
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(PS: Please read the A/N, there's sort of a surprise in it, hopefully!)            




"God, I still can't really believe that we're finally gonna graduate!" Mina sighed dreamily.

 "Me neither!" Munhee joined in. They were currently at the huge auditorium of their campus, where the official ceremony will be held. The students were made sit into the front rows so that it wouldn't be messy when they'd have to go over the stage to collect their degrees and all. So, all of their family members, other friends or guardians were seated at the second half of the auditorium.   

"My mum asked me thrice already, whether I've really passed all my exams or I'm just bluffing." Nayeon spoke, rolling her eyes, the other two girls giggled. 

"But now she'd believe as she'd watch you getting the degree with her own eyes. " Mina said while pointing back at Nayeon's mother who was seated with Nayeon's father at somewhere back. Nayoen waved at her parents and posed for a victory sign when they raised the camera to click a picture of their daughter from afar.

Munhee also turned back to locate her parents and her babies, only to be surprised by seeing both of Baekhyun's parents were also there. All four pair of hands waved at her and smiled at her brightly.  Munhee recovered from the surprise and waved them back, smiling at the feeling of having so many people to be here on her special day. Her smile doubled when the pair of grandparents of her babies made the little ones wave at her as well. 

Her eyes traced the other seats besides her family members, searching for a certain someone, but didn't find any trace of her husband. To say, she was a little disappointed, wouldn't be a lie. Sighing to herself she turned back to focus on the front stage. 

"Hey, aren't those your sister's kids? They're so cute omg!" Nayeon squealed noticing Miseo and Sarang sitting on their grandparent's lap. Munhee could only nod with a small smile. It's already been months that she'd been with them as their mother, so now it sounded a little weird to hear that they're her sister's daughters, it's as if the kids have blended with her soul so perfectly that there wasn't any gap left, the three of them had accepted each other wholeheartedly. 

"Yeah, they're really cute. Let's meet them after the ceremony. Aww look at that, they're wearing purple dresses like Munhee!"  Mina also squealed seeing the little sunshines. Munhee grinned proudly, it felt nice when people called her babies cute. 

" It's really cute how the three of you matched your dresses. It makes me want to match with my own kids too."  Nayeon said dreamily, making Munhee gulp.

"Stupid, you have to get married first to have babies. So you don't have any babies now." Mina slapped Nayeon's arms playfully. 

"I was talking about my future kids. Though, I envy Munhee, she's already getting expert in this field. She'd be an awesome mother by the time she'd be married and have her own kids." Nayeon wiggled her brows, both of the girls smiling at her. Unbeknownst to them, Munhee's throat dried. Before she could drown in some deep thoughts, the dean and the other guests along with their teachers stepped on the stage and the graduation ceremony started. 

Munhee gave a last glance at the back to search that familiar face in the sea of people present there, a heavy feeling settled inside her heart when she was failing to find him. Heaving another sigh she tried to focus on whatever the dean and the teachers were saying in their speeches.









The official ceremony was finally coming to an end. The top students were honored with dean's awards, and the rest were also praised and given their well deserved degree. After that the official cameraman and his crew instructed them to gather in front of the main building of their campus so that they could capture the prideful happy moments for the uni's magazine. 

All of the students cheered and enjoyed themselves in the memorable moments. After that they were busy clicking photos with their friends. Then finally all of them scattered to find their families for the further celebration of their graduation day. 

 When Munhee was making her way towards her family members, it finally fully dawned upon her that Baekhyun really couldn't make it to here, or he didn't want to be here in the first place. Throwing away all the sudden gloomy dark clouds rising above her head, Munhee stretched her face into her widest smile as she reached near the awaiting figures. 

"Mom, dad, I didn't know you guys would be here!"  Munhee greeted them as Mrs. Byun captured her in a hug, that could be similar to her own mother's ones. 

"Of course, we had to come. It's our only daughter-in-law's graduation ceremony. How can we miss that?"  Mrs. Byun smiled after breaking the hug, finally giving a kiss to Munhee's cheeks she let her go. "Congrats, sweetheart. You look gorgeous." 

"Thank you, mom." Munhee smiled back shyly at the compliment at her mother-in-law. Well, the real owner of the compliments should be her mother, as the older lady had done the major part of her makeup for today's ceremony, and when Munhee took a last glance at her reflection before leaving her house, she could actually see that somehow she looked good. 

Next, she turned to her father-in-law, who had Miseo in his arms. But that didn't stop the older male to give Munhee a congratulatory hug.

"Congratulations, child."  Mr. Byun patted her head affectionately. 

"What is this Mama?"  Miseo asked, pointing at the rolled degree on her hand. 

"It's my degree, baby." Munhee told her daughter, even though the little baby was far away to understand what a degree was.

"Where's Baekhyun though?"  Mr. Byun inquired looking a bit disappointed, and Munhee fell silent for a moment.

"He had some urgent work. He...couldn't make it." Munhee explained shortly. Well, there wasn't enough to explain other than this. 

"Aigoo, this boy! What kind of work is more important than his wife's grad ceremony!"  Mrs. Byun shook her head in disapproval, seemingly more disappointed at Baekhyun. Munhee tried hard to keep up her smiley face, but even she could tell that she was failing. 

" Don't be sad, my child. I will teach him a good lesson so that he won't be like this again."  Baekhyun's mother said while patting Munhee's cheek, trying to lift up her sullen mood. Munhee managed give her a small smile.

" I want to join in, when you'll do that."  Munhee's mother chirped in. All of them chuckled, except for Munhee. "Well, looks like we don't need to teach him a lesson at all."  Her mother added, smiling widely now. All the elders smiled looking at each other and then at Munhee. Suddenly, feeling all their eyes at her while they had that smile on their faces, Munhee felt a little odd.  'Why are they looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?'  her hands immediately reached her face out of instinct, to check the condition of it.

"Whom were you going to teach a lesson?" Munhee's ears perked up at the deep, husky huffing voice at her behind, which she could recognize anywhere, Baekhyun. Her eyes widen as she whirled around in a speed of light to look back and confirm whether Baekhyun was actually there, or she was just hallucinating someone else's voice as his. 

'He's really here'. There he stood, slightly panting, but still looking as classy as ever in his well fitted midnight blue formal attire, even though his hairs were a bit ruffled, probably because he rushed his way here?, and his crisp suit had a few wrinkles. To Munhee's surprise, there was a bouquet of colorful carnations, wrapped in a soft pink paper sheets that was tied with a purple ribbon. In a word, it was beautiful.  'Is it..is it for me?'  Munhee thought, her pulse running in a sudden rush. Okay, it's not that she had never received flowers in her whole life. And the fact that Baekhyun being the classy man he was, he would've brought flowers for her even when he'd be here as her borther-in-law instead of her husband. But still, she could feel the soft thrumming inside her chest due to the possible fact that Baekhyun had brought flowers for her.

Feeling her eyes at him, he trailed his eyes over her, giving her a small smile before his eyes trailed back to check her whole attire in her purple dress and the black gown. Then his eyes were back at her face,  "Sorry for being late." He gave her another smile,  "For you."  He stretched his hands towards her, so that she could take the bouquet.  'This is really for me.'  She thought while almost gaping at the pretty work of art and nature.  "Congrats again."

Baekhyun cleared his throat when Munhee was taking a little too longer in just staring at the presented flowers, not actually taking it from the male. "Yah, take it already. We all know he's late, but he already said sorry. Don't be so heartless now."  Munhee's mother spoke, urging her to take it already. She wanted to tell her mother that she wasn't showing tantrums, but that would be even worse if they wanted to know what was delaying her in taking the flowers, of which Munhee herself wasn't sure of what the answer was.

"Uh. Thanks." Munhee finally managed to grab hold the bouquet and presented him a small smile of hers. 

"It's picture time!"  Munhee's mother hollered and from then, Munhee was forced to pose some awkward solo poses with the bouquet and the degree due to her newly found personal photographers, which were her mother and her mother-in-law. She felt embarrassed at all the eyes of her family members looking at her, smiling and talking about something while her both mothers made her pose like that.

"Moms! Please no more single pictures!"  Munhee couldn't help but to whine as it was too much for her. 

"Okay, solo pictures done. Now, family pictures." Mrs. Byun cheered. 

So everyone posed one by one with the graduated girl, it wouldn't be even a bit exaggeration if Munhee said that at that moment she felt like she was some famous celebrity and that's why people as in her family members were queuing to click some photos with her. 

Baekhyun offered to take in charge of clicking pictures of Munhee with her parents. Then he clicked some of her photos with all the elders, and then some with her & the babies. 

"Okay, now it's time for couple pictures." Munhee's mother took the camera from Baekhyun and practically shoved the male towards his wife. Seeing the glim of excitement in both of the mothers' eyes, Munhee knew it would be a long photoshoot, and it wouldn't be something good.

"Children, pose!" Like a pro photographer, her mother instructed.  Munhee resumed to give her only pose she used during all the previous shots, which was an awkward smile while holding the bouquet and degree. While Baekhyun stood in a few inches of distance beside her, Munhee didn't dare to look up at him to witness what poses he was giving. 

"Get closer, will you?" Mrs. Byun also joined in instructing the two of them. "Hold her properly, Baek!" Or it could be said that downright threatening them.

Munhee had a real hard time in keeping her lips stretched when she felt Baekhyun's arm wrapping around her shoulder. It wasn't the first time that he held her like that. But it was the first time, that he held her like that in an actual public place.  

"Smile and let's get over with this."  Munhee snapped her head at the male beside her when she felt him whisper in her ear, which was undoubtedly a bad move as now their faces was really close. Involuntarily, Munhee's face heated up at the proximity.

"That's great. Some more lovely poses like this!"  Her mother's cheery voice broke the trance between them and Munhee whipped her head back towards the camera.  "Hold her a little more dearly."  Munhee's mother told Baekhyun while patting her own waist, it took a few seconds for Baekhyun to realize what his mother-in-law wanted him to do. 

Clearing his throat, he slid his hand downward, settling his big, warm touch at her waist while bringing her closer so that she'd be cladded at his side. Munhee was sure none of the pictures came out good after that as she might've looked like someone suffering from constipation. 

Both of the moms let them off, when they were satisfied with the amount of shots and poses. Baekhyun immediately retreated his hands from her waist and created a subtle distance between their bodies. 

Now that the team mom were busy with team dad as they checked all the pictures, Munhee took it as a cue to talk with her husband,  "Baekhyun.." 

"Yes?" He immediately answered.

"Thanks." Munhee breathed.

"For what?" 

"For coming here." Munhee supplied.

"I didn't even reach in time. Don't need to thank me." Baekhyun shrugged. 

"But you've come. And that's more than enough for me because I know you had to leave your work in order to be here." Munhee insisted.  

"Well, my meeting got cancelled. And I didn't have any other important works, so I thought why not attend your grad ceremony? Also, my mom had texted me yesterday that they're going to be here. So I grabbed the opportunity to meet them as well."  Baekhyun explained. 

"Baek, Mun, come here!"  Munhee's mother called for the pair of them. Their shortened conversation ceased there as they joined the elders. Sarang jumped in the opportunity to claim her daddy's arm. Miseo started pouting but Munhee took her in her arms so the little bean was happy again.   "Since it's nearing lunch hour, we should head somewhere for a celebratory lunch."  The older female suggested.

"Lunch would be my treat, for the special day of my daughter-in-law."  Mr. Byun declared with finality in his voice. So neither Munhee's mother nor her father had a say in that matter. 

"Let's get going then." Mrs. Byun chirped and they slowly made their way towards the outter side of the campus area. 

"Munhee!" Munhee halted when she heard one of her friends shouting from somewhere behind. Cursing her luck inwardly, she turned back, hoping that the others would continue to move forward. If not, then she would be in a grave situation since there was not only Baekhyun, but also his parents. There's a two hundred percent possibility that the truth regarding her marriage would be spoiled by one or other way. 

"Hey, you're leaving already?" Nayeon asked as she reached closer to Munhee. "Omo, sweetheart what's your name?" She cooed at Miseo who was in Munhee's hold. 

"Yeah. It's already getting lunch time." Munhee shrugged nonchalantly, but inside her, she was almost sweating in tension.  Despite that, she smiled while introducing her daughter,  "She's Miseo. The elder one. Say hi to aunty, baby."  

Miseo shyly duck her head lower and threw a sweet 'Hi' at Nayeon. The said girl couldn't help but to coo and pat Miseo's head adoringly.

"She's really cute." Nayeon said while grinning,  "I wish I could meet the younger one as well." She pouted. 

"Oh, they're already ahead of us. Sarang would've loved to meet to too." Munhee gave her friend a sorry smile.  "Where's Mina?" She asked about her other friend.

"She's with her cousins." Nayeon answered, her eyes suddenly went behind Munhee,  "Oh there she is!" She waved at someone, Munhee guessed it must've been Mina as they were just talking about her. 

"Hey, I was looking for you."  Munhee got startled when the person behind her wasn't Mina, it was Baekhyun instead. 

"Hi, little one. Is your name Sarang? Such a pretty name just like you!" Nayeon immediately got busy with cooing at Sarang, when Munhee and Baekhyun chatted. 

"I was following along, but Nayeon called me, so I stopped here to talk with her."  Munhee explained. 

"Hey, Nayeon, I forgot to thank you for earlier."  Baekhyun directed towards Nayeon.

"That's alright, Oppa." Nayeon smiled and waved at him that whatever she was being thanked for, it wasn't a great deal. Did they met earlier? But how?

"When did you two meet?" Munhee blurted out her question, before she could contemplate whether it was anything ask worthy or not.

"Oh, Baekhyun oppa was rushing here to attend our ceremony, which was sadly already ended at that time. So he found me in the crowd and asked me where you were."  Nayeon filled in.


"I think we should go now. They must be waiting." Baekhyun mumbled loudly for the both of the girls to hear.

"Oh, sorry for keeping Munhee here. Bye, girl. I don't even know when would we meet again."  Nayeon gave Munhee a side hug, pouting sadly.

"We will meet the next time I'll visit here, I promise!"  Munhee assured the girl while smiling at her.  

Thankfully, the clash meet of Baekhyun and her friend didn't go near as bad as she'd assumed. 

"Let's go."  Munhee said to Baekhyun, who had his eyes trailed in somewhere distant.

Baekhyun turned at her, his gaze suddenly somewhat unreadable,  "Why were you so uptight in front of your friend?" He asked, focusing on Munhee's face to grasp the answers from her facial reactions. 

"What? N-No...I wasn't......"

"Were you afraid that they'd get to know about our relation?" He stabbed her with another unanswerable question. The answer to this was easy, it was a simple Yes, yet Munhee found it difficult to utter the single word. "Is she someone who knows your boyfriend or you just don't want your friends to know about your...our marriage yet?"

Oh god! What's with him and his thunderlike questions. Damn his ability of predicting everything with such accuracy.   

"Is there something wrong if I don't want my friends to know about my sudden marriage?" Munhee countered back with the safest option he'd provided. 










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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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40 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///