[ ♡ ] .003

Broken Hearts of Literature.
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"Nami!" The voice stunned her as she turned around. It's been a few months since she's been in Korea as the exchange student. The one thing she did love about it was that she was close to her cousin, Bo Na—who, surprise surprise, is best friend's with Baekhyun's sister. It always meant that she'd have to see the man outside of uni. It is always awkward to see him because it would remind her of how she threw herself at him back in California. 

So far, he hasn't confronted her about the whole one night thing but she did know that he was contemplating on confronting her about it. The way he'd look at her in class and how he'd keep his eyes on her out of uni said it all. 

"What's up?" Nami questioned once her cousin was in close proximity. Bo Na sighed as she plopped herself down on Nami's couch. "Well, we're going to Chanyeol's house tomorrow. He's having a barbeque and I was wondering if you wanted to come? You and Jae Mi?" Nami looked to her cousin like she was crazy. To ask her to go to Baekhyun's best friend's, or so she's heard, home for a barbeque was insane. It was like putting her directly in the line of questioning and she didn't want to be friends with her cousin's friends or Baekhyun's. 


"Because," Bo Na hollered happily, "you can make friends with all the professors at the uni! Come on, Na, please? You transfered here last month and you haven't made any friends yet! It would be nice if you met them, they're pretty nice." Nami cringed at the female and sighed, shaking her head as if she was declining. "I don't want to," she mumbled. Bo Na frowned, "Why not?" 

"I feel like if I tell you, you're going to push me to go towards that direction." 

Bo Na's brows furrowed confusingly as she stared at the brunette: "Na, what are you talking about?" Nami sighed and looked up to her cousin, "Remember the day I video called you and I told you about how I slept with some guy after being drunk the night before?" Her cousin nodded, her attention fully on the brunette. Nami sighed and stared at the other. "Baekhyun just happened to be that person." Bo Na blinked once more and continued to blink before gasping. "You slept with Baekhyun?! He's who you were talking about?!" 

If anything, Nami would swear that if they were in public.. they'd get stared at like they were maniacs but she nodded to her cousin, who moved closer to her. "What was it like? Sleeping with Baekhyun, I mean." 

"He was great, if I can remember correc—hey!" Nami frowned at Bo Na before casually hitting her arm. Her cousin laughed and shook her head. "I can't believe you slept with him! But isn't it awkwkard though? Seeing him everyday and not to mention that he's your professor?"

"Yes," Nami replied.

"Oh man," Bo Na whistled and looked up to the ceiling, slumping herself back into the couch. "Has he confronted you yet?"

Nami pursed her lips and sighed, mimicking her cousin's posture: "Surprisingly, no. Not yet, but I feel like he's going to soon." Bo Na turned her head and looked at the brunette. "How can you tell?" The brunette turned to face Bo Na and shrugged: "It's the looks that he gives me in class sometimes or when you drag me to hang out with Bomi. It's like he's contemplating to or not to." 

"Oh," Bo Na uttered, "well! Go find out!" Nami furrowed her brows and stared weirdly at he cousin. "What?" 

"You have class today, don't you?" 

".... me," Nami mumbled before groaning. Bo Na chuckled and shook her head, patting the brunette's leg: "I'm sure Baekhyun would love to do that for you." 

Throughout class, Nami was slightly disturbed and uncomfortable. Jae Mi, whose known Na Mi for quite some time, had noticed her shifting around in her seat uncomfortably as Baekhyun stood in front. He lectured the class over the importance of literature and it didn't really interest Nami as much as she doodled on her notes that she had just taken when Jae Mi nudged her stomach allowing her to turn to her friend. 

"Are you alright, Na? You seem out of it." 

Nami sighed and slumped her shoulders, "I'm fine, I'm just tired." Jae Mi stared at the girl and rolled her eyes. "Na, I've known you since high school an

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[ AN: 030221 ] Hi everyone! I want to give a big thank you for the 37 upvotes! And the 445 subscribers, thank you so much! I love you all and please continue to support the story. Until next time, loves ♡


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Nlnz2016 #1
Chapter 18: Thanks for updating. I hope Baek doesn’t ruin it and they can make things work.
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 18: Sigh. Baekhyun did it again. He surely loved to waste his time. Na Mi was hurting again.
Thanj you for this update..!
Chapter 18: It took me two days to finish this🤣 aaaa he finally told her. They can actually keep it as a secret since she's graduating soon. Would love if they start dating each other but I see that 'angst' tag above😭
Chapter 18: god baekhyun is such an but he always fixes it ig. but man if they make amends now i wonder whats going to happen to them DXXX
btw i really like this fic so far and was wondering how many chaps are left?
anticipating the next update~~~~
also good luck with your semesters!!
Chapter 15: oh man her friends can be awesome sometimes but the nosiness is getting super annoying! i mean look what they did to nabaek when they told him to back off smh never learn their lesson. anyways ill continue on
Chapter 18: Oh crap,Baek had said it!
Chapter 4: Subscribed long time ago and just have the time to read this story today due to my busy schedule 🥺 I usually will subscribe first but yeah things happened (I forgot) let's see if I can finish this by today 😀
Chapter 18: now i can't wait what happens next
Chapter 18: Yas finally baekhyun!!!!
Smile_awesome #10
Chapter 18: I love it!!! I