Chapter 25 - Wrong Timing

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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“You guys fought again?”

Kyungsoo turned around at the sound of the voice coming from the lobby. He smiled at the figure and shook his head to indicate that no; they didn’t get into a fight.

After escaping from their room, Kyungsoo headed towards the balcony area straightaway. His breathing was ragged from the excessive emotions which were flowing inside him, making his brain turn chaotic. He doesn’t know why he said that? He didn’t wanted to confess like that; not under that kind of circumstances.

He loved him. He surely did. But confessing to Chanyeol like that was never his plan. But he did it anyway because he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore. The way Chanyeol held him back there, the way he uttered those words, those words that he longed to hear every day; it broke his self restrain. He again lost to the taller man.

He promised to himself that this time he would make sure make Chanyeol suffer. He really did everything and controlled his crazy emotions. He ignored him for weeks, didn’t even look in his direction but in the end, just one touch, just one word and his resolved crumbled like sand.

He’s really whipped, isn’t he?

“What are you doing here then?”

Kyungsoo now turned to his side to face the older man who standing there wearing his usual black suit accompanied with a black tie. He gave the older a small smile and turned to look at the vast ocean again. He really likes the ocean. It’s so big and deep, one can easily get lost in here.

“We didn’t fight hyung…We had a little argument..” Kyungsoo whispered when he felt the older boring holes into him.

“That’s the same thing…” Ryeowook sighed and leaned against the railing. “Why did you fight?” he questioned.

“Nothing that important. Just silly things…”

“Silly things won’t make you this upset Soo…” Ryeowook stated and turned to look at his. “You can tell me Soo…you can lean on me…”

“You know hyung…” Kyungsoo let out sigh. “Sometimes when I think about this marriage…I feel remorseful…Like I have done something wrong you know…When I think about me and him, I feel bad. I took away his love….I ruined the possibilities…” he whispered dejectedly.

“You know hyung…I really tried. I really am trying to make this marriage work because hyung…I…I just love him so much. But he…he just doesn’t see me no matter what I do or how hard I try…It’s like I’m invisible to him or something…No matter what I do..I’m just not enough…” Kyungsoo gulped hard as he tried to hold back the tears. He won’t cry. He’s a man after all.

“You’re a poem that breathes Soo…” Ryeowook said gently and caressed Kyungsoo’s cheeks. “You’re more than enough. I know Chanyeol is dumb and slow witted just like his uncle…but he loves you Soo…I’m sure of it…”

Kyungsoo chuckled at those words and turned to look at Ryeowook. “I don’t know hyung…I really, really don’t know anything anymore. I just feel like letting go of everything and turn back to my past life. I was happy back then but now…I’m not really sure of it.” He replied and leaned against the railing.

“Give it some time…Everything will work out eventually you know…” Ryeowook sighed because this was only advice he can give to the smaller. But seriously what can he say, he’s in the same situation after all. “Let’s not ponder on this things alright? I’ll buy you food. Let’s go!” Ryeowook said before pulling the younger male to nearest bar.


Chanyeol paces back and forth in the living room as he checks the clock again. It’s close to 11 pm and Kyungsoo is still nowhere to be seen. It’s almost 12 hours since he last saw him and to be honest, he’s really worried about him. Especially after what happened today.

Chanyeol let out a sigh as his mind reeled back to today’s incident. The way Kyungsoo uttered those words, left him speechless. It made his mind completely blank and he couldn’t even move his body. It felt as if his whole body was frozen from the shock of those words.

Kyungsoo loves him.

He has always wondered what it felt to be loved instead of loving someone else. He always thought about it. Always hoped that someone will truly fall in love with him. Actually he hoped that Baekhyun will fall in love with him. But it was all his stupid delusions. He was so much delusional with the idea of having someone in love with him, that he totally forgot about the man who did everything for him. He completely forgot about Kyungsoo, who not only sacrificed his life but himself also.

Chanyeol smacks himself in the head after realizing it for the umpteenth time. He’s really an .

His chain of thoughts breaks when he hears a rustling noise. He immediately rushes towards the main door and sees Kyungsoo stumbling there with that Ryeowook hyung. He glares at the man when he sees how that Ryeowook hyung is holding his waist to support him. He steps forward and unlatches him from the older man and brings him to his side. He then carefully picks up the smaller man and walks towards their bed and places him gently before turning back to look at the older man.

“What happened to him?” he asks curtly.

“He wanted to drink.” Ryeowook rubbed his temples. “He seem pretty upset.”

Chanyeol nodded in reply and bowed towards the man to show his thankfulness for making sure that Kyungsoo returned safely. Even though his heart was burning with anger, he thanked the man for taking care of his husband. Ryeowook gave a small smile and nod and walked to the main door.

“I don’t meddle in other people’s private life but I had to say this.” Ryeowook said, stopping by the exit. “Kyungsoo…He’s a gem…and he really loves you Your Highness. He may seem indifferent or unaffected from time to time but he truly adores you…So please take care of him.” the older bowed to him before exiting the room and leaving him alone in the doorway.


“Mom are you sure that we should do this?” Sehun asked as he looked at his mother questionably.

“Don’t worry and trust your mother hunnie. I know what I’m doing.” The Queen replied with a knowing smile.

“Son-Hee ah..are you sure we should do this?” Siwon asked again as he looked at his sister.

“Shut up Siwon oppa. You’re distracting me.” The Queen growled. “Hunnie – ah go and wake up your dad and tell him to bring a screwdriver. I’m almost done..”

“But it’s 4 am Son-hee…Hyungnim is probably tired from his flight..” Siwon protested which earned him another glare from crouching female.

“I seriously can’t believe that I’m seeing the Queen of South Korea doing something like this..Woah mom you are indeed great!” Sehun remarked before dashing towards his parent’s room.

“Will it even work?” Siwon asked as he

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194 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
194 streak #2
Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
194 streak #3
Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
194 streak #4
Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #5
Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9