Chapter four

Sea Prince.
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      He smiled as he led Sehun into the house.
They're both greeted by Baekhyun, who was lounging on the couch with a can of soda in his hand. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" Kai yelled halting in his tracks. Why did he even give Baekhyun a spare key? He's not sure anymore. "Hi Kai!" Chanyeol's voice bloomed from the Kitchen  "Why are you both not in the office?" He asked making way for Sehun to enter. Baekhyun peered at them. "Oh I didn't know you'll be back soon" he said grinning at his friend. "And you brought a guy home!" Baekhyun rose from the couch and strode to where Kai stood. His eyes going to Sehun who was looking at the living room in awe. Then Sehun's eyes landed on Chanyeol when the latter walked out of the kitchen. He stared at Chanyeol. Kai didn’t think he’d ever seen Sehun pay so much attention to anyone who wasn’t him so far. He felt his stomach tightened up slightly, a knot forming in his gut. Chanyeol was very handsome. There was something not quite real about him, as if he'd walked out of a fairy tale. He could see why Sehun would be enchanted by him, why he’d want to look at him, but all the same he didn’t like it. Chanyeol seemed to be just as enraptured by Sehun though. They silently sized each other up, glances both wary and approving. Kai felt Baekhyun stiffened slightly beside him. The atmosphere had changed; there was suddenly a tension between Sehun and Chanyeol that hadn’t been there before. Kai prayed that for Baekhyun's sake it wasn’t . He didn’t want to see his best friend’s husband flirting with any other guy, certainly not Sehun. "Chanyeol hyung" Sehun finally spoke, breaking the thick tension in the living room. "Prin– Sehunnie!" Chanyeol said smiling widely, and lowered his head in greetings. Kai and Baekhyun shared a look before Kai turned his attention back to the two."You knew him?" He asked looking at Chanyeol a bit lost. "Yeah, he uhm we used to live In the same neighborhood a few years back." Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun, whose eyes were now wide like he just realized something. "Neighborhood?" Sehun asked looking up at the ceiling as if searching for the answer on it. "What's that?" He then brought his head down and glanced at Kai. "Uhm Sehun can I talk to you for a moment?" Chanyeol asked taking the said man's hand in his. "Okay" Sehun nodded and that's all Chanyeol needed to hear as he quickly dragged him out of the living room.   ***
"Prince Sehun!" Chanyeol bowed deeply the moment he came to a stop in a separate room. "What are you doing on the surface?" He straightened up to face the prince properly. "I came to see my lifebond." Sehun told him, lips curving into a smile. "Your lifebond? You have a ground-walker mate?" Sehun nodded with a grin. "Yes, I chose Kai and he chose me too, we even exchanged gifts" He lifted his hand showing off the ring on his finger proudly. "He gave you a ring?" "Yes. I saved him, and he gave me this" he rubbed the ring with his thumb excitedly. "Did he knows what you really are?" "Yes" Sehun said, then he shook his head as if not really certain of his own response. "No, he doesn't really know– I mean he's not certain because I planted doubts inside his head after he saw my scales and fins" he nodded to himself, clearly pleased with his response before adding." I love him so much and I know he wants me too regardless of what I am since he gave a gift" Chanyeol was silent as he stared at the prince. How was he supposed to explain to Sehun that, that's not how it works with the ground-walkers. Kai must've given Sehun the ring as a token of gratitude not because he liked Sehun like the prince thought he did. He sighed softly bringing his hand to brush through his hair."Okay!" He nodded. "Just don't put much expectations in him." Because he didn't know how to explain, he knew Kai was a good guy but he doubt if the human was into guys, but he prayed to the deities in sea that somehow Kai would find it in him to reciprocate Sehun's feelings somehow because he knew how their kind end up when rejected by one's lifebond. Chanyeol had witnessed it first hand, how a friend of his (Tao) died slowly because unfortunately the mer he chose as his lifebond had already chosen another mer. He closed his eyes at the memories of how Tao's vibrant blue scales stared decaying and turned green, how he was admitted in the merfolk infirmary for months until he died painfully because no one could do anything to help him. He opened his eyes slowly and his eyes darted to Sehun's thighs. "You need to get something to wear underneath. ” he decided not to think about same fate happening to the prince and be optimistic and focus on something else. Sehun looked up at him sharply, assessing his legs with an arched brow. “Is it not adequate to not wear any clothing?” Chanyeol presses his lips together, reminded himself that despite Sehun's advanced intelligence he didn't know ground-walkers custom and would need his help. How that’s going to work when sometimes he forget to put pants on before leaving the house himself was a good question, but Chanyeol was going to wing it. He’s got a merman to help. Sehun being on land now should be his responsibility. He have to take care of their prince who was also his baby brother's best friend. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Baekhyun came into the room."Babe!" He called. Chanyeol turned to face his husband."Close the door." He ushered the human to come closer. "He's like you, isn't he?" Baekhyun asked coming to stand next to his husband, eyes trailing over Sehun. "Yes, he's a prince." "Prince of the Sea?" "That's right babe" Sehun stared at the two for moment as they converse then he raised his shirt grabbing at his new weird looking thingy “What is this thing hanging so limply; does it serve a purpose?” Baekhyun stared at him with a look of mild curiosity and disbelief, never having heard such an odd question from anyone. "Oh my God! Cover it" he moved to yank the shirt down. Sehun blinked at him up close and now his hand on his crotch and his thighs rubbed together and started shifting on his feet. “Chanyeol hyung?” “What’s wrong?” “It feels weird between my legs…” “Huh?” “S-something is coming out!” Chanyeol looked down to where Sehun's had his hands on his crotch. “Oh! B-bathroom.” He held Sehun's hand and pulled him to the bathroom that was not far from where they were. But there, he stood like an idiot watching the prince suffering, debating on how to show the prince what to do. “I can’t hold it back anymore. What should I do?” “Umm, y-you should pee. Let it out in the toilet.” “How?" Baekhyun came into the bathroom, steered Sehun to stand in front of the toilet, then him standing at the other side beside Sehun. “Look! Do it like me.” Baekhyun had no shame. He ped his pants and took out to start pissing.  Sehun stared at him, then copied,  yanking his shirt up and grab at his . It was hard at first to let it out since he didn't know how to control it, but when he did, he sighed loudly in content, eyes falling shut. Chanyeol never felt embarrassed hearing the sound, turning around while hand fanning his red face. “So, this is what it’s used for." He said "What was that though?” “Your body cannot keep all the liquid now that you're on land and has to get rid of some.” “Oh! That’s amazing.” “I cannot believe we are talking about pissing.” Chanyeol palmed his face while looking around in case Kai heard them. “Is it only used that way?” Sehun asked innocently, and Chanyeol was burning up more than ever when his husband started explaining. “No. We use it for too.” “?” Baekhyun gasped, “Mermaids don’t have ? I mean in the ocean– How do you populate then?” “Oh! You mean mating?” Sehun asked. Baekhyun nodded “I guess? How do you do it?” “God Baek! Don’t ask- I've already told you how we do it." "Nuh-ah I want to hear more of it. You didn't tell me alot of things Yeollie. You only showed me how your looks when you grow a tail." "Well, it depends, merfolk differs. There are males and females and amongst the males we also have sub-gender. The male takers have a hole at the front of our tails just bellow where the male reproductive organ– is, and we use the to impregnate as well by putting it inside the females or another male takers hole. The females only have the hole and the male taker has both hole and . Then the other males, known as givers just have a , but it's nothing like this?" He raised his shirt to point at the said thing.  "Yeah, the one I saw in Yeollie looks more like a dagger"  "Okay i should really get him some pants." Chanyeol said, pulling Sehun's shirt down. "I agree" Baekhyun nodded looking between his husband and Sehun. 
"But I don't know how it's done or how it feels because I've never done it before–
What about yours?" Sehun asked. "What ours?" "The mating how did you do it?" “Ours is kinda hotter, er...rougher.”  “Baek!” Chanyeol warned. "It's not the time" “Two do it when they are in love. Well, not necessarily, but most of the time it is and it feels really good!” Baekhyun continued, ignoring the disapproving looks Chanyeol sent his way. “Baek, Stop!” “The male takes his out and stick it-”  “THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Chanyeol yelled covering his husband's mouth with a red face.  "Is everything okay in there?" Came Kai's voice from the other side of the door. "Yeah, Everything is fine" Chanyeol hollered. "You guys needs to come out." Kai said to them. "We'll be out in a sec" There's a shuffle and footsteps, that indicated Kai had walked away. Chanyeol released a sigh. " Baek. Don't tell him about those kind of stuffs" then he turned his attention to Sehun. “Before you ask, no you cannot repeat the 'F' word i just said,” he mumbled upon seeing Sehun lips part with interest at the phrase, most likely to repeat it or ask if such a thing is a good word. “It’s lewd, don’t say lewd things.” “Lewd,” Sehun repeats, then made a low vibrating sound from inside his throat, deep timbered and followed by a series of fast clicking sounds and a sharp hiss. “Like that?” “Well I've been out of the sea for 4 years now and I don't know if what you just did is some kind of royal language that I don't understand– what I mean
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss