Chapter 26 - Stop Ruining Our Moments

Were We Meant To Be Together?
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Heechul walked around the corridor and entered small pathway which led him to a secluded area in the palace. This entire place was hidden behind the big portrait of the former king. Heechul heaved a sigh as he successfully opened the door which was locked for more than 26 years. He stepped inside slowly and started fumbling around for the light switch.

After looking around for a minute or two, he finally found the switches and turned it on. He blinked several times due to the sudden bright light and when his eyes finally adjusted, he started looking around the room to find that one source of information which could change their entire life.

That one information which can completely ruin the simple foundation of the Park family.

After thoroughly searching the room for half an hour, he finally, finally found what he was looking for. The sole purpose for being here was finally there in his hands. An evil smile crept up his face as he examined the dusty file. He doesn’t know what’s inside but he surely knows that this mere file has enough information to destroy the Park family as well as their industries.

He examined the files cautiously but he didn’t dare to open it. It was strict order from his father to not look inside but now when he has the file in his hands, his curiosity is killing him. He got up from his sitting position on the floor and checked to see if anyone was around. When he saw the coast was clear, he focused his attention back on the file and with extreme care opened the files.

As soon as his eyes examined the contents of the file, his eyes grew wide with shock. This..this was something he didn’t expect even in his wildest dreams. This..information can really ruin the Park family. he felt his heartbeat rising as the information finally sank in his brain. When he opened the files, he expected proofs of corrupt practices or black money but not this. definitely not this.

He fumbled for his phone and dialed his father’s number as quick as possible. His father picked up the call after three rings and Heecul spilled the information without wasting any second.

“Looks like you found the right information son. You did a good job.” His father said proudly. “We can finally takeover everything.”

 “But dad..this..this information will ruin them dad..they” Heechul stuttered.

“And that’s exactly what I want. They took over my project without my permission. Do you even have any idea how much loss I suffered because of that?” his father snapped angrily.

“But dad..”

“Don’t tell me you started caring for them Heechul! You did your job and now it’s time for you to return.” He father yelled over the phone and disconnected the call immediately.

Heechul stared at the black screen of the device and realized just what kind of mistake he has made. Yes, he wanted to wreck the Park family but not this way. This is just too wrong and unfair. How will he be able to face them now when he knows that their family might not be theirs?


“Chanyeol! How long are you going to take?” Kyungsoo shouted as he fixed his bowtie once again in front of the mirror.

Today is the big day. The day when they finally make the first public appearance together. His insides churned as he gelled up his hair and brushed away the few fallen strands away. God..he feels

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194 streak #1
Chapter 37: 🥰 thank you for this!
194 streak #2
Chapter 28: You did good Jonghyun!
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Chapter 9: beautiful bouquet!
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Chapter 4: 🥰
194 streak #5
Chapter 1: great so far!
Definitely reading this!!!!
Chapter 37: ADORABLE!!!!!
it give me whole feels of chan Soo~~~~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Osekop12 #8
Congrats on the feature!!
tsumtsumie #9