Chapter 8

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

゚✧ chanyeols pov 


''I already told you, I am not agreeing to his stupid plan.''I announced yet again, my fingers digging into the bridge of my nose. Once again my cousin was trying to pressure me into another fight of his.

''Yifan will only continue to send more men if you don't act now Chanyeol. He will get his way one way or another." Jongin sighs at my lack of interest. Truthfully I could care less about the male, Yifan knew of this yet he was so interested in being seen by me, being noticed. 

''Then we let him send his men. Until he decides to crawls his sorry to my office like a big boy we won’t move a muscle." I smirk at the image. I couldn't wait to have his blood over my office floors, painting the wood beautifully. 

''Very well Chanyeol. I will continue to watch your ego bring you down." Jongin stands, straightening his shirt with another long sigh. 

''Boss, Baekhyun is in the dining hall and ready to eat." Sehun announces, peeking his head through my office doors. I wave him away, setting my glass down.

''Join us dear cousin, I'm sure you missed your pet." I don't bother to hear to his response as I walk down the dark corridors. I walk into the dining room. Sitting down next to the wounded puppy who was hunched over, his arms wrapped around his torso. He was so weak, I hadn’t laid a finger on him in a few days yet he was still acting as if I just beat him. The one thing I couldn’t ever stand was weaklings. No good came from being weak, you were a burden to all those around you—bringing them all down one by one because of that flaw. 

''Eat up." I tell him, placing a plate down with a small portion of food for him, his stomach was rather weak and I didn’t need him to vomit on my floors again. He gulps, lifting his hand to grab a bit of food, only for it to drop knocking into his bowl making the water splash out. I ground my teeth together and breathe through my nose trying to calm down as to not cause a scene. He whimpers an apology, his fingers trembling at his sides. 

''It's alright puppy, let me feed you. Hm?" 

‘The only way to make them listen is to be gentle.’

Jongin's words ran through my head, I didn’t want to spend my free time training someone like Baekhyun. So maybe for now I would try to be kind, to be patient with him. 

''T-Thank you s-sir." The puppy whispers.

''Boss! There's been a break in the west wing! Yifan sent his men!" I growl at Yixing's announcement. Pushing my chair back with a scrape, shoving my napkin down—of course I couldn’t have one relaxing evening. 

''Get Kyungsoo and Baekhyun to safety!" Jongin orders, grabbing out his own weapon, leaving a kiss to Kyungsoo’s forehead when he whimpered at the explosions coming from the hall. I felt a small hand grab onto my sleeve, halting me from leaving. 

‘’ Let go.” 

''P-Please d-don't." He whimpers, eyes fogged over with tears. My tongue clicks with annoyance, and I tug away from his grip quite easily. 

''Listen to me, You need to follow Yixing and Kyungsoo. You will be safe with them. I need to clean this up, Alright? Do as I say." I tell him, shoving him away when I saw him reach for my arm again at another loud explosion.

''I see your puppy is growing rather attached isn’t he?" Jongin teased, taking down another man. At his words I growl out a string of curses, focusing on taking care of the mess. 

''Believe me, I am not a fan of it. You know I don’t like the weak ones. He’ll only last a few more weeks, his body can’t handle this lifestyle.’’ I could tell he wasn’t happy with my words, didn’t like how I viewed him as an object rather than a boy. 

''I felt that way once before, but then I allowed myself to love Kyungsoo, and to be loved.’’ I only glare at his words, we were different. Jongin was soft, he had a weakness. While I was like a hard stone, hardly a crack in me. Love? I had never known such an emotion and I had no plans of meeting it. 

''You have to let him go Chanyeol, he left you..he hurt you. Let yourself heal." He whispered. I stumbled to the side, nearly missed getting hit. 

I quickly got rid of those memories I spent so many years trying to bury deep down. Nothing good came from remembering him. He was gone now.

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
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