Chapter eighteen

Sea Prince.
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    Kai froze on his spot the moment he reached the front door that was wide open, like someone forcefully opened it, he dropped the bags he's holding and bolted into the living room.The room looked organize save for a few things that were out of place, like how the couches direction changed, and how the things on the dining table were laying on the floor.  His heart jumped as he rushed to the stairs and into his bedroom where he left Sehun. "Sehun!" Kai called, but was met with silence. His fiance wasn't there, Kai rushed to the other rooms to see if the mer was in one of them. His heart telling him many possibilities, maybe Sehun's Dad had sent some other mers to take Sehun back forcefully.(since Jimin ended up falling in love with a human and didn't do what he was sent to do). He ran to the pool room to check if Sehun might be taking a swim, even though he knew deep down that Sehun wasn't in the house. He hoped and prayed for some sort of miracles, but sadly his prayers weren't answered because the pool was void of his fiance. Kai ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the strands in panic. Where is Sehun? Could someone have taken him? Kai's mind was a havoc. He was feeling everything all at once; pain, turmoil, fury, helplessness and more. Emotions darker than the night and heavier than his soul rendering him hopeless. His hands were moving, clawing at his skin and tugging restlessly at his hair. But there was no escape from his mind’s prison; the more he struggled the deeper it dragged him. It took all his energy and attention to shakily take a breath. His lungs were screaming for oxygen but all his muscles were stiff as if frozen. For long-long minutes Kai could do nothing else but focus on stabilizing his breathing. In and out, in and out, in and out. His mind reeled with atrocious deafening thoughts. He swallowed down the slew of frenetic emotions which surged through him as if tumbling waves, and tried his best to calm down. After evening out his breathings. Kai hastily brought out his phone and dialed Chanyeol's number. H was the first person to come in mind, Chanyeol was like Sehun he would know if his fiance was taken back to the sea right? It was Chanyeol's low and disquieted voice which hoiked him out of his pondering."Kai–" "Chan, Sehun– he's– he's not home." He couldn’t help the restless state of his hand on his side as his thumb and index fingers rubbed against one another—a natural self-soothing mechanism, a telltale of his nervousness. "What do you mean he's not home?" "I got home and he's gone– but there's a slight sign of struggle– like someone has– has taken him" it was getting difficult to breath again, Kai had to force those words out of his constricting throat. "Oh my God!" Chanyeol gasped. He could hear some shuffles and Jimin's voice asking what was going on. "Do you think your people came to take him back forcefully–"The words trailed off and faded, suddenly his lungs were oxygen depleted and tension claimed every muscle in his body. A malicious carrying whisper in his mind painted him a thousand tragic scenarios. No, he needed to keep a cool head. "I can't be sure, but I will go to the Sea palace and check_" "Hyung you can't go into the sea, you've been banished remember?" Kai heard Jimin's voice, the yonuger's voice was firm and urgent but not unsympathetic. "Kai we're coming over and we'll figure out whatever it was that happened." Chanyeol didn't wait for Kai's response as he ended the call. Kai stayed rooted for a while, hand resting on the nearest wall, he closed his eyes to calm his racing heart for moment and when he felt his legs could function again he pushed off the wall and walked back into the living room and slumped on the couch, he drew his legs and hug them to his chest. His heart hurt at the absence of his pregnant fiance, he wished he never left to the store that morning, at least he wouldn't let anyone take Sehun away from him. He prayed and hope where ever Sehun and his baby were, they're okay. He wished at least Jungkook was home, so Kai could have someone to hold on to as  tears started rolling down his cheeks. He didn't try to stop them or wipe them, he let his tears fall freely until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jerked his head up and was met with Chanyeol, Jungkook, and Baekhyun. All three looking worried and sympathetic.  Jungkook moved forward and pulled Kai into his arms. "I am so sorry Kai for not being there–" Kai shook his head."It's not your fault" "I shouldn't have spent the night out, I should have been at home" "You have a life to live too kook, Jimin needed you by his_ speaking of Jimin where is he?" "He's gone back to the sea to check if Sehun's there" Kai nodded, pulling away from Jungkook's embrace and took his seat on the couch again. "We should for Jimin's return." Chanyeol said, taking his seat next to Kai.
***** Jimin flailed his tail to make his body move faster, his heart was pounding and he could hear the sound in his ears. He's scared, not for himself but for Sehun and his baby. Jimin's ready to accept any punishment sent his way for not completing his mission to bring the prince back home. Instead he fell in love with a ground-walker as well.But what bothered him now was what the king might do to Sehun. He swam faster and stopped only when he's in front of the palace gates. The guards aknowledged him and opened the gates for him to pass through. He didn't waste a second as he quickly swam towards the throne room. The king, queen, crown prince and  some court officials were all seated discussing some political issues. Kris was the first to notice him, the fighter left his spot and met Jimin halfway."Park? Why are you here?" He looked behind Jimin as if expecting to see someone. "Where's the prince." Jimin felt every nerve in his body going slack, if Kris was expecting to see Sehun with Jimin that meant– that meant Sehun wasn't in the ocean. His body began to tremble, tears welling in his eyes. "Park!" He felt Kris' hand on his shoulder. "Why are you crying?" Jimin hastily moved to wipe his blue coloured looking tears, lifting his head to look at the fighter. "Jimin?" He heard Luhan called from behind Kris. The crown prince swam towards them. "You're back" he said, eyes going to look behind Jimin like how Kris did. "Your highness!" Jimin bowed in respect. "Where's Sehunnie?" He looked over Jimin's shoulder once more. "He refused to follow you. Didn't he?" Jimin shook his head."No he– he–" he couldn't say it. And suddenly the king and queen were in front of him. "What happened to my son?" The king asked taking a hold of Jimin's hand. Jimin shivered. "Tell me, I can smell the distress coming off you Jimin." "I don't know what happened, I thought you're the one that sent someone to take him, he's not with his lifebond too" "What? What are you talking about?" The queen violently turned Jimin to face her. "What do you mean the king's men took him?" "He was around last night and this morning he was gone" Jimin was too scared to tell he wasn't with Sehun when it happened. "How did this happen? Where were you when he was taken? I supposed it was your job to be with him and ensure his safety?" "I am sorry your majesty, I will accept whatever punishment you see fit for me, but now I really have to go back and inform his lifebond, he's so worried about Sehun and their unborn child–" "Sehun is expecting?" Luhan asked. Jimin nodded. "yes, he's pregnant." "Dear seas!" The queen slumped on the sea shell seat next to her. "But why don't I feel it? I mean if Sehun's in trouble we can sense it right?" Luhan asked, turning to face his father. "It has something to do with his pregnancy, the pup is now absorbing the connection between Sehun and his family. Greedy little thing." The king shook his head fondly at the thought of his grandchild. "And again maybe he's tranquilized. It might add to why we can't feel him." Then his expression darken turning to face Kris."Gather all the best fighters, I want my son back and alive" "No father, you're saying it like you're about to wage a war on the ground-walkers. All the best fighters means hundred thousands of them –" "That's the point Luhan, no one dares touch the prince." Kris said, huffing his chest as he spoke. "No Kris, we're not going to start a war." "Why not?" "Because not all of them are bad, Sehun's lifebond is a ground-walker too and if you're doing what I think you're going to do then that means every ground-walker in the surface including Sehun's lifebond family will suffer or die. And I can't let that happen." "Why are you so adamant about not wanting to hurt the ground-walkers after everything they did to us, have you forgotten about your uncle and now your brother is –" "Don't" Luhan breathed in deeply. "Say what you're about to say, nothing of sort is going to happen to my brother and his pup, he's going to be fine, we're going to find him and that doesn't need bloodshed. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my brother is safe and back in his mate's arms. And I will repeat it again not all the ground-walkers are bad, there are innocent people and children that have nothing to do with any of this. So you're going to listen to me, Wu Yifan i don't care if you're my betrothed. I am the crown prince and you must follow my orders" he then turned to face the king. "Father, put me in charge of this, I will make sure your boy is safe. And no one needs to die" There's a proud smile on the king's face, he placed a hand on Luhan's shoulder and nodded. "Alright, I will believe in you." Luhan bowed slightly. "Thank you Father." "I will come with you" Kris said,  head hanging low. "No, you stay here, I got this." Kris looked hurt. "Do you not trust me around the ground-walkers? You think I will go against you and hurt them?" "No, I know you're good at following orders, but I want to do this on my own." Kris looked like he wanted to say more but he kept his mouth shut and nodded. "Jimin take me to Sehun's lifebond." Luhan told him. "Yes your highness." Jimin bowed, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I'll make sure to bring Sehun back, but father you have promise me you will not keep him here against his will." "No one will force him to stay if he doesn't want to." The queen quickly spoke. But Luhan was still looking at his father, waiting for the king's response. "I promise, I won't banish him and I won't keep him here against his will, just make sure to bring him back safely." "I swear on the sea, I will find him." The queen moved to her son and hugged him."Be careful, do not use your powers carelessly. If things
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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740 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss