Chapter 6

ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

The next time my eyes opened it was late at night. The room was silent other than the buzzing bugs coming from outside. I pushed myself to sit up, eyes roaming around the dark room—searching for the monster. 

''Where..where is he?" I whisper aloud, turning onto my side trying to completely sit up this time. I heard the bathroom door click open and out walked the beast himself.

''How was your rest, puppy?" I bit my lip and avert my eyes quickly, clearing my throat preparing myself to give a proper response this time.

''It was good, thank y-you sir." I whispered, cursing myself mentally at my cracks and stutters. 


''Boss, do you want your food now?" I heard Yixing's soft voice bellow through the room- I paid no attention to him and instead the ghost on the television. 

''Yes, make sure you bring the milk for our puppy." I could practically feel the smirk that was on the giant's face. I knew he enjoyed this, enjoyed treating me like some animal. It was only a few minutes until the door opened again and down placed in front of me was that damn bowl filled with mush. 

''Puppy's can't hold their food. Let me feed you." 

'What! No!' I think to myself, yet I found myself nodding, too scared to say no. My mouth falls open when the spoon enters my vision, my stomach screaming with need for nutrients—and I was too hungry to deny it any longer.

''What a good boy, finally listening to your master." Maybe if i were to behave he wouldn’t hurt me? Just maybe I’d have a chance at survival, and then one day when he trusted me enough maybe I’d be able to escape. 

It was just wishful thinking, but it’s all I could do. 

The night ended, my eyes had become sore from how long they were open. I yawned into the back of my hand he head lolling forward, eyes blinking slowly. 

A warm touch spread along my cheek, and I pushed into it—I felt like I was floating. Whatever I ate, it made me feel fuzzy. The pain was gone and instead I felt as if I were on a soft cloud. A tiny noise left my lips, cheek nuzzling into the warm hand without my control. 


‘’You seem to behave well when you’re tired.” He taunted, his thumb brushing along my lower lip, tugging softly at the plump skin.

‘’’re scary.” I couldn’t control my words, they were all slurred and mixing together. 

‘’Scary?” He laughs softly, his laugh was deep—rumbling in his chest.

‘’ a wolf.” I giggled, the drugs made me all loopy, that when I opened my eyes I saw two fluffy ears sitting on the monsters head. “Chanyeol..t-the wolf.” A snort laugh left, my body bouncing with soft giggles. For some reason in my dazed mind I found that to be hilarious—I couldn’t stop my giggles. Even when I saw those eyes of his grow cold, and his grip tightened ever so slightly. 

My cheek stung, head whipping to the side with a gasp leaving me. I was just struck—but for what reason? I did nothing wrong. 

''Get out, sleep outside like the ing mutt you are." He spat, I was so confused, so scared but I didn't glance at him or even question his order. I stood up, wobbling out of the room so fast the world was spinning around me. I just had to get out, terrified he’d come after me—finish my life then and there. 


'My dear C:

wonder what you are doing now? How embarrassing it must be that your pants ripped at the dinner tonight. My silly wolf, You still looked adorable might I add. Mother asked about my whereabouts again. I told her I was at the library. She believed me, but I think my father is suspicious. I caught him reading an article on your group. The ''HellDogs." he said he wanted to see the leader hung from a wire noose. Oh my love, I wish you could see me now. I wish we could sleep entangled in each others arms. I wish to taste your lips again. I will see you this weekend. 

Love, J''

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basic_exol #1
Chapter 23: UPDATE
basic_exol #2
Chapter 1: UPDATE
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
samaki #4
Chapter 23: Please update. This is so good!
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 23: Baek did it - I know it's wrong to cheer for him but he managed to survive and help the others - but will Chan acknowledge and appreciate him??
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Chapter 21: I'm so worried for Baek, can he pull himself together to live through the next attack??
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Chapter 19: Who is attacking?? Does Baek care about his monster now??
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Chapter 16: Is Chan softening up?