Chapter eight

Sea Prince.
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Only when he looked up did Sehun realize that Kai had been watching him the entire time. The human's startled when their eyes meet, as though not realizing that he h spaced out and had been staring at the younger. Pink coloured his cheeks, smiling just as shy as Sehun felt, and he cleared his throat as he scratched behind his ear. “Sorry,” he said. "I just uhm got back not long ago and you're giggling hard and it was cute, and—uh." Kai shut his mouth averting his gaze else where again.  Sehun's blush intensified - whether it was due to Kai's words or his less-than-subtle staring, he wasn't sure - but his entire face lit up all the same, eyes sparkling and his smile threatening to take over his face. Resting his chin in his hands, he stared at Kai with what Kai assumed was meant to be a serious expression but didn't quite reach the mark. He’s too cute for his own good. "Hey Kai!" Jungkook interrupted the little bubble Sehun was in. Kai turned towards his roommate, nodding curtly. "Yeah, I am back" he said then pointed at the stairs. "I am gonna go up and change" he informed, eyes still avoiding Sehun's, he didn't wait for their response as he quickly walked up the stairs. Kai heaved a sigh the moment he entered into his bedroom, resting his weight against the closed door. He needed to get his acts together, he couldn't be falling for a man he barely know. Damn he's not even sure about his uality anymore, Sehun made him to question everything he thought he knew about himself once again. He had never been attracted to a man before, he never felt anything for any guy in his life, the one time he'd slept with a guy was different from this, the guy didn't make him feel things, it was just physical. But with Sehun, it was a different story. Sehun was the first man to make Kai feel things he only felt toward girls, and yet he was offered a chance to be with a girl but Kai rather be with Sehun than anyone else. He rubbed his temple, pushing away from the door as he walked further into his room. A few minutes later, Kai had changed into his sweatpants and was about to pick a shirt up to wear when the door to his room suddenly opened. Kai peered to see Sehun by the door eyes fixated on Kai's shirtless torso.  They both froze up for a few seconds. Sehun looked like a deer caught in a headlight, walking in slowly and blinking at Kai with those gorgeous wide-blown eyes. He made a sound low in his throat, a mixture of a querulous whine and a needy mewl; it went straight to Kai's heart and started a fire in his gut. Sehun grey eyes ranked across the his body, with a hint of shyness and curiosity. While he never get a glimpse of Kai's physique, he was seemingly bewitched by interest as he watched him. It was both endearing and humorous to watch. Many would have found it uncomfortable to be studied in such an open way, but Kai was never too self-conscious about his body and he definitely wasn’t getting embarrassed about it now. Sure, Kai would have preferred to have more muscles on him in general but he was quite satisfied with his now muscle complexion and overall strength. The long years of swimming and hitting the gym constantly had him lose his teenage scrawniness - it shaped Kai into the man he was now.     "Need something?"Kai asked, combing his hair back with his fingers. Sehun finally snapped his mouth closed upon being shaken out of his trail of thoughts. The man smiled sheepishly before biting his lower lip. "You have pretty body" Sehun said instead, elated eyes eagerly finding Kai's and keeping it for a moment before they trailed down Kai's body once again. Kai turned to his wardrobe, giving Sehun the view of his toned back.  Sehun silently studied the human, eyes shamelessly ranking down Kai's back . He watched how Kai's muscles worked when he leaned down to pick a shirt from his wardrobe. The ground-walker's cool attitude both spiked Sehun's worries as well as gave him hope. "Uhm thanks." Kai didn't Know how to respond to that, it's not everyday he get a guy compliment on how good his body was. "But I am sure you didn't come all the way up to compliment my body" he rounded to face Sehun, now giving him the view of his perfectly carved abs. ‘I- ...I uh am hungry,’ Sehun breathed, voice tiny. The blush intensified on the crown of his cheeks and despite the obvious shyness that was threatening to overtake Sehun, he still refused to look away from Kai's dark eyes.   Clearing his throat, and forcing himself to reciprocate Sehun's eye contact, Kai spoke in a deep rumbling voice. "I will be down in a sec."he picked up his shirt to wear. "No don't cover your nice body" Sehun quickly protested, shaking his head vehemently like Kai's just about to commit the most unacceptable act on Earth. "But I have to put on my shirt, I can't go walking around the house half ." He said lifting the shirt up before slipping it over his head, ignoring Sehun loud whines. Sehun pouted indignantly, obviously not happy with the development. He looked like he wanted to argue more, but in the end, he nodded once with a solemn expression.  "Shall we?" "No I want to see more of your body." Sehun said crossing his arms over his chest. "At least wear something that will show off your nice biceps. Kak gasped, shaking his head in feigned disbelief. “You’re not going to give up on that, are you?”  Sehun just stared at him expectantly, hands clasped in front of himself now, the picture of innocence. But Kai knew better. He watched Sehun for while, unexpectedly Sehun had worn some pants today, with his favorite shirt on. Kai groaned, yet he found himself complying anyway, as he pulled his shirt off with a sigh, thinking he’d probably do anything Sehun asked and also thinking he should be more frightened by that realization than he was. He didn't miss the way Sehun's eyes drifted over his torso once again.   Kai moved to pick a tank top to wear instead. Sehun's eyes watched him as he changed, then he lifted his head meeting Kai's eyes and giving him a content nod. “Much better.” Kai sighed heavily, aware that he’s in way over his head, and gave Sehun a gentle stare , smiling softly when Sehun looked up at him, blinking blearily and smiling back. "You look lovely today– with some plants on of course,” he decided to say. Sehun closed his eyes, preening at the compliment, when his stomach suddenly let out a loud growl. His eyes snapped open in embarrassment as he slapped a hand over his belly. “Someone’s really hungry,” Kai laughed while Sehun stared down at his belly bashfully. “Yeah. I told you didn't i” Kai nodded. "Come i will give you some fruits before I finish dinner." He coaxed Sehun out of the room.   Kai made sure Sehun was sitting comfortably on the kitchen counter before he passed a banana to him, Sehun took it and eyed it skeptically, blinking up at Kai in confusion. “What is this?” he asked, sniffing the banana and turning it over in his hands. “It’s a banana,” Kai replied. “A fruit. You’ll like it, it’s sweet.” Kai was already used to Sehun's antics it didn't come as a surprise to him when Sehun didn't know what a banana was and he vaguely remembered Baekhyun's words from earlier. Sehun seemed convinced enough and went to take a hesitant bite. “No!” Kai shouted, startling Sehun into dropping the banana and nearly toppling off the counter as he scrambled to try and catch it.  Sehun knocked his head to the side - a mannerism which gave away his confusion.  He stared at Kai, wide eyed and clutching the banana to his chest. “Sorry,” Kai laughed, “It’s just you don’t eat the peel, that would be awful. Here, let me.” Sehun wordlessly passed the fruit to Kai, observing curiously as Kai peeled it for him and handed it back with a smile, nodding at him to try it. Kai watched as Sehun brought the banana up to his lips slowly and gulped when Sehun gave it a small, tentative . Apparently, Sehun decided he liked it, and proceeded to shove half the banana down his throat at once and Kai nearly choked, eyes widening at the sight. “Oh god,” Kai bemoaned, covering his face with his hands and questioning why he thought it was a good idea to give Sehun the most suggestive food known to mankind. Sehun, wit
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss