Chapter 3

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

''Get up," I woke up with a fright, the voice was so close to my ear it sent shivers down my spine, all the way to my toes. At first I didn’t move, I was completely frozen in fear, that was until the stranger ripped the covers from under me sending me straight below. 

I yelped in pain, body tingling. ''Put on some damn pants." Came from Sehun, I was glad it was him and not Chanyeol waking me up. I didn’t think I could handle seeing him right now. I completely forgot about my Lower half—well not bare. The night terrors kept me up all night, I sweat through the thick cotton pants I was given and I must’ve taken them off during all of it. I was quick to tug them back on, they were still slightly damp. 

''Follow me." Sehun ordered, hardly giving me even a small glance before he left the room. I followed behind like a weak puppy, my leg was still stiff and it dragged behind me. 


''Where are we g-going?" I curse myself for the stutter, I knew I needed to sound strong—confident even, but I couldn’t in this situation. I was terrified and I couldn’t hide it. 

I didn’t like the stares, the whispers. And too many times was I referred to the boss’s ‘’toy’’ his little puppy and pet.

''Boss wants you to see this." He answered a few moments later, pushing open a heavy red door- it creaked slamming on the wall on the other side. My eyes lifted, orbs widening at the sight. There in the middle of the room stood Chanyeol, towering over a wounded man below him. From where I stood I could smell the copper blood. It made my insides twist and my stomach gurgle. 

At first I didn’t think Chanyeol knew of me being there, that was until our eyes locked and his plump lips twitched ever so slightly. Something about that made me just know that this wasn’t something I was going to enjoy. 

''Who remembers what happens to those who get our men killed by their own stupidity?" He questions, glancing around the room. His said men were lined against the walls, eyes covered by dark glasses. Yet even with those on I could tell they were as tense as I was. All waiting for the monsters next move. 

''They get killed." The say aloud. My heart jumped, I didn’t want to see a man die—not today, not ever. 

''S-Sehun- I can't." I whisper, my anxiety spiking even higher when I saw the beast grab the poor man by his neck, pressing him down against the tiled floors making him sputter out incoherent words. Then he cocked the gun, pressing the barrel above his temple, rubbing it along the bloodied skin. It was as if he were taunting him, teasing him with his death. 

Chanyeol pulled the trigger without warning, the blood splattering along his cheekbone, dribbling down his neck. But it didn’t stop there, as if one bullet wasn’t enough he added another, then another until the man was nothing more than a pile of mush. I felt sick, I had to grab onto the silent man beside me, covering my mouth so the bile didn’t force its way out of me. 

''P-Please S-Sehun," I rasped out, my breathing was too erratic, bile traveling up my esophagus making it burn. I couldn’t breathe, I could barley even see. Without another word I crumbled, eyes rolling back as soon as my head hit the ground. 

''What a weak little puppy."

''Wake up puppy," I tried to ignore his voice, act as if I was still fast asleep— but his tight grip on the back of my neck had my eyes opening ever so slowly. 

‘’There we are, did you get a good rest after that little performance of yours?” His question sounded rhetorical, like I wasn’t meant to answer so I didn’t. His fingers tightened, nails digging into my pale flesh making the smallest noise leave my bruising lips. “Well. Did you?” He asked once more, his voice was like venom to my ears. 

‘’Y-yes..sir.” I hated his touch, his voice. And I hated those eyes of his, they were empty—hollow. He looked dead half the time. 

‘’Good. Then get up. You have much to learn. Starting with rules,” I pushed myself to sit, tugging the blanket around my shoulders as I stood. My head pulsed for a few minutes, and I allowed myself to fully ground myself before I moved after the beast. We walked down the dark hallways, where we were headed I had no clue. But I didn’t ask, I didn’t dare to even look in his direction unless he told me to.

‘’Starting with your behavior, I do not want to be embarrassed like that again do you hear me? You toughen up like a man.” I wanted to laugh, he was acting like I didn’t witness him murder someone only hours ago? Acting like I broke a simple rule like a child, while the only thing I did was the most normal reaction anyone could give. And I bet he had the same one the first time he saw someone as gruesome as that. But did I say that? No, I just nodded my head alone—earning a tap to my forehead.

‘’And another, you will answer with a simple ‘yes sir,’ or ‘no sir,’ I do not like the silence. Or a nod of your head, you are not mute.” I almost nodded my head again, but I caught a glimpse of his eye twitching in annoyance and a ‘yes sir’ came tumbling out of my throat. 

‘’Good.’’ He opens a door, a desk across the room with papers scattered along the wood. It must’ve been his office considering how dark and messy it was. He guides me inside pushing me to sit beside his desk chair, I felt like a dog. And it didn’t help when his hand moved down to thread through my messy locks, tugging my head forward until my cheek was pressing against his inner thigh dangerously close to his groin. My eyes snapped upwards, a silently begging for mercy in my eyes. Please don’t tell me he was going to use me next.

I had my own fears, and some of the comments that were thrown my way throughout the morning did little to ease the anxiety. I never even had my first kiss, never held another’s hand. I was just fresh eighteen. I didn’t want my first memorable moments to be stripped by this man. 

‘’You look perfect down there, like you were meant for this job.’’ He teased, his words weren’t sincere, he wanted to hurt me with the crude comment. I thrashed in his hold, which was my first mistake. I barley had time to register the swinging of his hand until I was met with a stinging pain all along my left cheek. Tears pricked my eyes, head ed forward. 

‘’Now I will enjoy this even more, drink up little . I went through good lengths for that mouth of yours.” 

I coulnd’t move, not even as his zipper was tugged down, I couldn’t even cry. I felt frozen, completely terrified and abandoned.

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
Beau1996 1379 streak #8
Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?