Chapter twenty-six

Sea Prince.
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  I want to use this opportunity to thank sammiko711, she's(I don't know if you're a girl I just assumed. Lol) a wonderful person, a loyal reader and a good friend. Thanks once again dear for standing up for me, it meant a lot, I wouldn't have been able to complete this story if it weren't for you. Because that comment really got to me, no matter how hard I tried to ignore it. And Ramadan Kareem to all my Muslim readers. I hope you have a blissful Ramadan. Animelover416 a very special Ramadan wishes for you dear. ****  
The last week of his pregnancy was stil
very exhausting for them both. Sehun couldn't sleep well because the babies kept kicking him or he would wake up in the middle of the night, because of false alarms , pains or sudden . He kept crying over how fat and ugly he was and how unattractive Kai found him, how bad his feet and back hurt and how he finally wanted those little devils out of him. Kai tried his best to assure him and help him with whatever he could. However, all of that was nothing compared to the actual childbirth. It happened when Sehun was currently in the shower. Kai only heard the scream and raced in finding his husband kneeling on the floor and holding his rounded belly. Kai had quickly turned off the water, wrapped Sehun in a huge bathrobe and brought him to the bedroom before he quickly called his brother in law to inform him. Then he sent a quick text to his sister to let her know and told her to also spread the news. So soon their friends would arrive too. "Kai–" Sehun cried out, gripping the bed sheets. "It hurts" Kai sat next to his husband and took his hands. "I know baby, hang on a little, Jiyong hyung is on his way" Sehun nodded, tears streaming down his eyes. "It's not supposed to hurt this much– I am not human" he managed to say. "I think maybe the pain has something to do with fact that the babies are part human" he held his husband closely. Rubbing his belly to soothe him. The babies were kicking vigorously against his palm. "Hey little ones!" Kai whispered leaning to drop a kiss on Sehun's belly. "Please don't make it hard on your papa" he said and as if understanding what Kai said, the babies halted their movements, not entirely though, Kai could still feel them moving slightly. "Good kids" he glanced at Sehun and the merman's pained expression had soften."feeling better?" Sehun nodded and was about to speak when the door bell rang, Kai dropped another kiss on the belly before rising to his feet. Jiyong, Jennie and her girl friend Lisa were standing by the door. "How's he?" Jiyong asked.. "The contractions have subsided for now" he replied with a curt nod.  "Hey!" Jennie greeted with a small wave. "Hey!" Kai said with a small smile. He exchanged pleasantries with Lisa before they all headed to the bedroom.
Sehun was still laying how he left him, the doctors and the midwife immediately started doing their jobs.Jiyong taking Sehun's vitals while Jennie and her girlfriend checked on Sehun's lower half After a few minutes Jennie let out a deep breath before she spoke. "He's not dilating" she informed. "What?" Jiyong's eyes widened , moving to check for himself, tugging on latex gloves . After a minute of examination, he nodded at Kai. "she's right, he's not dilating" "What does that mean?" Kai asked moving to take a hold of Sehun's offered hand.  "He can't give birth on his own like we thought he would." Kai glanced at Sehun, copious amount of sweat coated his brow and pooled on his neck, his body felt so hot. "What–what are you saying?" "For mer/sirens childbirth isn't supposed to be painful like it is for humans, our biology allowed us to have easy childbirth and the moment their water broke, the baby should be out within few minutes, but Sehun isn't even dilating as we speak, maybe it's because he's part siren and male sirens are not meant to carry human babies–" "But my sister had a normal child birth, despite having a part siren in her belly–" "That's because she's a female, if Sehun's a female too, it would have been easier" "So what now? He's just gonna suffer?" Kai felt panic rising in his chest. "I can't lose him, I can lose them" “Kai…” Sehun whispered through his pain, “y-you need to calm down, plea-se, aaah!” “Yes, yes. Baby, I will… please don't leave m” he begged through tears. A wan smile quirked his husband's lips, Sehun was white as a sheet of paper and crushed by pain, yet he fought against it just to give Kai comfort, He had never admired his husband more. “I-I won’t…I’m not going any-anywhere---, ugh!” A strong contraction, stronger than the previous ones lambasted through the merman and his body quaked violently because the pain was agonizing and the distress extreme. Jiyong rolled his eyes. "You two are so dramatic, c'mon we have another option, I am not going let my nephew die– besides we won't die because he have extra lives." He said removing the latex gloves from his hands. "cesarean section is the best option, I've already prepared against time, in case something like this might happen." Kai let out a breath he's been holding. "But how are we going move him into a hospital?" He asked. "We've already arranged for that, we're using one of my Dad's clinics, the building is a bit far from the city and it's still new, which means there's no any employee and we have the whole building for as long as we needed it" Jennie said, placing a comforting hand on Kai's shoulder. "We got this" Kai nodded. "Thanks. Really" then something clicked and he quickly turnd to face Jiyong."wait how are you going to perform the surgery? I mean the cut will heal itself before you get the chance to bring out the babies" "Oh"Jiyong hummed. "Don't worry about that, I am a siren and sirens have the ability to stop another siren from healing. I won't allow him to heal not before I get your babies out." "How? Are- are you going to take away his healing abilities?" Kai wasn't there when Irene drained Sehun, but he knew what Sehun went through – "Hold that thought"Jiyong chuckled."I am not doing what Irene did to him. I promise, I am just going to suppress his abilities for a few hours." "Okay" Kai reluctantly agreed.  "I will tell the others to meet us there" Jiyong said already typing on his phone.   
When they arrived at the hospital, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jimin and Jungkook were already there waiting for them along with their family members. Sehun was brought into a clean room and laid down on the bed after changing him into a hospital gown. He had a heavy frown on his face and moaned every time another wave of pain shot through his body. Kai stayed by his side the whole time(while Jiyong and his team prep for the surgery), holding his hand, listening to his insults, wiping the sweat from his face and feeding him ice cubes. "I hate you!" Sehun groaned and threw his head back in pain."Why did you do this to me?" "I know, I know, I'm sorry baby. You are doing so great." Kai said, brushing Sehun's hair out of his face. "I'll ing rip apart" The mer snapped only to let out another pain filled moan.  "You won't have to" Jiyong said from where he's setting the equipments on a table. "Almost ready." "Please hurry" Sehun practically screamed. Jennie and Lisa stepped into the room, both dressed in scrubs.  "Ready!" Jiyong exclaimed. "Kai you should step outside, I would have allowed you to say but we're going to sedate him now"  Kai nodded, he dropped a kiss to Sehun's lips and two more kisses on his belly. "I love you all" he told Sehun. Sehun managed a nod. "We love you too" He kissed Sehun's hand before stepping out.
**** Their adorable frist little boy came into the world first, with a loud roar and red-faced. He weighted 6lbs. 11oz. and measured 14in. Their sweet second boy was less furious but equally if not louder and came out kicking and punching the air. He weighted 6lbs. 9oz. and measured 14in. Two tiny babies. The first prince, snugged in a softest vintage airplanes and hot air balloon swaddle set, and their second prince in llama and cactus set. They were perfect. *** Exhaustion. Ache. Heaviness. Slowly lifting fog. An odd lightness. Slowly, his sleep-weighted eyes parted to welcome in the light. When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room. As his eyes roamed the space, he was immediately greeted and surrounded by familiar things and smells. His husband had made sure the recuperation room brimmed with all his favorite things. His mind was still in a haze, but as the seconds passed, he could recall bits and pieces of what had happened. The realization hit him like a bolder a placid lake. The twins… His hands flew to his still distended yet less rounded belly. Pain radiated from the lower part of his abdomen and a quiet hiss escaped him. The memories began to came back in a steady stream. A blue curtain separating his upper body from the rest, intense pressure on his belly, the sensation of something being pulled out, sweet angry cries, and weight on his chest. The memory of life no longer within him but outside. Sehun heard some muffled voices inside the room. His eyes followed it. Kai. His shaky hands remained still on his much softer and less rounded belly and for a moment, he panicked. But then his husband and Jiyong's words as they spoke to one another while the doctor took down notes on his chart and inspected all the medical equipment/supplies, calmed him down. The feel of his pups’ delicate warm skin as he held them with trembling hands, he was sure would never fade. That transcendental sensation not even in and out of consciousness, he could ever forget.  "Hey baby" Kai whispered with a watery laugh. He went over to the bed where Sehun was laying completely spent and sat down on the edge, handing the sleeping children to their birth-giver. "Look, our little cherubs." Kai said and Sehun gave him a weak stab to the side but chuckled when taking his sons in his arms. Sehun couldn’t stop staring at these treasures in his arms nor stop kissing them—he needed to make sure this wasn’t a dream, that he hadn’t died in childbirth together with his pups, and that his husband hadn’t followed soon after. But Kai's grounding arms around him and his scent of absolute delight and the tears in his own eyes and the little sweet noises and minute movements his tiny babes made were enough proof that this was his fortunate reality. With eyes wide open, the twins looked at them with curiosity and familiarity and something that pulled at their hearts poignantly. What lived in those undefiled eyes resonated with him and Kai. The words he wanted to say fought hard against the knot in his throat. “Hey, pups, I’m your mer daddy. Welcome! You’re both so beautiful,” he whispered in a shaky voice through the tears of joy that had stained his smile
"Mother of pearl." He continued. "They are so, so beautiful." Sehun cried and Kai kissed his head. "You all are." "I can't believe we did that, them. They're so perfect." The mer rambled feeling so full of joy he might burst. "We did a pretty great job." Kai smirked, eyes still focused on his eldest son. Sehun grinned up at him and they high-fived each other."Damn, we did."  Someone cleared their throat and they turned around simultaneously, facing Jiyong who was standing at the end of the bed."Sorry to interrupt, but what will be their names?"He asked. "Jae'in and Dae'in" They said in sync. "Kim Jae'in and Kim Dae'in" The doctor smiled and nodded and the pair turned their attention back to their Kids. The little first baby yawned and stretched out a tiny hand and the pair cooed. "Oh my Deities, he is too adorable. We will die." Sehun said and let the baby grab his finger. "I bet we will" The human chuckled and saw how Sehun yawned as well, his eyes becoming heavy. He took the babies out of his arms. "Alright, I'll go show the little ones off and you can get some more sleep." Sehun pouted."I don't need sleep, I need my babies. I just woke up" He protested while his eyes already fell close. "Yeah, sure." Kai said sarcastically and kissed his forehead. Sehun was out of it the next minute(it must be the Anastasia still coursing through his system) so Kai quietly left the room where their friends waited. Baekhyun and Jimin jumped up immediately and raced over to get a glimps. "Oh my god, look at this worm!" Jimin cooed. "Don't call him worm!" Baekhyun scolded and made grabby hands toward the baby. Kai handed him over and smiled as Baekhyun made silly noises at the baby. "How's hunnie?" Jimin asked, reaching to hold the second baby. "Exhausted." Kai said. "He is sleeping now but he is fine. He did really well." *** The next time Sehun woke up, he's surrounded by his husband and children. Pure love. Holy love. The most sweet and profound love—that was what his entire being felt when his gaze met the twin’s sleepy little eyes. Nothing had ever felt this way. This love was indescribable.  “Can you give papa a little smile, little ones,” Kai cooed, voice a satiny whisper at the same time his thumbs caressed plump rosy cheeks. “Show papa that cute gu
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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740 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss