Chapter twenty-one

Sea Prince.
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The tension was bubbling in his veins and under his skin, too many emotions that overwhelmed him. Anxiety, nervousness, anger, anticipation... the wait. Kai kept pacing around, he was so eager to see Sehun awake. And when Sehun's Dad came out and told him Sehun's has woken up, Kai almost pushed the king in attempt to go see his beloved. "Kai–" Sehun called, quickly rising from the rock he's laying on.  Kai met him halfway as he engulfed the merman into his arms, Sehun hugged him just as tight."baby" Kai pulled him impossibly closer. "I am so glad you're okay." "I missed you." Sehun said, pulling back to look at Kai's face. "I was so scared to be away from you. I never want to live without you even for a second." Kai leaned in and pressed his lips against Sehun's. They kissed for a while before Kai pressed his forehead against Sehun's, eyes closed. "You have no idea how much you scared me" he bumped his nose against the merman's, his other hand went to rest on Sehun's stomach. "I was so terrified–so so scared for both of you." He caressed the slight bump. "I will never let you out of my sight. Ever. I am so sorry you had to go through all that." "No, baby" Sehun shook his head. "It wasn't your fault." "I shouldn't have left you alone that morning. I shouldn't–" "Hey, hey it's okay. I am back. And no one is ever going to to hurt me again." Sehun lifted both his hands to cup Kai's face. Kai nodded. "yeah, no one's going to ever hurt you, I will make sure of it, I will make sure Irene and whomever was involved paid for what they did to you." Sehun smiled, he pulled Kai toward the rock and they both sat on it. Sehun's grandmother swam to where they sat, telling them she would be going for a hunt before she left the two. "You don't have to do anything." Sehun said turning his attention back to Kai. "Why not, they hurt you Sehun." Sehun nodded, not once taking his eyes off Kai. He was watching for his reactions closely. "I know. But–" “But you don't want me to do anything? ” Kai carefully posed his next question. "I've already took care of it" "Did you?" "Yeah." "What happened? Tell me everything please." Sehun, ran his fingers through his hair.
"Ms. Jennie was the one that took me" "What? Jennie?" Sehun nodded before he narrated how he got abducted and what they did to him.
"That's why I couldn't heal on my own." Kai pulled Sehun to lay on his lap. "I am so sorry Sehun."  "Don't apologise please. I– I erased Irene's memories, now she doesn't have the slightest idea about our existence." "You did the right thing. How about Jennie?" "She took her mom and left, I wasn't able to get to her. I was already weak when she came" "Was she there all along. I mean when her mom tortured you?" "No, I don't know if she was in the building or not but she wasn't in the room from the start." Sehun let out a deep breath. "I am scared Kai. I feel guilty for what I did to those men–" "Don’t say that, this isn’t on you,” he tried to console but Sehun shook his head in disagreement"No Sehun don't do this to yourself, it wasn't your fault." Sehun pushed into a sitting position. "They didn't deserve to die. Kai they have families and they were only doing what they were asked of" "I Know Sehun, I know and I am so ing sorry you had to do that. But don't put this on yourself, if they hadn't taken you in first place things like that wouldn't have happened. It's all on Irene, it's her fault for bringing them into it." "I tried telling myself that but it didn't ease the guilt." "It will take time but you'll be okay. I promise. Are you ready to go home? The others are worried about you." Sehun averted his gaze, bottom lip trapped between his teeth."Kai I don't want to go back to the surface for the time being. I want to stay here because I am still terrified of what Jennie might do and I want you to stay with me if it's not too much to ask– but I don't want to force you into staying if you don't want to" Kai's eyes were staring intently at the merman. Kai's brown (now brown–grey) eyes unfailingly made him feel vulnerable. At first, it made him feel uncomfortable being exposed so effortlessly. But now, now he barred himself willingly. In fact, now he welcomed being seen, being read—at least by Kai. Because the human's gaze didn’t know how to judge him—it only offered acceptance, love, and offered much needed reprieve. “I don’t want to confine you, Sehun.” Kai's voice sounded so sincere, it speared through his heart. “Love isn’t about genders, but about feelings, you're the first man to teach me that” he said as he caressed Sehun's cheek. Then he added, “It terrifies me, to feel like I do with you. Because with you, I don’t feel like hiding my true self or protect my heart. My life belongs to you and I trust you with it. Implicitly. I love you so much Sehun and I will do anything for you." Each word from Kai's lips shook him and stole all his air. “Me too. I trust you, completely, Kai.” Kai smiled.“Sehun. When I said my life belongs to you, I didn’t lie. I will do what you want me to do,” Kai replied with all seriousness, his hands reaching out and grasping Sehun's. “If you want me to stay with you in the sea, then I’ll stay. If you want me to take you back to our home, I’ll do that. If you want me to get you the treasures of Atlantis I’ll turn the oceans upside down. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” Sehun blinked at Kai, but before he could’ve spoken Kai continued. “Sehun, I carry you in my blood and in the marrow of my bones. I would do anything for you,” he confessed, voice a husky tenor, at the same time his left hand wandered up his fiance's scaled thigh and the other glided up to tilt his chin up."tell me. What do you want me to do? Whatever you want. ” The merman looked taken aback. Sehun has had opportunities in the past to learn just how devoted Kai was. But even he was gobsmacked at this present level of loyalty, the fierce dedication to Sehun that far surpassed logic or reason. Sehun gulped and pulled his hands free from the hold only to be able to rise and half sit onto Kai's knees. “You will do anything I ask?” The human steadied him with a hand to his waist and nodded. “Anything.” Sehun let out a noise dangerously close to a sob and crawled all the way into Kai's lap, while his hands winded around the man in a tight hug. It was so sudden Kai almost toppled off the rock and only barely balance them both. “I want only one thing, Kai,” Sehun whispered into the curve of Kai's shoulder. The human returned the hug, burying his own face into Sehun's hair and inhaling the familiar smell of home in an attempt to stabilize not just their balance but also his disheveled emotions. “Tell me.” Sehun arms trembled around him. His voice wasn’t steady either as he pleaded, “I don't want to ever part from you. Stay… with me forever. I will follow you back to the surface–i don't care what Jennie or anyone else might do, I am not scared anymore – I have you– I just want to be with you for eternity .” Kai did start crying then even as the sea water mingled and wash away his tears. The pent up tears and the raw feelings, both the good and the bad, just burst out of him without any hope to rein them back in. Sehun hold onto him desperately, and aired none of his discomfort when Kai's hug turned rather painful from how strong it was.   “Never let me out of your sight again,” Sehun begged, instead. “Hmm,” Kai hummed wetly, his chest heaving up and down as his sobs wrecked through him. “Let’s go back and live our lives together with our baby. I will be okay even if the world turns against me.” “Hmm,” Kai made another agreeing noise from his throat, and nuzzled his cheek into Sehun's hair. “I want to be next to you. With you.” “Yes.” “I want to follow you. Protect you. Love you.” Sehun kept listing, and Kai kept agreeing as they clung to each other. “Yes.” Kai heaved for air that was none existence, and brought up his right hand to Sehun's face. “Yes, to all of those.” Sehun giggled then, breathless, joyful and trusting. Kai's mouth curved upwards too despite his tears have yet to stop falling. But by now all those tears were out of contentment and love which threatened to devour him whole.    “Thank you Kai,” Sehun confessed freely like a bird soaring the skies. His hands were coming around to hold Kai's face. At first Kai thought he was going to wipe the tears away but he almost fell off the rock again when Sehun leaned in to kiss them away instead even though they're not showing (the water washing them away, but Sehun's blue tears were visible and beautiful and Kai wished his tears were like Sehun's). It was so intimate, so precious, so indulgent - it choked Kai from the inside out. If Kai's love was raw and fierce like a wild fire, Sehun's love was gentle yet steadfast like the waves. Such differing mediums, however, when they came together they become an unshakeable force under the heavens. No creature in any realm–Heaven, surface and the seas could deny their joined power, and none wanted. “I love you, ,” Sehun managed against his harshly beating heart and blurry vision. And then he was kissed within an inch of his life. Sehun poured it all into the kiss, giving and taking in a cycle of desperate exchange. Their tongues danced around, they explored and and . Kai softly bit down on the merman’s bottom lip which drew an moan from Sehun's throat. The sound was like oil to the fire; it served as a brutal blow to their already thinning self-control. Sehun was picked up under his shapely scaled bum, all the while their lips never separating. Sehun was placed atop another rock, much bigger than the previous one they were sitting on and Kai all but crawled on top of him, chasing after the sweetness of the merman’s mouth. Someone cleared their throat and the pair hastily pulled back. It was Sehun's grandmother. Her slivery-gray scales had turned blue. "Sorry I didn't know you'll be busy, I think you should go see the ki
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss