Chapter 20 - Practicing For Marathon? Maybe Not!

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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“Ahhh!!!!! Hit him come on!!!!!! Like that yes!!” Baekhyun yells enthusiastically. “No…NONONONO COME ON NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Baekhyun yells at the top of his lungs which earns him glare from everyone.

He slumps against the chair dejectedly because he just lost a major level of League of Legends by someone named ‘JongToTheDae’. He was doing so good but that stupid gamer made him lose his points.

“Stupid Jongtothedae guy ughh” he mutters angrily.

“Did you call me?” someone asks from the next cubicle.

Baekhyun almost yelps at the sound and looks around to see a pair of eyes watching him. he squints his eyes to identify the person but his brain doesn’t seem to register those eyes. the face slowly appears and Baekhyun’s heart takes a sudden leap. It’s Jongdae.

“Jongdae?” Baekhyun asks a little surprised “What are you doing here?”

“Me? I was playing LOL. I just defeated someone named ‘ByunEyelinerBaek’” he chirped happily completely missing the frown forming on Baekhyun’s face.

“You are ‘JongToTheDae’?’” Baekhyun asks as he feels his face form a deeper frown.

“Yeah…Are you…” Jongdae looks at Baekhyun and his words die in his throat.

“!!” he mutters as he gets up from his seat and runs towards the exit.

“GET BACK HERE JONGDAE!!!” Baekhyun yells as he follows Jongdae outside.


“I’m sorry I’m sorry!! Now let me go!!! Ya it’s just a game!!!” Jongdae says as he struggles against Baekhyun’s headlock.

“I lost a major level” Baekhyun growled as he relaxed his arms a little.

“Somebody has to lose in the game.” Jongdae replied as he slipped away from Baekhyun “Now don’t be sad, I’ll buy you a coffee”

“Are you asking me out?” Baekhyun asked trying to hide a smile.

“No..I mean it’s peace offering” Jongdae struggled.

“Still it’s called as asking me out” Baekhyun teased.

“It’s really not like that” Jongdae tried again

“But it is called as asking me out” Baekhyun smirked.

“Fine fine..I’m asking you out okay? Have a cup of coffee with me” Jongdae let out sigh but on the inside he was flying on cloud 9.

“Okay I’ll go only if you pay…” Baekhyun again as he s an arm around Jongdae’s neck.

Chanyeol woke up with an awful headache. he groaned as the pain travelled through his body like waves. He blinked a few times to steady his vision and let out a relieved sigh when noticed that he was in his own room. he felt a weird warmness in chest and looked down to see that he has once again wrapped himself around Kyungsoo.

He tried to move a little but stopped when Kyungsoo started squirming. Chanyeol stared at the sleeping male and felt his heart skip a beat. Kyungsoo was beautiful. His large eyes, his button nose, his plump heart shaped lips, his black smooth hair, Kyungsoo was indeed beautiful. Chanyeol studied his features before his eyes fell on his plump lips once again. they were parted a little bit and Chanyeol could feel the warm puffs of air on his neck.

Suddenly flashes of last night came into his mind. He remembered having a drinking challenge with Yixing and then they sang ‘I’ll always love you’ (Chanyeol groaned internally at that) and lastly he remembered that he had stopped Kyungsoo and pulled him. Chanyeol flushed immediately when he realized what he said and did.

“…” he muttered to himself. he really did kiss Kyungsoo.

All those fantasies which he was having about Kyungsoo for a month now, all those moments he really thought about kissing Kyungsoo, he really did acted on them. , , what did you do Park Chanyeol! He stared at Kyungsoo once again and instantly his eyes landed on his lips. Last night, his own lips were there. And not only were his lips, his tongue was also there if he remembers it. He groaned again when he remembered how it felt. Kyungsoo’s mouth was wet and hot and it was really intoxicating. And now suddenly he wants to kiss him again.

Chanyeol glanced around once before he fixated his eyes on Kyungsoo’s lips. Just one short peck and no one would know. Yes Chanyeol just one short peck and then you will get up and get away from this bed. He leaned down slowly as he his own lips. He was just a few inches short. Yes just a little more and his lips would touch Kyungsoo.

“Hey Soo hyung do you know anyone named Luhan….” The door flung open and Sehun walked in seamlessly. But he instantly started shrieking when his eyes landed on Chanyeol and he realized what his brother was trying to do.

“OH MY GOD!!!!! HOW COULD YOU TAINT MY INNOCENT SOO HYUNG YOU GIANT YODA!!!! GET AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT NOW!!!” Sehun shrieked at the top of his lungs which made Kyungsoo jump from his sleep and land on the floor with a loud thud.

“What the Sehun!” Chanyeol growled at his little brother. Great! This is exactly what he needed in the early morning. Absolutely great.

“What happened? Why are you shouting so early in the morning Sehun – ah?” the Queen entered the room accompanied by the King.


As soon as the words left Sehun’s mouth both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol flushed deep red. Both King and Queen laughed at Sehun’s antics and the young couple’s shyness.

“They’re so cute aren’t they honey?” the Queen cooed at the young couple “Let’s go Sehunnie…Come on..”

The King dragged Sehun away who was pouting like a little kid and grumbling about how this giant yoda hyung will ruin his favorite Soo hyung.

Kyungsoo stared at the ground as he felt the blush creep down his whole body. Chanyeol tried to kiss him while he has asleep? Just thinking about it makes his heart and mind go haywire. He’s still not over last night kiss and everything still f

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194 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
194 streak #2
Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
194 streak #3
Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
194 streak #4
Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #5
Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9