STAY (MiNayeon)

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Attention : i only put ‘little innocent’ in here.

Iam trapped in nightmare..
I want to roll up the darkness and find you...
Though i can’t touch you or be held by you..

There is a little girl in corner of big room. she hug her knee while looking at canvas, a pen, a piano and a sculptor. She is always protected 24/7. Cc tv, big speaker and soundproof room are trapping her. 
Her tears are drying. Her wet clothes is changed to new outfit. A flatcap in her head, some brush in her ears and a pencil in . She is numb again. she try to draw, her magic hand is showing an abstract painting. 

After tired with paint, she changed her outfit. She wears long dress, flower-crown in her head and white gloves in her hand. She is flawless. She isn’t Richard Clayderman who best pianist in this world, but she is more perfectionist over porfessional pianist. The classic melody is arranged by her long finger.

An hour later, she held a pen. She only wears comfy outfit and she wears glasses. She is being gloomy. She write deathly, she is inspired by ia woolf. She make an angst character who living alone and lonely. She can’t cry, she can’t scream and she can’t express herself nicely.

Suddenly big speaker is , “agashii~~~ agashii~~~ the fire... your....”
The girl doesn’t care, she keep write. Her 100% concentration is dedicated for her own story.

“agashii~~ agashiii~~.......”
The girl doesn’t hear it. she hypnotize herself to not listen anything. 

in split second, an ink is out, a page is closed. She closed her eyes,

“i love you~~” she heard it. 

The deeply colored night sky is filled by you...
You who won’t leave me...
you who met me in my horrible memories..

“babe.. babe.. wake up? heyy.. wake up..” mina caress nayeon’s cheek.
Nayeon wake up, she hug mina tightly. nayeon call her fiancee with heavy breath “mina... mina...”

“iam in here, it’s ok.. it was only nightmare...” mina tapped nayeon’s back.
The sweat is drenched nayeon’s body. mina want stand up for get warm water and outfit but nayeon doesn’t let mina go from her hug.

“you will be sick if you don’t change your clothes, babe~” mina try to calm nayeon.
Nayeon is being stone head. she keep hug mina.

so, mina push nayeon’s body slightly, “YOU WILL BE SICK IF REBEL LIKE THIS”

Nayeon pouted, mina stand up. nayeon follow mina to bathroom. Her hand is holding mina’s pajamas. Mina only sigh.

In bathroom, nayeon take off her clothes as mina’s order. Mina want go to wardrobe room but nayeon held mina’s hand. Nayeon shake head as she want mina stay. Mina sigh again. 

After nayeon cleaned her own body, mina wrap her with towel. They are in wardrobe, mina chose pajamas to nayeon. nayeon obeyed like kid. she never loose her hand from mina’s pajamas. 

They are ready to sleep again. nayeon snuggle in mina’s chest and mina’s hand wrap nayeon’s body.

“sleep well~~ i love you” mina whispered.

Mina know nayeon very well. It wasn’t nightmare for nayeon, it was past nayeon, nayeon’s bad memories. Mina is psychologist, she can understand how afraid nayeon toward her own childhood story.  nayeon lost time to got happiness, she was fragile but she didn’t realize it. 
Mina unwrap nayeon’s body, she caress nayeon’s face fondly. Mina still remember clearly how they meet up.

My heart is cold as ice...
I want escape from this pain that chains me down..
In this sadness, you show that love is medicine...


Flashblack on
Mina grumble in front of music’s room. she still doesn’t accept that her professor (her own father) give task her to analyst nayeon’s personality. She hates nayeon wholehearted.
“OH.. aiish~” mina almost get heart attack as she heard door is opened roughly.

There is nayeon with charismatic expression. She walk arrogantly. Mina forget that she has task to analyst about nayeon. her hatefulness is bigger than a task. A couple walk through her and said about basic subject which considered to get graduation. Its hit mina hardly, so she run to follow nayeon.

Nayeon is in restaurant. She is pouring juice toward waiterss, “i told ya~ juice without sugar”
Nayeon threw the blow, “i said soup without carrot”

Nayeon walkout from restaurant. She is heartless. It is why mina hates it.

Mina still follow nayeon till gallery. Nayeon tread a painting, “don’t put abstract element in your surealisme painting, stupid !!” she angry toward one of her employee.

Mina can’t bear it anymore. she appear in front of nayeon. her eyebrow is furrowing, “y- yo—you... d- don- don’t b-be l-li-like th-that”

.. why’d i stammer? Mina curse herself.

There is no expression in nayeon’s face, “are you paparazzi?”

“i- iam—NOT!” mina raise her voice.

Eyes met eyes... four eyes are staring each other. They try to find the meaning of their meeting. They know a strange feeling run into their heart. they realized that the stare isn’t only a stare, there is something that can’t be described easily. 

Suddenly nayeon blink eyes, “don’t knock my life” then nayeon enter her room.
Mina bow to nayeon’s employee. She is walkout.

Mina is waiting taxi then a car stopped in front of her. she is shocked as nayeon out from car.
“you are too late but iam grateful that you come” nayeon speak out of blue.
“eh?????” mina confuse.

Mina try to read nayeon. nayeon’s eyes is shivering, its like a dark cloud which wait for heavy rain. 

“don’t look at me directly ! you are only my object to my final task” mina say honestly as her mind said that nayeon missunderstand about her existance.

Nayeon go closer to mina, she whisper, “say i love you”
Mina push nayeon’s body, “are you crazy??”

Since that day, nayeon can’t stop to distrub mina’s day. She always order mina to say i-love-you. ever mina called police, nayeon was in jail for 3 days because she stalked mina. yet nayeon doesn’t stop to follow mina, she think mina is her medicine. she think mina can save her from her bad memory. 

The time never stop, nayeon as do as well. A second... a minute... a week... a month and a year... mina open her heart slowly. 

Flashblack off

You’re hidden in place where i can’t see you..
Because you received the pain from me...
Still i lost mind to realize my mistake...

Nayeon is genuis artist. She is maestro in orchestra. she is also novelist who break record as best-seller novel in thriller genre. She is painting too, her genre is abstract. She never failed to amaze everyone in art, but she failed in social life.

Nayeon is majesty in art but she is aliented in citizen. They praise nayeon’s art but they critism nayeon’s bad attitude. Nayeon doesn’t care about it. she know she is great person, she has everything and she never feel lose. Yet she forget that mina’s warning. Mina is

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ghost readers vs lack motivation vs bad fanfic~ lmao iam too emotional :D


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 4: <3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 1: Chaeyoung liked Mina for so long haiz. But it's not Mina's fault though
Chapter 28: Another fluff JiTzu with a happy ending.. Can?
I like your story/oneshots but you only have one mitzu while the other ship have many
Chapter 35: Wow, so good but so sad, thanks for jeongsa fanfic btw
Chapter 29: I love all of this one shoot,especiallly minayeon oneshoot. I wish you could update again sometime.
kristin_qtink #7
Chapter 26: Oohhh u autor..u make me cry .. :(
16 streak #8
Chapter 31: <3
16 streak #9
Chapter 31: <3