FORCE (SaNayeon-2yeon)

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Attention : i only put the little hate in this one shoot!


Iam walking in the street. there’s no one which i can see. I only feel empty in my heart. I just give up from find job. This is rough day like usual. Iam such unemployment who do nothing, except run from one company to another company.

I hear that my phone is ringing.

“hallo, nayeon-ah”


“please fetch sana. She is drunk in club. I’ll send her photo. Thanks”

“y----“ momo hang up the call.

I got new message from momo :

XX club. She is broken hearted. Today is first time she in korea.


I see the photo. She looks cute.

I sigh then ride on taxi.

Several minute later. I enter the club. It isn’t difficult to find sana as she is the only one who cry in club.

“Let’s back” i take her hand.

“he won’t back, even i beg to him. He is meanie~~~~” she cry louder.

I carry her on back while her bag in my neck. The lucky, today i don’t wear the high heels. So, i can carry her comfortably.

“he is cruel. He said he will accept anything from me. he said he never tired of me. he said that our relationship will eternal..he such jerk..he...” she hit my shoulder and my head.

She hasn’t awareness. She sob. She hit me like iam her ex.

I let it go. I feel her.

I know how struggle her. i ever feel broken too, even there’s no one believe it. All people only see my smile and my laughter. They can’t see my sadness.

Finally we arrived in house. this is little house which i and momo rented. Momo from another county and i came from another city, so we decided to living together for cut the cost. Momo is my friend since i entered university.

I throw sana in momo’s bed. I loose her high heels. I put blanket on her. she snore. I smile unaware.

I will turned off the lamp but i hear her cry.

“Please, don’t leave me.. please~~~”

My heart hurt, she remind me about the feeling of broken hearted.

I sit in beside of her, i see her detail face. she is beautiful.

I wipe her tears, i caress her hair while whisper, “gwenchana~~ gwenchana~~ sana-ah, you can through this stage. This is the most difficult time for your heart but trust me. you can through it”

I stop caress her hair when her tears is stopped.

I don’t know sana at all. Yet i want comfy her. i won’t she feels alone in this cruel world. at least, she didn’t feel lonely like i felt at the past. at least there’s someone who wipe her tear, unike me who should face its feeling alone.


One week later....

I comeback home. I guess sana is in home.

“sana-chan” i enter momo’s room.

“iam sleepy nayeon. i had dinner already. Good nite” she doesn’t face me.

I put the food in table. I join in her blanket. her face see the wall, i backhug her. she pretend sleep but i know she is crying.

I snuggle my face in her nape, “just cry sana~ i won’t distrub you and i won’t ask anything”

I heard her cry, i hug her tighter.

One week after broke up is the worst time ever. You will miss your ex a lot. i know sana feel.

I hug her as i don’t want she in coldness. I won’t let her to pretend to be ok. I hate someone who say “iam ok” but their heart is crying. Its all because of myself. i did it. i hope sana let out cry, so she feel calm. I will accompany her in pain. I haven’t reason, i just feel hurt.


3 month later...

I run from office. I gasped but i smile directly. Sana wave hand while pouting.

I promise to her. i will come in one second when her crush didn’t come.

i walk to her as our distance is only 10 meter.

Suddenly i see tzuyu  come and wrap sana’s body from behind. I saw sana is shocked too.

Sana frowned to me. i nodded while blinking eyes as signal that “it is ok”.

I look at sana and tzuyu hand in hand to enter mall. I smile while held my chest. I lie to myself that iam ok. It is best way to can stay in beside of sana.

At least, sana is healed. She doesn’t cry anymore. i don’t need cuddle with her, even i like to do that.

I run to office.

“iam sorry, you are late 10minute. we disqualified you. your interview is failed as you didn’t come in time”

I sigh then bow.

I returned my body then my heart sink. There’s someone whom ever i loved. She is Yoo Jeongyeon.

“You are still clumsy, right? i saw you one hour ago. you waited in here for interview but you ran crazily. Tsk~~ you haven’t passion and spirit at all. What’s for smart person but she hasn’t responsibility?” she said hatefully.

I chuckle, “Iam still being like this. I never change”

“it is why we never getting back. You never try to held me. you give up easily” jungyeon gritted her teeth.

You were wrong, you are wrong. I let you go as you are happier with her than me. i held your heart tightly but your heart rejected it. i run staright to you but your heart runaway from me.

Maybe you can acting in front of everyone but you can’t act in front of me. your behaviour, your concern, your skinship, your habit and your love were changed. You hide anything neatly but i know you have affair in behind of me.

You blame on me, everyone did same. they said that i asked break up easily, even we were in fourth relationship. i play the devil in our relationship but iam angel truely. You hate me as i said break up but you relieved. You can hug and live with her freely.

“i haven’t time for talk nonsense with you. let’s go honey” she grab the elegant girl’s hand.

I look at her from afar.

Why do everyone move on easily? if sana need 3 month for get new love, then jeongyeon only need one month to enter new relationship. Meanwhile i can’t move on since 3 years ago.

If everyone would curse her ex but i doubt myself. i though that i never treat her nicely, so she choose another person. In case of temptation, there’s impossible that one person who made mistake. there’s hole of their heart, so the relationship wave and broken into pieces.

My heart is so fragile. So i build wall in my heart. I know the wall is bigger in each day.


Five month later...

I open the door. I see momo who show sadness. She look at phone instensively.

“whattaya doing, gurl?”

She shake head.

“hey—tell me” i crossed arm.

She look at me, “i hate dahyun”

I giggle, “but you love her, right?”

She nodded.

“have you dinner?”

Momo shake head again, “cook for me”

i put the phone in table then cook kimchi fried rice. The food is almost cooked.

I hear that door

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ghost readers vs lack motivation vs bad fanfic~ lmao iam too emotional :D


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PastelAlleys #1
Chapter 4: <3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 1: Chaeyoung liked Mina for so long haiz. But it's not Mina's fault though
Chapter 28: Another fluff JiTzu with a happy ending.. Can?
I like your story/oneshots but you only have one mitzu while the other ship have many
Chapter 35: Wow, so good but so sad, thanks for jeongsa fanfic btw
Chapter 29: I love all of this one shoot,especiallly minayeon oneshoot. I wish you could update again sometime.
kristin_qtink #7
Chapter 26: Oohhh u autor..u make me cry .. :(
16 streak #8
Chapter 31: <3
16 streak #9
Chapter 31: <3