Chapter 12

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

゚ chanyeols point of view

I glanced at the screen beside me, listening to Jongin go over his draft. No one had any good ideas, and it was beginning to drive me mad. To refrain from blasting a bullet through my cousins skull I straighten my back, taking a deep breath, taking another long sip from my wine glass. 

''Alright, that's all for tonight. I can tell we are getting no where with this.." Jongin tells the room, and he was right—we had no ideas and the tension in the dinning room was beginning to rise. I crane my neck, hearing it crack easing the slight knot that was forming. Sehun stands first, Luhan holding onto his hand with a sleepy and he excuses them to go and give his puppy some rest. Jongin glances to me, with a playful smirk and in return I glare.

''I see the little minx fell asleep." He teased, his brown eyes focusing on the small boy who was still curled up in my lap, my arm wrapped around his small waist. 

'' off." I seethe, my eyes growing darker with annoyance. He takes the hint and leads his little lover out the hall. I lean my head back as I'm left alone in the dark room. The only noise was the soft breathing coming from my puppy and after such a long night, it was rather soothing. I felt as if it was only us in the whole world. I stand, holding him with one arm heading down to my bedroom, I was too tired to care about dropping him off in his own bed. The door clicks shut behind us I drop him on the bed, slipping off the shoes he wore, my eyes raking over his small frame. The sheer shirt was almost tempting me to devour him— the way the moonlight spilled over his pale skin had my lower half twitching against my trousers. I wouldn’t touch him like this, I wasn’t that cruel. 

I was tired, nothing else. For once my brain was almost dead silent. I lay beside the puppy, resting my head onto my arm with a yawn. My brow twitched when I felt him cuddle closer, pressing up against me like I was his lover—it made my insides churn painfully, and a sour taste hit the back of my throat. I hadn’t laid like this with another person in years. And I wasn’t about to start today, I pushed him further away shoving a pillow in between us—regretting my decision to bring him to my room as soon as he cuddled close to the pillow. 

I had a feeling I would not be sleeping tonight. 


April 13th 2015 

I know you didn't want us to bother you cousin. But it happened. The Oh family killed thirty of your man. Before the last of the men was hit he radioed in- saying the swan was there. He killed everyone alongside his father. Look, Chanyeol I know this is hard but you have to end this. You need to fix this. You are stronger. Please write back.


April 23rd 2015

Chanyeol, you need to ing write back. Or call. Another base of ours has been hit. Forty five men killed- they had lovers too Chanyeol. You need to kill the bastards. 


March 3rd 2017 

We caught the man who was selling us out. I sent you the address, he goes by Minho Byun. He was last seen with swan's father, giving him our information. Either you do something or I will send my men for you. He has a debt from you as well, take care of him. 

— Jongin

My hands crumble the letter. I knew the Byun family was suspicious. I was in my lowest points and made a mistake to trust a man who was greedy for money. I load up my gun, placing it in its holster with a sigh. I was tired of this, tired of the backstabbing men that surrounded me. It was time I took back everything that was ripped from me. 

''You heard it boys, it's time to take my back. It's time to kill the little rat."


My body jolts awake at the memories I tried so hard to repress. Next to me laid the puppy. He was curled up nest to my arm, nose brushing against my skin. Clearly the little brat had pushed the pillow away to be clinging to me like this. I doubt he’d be this close if he were awake—he couldn’t look at me without nearly pissing himself. I intended to keep it that way. My hand runs down my face, pinching the bridge of my nose. I felt anger rush through my blood stream.

'’ing hell..” I cursed, staring up at the ceiling for the rest of the night. For some reason I was unable to push him off again, he was too warm against my side—it almost burned. 

I was tired. That’s what I told myself. 

I was just tired.

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
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