helpless rabbit, he proceeded into giving her soft tickles around her tummy as a punishment for playing coy with him.

"I only... cut the veggies! Ahh leave me, Baekhyun!" Munhee managed to reason out in between her unstoppable giggles. She was about to save herself by playfully smacking his shoulders, but his quick reflexes helped him in locking her wrists over her head, and he again resumed his tickle game with a handsome smirk adorning his face.

"Beg to me nicely." He husked in her ears, liking how she was breathlessly squirming under him. He always liked it, probably that was why tickle fight was his favorite kind of game with Munhee back in the past, as well as at present. "Say, please Baekhyun!"  

Munhee would've definitely rolled her eyes, if she wasn't busy in laughing breathlessly at his fingers' action. "You.. you have serious begging kink!" She pointed out blatantly, not even noticing his darkening gaze. And the heat that reached her face after realizing what she had spout out, was inevitable. 

"Hmm, really? Tell me, Sweetheart, how and when did you conclude it?" Ceasing his ticklish attacks, he now caged her smaller frame under him even more properly, letting her feel the warm friction of their bodies more than before; and waited for her answer with a big smirk contouring his face.

Munhee tried to uncage her arms from this alluring man's grasp, but she failed. So she relied on his words, or more like his question. Her cheeks were burning when she contemplated the answer to his query. What made her even more flushed, was the fact that it was obvious he also knew the answer - judging by the smug smirk playing on his devilish lips.

 The answer was easy, she had noticed small hints of that fact for a few times in the past - mostly in playful aspects; but she got fully certain about it first back at their first intimate night together. Even him being drunk couldn't stop him from being demanding and dominating, coaxing her to let out strings of 'Please, Baekhyun!'s for uncountable amount of times - throughout their not-so-short love making session. And right now, she wanted the bed to swallow her, because the reminder of Baekhyun recalling her shameless begging had set fire of embarrassment in her whole body.

The flustered girl only managed to whine incoherently to get her way out of the embarrassing question. 

Baekhyun chuckled at her red face, as much as he wanted to hear the answer from , he was satisfied with her adorable reactions. "Okay, okay, as you know, I spare you all the time because you're cute."  He untangled his grip from her wrists, letting her hands free, before leaning a little more closer to her flushed face.  "But at least, I get to kiss the chef's lips?"  

Munhee managed to tame her embarrassment down, her eyes zeroing on his glistening plump pink lips - since this sly man had the audacity to those soft pillows in that position. How much more he wanted to tempt her weak soul? But she was Munhee, and she wouldn't give in this easily. "But as far as I know, you get to kiss the chef's hands, not their lips?" Blinking her eyes innocently, she opined.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes,  "If the chef is your own girlfriend, your wife, your children's mother; then you can kiss them anywhere you want!"  He stressed onto his point confidently.

Her heart fluttered at those titles, her eyes twinkled unstoppably. Smiling widely, "Fine. I am buying your explanation." She let him know almost in a whisper.

And that was all Baekhyun needed to seal their lips together in a soft but long kiss. Flesh dove into flesh, electricity ran through both of their veins, driving them to pour more of them into the liplock. Though, when they went for it for the second time, it became more of a teasing kiss. Baekhyun lips with his hot wet muscle, but not completely letting her have a taste of it, chuckling under his breath whenever he would playfully retrieve it back after coaxing her for giving into the kiss. He was again losing his failure of a self-control, so he put up with a small distraction to not indulge in deeper cravings. 

Munhee glared at him in between, moderately annoyed at him for his silly actions. So she slipped her hold from his nape to his hairs, tugging onto those innocent pink strands not-so-gently, keeping his head fixed at a place so that he won't be able to pull off his mischievous moves on her. She smirked when the male groaned at the impact of his hairs being tugged that way, though it sounded more like a dazed groan, it sounded as if he liked it.  

Munhee continued her actions while she caught his mouth again, this time, much to her delight, the male gave in without much of his silly attempts. She hooked one of her legs around his hips for a more comfortable position, without having a single idea how she was driving him absolutely crazy.

Baekhyun devoted himself into the addictive temptation of , and her actions making him hazy with attraction towards her, she was probably still pretty much unaware of the consequences of her luring actions. Unable to be the god of self-restriction anymore, his free hand trailed over her curves. Her satisfied hums coaxing him more into giving her more. Finding no sign of restriction from her, he successfully slipped his hand underneath her pajama top, getting excited goosebumps when he felt her warm and delicate skin there. 

They were out of breath, so they had to break the steamy embrace of their heated mouths. Baekhyun's hooded eyes stared back at her as he panted enticingly. It was the moment when Munhee felt his cold hand underneath her top, trailing upwards; and he bent his head down to leave wet trails of desire directly on her neck. She reacted only when his large palm managed to reach over her clothed thumping chest, his fingers lightly tracing the pattern of the laces of her lacy undergarment, while his palm melted into the softness of her chest. Her palm softly slapped his hand over her chest as a reaction.

Getting the message, Baekhyun immediately freed her chest before leaning back.  "Nothing more than simple make out, Mr. Boyfriend."  She let out while struggling with her violently thudding heart. Her skin on the verge of sweating at the unavoidable heat. 

"Are you taking revenge of the past times, Sweetheart?" Baekhyun sighed through his nose and visibly shook his head to get it clear from the dark clouds of temptation. He then relied on making conversation with her while respectfully slipping his hand off of her top. 

"Will I sound evil if I say yes?" She meekly asked, eyeing his features. He didn't look displeased at her, thankfully. 

"A little bit, yes." He chuckled and pinched her cheek lightly, "So..... no y time until I am promoted to husband Baekhyun?" He then guessed. 

Munhee couldn't help but giggle at how easily he made the word  'y time'  sound adorable than sounding compromising. Honestly, she hadn't thought of this aspect yet. She only refused to continue as she could feel it in her bones that the time of month would arrive at any time soon. So, as much as fanciable he was, and as much as she craved for him and his touches, she didn't want to indulge in some full-on intimacy. It was just a female thing, nothing else. But she could by agreeing to his assumption, so she nodded, "Yeap. No y time for now."    

"Okay. But can we... one more time?" He sheepishly proposed, eyeing her lips needily. 

Could she deny him when he asked for it this cutely?  'You would've given in even if he hadn't asked for it this nicely!' Her inner self pointed out, and she would be a liar if she denied it. "That we can."  Biting her lips, she shyly smiled and nodded.  

Well, that  'one more time'  had continued till another two long make out sessions for them. At this point, Munhee had started to regret telling him that he needed to promote back to husband Baekhyun, since she was kind of feeling too hot even in her simple pajamas, and would've felt good if he did something about it. Before she did something as embarrassing as taking her words back, Baekhyun gave her one last peck on her lips and laid back on his side. Though he did brought her into his chest, while his free his plucked out his handphone from the nightstand.

"Mun..." Combing her hair with his fingers, he started with a hint of seriousness in his tone. 

"Hmm?" Munhee propped her chin on his chest to be able to see him while they talked. 

"I have to leave tomorrow." He stated the obvious fact.

Earlier, when they had spoken with Mrs. Byun and the kids, the older lady let them know that the kids' school would be starting soon, so she'll be returning them back the day after tomorrow. That left Baekhyun with pretty much no scope but to return. Also, Jongin mentioned about some important tasks and meetings piling up at their office due to Baekhyun's absence. So, it was actually high time Baekhyun went back into real life as a CEO and as a father of school-going twins - instead of being a lover only.  

"I know." Munhee nodded. She wouldn't say that she wasn't sad, but she herself understood pretty well that he had already sacrificed a lot of his responsibilities just for her sake. So, she would proudly and happily send him off. 

"So umm will you... you will return with me, r-right?" The man himself turned a bit nervous, now that he had vocalized his question. 

Munhee took a moment of break, then gave her answer, "No." 


"I can't."

Baekhyun's face fell at that, his eyes widened in horror. He threw his phone somewhere beside him before cupping her face, "What are you saying? Have you n-not forgiven me fully yet? Why won't you go back with me?" 

Munhee gently pried his hands off of her face, only to prop herself on her elbow, so that they could speak more properly, her free hand went to caress the soft skin of his cheek, trying to tame his sudden panicked look,  "Sshhh, relax, Baekhyun. Yes, I have forgiven you. Yes, I am ready to start over with you. Yes, I love you."  Her each answer visibly worked as a pacifier to his wavering pupils, but there was still confusion lingering in his whole face. "But... I can't go back with you right now." She again added.

"But... why?" Baekhyun looked like he was close to rip his hair out of the frustrating confusion he was going through at her answer. "Will you please elaborate, Baby? I'm... I'm scared!" He meekly shared his deep thought with her. 

"Oh god! Please, don't be scared! There's nothing to be scared of!" Munhee shook her head vigorously, her thumb rubbing longer circles to soothe him.  "Listen, we are fine, okay? I am not saying no because of you. I came here with the motive of helping my friends here, and experiencing doing something I like. Also, Kyungsoo has trusted me to take the responsibilities as a member of the group. And there's only around two weeks left for our trip to end. So... I just want to stay back here for the time being. I'll return back with them."

Baekhyun let out a loud huff of relief hearing her reasoning. "I got scared, !" He shook his head in disbelief of the shock he had initially gotten, now chuckling to himself at the reliever. His arms caged her shoulders, bringing her closer to him, "Sweetheart, please give out the details from next time,  if you don't want me to get ed up from the shock!"  

Munhee clicked her tongue, pinching his cheek,  "You surely have a big potty mouth for a father of two kids!" She softly chided him for blatantly cursing, "Where is that Baekhyun who used to reprimand me for my uncontrolled mouth?" She reminded him about the old him from the initial time of their marriage, who used to call her out on every slip of her tongue. 

Baekhyun's mouth stretched into a sheepish smile, though he ended up wincing recalling all those moments he had acted like an to her.  "I was just too uptight in front of you back then. And used to wait for opportunities to poke a finger at you, sorry!" Groaning, the male accepted his past fault.  

"You've already had apologized for those in the past, dumbo!" Munhee rolled her eyes,  "I guess I just have to bear this potty mouthed Baekhyun for the rest of my life!"  She dramatically sighed and rendered, hardly controlling her snicker.

Baekhyun also rolled his eyes, inwardly loving her dramatic antics, "Don't act like you don't love what my potty mouth can do, Baby. Because I know you love it!" He relied with confidence dripping his tone as well as eyes, mouth forming into his infamous devilish smirk as he caught her blushing at his remarks.  

Munhee should've known that she would never be able to defeat him in their teasing game, so here she was, blushing like a newly wed bride at her husband and boyfriend's not-so-innocent remarks. She was about to conjure up some sarcastic reply, but before that, he again huskily muttered onto her face, "Though I am yet to show all of my skills to you, I bet you'll love my potty mouth even more after I'd be done with practically showing you those skills." 

His words were suggestive, there was no denial in that, and Munhee was in no place to hide her bashful face from him after registering the hidden inclination behind those words. When she slightly recovered from the attack of fluster, she forced out a scoff,  "If you want to sleep here, then you should stop being a ert and stop with your ert words. Or else, I'm going to kick you out of my bed." She managed to threaten him. 

Baekhyun chuckled, not a tad bit effected at her failed threat, but he did lift his hands up in surrender,  "Okay, okay, as you wish, Baby!" Then he brought back his phone toward him, face back to slight seriousness,  "So, I'm telling Jongin to cancel your ticket, is that okay with you?" He had actually gave Jongin a green flag when the male had asked him whether to book three tickets for them. He was almost certain that she would be returning back with them.

"Yeah." Munhee agreed, inwardly a bit sad that she'd have to see him off tomorrow, or today - since it was already a few minutes past twelve.  

Typing the message, Baekhyun kept the device back at the nightstand, then brought his focus back at the girl in his arms, "Let's get some sleep now. I'll be leaving after breakfast. The flight is at late afternoon."  

"Mmm, good night." Munhee wanted to see his face a little longer, but she didn't trust her heart for it to grow greedy and change her decision, so she mumbled a soft greeting and pressed her cheek back into his chest.

"Good night, Love." Planting his lips onto her head, he murmured back. 







Morning came faster than Munhee or Baekhyun would've preferred. But time really stood for none.

Both of them got up together after their sweet morning greeting. Baekhyun went back to his current shared room with Tao and chanyeol, though currently it was Jongin who was sharing the room with the other two, as Baekhyun had been sleeping with Munhee ever since the younger male arrived here. He needed his habitual cold shower, well, don't blame him for being a bastard, it wasn't completely his fault. 

Meanwhile, Munhee also got freshened up hastily, wanting to prepare the breakfast for Baekhyun and others. She managed to prepare a not-so-heavy breakfast, by the time Baekhyun was dressed up and had packed his belongings neatly. He had also managed to give Jongin a kickin morning greeting before he hurried out to spend the last hour with his girlfriend. 

Since it was still quite early, almost everyone minus Kyungsoo and Mina were in deep slumber. The other couple decided to give Baekhyun and Munhee a little space, so they made up an excuse of going out for a short walk.  

Finally, again having her alone, Baekhyun hugged her from behind, stopping her from serving the breakfast for him, whining without using any coherent words when Munhee told him to sit down for breakfast, he only tightened his embrace and buried his face into her neck. 

"What happened now, you big baby?" Munhee gave up in uncaging herself from his grasp, his whines too adorable for her to appear strict, so she softly laughed at his antics and asked him. 

"I'm already missing you, badly!!" The male, who was sounding nothing more than a five years old kid, expressed with continuation of his whiny voice.  

"What do I do with you? Stop being so cute!" Munhee sighed and patted his cheeks, though she couldn't help but agree with him. He didn't even leave yet, but she had already started to miss him when he was out of her sight for a few minutes. How would she survive the rest of her stay here? She had surely gotten uncontrollably addicted to his clingy presence. It was going to give her a definite hard time. And she could conclude from his state that, he was feeling exactly as her in this regard. 

"Baby! I am sharing my sad thoughts with you, and you're finding me cute!" Baekhyun broke the hug himself, only to accuse her even more cutely, his pouty lips looking too adorable for her heart to afford. 

Tiptoeing, she shut his mouth with a quick peck,  "Okay, fine, I'm also missing you already! Now, sit down and have your breakfast."  She conceded at the end.

Satisfied with the reply, and more satisfied with the sweet reward, Baekhyun obediently sat himself down, pulling Munhee down to occupy the chair next to him. "What? Eat up! This will be our last breakfast before we meet again." 

Could she say anything else after that? No. So she started eating with him. "I should at least wake Jongin up? That boy sleeps like a log!"

"No need. I've already woken him up. He's probably taking shower right now." Baekhyun shrugged and fed her the food so that she would focus on eating.

Munhee sighed in relief, but then another thought came across her head, "Did you two pack your bags properly? Do you need help with that?"

"Sweetheart, we're all prepared to leave. Don't worry." Baekhyun assured her. He did notice a small pout adorning her face at the mention of them 'leaving',  "Hey, hey, why the sad face now? It's not like we won't be able to keep in touch! And it's definitely not that we won't see each other for years. So bid me with a smiley face, not a sad one, okay?" He cooed, trying to get back the brightness in her eyes. 

Munhee managed to smile, he did have a point. It was matter of just a few days, after that, they'd be in the same region again. "Okay."  

"Good girl." He praised her. Leaning down, he pecked her lips, the flavor of coffee appeared more addictive on those sweet pair of fleshes. Forgetting about their surrounding, he held her chin upper, for better access, and deepened the kiss a bit more. 

"When you said you were going out for breakfast, I thought you were talking about real food, ehh?" Jongin's voice broke their short kiss.

 Of course, there was no way they would be sitting in an open space and manage to sneak out a few kisses without being noticed by either of these certified third-wheels. 

Munhee palmed her face to get rid of the redness from her features; while Baekhyun let out an annoyed groan, mumbling something incoherent under his breath.

"Did you say anything, Hyung?" Not getting any reply for his initial question, Jongin plopped down at the opposite chair from Baekhyun, and asked another.

"Nothing important, I'm just advance planning someone's murder." Baekhyun grumbled.

Munhee stiffened a laughter at that, specially seeing Jongin's horrified face. She patted Baekhyun's back,  "Stop it, Baekhyun. Let him have breakfast peacefully!" She coaxed the male and turned towards the younger one, "Finish your breakfast without leaving anymore comments. Or else, I won't be responsible if he'd lash out on you!"

"You've saved me from the tiger, thank you, Nonna! I love you!" Jongin hollered, earning another glare from the older male. "Okay, I'm eating now! You guys can carry on, I won't watch!"  

Munhee rolled her eyes and stood up, taking the used dishes to the kitchen. Baekhyun followed behind, helping her with the work. 


The left over time flew by with blinks, bringing them outside the main doors of Kyungsoo's house. The two guys had already bid everyone, now it was only Jongin, Baekhyun and Munhee outside. Though Baekhyun had a hard time in freeing himself from Tao's koala hug, he would genuinely miss these people, specially the mischievous younger guy Tao. 

But right now, the only person he could think of missing the most, was none other than Munhee. 

Jongin was already seated inside Baekhyun's car, giving the couple the last few minutes of needed space. Both of them were grateful to the younger male for providing them last few precious moments together.

Munhee forgot all of her inner lectures about staying strong before him, and she was hugging him as if her life depended on it.  

Baekhyun held her equally tightly, basking in the gravity of the closeness. When Munhee finally had it in her to break the hug, he didn't let her. "Wait! I think there's something wrong with my phone!" He exclaimed, sounding worried.

"Huh?" Confused, Munhee detached only her face from his chest, and looked up at him, "What's wrong?"

Baekhyun wiped the single tear that had sneaked out of her eyes just a while ago, and gave her a cheeky smile, "I don't know what happened, but your number is not in my phone. May I have it again?" 

Munhee punched him on the chest, he had the audacity to use pickup lines at her when they were having this serious farewell moment! But he did have a point. Since she had lost her previous cellphone back in that fire incident, and had gotten a new one, then restricted everyone to not provide it to Baekhyun under any circumstances; she didn't come up with the chance to provide her new number to him. It completely went out of her head, she was grateful that he remembered it. "Here you go!" Fishing out the device from her pockets, she handed it to him.

"Thank you." Baekhyun typed his number and gave himself a missed call, keeping his free arm intact around her. Then he returned the device back and broke the hug. "I have to go now." With a gradually heavy heart, he murmured. When his lover's eyes turned glassy one more time, he cupped her face, giving her a long peck on the temple, "Hey, Baby, don't be so sad. Let's just enjoy these few weeks as a long-distance couple, how's that?" He proposed the obvious fact to placate her. He seriously wouldn't be able to leave in peace if she continued crying like that.

Munhee took a deep breath as Baekhyun dried her tears, and gave him an affirmative nod. "Yeah, let's just try to enjoy the thrill of it." She muttered. "Okay, go now. You're going to get late!" Keeping the heaviest stone on her heart, she slightly shoved his chest.  

"You're right." He said, but didn't leave her face either, instead he pressed their foreheads together, "I love you. Bye, Sweetheart. Take care of yourself."

"You too, take care of yourself and our babies. Tell them their Mama will meet them soon." She breathed, leaning their faces back. When her eyes met his, she then added, "And, I love you too." That had definitely earned a genuine smile on his face. 

With that, they finally untangled themselves, and Baekhyun settled in the passenger seat of his car. Giving her a last wave, they drove off.

 Munhee stood there until the car disappeared from her view.







Following days didn't go as badly as Munhee had imagined. Since her and Baekhyun had been routinely texting each other every day, and they would facetime each other after Baekhyun would finally get into bed. And sometimes they'd facetime during breakfast or dinner time, so that Munhee could speak with her little angels as well.

 She felt like they were back at high school, and they were the typical high school couple who would rely on texting each other even about the silly matters, and one would whine at another if they'd be even a few minutes late to reply. It actually felt refreshing in an unexplainable way. In the past, Munhee had to run the wheels of her brain to find any excuse, using which she could text or call Baekhyun. But now, there was no such hesitation.


From: Mr. Byun ❤

Good morning, Beautiful ❤

*Sent a photo*


Like every other day where Baekhyun would be the first one to wake up, Munhee's morning started with the lovely sight of his text. Her morning became even more lovely when she got a cute selfie of her handsome boyfriend in his work attire. 'This is too early in the morning to swoon over him!' Munhee softly groaned, her lips still holding a shy smile. 


To: Mr. Byun ❤

Good morning, Handsome ❤

Best of luck for your meeting today. Fighting! 


Like a good girlfriend, Munhee remembered all of his routine for the whole week, so she knew he had an early morning important meeting to attend today. 


From: Mr. Byun ❤

Thanks, Baby.


No return gift for me?


Munhee had the urge to roll her eyes at his cute demand. Whereas, at any other time of the day, she would concede and send him one or two selfies after being whined at and coaxed by the male; but currently in her after sleep messy state? No way. 


To: Mr. Byun ❤

You know pretty well that it's not gonna happen! 


His next reply came swiftly, as if he was waiting at the chatroom for her reply.


From: Mr. Byun ❤

Babieee, it's a VERY important meeting!


Munhee was sure, that he was already at his office, otherwise he would've directly called to let her hear his whining instead of doing it through texts. 


To: Mr. Byun ❤



From: Mr. Byun❤

And I need to see your face?

You're my lucky charm! ❤❤



To: Mr. Byun ❤

Oh really? When and how did I suddenly become your lucky charm? o.O


The girl rolled on her bed lazily while texting him and smiling alone like some crazy woman in love.  "He and his flirty ! I bet he made up this stuff just to coax out a selfie from me!" She scoffed. Though the girl frowned when he didn't reply for one whole minute. "Is he sulking?" She muttered under her breath, feeling a little bad for ruining his good mood. She was about to type another message, when she got interrupted by an incoming video call from the very male. 

Sitting up in a flash, Munhee hastily combed her bird's nest of a hair to make them appear a little less messy, she rubbed her eyes and face a few times before accepting the call. She was greeted by a gorgeous view of her boyfriend's face, his broad shoulders not managing to cram inside the slim screen. He was adorning a classic black suit with a white dress shirt underneath, a striped tie clinging into his long neck. Gosh, why was he so breathtaking? The selfie he had sent earlier, did no justice to how beautiful he actually looked. Pictures never did full justice to his beauty, really.  

The seemingly shy girl also noticed that he was inside his office washroom. Probably that's why he was late in replying, or more like calling. "Uhh hii!" Since Baekhyun was unceremoniously quiet, she broke the silence with a small wave of her hand and a small smile.

When it seemed like he was finally satisfied of watching her, he opened his mouth to reply, "You've always been."

"What?" Munhee blinked at him, not understanding what he tried to say.

"The answer to your last text. You've always been my lucky charm." He clarified, making her cheeks turn a shade of pink darker. But he didn't stop at that. "You know... Back when we used to live together, I used to scroll through my phone, and search for your pictures just before every meeting." He let out the secret information albeit sheepishly. "I used to tell myself that I'm only watching Miseo and Sarang. I used to tell Jongin the same, whenever he'd tease me about it." He chuckled, probably reminiscing his stupid actions. 

Munhee softly giggled at that. She could easily picture a grumpy Baekhyun with reddened ears, grumbling at a mischievous Jongin, too denial to accept the real fact. "You're still not getting any selfie, Mr. Byun." She stuck her tongue out playfully.  

It was his turn to laugh and roll his eyes at her, "Oii Miss smarty pants, why would I need a selfie when I am literally watching you right now?" He grinned and wiggled his brows victoriously.

His smart answer had ceased her laughter, leading her to pout and throw fits at him, "Not funny!" She could swear she wasn't this much dumb, probably because she had just woken up from her sleep, that had lead her to end up embarrassing herself like that. Or it was probably the aftermath of watching a handsome man as the first thing after waking up, that her brain had ceased its ability to function properly.  "I'm hanging up, go attend your meeting!"

Baekhyun bit his lips, her pout effecting him as usual, "I wish you were in front of me right now, Sweetheart. I'd love to that pout away from your lips." He whispered in a low tone,

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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39 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///