Chapter thirteen.

Sea Prince.
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    “Kai,” Sehun said with a frown a moment later , and oh. Oh no. “Why are you grimacing?” He pouted, wide eyes turned up at the human. "Is the food not good?", and Kai knew his game face was over because Sehun was a lot more observant than he let on. Kai knew this and when Sehun finally reached to place a hand on his face looking so damn worried, it’s like all of Kai's rational faculties pack their bag and off to Hawaii, leaving him a helpless, smitten mess. “Tell me please. Baby" Kai's mouth had fallen open a little. He closed it with much effort and swallowed the awful food in his throat, because his mind was suddenly running in about a dozen different directions right now, the most prominent of which was Sehun looked really good with that expression on his face. He didn't want his boyfriend to know how awful his cookings were, Kai had always ate it with a smile just to see Sehun's smile as well. And now he didn't even realize he's been grimacing. So he shook his head and tried to smile. "No, it's wonderful." Sehun didn't look convinced, he was persistent to get the truth out of Kai. He was still looking up at Kai, blinking slowly so that his lashes flutter and, . There was no way Sehun wasn't doing this on purpose. There was no ing way. “Kai” Sehun said again, lower lip pushed out “please tell me the truth–" he paused suddenly face contoured in pain. "What's wrong?" Kai stood up and moved to hold Sehun. "Are you okay?" Sehun shook his head. "I need water–" Kai was about to move to get the merman his normal salt+freshwater, but Sehun quickly grabbed his hand. "Not drinking water, the pool. My skin is getting dry and it hurts." At the realization, Kai quickly pulled Sehun to stand before carrying him in his arms and walked straight to the pool room. He helped Sehun to undress, not carrying about his ness, all he wanted  for Sehun to feel better. Once fully , Sehun quickly dove into the water and Kai watched as Sehun's legs joined together, human skin disappearing as scales and fins appeared. Sehun swam in circles for a few moments, submerged underwater and stayed that way for a while before he emerged a smile on his face.  "Feeling better?" He asked, rolling his pants up as he moved to sit at the edge of the pool. "Yeah." Sehun responded swimming towards the human, he placed his hands on Kai's thighs.
"So tell me was my cooking that bad that it made you grimaced?' Did Kai say his rationality ed off to Hawaii? He meant venus. ing Neptune, even. His capacity to think was no longer on this planet. “Uh…” Sehun's hands were dangerously close to Kai's crotch. And, , Kai should not be entertaining these thoughts about Sehun because he wasn't even sure if the younger knew about human anatomy and how it works, like., He’s sure Sehun was aware of attraction and all that, but they have very different bodies and definitely different physical responses to it and– Sehun's hands shifted up when he fixed his balance and Kai, quite literally, fell into the pool to avoid it going places it shouldn’t go. Sehun let out a startled yelp at this, watching Kai as he flailed to get himself steady in the water, wondering if this was how he die; drowning in a pool barely six feet deep. But then he remembered that with the kiss Sehun had given him the night he saved him would forever prevent him from drowning, He swam to the surface, eyes looking at Sehun's. “Are you alright?” Sehun asked like the godsent that he was, looking so genuinely perplexed and concerned over Kai's state. Which made Kai realize that Sehun truly did not have the slightest idea about what he was doing earlier and how exactly it was affecting Kai. Which, in turn, made Kai feel a little like garbage. "I’m fine,” he said, voice croaky. “Just… slipped.” Sehun examined him for another minute despite Kai's reassurances and him knowing that any water would never harm Kai in anyway. Then, when he deemed for himself that Kai was indeed fine, he hit him on the arm. “Ow! The ,?” “You startled me!” Sehun pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. He was flicking his tail into the water in a manner that’s reminiscent of how a person slammed their foot onto the ground. “If you didn’t like my food from the start you should have just said so" And, oh no, was he upset? . “Sehun, no, no,  that’s not it,” Kai said quickly, reaching over to grab Sehun by the arms before the merman could turn away. “I promise, that’s not it. I was just being dumb, I just… I didn’t want you to think like your food was bad or anything.” Kai  in a breath, unable to take how Sehun's lips looked as he pulled Sehun closer. And then Kai kissed him, pulled him flush against his body with an arm around his waist and kissed him breathless . He felt one of Sehun's arms slipping from his shoulders, and then a hand was pressed against his chest, clutching onto the damp fabric of his shirt and undoubtedly feeling the erratic way his heart was beating.  Sehun let out a soft little noise when they broke apart, making Kai want to dive back in and kiss him senseless some more. "Let's go upstairs and change, I need to go out later." "But I want more kisses." Sehun whined, flailing his tail a little.  "I will kiss you as much as you want when I get back. I just need to buy a few necessaries ." "I want to go with you." Sehun said, sliding his hand up to Kai's neck playing softly with the wet strands. "Please." How could Kai say no to this adorable little merman? Thus he nodded, leaning to peck Sehun's lips. "Okay!" Sehun grinned, leaning into the kiss. "I want to take you to the ocean" he whispered against Kai's lips. "To show you around my world" Kai smiled. "I will love that." He pecked his lips once more. "Thanks to the gift you gave me, I don't have to bother about breathing underwater." Sehun hummed."There's so much I want to show you" "And I want to see all you have in store for me."   ****
Kai should’ve known that bringing Sehun into a departmental store would definitely be a bad idea. He cursed himself for being so weak and not being able to say no to whatever the mer asked, because maybe if he had done so they wouldn’t be going through these situations. This was nothing like the single boutique he took Sehun before. Not only did he forget just how crowded the departmental store become during lunch hour, but Kai also learned that Sehun's ears were sensitive to loud noises, which meant he’s constantly wincing and crying out in surprise at any slight boom of noise happening around him, thus causing him to cling onto Kai for dear life. Kai tried  getting them through the crowd as quickly as he could, and expelled a relieved sigh when they made it to the section he intended on visiting, glad to have gotten Sehun out of there before he became anymore uncomfortable. It’s a hot day, the air conditioner inside felt lovely on his skin, and so Kai relaxed, guiding a still somewhat nervous Sehun towards the carts. He’s going to get some groceries whilst he’s here and hope Sehun wouldn't take him doing so as an invitation for him to cook again even though he wouldn't say no to Sehun if the mer wanted to cook again.  “Why are there clothes in here I thought clothes are supposed to be in a different shop like the one you took me to?” Sehun whispered beside him, eyes rounded with surprise as he surveyed the store, which happened to stock every single thing a person could want, ranging from food to clothes well. Kai tried explaining this as they perused through the store in search of the things he had to buy, but didn't get very far into doing so before Sehun was pointing at something else that caught his attention: costume jewelry. “Kai, look at those!” And thus, Kai was led by the hand, half full cart abandoned, towards the jewelry section, where he was then made to watch as Sehun fawned over everything that appeared shiny like the faux diamonds and pearls. They appeared dull in comparison to the strands of pearls Sehun had gifted him, or the gleaming circlet he had seen on Sehun before. (He's been wanting to ask Sehun about the circlet now that he understood it's meaning) but Sehun didn't care and cradled them with as much care as he would any precious jewels. It reminded him of the tales he’d heard as a child surrounding the mermaids and their love of precious and shiny objects. “Ah, these are so lovely!” Sehun said excitedly, drawing attention to himself as he twirled around the aisle holding a necklace composed of faux pearls and seashells against his neck before presenting them to Kai. “They remind me of home even if they smell heavily cloyed. What is seafoam scent? It has no scent, silly humans .” Kai had told Sehun t
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss