Chapter 19 - Heart Attack

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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Instead of going back to the dorm with Yixing, Kyungsoo returns to the palace. It was almost around 11:30 pm when he reached the gates and entered the premises. He takes deep breath and walks inside his room and sees that Chanyeol has already fallen asleep on their bed.

He walks towards the sofa and flops down on it. He still can’t believe what just happened few hours ago. They were just having fun and enjoying the day, how did it suddenly end into this? He had a feeling that Yixing thought of him as more than a friend but he never pondered on it. And why would he think about it anyway? He has always thought of Yixing as his hyung, his best friend.

He let out a sigh and ruffled his hair. Did he really made the right choice? What if Yixing decides to cut their friendship? What will he do if Yixing really cuts him off from his life? He can’t even tolerate that thought. Yixing holds a big part on his life and if he decides to leave him then Kyungsoo doesn’t know what he will do.

Because Yixing is only person that he trusts with his whole life apart from his family.

Kyungsoo wakes up a little earlier than he intended. His lower back is all cramped up because unfortunately he fell asleep on the sofa. He stretched his arms to free himself from the sleepiness and pads across the room to go to the toilet.

After 15 minutes he comes back to the room and sees that Chanyeol is still curled up in bed. He stifles a yawn and walks towards the kitchen to make himself a warm cup of coffee.

He poured the steaming coffee on his cup and gazed out of the window. The sun was rising up slowly, which the garden a beautiful yellowish tint. The birds outside were chirping loudly and their gardener was already watering the plants.

 “Don’t think too much” someone spoke behind which made Kyungsoo to turn around.

“Oh..Good morning Heechul hyung” Kyungsoo attempted a smile.

“You don’t need to smile if you don’t feel like it you know…” Heechul said while grabbing a cup of coffee for himself.

“Sorry hyung…I’m just not feeling well…” Kyungsoo said as he looked on his cup.

“I can understand….It happened to me too you know…when I rejected someone who truly adored me..” Heechul said sipping his coffee.

Kyungsoo looked at him with a shocked expression. Does he know what happened last night? But that…That can’t be possible right?

“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo asked dazed.

“I saw what happened last night…” Heechul said while looking at the door “Your best friend..Yixing if I’m not wrong…confessed to you last night didn’t he?”

“He did…” Kyungsoo whispered.

“Well…I can understand why you feel sad right now…You’re contemplating your decision right now aren’t you?” Heechul said.

“I am hyung…I don’t know if I did the right thing…I mean I don’t want to lose him as my friend” Kyungsoo said earnestly.

Heechul nodded at that and said “If he wants to get away from you and take his time, then let him. There’s no need to feel guilty you know… You did what you had to do…”

Heechul patted him on the shoulder assuring him that everything will be alright before walking out of the kitchen.


Kyungsoo walked back to his room and saw Chanyeol sitting at the side of the bed deep in thought. He glanced at the taller male once before heading towards the cupboard and picking out his clothes for the day.

“Is it true?” Chanyeol speaks all of a sudden.

“What?” Kyungsoo askes turning around and his breath almost hitches when he sees Chanyeol standing just few inches away from him. ‘When did he walk here? I swear I didn’t hear him’ Kyungsoo thinks.

“Your best friend Zhang Yixing confessed to you…” Chanyeol says eyes glued to the smaller male.

“Yes…” Kyungsoo mumbles.

Chanyeol looks at him with an unreadable gaze which sends shivers down Kyungsoo’s spine. They keep their gazes locked for several seconds before Kyungsoo looks down to calm his erratically beating heart.

“Hmm…” Chanyeol hums thinking about something, before walking out of the room, leaving very flustered Kyungsoo alone.

 Kyungsoo wakes up next morning feeling a little hot. He looks up and sees that Chanyeol has once again curled up on his side. To be more specific, Chanyeol has his one hand wrapped around Kyungsoo’s waist and one leg thrown over his body. Seeing how intimate their position is, Kyungsoo’s whole body gets heated and his heart starts to beat erratically, again.

He literally shoves Chanyeol away and runs to the toilet. Damn his stupid heart!

He comes out of the toilet after calming himself and doing his regular morning routine. He sees that Chanyeol has woken up (Mostly because he shoved him that hard) and is playing with his phone.

“I’m sorry for making you my personal bolster” Chanyeol said without looking up from his phone.

“Hmm” Kyungsoo hums because he really can’t say anything to this.

“Are you going to the kitchen?” Chanyeol asks all of a sudden.

“Yes..” Kyungsoo replies.

“Can you make a cup of tea for me?” Chanyeol says.

“Okay…” Kyungsoo answers back calmly but on the inside he feels really weird. Chanyeol has never told him to do anything for him. This weird feeling keeps nagging him on the back of his mind, so he decides to ignore it the best way possible.

He comes back to their room twenty minutes later with a cup of steaming tea and with another cup of boiling coffee. He hands the cup of tea to Chanyeol and grabs the cup of coffee for himself. He’s just about to a sip when Chanyeol puts his own cup down a little loudly.

Kyungsoo gives him a questioning stare but Chanyeol shrugs him off and says “The tea’s bitter…”

“I’m sorry…I’ll tell Mrs. Song to make it for you again” Kyungsoo apologizes and gets up from his place to call for the said maid.

When he comes back with the tea, Chanyeol is already getting ready for college since he has an early class. Kyungsoo quietly place the cup on the table and goes to arrange his own bag.

“Kyungsoo..” Chanyeol called once again.

“Yes?” Kyungsoo said without looking back.

“Can you pick out my clothes?” Chanyeol asked.

Kyungsoo turned towards with a questioning look. Did he hear him right?

“Okay…?” he hesitated a little but Chanyeol’s unsettling stare made him do it anyway. He went to the cupboard and picked up a black high neck sweater paired with a brown jacket and black jeans.

“Chanyeol I’ve placed your clothes…” Kyungsoo said before going out to the toilet.

He came out after few minutes and saw Chanyeol wearing something else. He gave the taller male an inquiring look but the latter just shrugged it off saying “Too much black”

Kyungsoo gazed at Chanyeol’s back as the taller walked out of the room and he could already feel that this is going to be a long, long week.


“What the is wrong with him?” Kyungsoo whined.

“What did he do now?” Luhan sighed. He’s really too old and tired for this.

“He told me to change the bed sheets and when I did it, he said that he doesn’t like the color! I had to change it thrice you know! Thrice!!” Kyungsoo pouted.

“So?” Luhan said nonchalantly

“Hyung you don’t understand the underlying problem here! He’s making me do all his work even when the maids are there. I mean I’m not complaining about doing housework but he’s making do the same task at least thrice before calling the maids!” Kyungsoo huffed.

“Then tell him you won’t do it” Luhan replied cooly.

“I said but then he, you know, just stared at me until I did the work… He just sits there and stares at me like this…” Kyungsoo s

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189 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
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Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
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Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
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Chapter 4: 🥰
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Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9