
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Sort of double update for some of you as I've updated approx 2 days ago! Previous chapter is quite important so don't forget to read that, otherwise scenarios in this chapter wouldn't make that much sense!!)





Next morning, Munhee woke up with a mild headache, and moderately deadening body. She rubbed her groggy eyes but not making any effort to leave the warm snuggly blanket. 

"You're awake.."  She heard Baekhyun's voice from somewhere not far from her. Forcing her eyes to open wide, as wide as her sleepy eyes could, she turned her head towards the direction from where she guessed his voice had come. 

She found him sitting just a feet away from her, his back resting on the headrest of the bed, he was munching some snacks. Sleepiness subduing a bit more, she recollected the segments of previous night, how he had left the club without her and did not come back. 'Wait, what happened after that? How and when did I return here?'  Munhee bit her lips as was going to throw a casual 'good morning'  towards her husband  before remembering the act of this male at the night club. And now her head was slowly swarming with questions.  'Why can't I remember anything?'   She kept thinking as she pushed her body in a sitting position with much difficulty. 

Admist all the confusing thoughts, she was about to reprimand the male, who was for some weird reason staring at her with serious, concerned eyes, making her feel self conscious at this early morning, for eating snacks on the bed again, but her eyes fell on her bare thighs before she did that. And then a little upward, she found a familiar dress on her figure, which wasn't actually her dress, but it was one of Baekhyun's plain white t-shirts. 

"What..."  the hell!....  She wanted to yell out of surprise, but Baekhyun beat her to it.

"Don't panic. Nothing happened between us."  Her husband told her in a sort of forced nonchalance. Suddenly the situation hit like a deja vu to Munhee. But the difference was she didn't remember getting drunk, and Baekhyun didn't scoff like previous time when he denied her assumption.  Wait.  She forced herself to think and now finally remembered talking with the boy,  he might've even mentioned his name but it was blurry in her head. She did drink that special exotic fruit punch he had offered. But after that she couldn't remember anything at all. 

Her head hurt at the pressure she was forcing upon it to remember these flashbacks. Munhee's hands went towards her head to clutch it in order to bear the pain. She felt Baekhyun scooting closer to her after he kept the packet of his snack somewhere.   "Hey.." Came his soft voice, along with his hands which rubbed her back, trying to help her without any words spent.  

"Baekhyun, what happened? I..I don't remember quite much. Did I get drunk or something? How did you find me?"  Munhee started sparing questions after questions as it was really nerve wrecking not to remember what had happened with her just at the previous night. 

Baekhyun shifted so that he was seated, fully facing her now. He gently pried her hands away from her head and cupped her cheeks softly to make her face him.  "Look at me. Relax. I'll tell you everything. But before that..."  He trailed off to take a glass of lemonade from the small table and offered it to her,   "Drink this."

Munhee gave him a wary eyes, but the raw concern flickering inside his orbs told her to just do whatever he was asking for. So, she finished the whole glass of lemonade, even though she didn't feel like drinking any more than two sips. At this point she was quite certain that she somehow managed to get drunk the previous night. But this hangover felt a little different, different as in lighter than any hangover, but more annoying than any regular one.

Baekhyun took the emptied glass from her hands, giving her a short thankful smile for being obedient without throwing tantrums. Munhee tried to wait patiently throughout the whole time he kept the glass back at the tabletop , then cleared his throat, looking like he was going to launch an explosion upon her.  "Baekhyun...."  Even though she told herself she'd sit there patiently, she couldn't. The constant worrisome gaze of her husband made her antsy and even more impatient. She called him, slightly pleading through her tone, so that he would get the message.

"Alright. Listen carefully. I didn't want to tell you what exactly happened. But after thinking carefully, I came to realize you should better know it all, for your own security in future events..."  Baekhyun started, he was being careful with every words he had chosen. Munhee could only feel the wary feeling getting increased at his unusual attitude. The last thing she remembered about him, was their small argument back at the club. If that was the last thing happened between them, then he wouldn't have been so gentle, caring and careful with her right now. Would he?  That meant something had happened. Something big, probably horrifying even.


Munhee's flailing nerves calmed subtly, as her husband took her hands in his, holding hers firmly, the warmth of his bigger hands reassuring her that whatever he's going to say, she shouldn't be much worried about it, since he would be there for her.  Munhee's eyes tore from their connected hands to Baekhyun's face when he started speaking again,  "Remember the boys you met near the pool yesterday morning? Do you remember meeting one of them at the club yesterday night?"  He cautiously asked. Munhee nodded, not able to speak since she wasn't getting a good feeling about what he was going to say.  "Well, they apparently turned out to be bunch of criminals. Precisely, blackmailers. They tried to... they had drugged your juice." 

Munhee let out a shuddering breath at the revelations. She was thankful towards Baekhyun, as he stopped speaking, giving her time to let the information sink in her head. She felt him squeezing her hands. She took a painful gulp down,   "Then?" She managed to ask in a shaky voice.

"They actually drug their targeted girls, it helps them to make the girls libidinous. Then they make some inappropriate videos of them, in order to blackmail them for money in future."  He explained, keeping his voice steady even though his eyes flickered all over her features every second, to keep a check on her condition. 

Munhee couldn't stop the shuddering breath left past her lips. She felt Baekhyun caressing her arms to tranquilize her. But that wasn't enough to stop the flow of thousands terrifying possibilities that could've had happened with her.  "W-What did they do with me?"  Her lips didn't stop trembling while she croaked out the question. 

"No. They didn't do anything to you."  Baekhyun immediately answered, shaking his head vigorously as he understood what ran inside her mind. 

"But you said t-they....did they t-touch me? Tell me, Baekhyun!"  Her voice raised in agony. She would've sprinted towards god knows where if not for Baekhyun's firm hold on her forearms. Munhee didn't know why, she couldn't let herself sit there, she couldn't face him. With her eyes closed in shame, disgrace and every kind of painful negativity, she tried to spun her hands away from his grip. Unwanted piercing loud sobs resonated from in the degradation and anger she felt upon herself.

Baekhyun couldn't take her broken sight anymore as he tugged her harshly, he had to use moderate amount of strength as the petrified girl was trying hard to make him let go off her, he pulled her towards his chest, letting her slide in between his thighs, his hands immediately encircled around her trembling form, securing her into his arms.  "Mun.."  He breathed, just by seeing how shattered the girl was, he wanted to rush back into the jail where the criminals were currently at, beat the hell out of them until his inner fire of rage would be sufficed.  "Munhee, relax. Please. Trust me. Nothing happened with you. They

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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31 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///