Chapter 16

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

'Did you pack everything you need?" Luhan asks, shoving his suit case into the trunk with a tiny huff. We would only be gone for three days yet he was packing like we’d be gone for a month. I just give a tiny nod, focusing on the window beside me— resting my chin on the palm of my hand. Today the three masters were taking us out to another meeting. This would be the first time I stepped out of this mansion in what I guessed was weeks. I was scared, of course. But, I was also eager to feel the warm sun on my skin again. The car door opens and Kyungsoo barged in with Fluffy squirming in his arms. I squeak out in surprise—I didn’t think I would be allowed to bring my boy. But here he was ! I was sure to thank Kyungsoo over and over again just so he knew how grateful I was. 

''Alright love, come. Time to head out." Sehun tells him, entering the garage, he pats Luhan's behind as the smaller gets up. He wraps his small arms around his master's neck, pressing their lips together in a short kiss. I look away at that—I thought privacy would be respectful. Now, I wasn’t expecting to see Minseok standing near the door and behind him stood Jongdae. He looked almost as scary as before, but today he was dressed in a dark red suit. 

‘’Chanyeol didn’t want to leave him alone, doesn’t trust him.” Sehun tells me, and I wondered if he could read my thoughts. Or maybe I was just easy to read with the way my mouth hung open in shock as soon as I saw my old friend.

‘’Oh..” I continue to watch him, he gets into Sehun’s car—and only then did I finally notice the beast heading towards the car shoving his bag in the back, getting in the passenger side with an annoyed grumble. I lower my gaze, I still felt weird around him. We hadn’t spoken since the night before, the air felt tense around him. 

‘’This will be a long ride.'' Jongin whines like a child, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. I rest my cheek against the window, watching the trees fly past us. I felt odd, like I was in shock. This was the first time I was in a car in weeks, the first time I was going outside—I was watching cars pass us, civilians like me—people with ordinary lives were speeding past us. They had no idea the terrors I’ve seen and will continue to see. My eyes lift, body jumping when our eyes locked. Chanyeol was looking right at me from the rear view mirror. 

''You have rules to follow when we arrive." I nod in reply and sit up a bit straighter, glancing at the male.

''You do not talk unless given permission, don’t go wandering off. If I am not there you stay by Luhan or Kyungsoo’s side at all times, is that understood?".

''Yes sir." I respond softly.

''Good boy.'' I flinch, why did my face burn at those words? I had never heard that from him before—or anyone.

''T-Thank you sir.." I whisper, shocked at the warmth I felt in my cheeks.

Did the monster just make blush..?

I look at him once again, a tiny smirk was playing on his lips. He looks away, rubbing his hand along the base of his neck focusing on the trees zooming past us. What was that?

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
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Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 20: Who is the swan? Did they capture Chan??
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Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 18: Sweet kiss 👄 but is Chan really different??
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Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?