YOUTH (2yeon vs NaChaeng)

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ATTENTION : i put long love story in here. yet (maybe) you won’t regret read it.

Nayeon sit in jungyeon’s back. Jungyeon are in push-up mode. 
“Uncle, iam 15 years old now. Iam so heavy. Poor my jungie~~” nayeon complain to jungyeon’s daddy.
“100 more because you defend jungyeon” jungyeon’s daddy firm. 
Jungyeon daddy only sit in under big tree while reading newspaper. He is lieutenant-general army. He want jungyeon to be army too. since kid, jungyeon did physical training. Nayeon always be load in jungyeon’s back to make jungyeon stronger.
Nayeon feel guilty. yet she can’t help herself to not complain. 
Nayeon pour ice-water to jungyeon body then kiss jungyeon’s head, “mianhe~~”
Jungyeon smile, she know that nayeon always to do same mistake. she never stop to nagging toward her daddy to decrease her training and the result say it on the contrary.

“uncle~ it is 7 AM. We have class 8 AM. We should take bath” nayeon stand up.
Nayeon take jungyeon’s hand to stand up.
“10 times to run in field after school, jungyeon” jungyeon’s daddy speak without see jungyeon’s eyes.
“andweee~~ she should accompany me to backstore” nayeon try find way to save jungyeon from hell training.
Jungyeon daddy glare to nayeon, “15 times!!”
“unclee~ if jungyeon can’t protect me. how could she protect this country?” nayeon is being nayeon. she is smart to debate.
Jungyeon and jungyeon’s daddy held laugh.
“araseo. 12 times” jungyeon’s daddy crossed arm.
Nayeon show eyesmile, “5 times pweeeeasssseeee”
Jungyeon’s daddy pretend to think hardly.
“thank you~ uncle” nayeon kiss jungyeon’s daddy cheek and drag jungyeon to runaway.

Their hand entwine tightly. They are running happily.
“iam your angel, right?” nayeon ask innocently.
“of course, you are my angel” jungyeon smile widely.
Jungyeon always grateful that she has nayeon. since born, they are growing up together. Their home is near. They never say i love you officially but they have each other. 

Nayeon sit in bus with mad face. she tried hard to jungyeon get less training but, jungyeon took long time for prepare go to school. Nayeon choose to take bus, jungyeon ignored her. so she is sitting alone.
She open phone but nothing message from jungyeon. she is more sulking now.

Nayeon heard someone call her. she open window, she see jungyeon who paddling bycycle. jungyeon wave her left hand.

Jungyeon’s sweat is filling her face but she doesn’t stop call nayeon.
Nayeon smile automatically. Nayeon’s arm shape big love.
Jungyeon shout out “me tooo~~~”
This is the way nayeon and jungyeon say love. 

15 minute later, nayeon is in class. 
“nayeoniie~~” jungyeon rush sit in nayeon’s desk.
Nayeon wipe jungyeon’s sweat, “tired?”
Jungyeon shake head. she open . nayeon smile while feeding sandwich to jungyeon.
“delicious” jungyeon munch sandwich happily.
Nayeon is proud of herself. 

“Krrrrrriiiiiiiiing~~~~~” the bell is ringing.
Nayeon handed bottle to jungyeon, “don’t sleep in class”
Jungyeon nodded. she stand up.
“yah ! yoo jungyeon” a girl come to her.
Jungyeon force  herself to smile.
“why didn’t come to mall yesterday?” a girl crossed arm.
Nayeon glare to jungyeon. jungyeon don’t know how to reject girls. She is confused now.
Nayeon tear book and throw it to jungyeon.
“iam sorry jihyo, you aren’t my type. Mianhe~~” jungyeon pinch nayeon’s cheek then exit nayeon’s class.

In outside, jungyeon smile widely, “nayeon is the cutest jelly in the world”
Everyone know jungyeon and nayeon are best friend. Their status isn’t love relationship. yet nayeon and jungyeon never date in their life. for them, two is better than one. No need to be called couple or dating. Love each other is enough for them.

Nayeon knocked door for several time but she doesn’t get respond. she open the door.
“Yah kiddo~ you have to open door” nayeon patted chaeyoung’s head.
“you enter without permission like you enter my life without asked” chaeyoung still play with her gun.
Nayeon pout, “let’s meet with jungyeon. she has training in field”
Chaeyoung take glance to nayeon, “go with yourself”
“aah come on~~” nayeon pull chaeyoung’s hand.
Chaeyoung has promise. She will take care nayeon forever. She never say “no” to nayeon. 

For chaeyoung, nayeon isn’t only big sister, but also nayeon is savior, mommy, little sister, and love. 
3 years ago, chaeyoung live in darkness. Her parent are spy and died in another country. Then nayeon’s parents come to her. the first nayeon only take care chaeyoung because she will get more pocket money. The days passed, nayeon treat chaeyoung like her real sister. She always bring chaeyoung to play with jungyeon. since it, chaeyoung back to school and alive again.

“jungie~~~~” nayeon drag chaeyoung to jungyeon.
Nayeon wipe jungyeon’s sweat with towel, “let’s go dinner together”

They are eating together in restaurant.
“you treat this dinner, right?” jungyeon slurp the last bowl.
Nayeon shake head, “i don’t bring money”
Jungyeon’s eyes widen, “what??”

Jungyeon take glance to chaeyoung. chaeyoung only shrugged.
“we will die soon” jungyeon sigh.
“5 countdown” jungyeon warning.
Nayeon and chaeyoung blink eyes.

5.... 4.... .3...... .2....... 1......

They are walk carefully to exit restaurant.
“YAH KID !!!” owner restaurant yelled. This restaurant isn’t big, so they haven’t security.
Jungyeon hop in bycycle. chaeyoung sit in back. Nayeon sit in between jungyeon and handle-bar.
Jungyeon’s strength is no joke. she is peddling bycycle fastly.

“jungiiiiiieeeeeeeee~~~” nayeon scream. Chaeyoung hold jungyeon’s t-shirt tightly.
“wooooooaaaaaaaaaah~~~~~~” jungyeon scream as the long street is going down.
BRRRRUKKKKK.......... they fall in gutter.
“ah..” chaeyoung held elbow.
“is it hurt?” nayeon worry. Chaeyoung nodded. 
“let’s treat your wound” nayeon held chaeyoung’s hand.
“how about me?” jungyeon whine.
Nayeon and chaeyoung ignore jungyeon.
“yah !! this isn’t my mistake” jungyeon try to get nayeon’s attention.
Nayeon glare to jungyeon.

“araseeo... i will treat my wound without your help” jungyeon pouted.
Nayeon hit jungyeon’s head, “let’s back to home”
Jungyeon kiss nayeon’s cheek, “LEGGGGOOOOOO~~~~~~~”
“YAH !!!” nayeon slap jungyeon’s arm. Jungyeon only grinned. Chaeyoung only sigh.

For chaeyoung, jealous is main food for her days. She can’t say it as she hasn’t right. she can’t leave nayeon because she is afraid to be alone again. she can’t take eyes off from nayeon because she loves nayeon so much.

2 years later... nayeon and jungyeon graduated from senior high school. 
Jungyeon choose to enter armed-forces academy. She prefer to be sergeant over lieutenan. Meanwhile nayeon enter campus without thinking about her course.
“nayeon” chaeyoung threw flower to nayeon.
Nayeon chuckle, “aigoo~ flower?”
“uncle force me to here. don’t missunderstand” chaeyoung rolled eyes.
“chu chu chu~~ really?” nayeon pinch chaeyoung’s cheek.
“where is my flower?” jungyeon interrupt.
“tssk~~ there is no soldier who loves flower.” Chaeyoung is scoffing jungyeon.
“YAH !! i...”
“i go back first” chaeyoung ignore jungyeon.
“hmm take care~~ my smallbean... thanks for this beautiful flower” nayeon shout out as chaeyoung walk fastly.

Jungyeon wink to nayeon, “there is someting for you. come on”
Nayeon frowned. Still she sit in bicycle. she never peddle bicycle because since kid she is jungyeon’s passanger. 
Nayeon’s hand put in jungyeon’s belly. Her head rest in jungyeon’s back.
“do you really go to academy?” nayeon open conversation.
“will you leave me?” nayeon don’t give time jungyeon to answer.
“don’t you love me?”
“how could you leave this beautiful angel?”
“when will you return?”
“what if i miss you?”
Nayeon can’t stop ask untill they arrived in garden.

Jungyeon take nayeon’s hand, “what is my dream?”
“to be army” nayeon asnwer without thinking.
“and?” jungyeon stare nayeon fondly.
Nayeon only smile. she is too shy for answer it.
Jungyeon turn on the lamp from her bicycle. She put her jacket in grass and nayeon sit it. 
Jungyeon’s show is started. She performed –finger doll drama-.

“once upon time, there are two rabbit who always together. they are loving each other. One day, the gray rabit must go to find –braveness of

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ghost readers vs lack motivation vs bad fanfic~ lmao iam too emotional :D


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 4: <3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 1: Chaeyoung liked Mina for so long haiz. But it's not Mina's fault though
Chapter 28: Another fluff JiTzu with a happy ending.. Can?
I like your story/oneshots but you only have one mitzu while the other ship have many
Chapter 35: Wow, so good but so sad, thanks for jeongsa fanfic btw
Chapter 29: I love all of this one shoot,especiallly minayeon oneshoot. I wish you could update again sometime.
kristin_qtink #7
Chapter 26: Oohhh u autor..u make me cry .. :(
16 streak #8
Chapter 31: <3
16 streak #9
Chapter 31: <3