[ ♡ ] .001

Broken Hearts of Literature.
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Chapter 1: Prologue, part one.


"How's California?" Bomi questioned as she spoke through the video chat. Baekhyun chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm as he nodded, giving her a quick thumbs up. "It's actually very nice here! You know, it's considerable to come and teach here," he mentioned as he heard a clear scoff. Joonmyun moved into the picture and stared at his best friend slash brother-in-law. "I thought you're there for a break. I didn't know you were scouting out jobs while you're at it," the older man incquired. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm just saying, hyung," he added, "I was curious of how the university here was so I went to go check it out." Bomi rolled her eyes after him and sighed, "Stop thinking about work and relax, Baek. I'm sure you need it after so long." It was true, Baekhyun has never taken a break unless it was to visit his family in Jeju. Ever since he got a job teaching at the university, he became a work-a-holic and before, he never was.  

"I'll try," he mentioned. 

Bomi smiled at her brother's attempt and hummed, looking through the screen. "Where's Yixing? I thought you two were doing this getaway together?" She questioned and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "He's back at the hotel. I wanted to go out an explore a bit, you know? We're going out to a club later on tonight." Bomi eyed her brother with a slight grin, "So you're going to experience an American club I see," she hummed in a teasing manner, making him shake his head even more. 

"Whatever, Bomi. I'll talk to you guys later, goodnight to you guys." His sister produced a laugh and shook her head, waving her hand goodbye as Joonmyun came over and exclaimed a low goodbye. 

Baekhyun smiled and shut off his phone. He tucked it into his pocket and began to walk back to his hotel when he bumped shoulders with someone. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he mentioned, his English seemingly not failing him. He bent down to grab the female's purse, handing it back to her with a smile. She looked at him and took her purse, a small smile plastering on her lips. "Thank you, and I'm, uh, sorry for not looking at where I was going." He chuckled softly and shook his head, "It's not a problem, I wasn't looking at where I was going either so I'm sure we can both take the blame." 

The female chuckled and nodded, bending down to grab the leather wallet that rested between them. Her expression turned into confusion as she stood upright. "This wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?" Baekhyun looked down to her hands and chuckled, nodding. "It would happen to be so. Thank you," he mentioned, taking it from her with much gratitude. She replied with a 'don't mention it' before she excused herself to continue with wherever she was headed for. He nodded, scratching the back of his neck just slightly as he watched her depart from him.

Within minutes, he released a short huff and shook his head. "At least your English didn't fail you, Baekhyun." He mentioned to himself, finally heading course to his hotel.

At the club

Baekhyun and Yixing both arrived at one of the most popular clubs that they've looked up — or rather Yixing looked up. The two friends stepped in together as Baekhyun looked around. Yixing patted Baekhyun's chest allo

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[ AN: 030221 ] Hi everyone! I want to give a big thank you for the 37 upvotes! And the 445 subscribers, thank you so much! I love you all and please continue to support the story. Until next time, loves ♡


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Nlnz2016 #1
Chapter 18: Thanks for updating. I hope Baek doesn’t ruin it and they can make things work.
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 18: Sigh. Baekhyun did it again. He surely loved to waste his time. Na Mi was hurting again.
Thanj you for this update..!
Chapter 18: It took me two days to finish this🤣 aaaa he finally told her. They can actually keep it as a secret since she's graduating soon. Would love if they start dating each other but I see that 'angst' tag above😭
Chapter 18: god baekhyun is such an but he always fixes it ig. but man if they make amends now i wonder whats going to happen to them DXXX
btw i really like this fic so far and was wondering how many chaps are left?
anticipating the next update~~~~
also good luck with your semesters!!
Chapter 15: oh man her friends can be awesome sometimes but the nosiness is getting super annoying! i mean look what they did to nabaek when they told him to back off smh never learn their lesson. anyways ill continue on
Chapter 18: Oh crap,Baek had said it!
Chapter 4: Subscribed long time ago and just have the time to read this story today due to my busy schedule 🥺 I usually will subscribe first but yeah things happened (I forgot) let's see if I can finish this by today 😀
Chapter 18: now i can't wait what happens next
Chapter 18: Yas finally baekhyun!!!!
Smile_awesome #10
Chapter 18: I love it!!! I