ALIVE (MiChaeng)

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ATTENTION : I only put laziness in this fanfic.

I open my eyes lazily. I see the girl stand in beside of my bed while crossing arm. I know what would happen.

“SON CHAEYOUNG !!!!!!!”  she scream.
I rub my ears. Her high voice is very annoying. She always distrub my morning.

I catch the pillow, “wow.. nice catch!”

She show her anger, “YOU ARE BAD WRITER!!!”
I roll eyes, she leave me alone in my bedroom.

I walk to desk in right side of living room. I turn on computer to check reaction toward my story which i wrote last night.

“Babe~~ Coffee please” i ask to my girlfriend.

Ah yeah, i forget to tell you. the girl who screaming every morning is my girlfriend. Her named is Myoui Mina. she is damn beautiful and elegant but she walk like penguin and she hates sad ending. Don’t ask how me and her in relationship. It isn’t romantic at all. 

Why? Do you still curious? Ok, i will tell you !

Flashblack On
I enter the conseling room. The blad man blinks eyes many times.
“Son chaeyoung, this is last warning for you. if you get bad score in this semester. Your scholarship would withdraw !” he point finger to my face.
“Yes, sir” i walkout.

Iam only in 3 semester but i got 3 warning. Actually iam enough smart but i take study in Japan. I can’t speak japan very well. Iam only korean kid who have dimple and art skill. All practice get perfect but all theories i got under standard. What the hell about theory, i won’t to be lecturer or analyst. I only want to be artist who has gallery.

I return my body.

“chaeng-chan~~ have you lunch?” 
I shake head, “i haven’t money anymore. i’ll eat instant noodle later”

“I’ll treat lunch plus dinner but you shall join to date tonight” 
My eyebrow is up, “sana-chan, i don’t like you”
She sigh, “I don’t like you too, chaeng-chan. I asked mina-chan to bring Chou Tzuyu, so you can date with mina instead”

“Who is mina?” i don’t familiar with that name.
Actually i don’t care with another student from different course, except Sana. 

At 7 PM....
“chaeng-chan, mina said they will arrive in 10 minute. Oh my heart... ooooh” sana shake my body.
“they aren’t in time. I will decrease their point” i speak lazily.
Sana still shake my body, “honestly i lied to you. we made appointment at 7.30”

Chou tzuyu is sana’s biggest crush. I get enough with sana’s behaviour.


I heard girl’s voice called sana. Iam too lazy for look at them.
Sana will run to them but i held her hand, “don’t run”
She only pouted.

“sana-chan~ who is this kid?” i see the pretty girl sit in crossed me.
Kid????? heol~~ this is insultment !!! i should call united nations. The japanese girl insulted the korean girl, it would be viral.

The pretty girl smile sweetly to me.
Arraseo !! she is pretty, so iam forgiven her this time.

“are you still school? How old are you?” she pinch my cheek.
School??? Oooh !!! i can’t accept her words anymore.

“sana-chan, let’s back. They aren’t fulfilled our standard” i stand up.
“mina only threw joke, chaeng-chan. I always joke around to you too, why’d you suddenly being like this?” sana look me sadly.
I sit again.

“wow~ you are whipped. You like sana, huh?” tzuyu stare me deathly.
“OH !! I LIKE SANA, EVEN I LOVE HER !!!” i won’t lose.

“she always love me, tzuyu-chan. She is....”

“tsk~~ what’s concept this double date? Waste time only” tzuyu stand up.

I stand up, i grab tzuyu collar. Honsetly iam very struggling when doing it. iam small, tzuyu is taller than me. 

“Waste time???? You aren’t suited for sana. Go away and find another victim, playgurl” i try to act cool.
Mina held my arm. She is electric source, iam trying hardly for keep play cool. She made me tremble. 

I look at mina’s face, she smile again. i almost fainted, suddenly her smile isn’t only sweet but also her smile make the froze time in for awhile.

“chaeyoung love me as sister, she live in my house. she always protect me” sana pull my hand from tzuyu’s collar.

“sister??” tzuyu still doubt it.

“i love the way you are, sana-chan” i took glance to sana.
Sana slap my arm, “chaeng~chan, stop it!!”

“she is coward. I won’t give you to her. you are too precious for girl like her” i lean in my chair.
“girl like me? you aren’t better than me, kiddos~~” tzuyu crossed arm.
“kiddos??? Heol~~ where is the peace world? the taiwanese girl bully korean girl. I will post it in online” i clap my hand.
Sana hit my arm, “stop speak nationality in here? let’s dinner~~”

Since that day, we have double date in weekend. Iam very lazy to do it but sana threat me, “date or leave”. She would kick me from her house if i won’t accompany her. 

I have confident 100% that mina likes me. she is the one who call and message me first. She is the one who do skinship firstly. She isn’t normal girl. She give me attention 24/7. She is clinging on me when we meet in campus. I can’t help myself. I am falling slowly to her. honestly she confessed first but i don’t take it. she cry then i hug her. i confess to her. i want to be the one who confess. She did anything for me, at least i want show that i love her like the way she loves me.
Flasblack off


Mina put the coffe cup in desk, “this isn’t cafe !!! Stop ask coffee to me!!!”
Mina act like that recently. She hates me everything i do, i though she is pregnant but she isn’t. She said sick of my laziness.

After i failed built gallery, i haven’t money anymore to buy paint stuff. So, i try to be novelist. First novel is big-hit. Right now, i try to write second novel but it is very difficult to finish it. 

I only get money from website. I write shoot story, one story in one week. Mina and me live in small apartment. Min

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ghost readers vs lack motivation vs bad fanfic~ lmao iam too emotional :D


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 4: <3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 1: Chaeyoung liked Mina for so long haiz. But it's not Mina's fault though
Chapter 28: Another fluff JiTzu with a happy ending.. Can?
I like your story/oneshots but you only have one mitzu while the other ship have many
Chapter 35: Wow, so good but so sad, thanks for jeongsa fanfic btw
Chapter 29: I love all of this one shoot,especiallly minayeon oneshoot. I wish you could update again sometime.
kristin_qtink #7
Chapter 26: Oohhh u autor..u make me cry .. :(
16 streak #8
Chapter 31: <3
16 streak #9
Chapter 31: <3