Chapter 5

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

I woke to burning pain, spreading from the back of my neck all the way down to my toes. My eyes were heavy, barley open after the night I had. I suppose I wasn’t talented in begging, no matter how many tears I shed and how much I pleasured the man the beatings never stopped. Even after I lost consciousness I’d wake every few minutes from another lashing. 

''Are you awake, Baekhyun?" I turn slowly at the soft voice, Yixing stood at the door. His sleeves were rolled past his elbows, hands covered in white gloves. I didn’t want to move, my fingers weren’t even twitching anymore—I worried I couldn’t even blink. ‘’Come on..sit up, let’s bandage those welts.” He tells me, Yixing was the only one here who treated me with respect. He never raised his voice, never judged me for my wounded appearance. Instead he took care of me, gently wrapping each and every wound.

''Well, he needs to keep these wounds clean, but nothing is life threatening boss.'' I freeze at that, I didn’t know the beast was in here, with me. My head slowly turned, eyes focusing on the dark corner. There sitting in a chair was Chanyeol, hands resting on his lap. His knuckles were a bit bruised—I knew why they looked that way and the image made me nearly vomit. 

''Good, if he behaves like a good boy there won't be any more damage. Is that clear, babydoll?" I gulp, looking down at the floor. 

''Y-Yes sir." 

I made no movements, no noises while Yixing and the monster conversed. I found my eyes burning the longer I forced myself to stay awake. It hurt me to keep them open for so long, they racially begged for sleep. But, I didn't trust my safety in this room. 

"Puppy, you are allowed to rest. I don't want my little toy to be so weak." Chanyeol tells me from across the room, voice a bit softer now. I didn’t reply to him, instead I let my eyes fall shut. Finally I allowed myself to drift off once again.



I often pondered on the idea of you truly loving me. I remember the first day I told you how much I adored you. I remember how you smiled- how you gleamed in happiness. How could someone so strong fall for a weak boy like me? My love, I'm sorry for failing you. We both knew we weren't meant to be. Our families are too different. We are too different. Find someone new, keep them. Don't let them go. Forever yours,


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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
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Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?