Chapter 34 - Miracles

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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That’s how Chanyeol felt as he ran through the corridors of the hospital, trying to find the room where Kyungsoo was in. he just couldn’t understand how any of this happened. In the morning they were bidding good bye, promising each other to return soon and now suddenly he’s sprinting through this god-awful of space, hoping that Kyungsoo is alive.

When he first heard the news, he couldn’t really come in terms with this news. I mean who in the world would believe that their husband, who is seven months pregnant, would get into an accident? He just couldn’t believe it. But when he finally realized the seriousness of the situation, he straightaway ran out of the hotel without thinking twice.

The only sane thing he was able to do was calling his senior and telling him everything.

After that, he had no idea how he managed to grab a flight and get to the hospital. All he knew was that his whole body was trembling and the only thing that was going through his mind was Kyungsoo. He just hoped, no, he prayed that Kyungsoo was alright. If anything went wrong, he’d die.

There’s no way he’d be able to continue without him.

He sighed as the sight of Kyungsoo’s parents came into his view. He slowed down and walked towards them while trying to catch his breath. When Kyungsoo’s mother spotted him, she ran towards him and embraced him tightly before starting to cry. He let her cry on his shoulder as he himself tried to hold back the tears for the sake of appearing strong.

“Where is he, mother?” he asked her when she calmed herself down a little.

“He’s still inside the OT, Chanyeol.” Mrs. Do sniffled, trying to retain her emotions. “Why did this happen to my child?”

“Sunmi… Don’t worry… he’s strong. I’m sure he’s going to get through this…” Mr. Do reassured her as he pulled her away from him.

With a nervous exhale, he walked to the waiting chairs and flopped down on it. His limbs were shaking and his head felt light as he looked towards the door of the operation theatre. He put his hands in his head and prayed silently for anyone to tell him that everything was going to be alright. He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly a thought hit him.

Kyungsoo was supposed to stay at home, so why in the world did he go outside? And how did Sehun knew about it before anyone else?

He got up from his seat abruptly and looked around before noticing Sehun crouched down on the corner. His clothes were messed up with blood making him completely disheveled. Even from far away, Chanyeol could see how traumatized his brother was, given the fact that he was trembling.

Chanyeol approached him quietly and took a seat beside him. He could feel the eyes of others following him, but he chose to ignore it in favor of knowing the truth. He gently touched Sehun’s shoulder making the younger man turn towards him with red teary eyes.

“How did this happen, Sehun?” he asked as gently as he could. He counted ten in backwards to keep his mind from exploding with all these emotions.

“I was…I just…” Sehun hiccupped as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “I just wanted to spend some time with him hyung… I don’t know how all of it happened.”


“And I’m so sorry hyung… it’s all because of me.  If I didn’t call him out, he would have been alright. But I really didn’t know something like this would happen hyung…I’m so sorry hyung” Sehun sobbed, his whole body shaking in the impact.

Seeing his little brother cry, Chanyeol couldn’t hold back the tears. He wrapped his arms around the younger male and pulled him in an embrace as he let his tears fall. He had pretended to act strong for a long time but right now he just needed someone to hold and be held. He buried his face on Sehun’s shoulder as he cried his heart out.

When he was done, he gently pulled away from his brother and wiped his remaining tears with the back of his hand. “It’s alright Sehun. I’m just really glad that you were there with him. I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if you weren’t there.” He said as he patted his younger brother.


“And I’m sorry for behaving like a jerk all these times. I know what happened to us was beyond our control but I should have been grateful to mum and dad for not abandoning us.” Apologized Chanyeol while looking down at his hands.

He had indeed realized his mistake when he started working for his family. He realized that he only got his job because his parents made him get the best education available in Korea. He understood that if his parents didn’t took them in and abandoned them, then both of them would have been lost in the world of darkness. He shudders imagining what would have happened if it was like that.

But that didn’t happen because his mum and dad were kind. His parents were kind and patient enough to raise someone who wasn’t even their own blood. And he should have been thankful for that but instead he threw a tantrum and left the house. but then again, if he didn’t leave the house, he wouldn’t have come in terms with the reality of life and wouldn’t make the efforts to appreciate the smallest things in life.

“I just wish mum and dad were here…” He sighed, his shoulder slumping down.

Before Sehun could reply to that, the operation room’s door opened and a doctor along with a nurse came out. They were discussing something before the nurse ran in the opposite direction hurriedly. Seeing this, Chanyeol stood up from his position and approached the doctor, hoping that everything was alright. He was praying silently that anything bad didn’t happen to Kyungsoo.

“Umm..Doctor…w-what ha-ppend?” Chanyeol asked anxiously.

“Mr. Park...” The doctor heaved a sigh while looking down. “You need to sign this form because we’re going to have to deliver your child.”

“Okay. But what about Kyungsoo? Is he alright?” Chanyeol questioned, his voice shaking due to nervousness.

“I’m afraid, I can’t say anything to that yet, Mr. Park” The doctor replied. “But we’re trying our best. Rest is upon fate.”

Chanyeol’s world stopped. “What do you mean by that doctor?” he was becoming increasingly agitated. Why can’t they just say that the smaller man was going to be alright? Why were they so ambiguous? It was driving him nuts!

“Look Mr. Park,” the doctor began, “he has lost a huge amount of blood and he’s had several concussions in his head. Most of his rib bones were either broken or severely cracked and not to mention he is pregnant. It’s a miracle that your child is unscathed but your husband…we can’t be sure about him.”

Hearing this Kyungsoo’s mother collapsed on the floor and started sobbing. Chanyeol on the other hand stopped breathing as he tried to process the information. What the hell are they trying to imply? Are they saying Kyungsoo won’t be able to make it?

“I-s h-he goi-ing to d-die?” he stuttered, his eyes welling up with tears. Please anything but that god…anything but that, he prayed silently, I’d die if anything happened to him.

“As I said earlier Mr. Park, I’m afraid I can’t say anything.” The doctor spoke. “We’re trying

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194 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
194 streak #2
Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
194 streak #3
Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
194 streak #4
Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #5
Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9