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Attention : This one-shoot story is longer than usual. yet 75% this fanfic based on true-story. 
Iam too young to understand about scar and happiness. For student in middle school like me, study- play – crush- are center life. i walk in my path to be bubble teenager who always smile and bright. I only know sun and rain. If there is no sun, so it will be rain. If rain isn’t coming, so sun will come. It is my simple minded untill i offer a hand for someone.

“nayeonie, where will you go?” jihyo tap my shoulder.
“i will sit with her, looks like she hasn’t friend” i point to tall girl who sit in corner table.

Jihyo sigh, “don’t touch her, she has angry mom”

I know, she hasn’t friend because her mom always protect her 24/7. Even her mom follow her to everyplace. Its has been one year, everyone avoid her. i don’t know her but today she is in same class with. Iam being student in second grade and i just figured out about her. one year ago i only heard about the romour that there is a girl who have weird mommy. We have 7 class, so i don’t know all student. she was in different class.

“at least, we have lunch with her. pity her, jihyo. In class she is sitting alone. I only want eat with her” i wish jihyo will understand.
Jihyo shake head, “andwee!!! You’ll get trouble, nayeonie”
“trouble?” i don’t believe that befriend is sin.

“nayeonie~~” i feel hand in my crown head, i look another side. She is jungyeon who smiling to me. 
“let’s lunch together” jungyeon’s hand turn down from my head to my shoulder.
Honestly i like jungyeon from first time entered middle school, so iam so whipped. I nodded and jihyo only rolled eyes.

“jungie~~ you know her?” i ask jungyeon.
Jungyeon almost choke. The reaction from jihyo, jungyeon and everystudent make me more curious about her.
“don’t greet her or befriend with her, nayeonie, araseo?” jungie warn me.
“waaaaeeee?” i whine.
“iish~ if i say don’t, so don’,t !!” jungyeon pretend to be firm.
I giggle, “aracoooo~~yooo”
“good girl” jungyeon rub my hair.

I take glance to corner table, the girl is leaving canteen. She isn’t weird, she is lonely surely. How could we spend all the time with ourselves? 
My mommy always said that we have to happy in our youth. So, we never regret in the future. It is why i have question for that girl~ is she happy now? 
I stand up, “i will go to toilet first”
I leave the canteen, i follow the girl. She is walking with lowering head. i think, she hasn’t confident at all to live in this school.

I enter the library as the girl sit in corner library. Her head is hanging in window. i open the window and try to find what she watch. She is looking at her mommy in school’s gate. i see her mom wave hand, i see the girl, she lock the window while wipe her tears. 

I encourage myself to come closer, “do you want tissue?”
She almost fall from her chair as she is shocked by my voice. I show my best smile.
“no, thanks” she pretend to read book.
“but there is snot in your nose...kekkekee” i giggle. I put tissue in table.
She doesn’t dare to look at me,

“hmm.. use this tissue, you are so gross ! i will disappear, now. 1..2..3.. i fade out” i runaway. 

I hide in bookcase, iam spying her, she is taking tissue and smile.
My heart is warmer, this first time i see her smile. i just know that she has dimple. 
Look~~ the gloomy girl can smile sweetly because of only cheap tissue.. iam so proud of myself. i did well. 
I don’t know anything at this time, i am only curious about her. i don’t realize that i knocked someone’s life. Tzuyu’s life.
Iam too innocent for know little thing can destroyed big wall. I only know that the wall is exist for climb, not for destroy. I only know the wall built for make us secure, not for protect ourselves from interecation. My innocent mind try to know how the wall is destroyed easily because of little attention. 
“One team have 5 people. Should i choose the member in each team?” Mr.Park ask softly.
“NO!!!” my classmates disagree.
“why?” mr.park is confused.
All my classmates look at the girl who sit alone in corner class. tzuyu. Chou tzuyu. Her face is burrying in her palm, she is afraid of people’s eyes. How could she survive along the years? It is first project in second grade but she has struggle time already. 

“ehem!!” mr.Park try to get attention.
“up to you, guys but this class has 35 student. so, every student can’t be alone” Mr. Park comfy tzuyu indirectly.

After mr.park left class, the class is being coward. My classmates find the partners for the team. Almost of them run to me. Iam top ranking student in school, maybe it is why they wish to be my partner.
“i will be your partner if tzuyu will be our member too” i give the requirement.
My classmates gawk. A half of them choose to give up and half of them keep on me. i pick jihyo, tzuyu, chaeyoung and dahyun to be my team.

“tzuyu~ah, let’s do our project in cafe TWICE, Saturday 10AM, ok?” i hand book to tzuyu for literature our project.
She accept it and nod. She doesn’t say anything, 

“you have to say something, tzuyu~ah” i poke her nose.
Tzuyu lift her head to look at me. i smile, “woww~ you are beautiful, don’t hide your pretty face”
Tzuyu’s cheek is little red. I hold my laughter. She only blink eyes.
“i.... i....” tzuyu open .
Iam waiting patiently but jungyeon suddenly come. She drag me out.

“i told you to not closer with her” jungyeon sigh to me.
Jungyeon is in different class with me, so surely jihyo who gave this information to her. 
“why’d everyone discriminate her?” i want reason.
Jungyeon tap my head softly, “her mommy is crazy, i don’t want you get trouble, nayeonie”
“but she is not her mom. She is tzuyu, i want be tzuyu’s friend, not tzuyu’s mommy friend” i explain.

“ME OR TZUYU?” jungyeon give option.
I silent. Jungyeon is my crush but i want befriend with tzuyu too. i glare at jungyeon, “WE HAVE MANY FRIENDS BUT SHE IS ALONE AND LONELY. ISN’T YOUR OPTION TOO CRUEL?”
I leave jungyeon and back to my class. iam very sad because yell to jungyeon, overall she is my first crush. Another side, i hate people who discriminate someone without real reason. my mommy always teach me to be good person to everyone because karma is exist. if we can’t get karma in the world, we will enter hell. 
My wristwatch show 9:50AM, jihyo, dahyun and chaeyoung are in cafe. Tzuyu isn’t yet coming.
“where is she?” chaeyoung ask. I haven’t tzuyu’s number too, so i only shrugged. 

I walk to outside cafe, i see tzuyu who scold her mommy. I go closer to them.
“Don’t dare you to come in !! just stay here or back to home !!” tzuyu point her finger to her mommy’s face.
I held her finger, “don’t be rude to your mommy~~~”

“why? Aren’t you mocking me too? she is different with all common mommy. She hasn’t logic and mind” tzuyu pull her hand from me.
“at least, she is your mommy” i speak softly to tzuyu.
“hehehehe~~ cuteeee” her mommy sit in the street while watch me and tzuyu. She is laughing loudly.

“i told you, she is crazy. Stop act kind in front of me !!” tzuyu angry to me.
I held mommy’s tzuyu hand to help her stand up, “without her, you never born, tzuyu”
“I PREFER DIDN’T BRON OVER I LIVE WITH CRAZY MOMMY” tzuyu snarled me. her mommy is hiding in my back.

Tzuyu return her body, she is ready to run. I don’t why iam very angry toward tzuyu, “YAH !! TZUYU!! It is reason why everyone avoid you, you treat your mommy badly. you are her

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ghost readers vs lack motivation vs bad fanfic~ lmao iam too emotional :D


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 4: <3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 1: Chaeyoung liked Mina for so long haiz. But it's not Mina's fault though
Chapter 28: Another fluff JiTzu with a happy ending.. Can?
I like your story/oneshots but you only have one mitzu while the other ship have many
Chapter 35: Wow, so good but so sad, thanks for jeongsa fanfic btw
Chapter 29: I love all of this one shoot,especiallly minayeon oneshoot. I wish you could update again sometime.
kristin_qtink #7
Chapter 26: Oohhh u autor..u make me cry .. :(
16 streak #8
Chapter 31: <3
16 streak #9
Chapter 31: <3