Chapter 15 - I'm Glad That You're Okay Now

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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Chanyeol feels like he woke on the wrong side of the bed. Everything is just going wrong for him. like seriously? Why in the world all the bad things occur to him?

Chanyeol found it strange when Kyungsoo didn’t pack him lunch. He thought that maybe the younger boy was just tired. But it happened the next day too and the day after next day too. He thought that maybe Kyungsoo is really tired and that’s why he isn’t cooking for him but when he saw Sehun and even that Yixing eating their bentos happily, Chanyeol felt angry.

Chanyeol felt angry but then he realized he was just hurt.


From childhood, his parents taught him that you shouldn’t expect anything from anyone. Those words struck him so much that it became his life motto. He never expected anything from anyone. But when Kyungsoo packed him lunches, he just kind of hoped that he would receive them forever. Seeing him wake up at the crack of dawn to prepare food for him really did something to his heart.

It made his heart skip a beat after a long time.

And not to mention the amazing taste. Did he mention that Kyungsoo’s an amazing cook? Only Chanyeol knows the struggle of keeping his bento safe until lunch time. Even the picky Baekhyun was mesmerized over the taste. And of course his little brother Sehun, wailed when he first tried the bento “Because hyung this is heaven on earth…I love Soo hyung soo effing much…”

Sehun rambled more about how much he loves Kyungsoo but let’s just say Chanyeol stopped listening halfway.

 Chanyeol woke up feeling stiffness all around his body. He stretched his arms to relax his cramped muscles and looked around to see that Kyungsoo was still asleep.  “Strange…” he muttered to himself as he got up from the couch. His whole body feels stiff. He really should consider about getting a new bed since he can’t share it with Kyungsoo.

He did his usual morning routine and when he came out of the toilet, Kyungsoo was still sleeping. He kind of felt strange since Kyungsoo doesn’t sleep in. maybe he’s tired? He did saw the younger male running around yesterday. He decided to leave him alone but then he heard a low whimper. It felt as if someone was in pain.

He quietly walked towards Kyungsoo and saw that he had beads of perspiration around his forhead. Kyungsoo face looked really pale.

“Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol called out but was only answered with another small whimper.

Chanyeol touched his forhead out of instinct and saw that Kyungsoo had high fever.

“…Kyungsoo you have fever… Wait…” Chanyeol said worriedly and rushed to find the medicine box.

He searched everywhere but he couldn’t find it. ‘Kyungsoo must have rearranged the items once again..’ he thought as he checked the cupboards. He was almost giving up when he suddenly remembered that Kyungsoo kept the medicine box in the bed side table. He rushed to that side and opened the drawer and found the box. He sighed in relief as he searched through the box to find the fever medicine. He also pulled out the thermometer to check the temperature.

“Kyungsoo can you open your mouth? I need to check your temperature…” Chanyeol asked.

Kyungsoo looked at him with half lidded eyes and slowly opened his mouth. Chanyeol gently slid the thermometer in and waited for the machine to measure Kyungsoo’s temperature. After few minutes the machine beeped and Chanyeol took out the thermometer to check the temperature. He gasped when he saw the high temperature. It was around 102 degrees.

Chanyeol immediately called one of the maids and ordered them to prepare some rice porridge and to bring him a bowl of cold water along with a rag. Chanyeol sat beside Kyungsoo and checked his temperature from time to time while waiting for the items to be brought to him.

After few minutes one of the maids handed him the bowl of water and the rag. Kyungsoo was still whimpering and his face was still pale as ever. Chanyeol immediately immersed the rag in the water and after squeezing the excess water out he placed it on Kyungsoo’s forehead.

He continuously did it until the temperature dropped to 101 degrees. Chanyeol let out sigh of relief. Now he just needs to feed him the porridge along with the medicines and let him rest. ‘But where in the world is he porridge? Why is it taking so long?’ Chanyeol thought as he headed towards the kitchen.

He saw the maids working around the kitchen and decided to ask one of them. He was about to enter the kitchen when the head butler stopped him.

“Master Chanyeol what are you doing in the kitchen?” the head butler bowed slightly.

“Mr. Kim, Kyungsoo’s sick.. I told them to prepare the porridge almost one hour ago… why haven’t I received it yet?” Chanyeol demanded irritation evident in his voice.

“Oh…Don’t worry master..I’ll tell them to bring it to your room immediately.” Mr Kim said politely.

Chanyeol nodded and decided to head back to his room when Mr. Kim called him again. He turned around to look at the old man.

“Master and Madam will arrive tomorrow from their tour… Along with your cousin from the north” Mr. Kim said slightly looking down.

Chanyeol nodded and rubbed his forehead to garner the information. He started walking back to his room and let out a sigh again. Heechul hyung was coming back again and to be honest Chanyeol didn’t like it one bit. But as he entered the room and saw Kyungsoo’s pale face, he could really care less.

The porridge arrived after another half an hour and by that time Chanyeol was extremely irritated. Not only Kyungsoo’s temperature rose again, he also started whimpering more because of his headache. the only time Chanyeol saw someone sick like this was when he visited his great grand grandma in the village.

Chanyeol gently woke Kyungsoo up and helped him sit on the bed. He looked a little better but his temperature was still high. He opened the bowl of porridge and poured some on the dish. He scooped some up in the spoon and held it in front of Kyungsoo’s mouth. instead of eating, Kyungsoo turned his head in the opposite direction.

“Kyungsoo..You need to eat or else

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194 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
194 streak #2
Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
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Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
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Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #5
Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9