Joint Party I

Falling for the Clumsy Sun

D-2 Gather and Have Fun!

Having two more days left before their wedding, Eric and Yongsun had decided and planned to have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. And since to make it more exciting, instead of celebrating it at a club or bar somewhere, Eric volunteered their beach house at Gyeongpodae.

The idea of the joint party sounded good at the time they were making it and now that they were on the van on their way to the beach house, Yongsun and Eric could only look at each other with apologetic but amused eyes.

"Ric-oppa, aren't you even going to give us the name of our designated partners." Hyejin asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Well, I was going to tell them earlier but then..."

His mind flashbacked to how really playful the three girls got after only fifteen minutes of driving. Lucky for Eric that their was a close by mini stop by convenience store to which he got them snacks and ice cream to settle them for the moment. But then again, that was ten minutes ago.

"No. I'm not going to mention any names and while we're at it, I am in no way going to mention any hint whether its about their jobs, nicknames or anything." He said firmly then turned towards Yongsun. "You doing okay there?"

She nodded with a smile.

"Ani, unnie! How can you not be on our side on this one?" Byul demanded from the eldest. "You're supposed to be on our side on this one."

"Unnie's right. Yongsun-unnie, you basically had a 360 degree change. I mean who are you?" Wheein said being a little too dramatic.

Yongsun sighed and turned to the girls. "Yah. Stop being so dramatic. I haven't changed at all."

"Tch. You're kidding, right?" Hyejin retorted. 

"She's right and she's right." Byul agreed pointing at Hyejin then to Wheein. "Yongsun-unnie, you've changed. We don't know you anymore."

Out of nowhere, Wheein started her fake sobbing.

"Yah. Wheein. Are you crying because our unnie's gone?" The maknae played along also fake sobbing.

With her scrunched up face, Byul joined in pulling both girls in a hug and said, "Don't worry my pretty maknae's, this unnie will always stay the same for you."

That seemed to have ruined their fun.

"Aish! Shiro! You definitely definitely need to change." Hyejin said pushing her away.

"Ay~! This unnie is really weird." Wheein remarked also pushing her aside. "What do you mean you're not going to change? Out of the four of us, you have to change."

"Yah! Wae?! What do you mean change? I'm great the way I am!" Byul retorted yelling at the two.

"Great? Tch! If you're so great then why don't you still have a boyfriend?" Hyejin smugly grinned at her.

Eric, watching them from the mirror, sighed and quietly chuckled. Who would've thought the mere question of wanting to know their designated partners would turn out like this? He made a quick glance to his right and saw the same reaction from his fiancee. Heck, Yongsun was totally loving this. With covered to keep her laughter, Eric simply chuckled before turning his head back to the highway.

"Okay! Enough of that girls! How about some breaktime? Who needs to use the washroom?" Eric hollered amidst the girls arguing as soon as he saw the stop by. He had to get the situation under control before they could make it more choatic.

That seemed to distract the girls for a moment and without bothering to ask again, he turned the car and stopped.

"Fifteen minutes and then we're off again." He said turning to the girls as they got off one by one who seemed to give no care to what he was saying. "Yah! Are you even listening to me?"

"Aish! Arasso-yo, ahjussi!" Byul shouted back as she followed the maknaes to the washroom.

"Ahjussi?! Yah! I told -" He sighed in defeat. "I told her to stop calling me that. Why can't she just stop calling me that?"

Feeling sorry for him but a little upset with how comfortable they seemed, Yongsun just smiled at him and apologized for the girls.

"Ani. Don't apologize. They're actually fun to be with." Eric answered and she saw he was being sincere about it. "Anyway, don't you need to use the wash room, as well?"

"I wanted to help you with the snacks though."

"Aniya. Go and relieve yourself. We still have about an hour to go before we get to the beach house." He answered playfully pushing her. 

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'll go after I get the snack." He said and waved his hand as he went to the convenience store.


Finally after more than two gruelling hours of driving, Eric saw the beach house and felt quiet relieved. Slowly backing up the parking space, he had the car on the right angle and finally parked it.

"Are we there yet?"

He looked at the mirror to see Hyejin half awake.

"Eoh. Wake Wheein and Byul." He said quietly as he got off and went over to the other side opening the passenger door. Ah. She must've been tired. Halmoni did say she barely got a wink. 

He then quickly but carefully carried Yongsun off the car before the rest could wake up.

"Hyejin-ah, can you open the door for me?" He whispered also giving her the code.

Living the groggy girls in the living room, he went upstairs to lay Yongsun on one of the bedrooms.

"Is unnie still asleep?" Wheein asked as soon as he got back down.


"Mwoyah. Oppa, I thought you said your friends would be here by the time we arrived?" Hyejin asked looking around.

He sighed. "I thought so too. Hang on. I'll give them a call. Byul can you do me a favor, can you check the fridge and see if there's anything on it?"

"Yosh!" Byul got up and Hyejin followed leaving behind the dozed off Wheein.


"Hey, man." A voice greeted in english after his phone call got picked up.

"Yo! Where are you? I'd thought you said you were arriving before us?" Eric asked.

"I thought so too man. We just kind of got into trouble."

"What do mean?"

"It's nothing really. We might make it in time for lunch." The man answered. "Anyway, got to go man."

"Hey, wait! Henry? Hello?" Too late. The call ended before he could stop it. "What was that about?"

"Ric-oppa." Byul called out from the kitchen.

"Eoh? Wae?" He quickly went to the kitchen thinking the girls might have done something. "What's going on? What the?"

The kitchen was completely ransacked. Cabinet doors were open showing either nothing or a bunch of fine dining ware. The fridge was also the same with the door wide open and all its content on the table.

"Oppa. There nothing much in here at all." Byul said inspecting what seemed to be a cartoon of milk. "Especially when you take out all the expired ones."

"Dang. I was hoping for the guys to arrive first with the supplies." He answered.

"Is this edible?" Hyejin asked poking at what seems to be a pile of rotten fruits.

"Stop that. Throw that away." Byul repramanded. "Anyway, oppa. I think we need to go to the grocery if we all want to eat lunch."

"I guess we do." Eric sighed. "So who's coming with?"


Pushing the shopping cart behind her, Eric felt almost drained with the silence. As it is, Hyejin decided to accompany Eric to the grocery to pick up some supplies for the next two days. Without hesitation, he nodded and only now did he regret saying yes.

Passing by the snack aisle, Eric felt like he found a good conversation starter.

"Hyejin-ah, why don't we pick some snacks before going to the meat and vegetable section?" He said pointing towards the pile of chips.

"Okay." She answered with her cool and calm facade before picking up some chips and tossing them on the basket.

Guess that didn't work. Eoh? "Yongsun likes this one, right?" He said mumbling to himself as he picked up a big bag of the chip. "I should get more of these."

"I think this would be enough. Let's go." Hyejin spoke a little later after placing a bag of cookies.

Eric just nodded and followed the girl. Noticing how the girl walked freely to the meat and vegetable area, he had the idea that she might have gone to this place before. "Hey, Hyejin. Have you been here before?"

"Eoh. Wheein and I actually came here a couple of times before we met Byul-yi unnie and Yongsun unnie." She answered. "That girl always liked running away and the beach was always a place she'd go."

"Eh? Wheeinnie?" He blurted a little surprised. That bright cheeky girl running away? She doesn't seem the type though.

"I know what your thinking." Hyejin said with a somber smile and for a moment, Eric saw a glint of sadness from her before her cool facade reappeared. "She may look and act bright now but back then, she was quiet the opposite."

"Opposite how?" He asked feeling the sense of curiousity rising up on him.

"She was kind of a lonely girl back then. Being an only child and with her parents always busy with their work, she was that typical depressed kid until she and I met ofcourse." Hyejin told the story as they started picking up some ingredients. 

As it turns out, Wheein is the only child of a prominent family from Jeonju while Hyejin is the second and last child from a single parent family. He learned that the two became friends at the beginning of middle school and with Wheein's parents urging and generosity - providing Hyejin a full scholarship and a housing with Wheein, the two girls were transfered into a better school in Seoul where they met the Byul and Yongsun.

"Wow. But why the depression?" Eric asked as he payed for everything.

"Oh, that. Well, like I said, her parents were always off working here and there and with the house mostly on her own, she hated it. Come to think of it. Instead of depression, it was more like loneliness." Hyejin picked up one of the bags living the rest to Eric. "Before me, she used to play alone in their wide spacious living room and when I came, she would insist that we play in my tiny home instead."

"Now I see why you two are closer than you may seem." Eric nodded. "I think you have a call." Eric said strapping himself in so did she.

"Eoh." Hyejin answered before picking up her hand phone. "Yo!"

"Yah! Where the heck are you two? Do you know what time it is?" Byul's voice resonated inside the car.

"Yah. Do you have to shout? Anyway, it's only," the maknae looked at the time on her phone. "Mwoyah?! It's already twelve thirty?!"

"Eoh! You two were supposed to be here like an hour ago! Anyway, tell oppa his friends are already here and they're preparing lunch." She answered.

"Eh? They're there already? How come they didn't call me?" Eric said hearing what Byul said and took his phone out to see a five miss calls and thirteen messages. "Crap."

"Arasso unnie. We're actually on our way back." Hyejin aswered.

"'kay. And since you're still out, see if you can bring us some bingsoo."


"Hey wait! Don't hang up yet!" Eric yelled and Hyejin handed over her phone to him.

"What is it, oppa?" Byul asked sounding annoyed.

"Is Yongsun already awake?"

"Ani. Halmoni told us she barely slept at all last night."

"Okay, good. Uhm, if you can, try and make the guys behave until I get there. Make sure they don't wake Yongsun or Wheein." He pleaded.

"Already have them on a leash." She declared before hanging up.


About an hour ago...

"Aish! Where the hell are those two? They're supposed to be back by now!" Byul groaned out of frustration and decided to check on the rice to see if it's ready. 

As she slowly got up from the couch next to the sofa where Wheein was sleeping, she heard a car car pull up outside the house followed by loud voices. Now wanting her unnie or dongsaeng to be rudely woken up from their slumber, she got out to investigate. 

Sticking to the post quietly peeking, she saw four guys and one girl who were all arguing in english.

"If you had just let me drive, we would've been here earlier as promised!" The girl yelled at the guy with the reddish hair who seemed to cower at her.

"Jeez woman! Calm down! We're already here aren't we?" Red head answered.

"I swear, Henry. Even after the nth time, you still at it." A guy who had some resemblance with Eric  but a bit tanned said as he carried some luggage out of the car.

"Ed's right. I mean, we've been here for like a lot of times already and you still manage to get us lost." The guy with a pair of shades teased as he wrapped his arms around the girl.

"Stop it you guys. It's not is fault. His basically asleep everytime we come here anyway." Another guy with shades on stepped out from the back of the car with more bags in hand.

Seeing that they weren't going to stop they yelling anytime soon, Byul stepped out of her post. 

"Excuse me. Who are you people?" She asked trying not to sound rude as she appeared from her hidden spot.

"Oh my gosh!" The girl jumped in surprise at the sight of her and so did the boy with the red hair.

"Yah! You shouldn't be scaring people like that!" The skinny red head yelled at her after recovering.

Glaring at the guy, she raised a finger to her lips to silence him. "If you don't mind, my sisters are sleeping and I don't want them up anytime soon. Anyway, who are you?"

"Sisters? Sleeping inside?" The Eric look-a-like asked

"Wait, this is your beach house, right?".  The tallest guy asked tanned Eric.

"Yeah. And that's Eric hyung's car. I'm sure of it." Tanned Eric answer.

"Eric hyung? Oh." Byul eased up and looked at everybody. "Don't tell me. Are you all Eric oppa's friends?"



They all answered in chorus with a nod.

Crap. Great. You just made a fool out of yourself. Sighing and quickly composing herself, she bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just my friends are tired from the ride and they're passed out at the moment." She said.

"It's cool." The red head said trying to come off cool and approached her. "Hi. I'm Henry by the way."

He reached out his hand but before Byul could shake it, Henry was pushed away.

"Dude. Stop being so greasy." Tanned Eric said. "Help us with the luggage and then we get to introduce ourselves."

"Jeez. Too much for being your hyung." Henry said before taking some of the bags.

"Here, let me help." Byul offered walking down the steps only to be pulled aside by the girl.

"Leave the carrying to the guys. Come on, let's get inside."

"B-but?" She said still attempting to help.

"It's okay." The girl said pulling her in the house only to stop at the sight of the sleeping girl. "Oh my gosh! She's so cute!" She squealed. "Oh! The boys! Hold on."

Byul found herself trying to process how the 'weird' girl is.

"Guys! Backdoor, now!" She commanded the boys who seemed utterly confused and annoyed at her.

"What?" Henry had the guts to ask.

"BACK DOOR." She repeated through gritted teeth.

"Okay! Okay! Jeez, woman." Henry muttered.

And with that, Byul found herself being pulled in quietly by the weird girl once more.

After letting everyone in, Byul helped them settle their things in a spot just outside the kitchen door before returning to the group.

Suddenly finding herself frozen and nervous, she racked her mind thinking what should she do and before she knew it, she was bowing down and started introducing herself.

"Annyeonghassaeyo. Moon Byul-yi -imnidad. I'm twenty-three years old and I'm Yongsun-unnie's maid-of-honor. Nice to meet you. Also, I'm sorry if I came of rude earlier." She said feeling her face heat up just remembering how she acted earlier.

"Aniya. Don't apologize. Anyway, since you already introduced yourself," the girl got up and started the introduction as well. "Hi, My name's Amy Lee but you can call me Ailee-unnie. I'm Eric's friend. And I'm twenty-seven by the way."

She reached out her hand and Byul quickly but gently shook it.

"Hey, Byul-yi. My name's Lee Joohyun but I'd prefer it if you call me James. I'm twenty-eight so for you that's James-oppa." He was being playful and that eased her a little.

Tanned Eric got up and reached out his hand. "Hi, I'm Eddie Nam. Eric hyung's younger brother. I'm twenty-six and you can just call me what ever you want."

"Neh." Byul answered. That says much about the resemblance.

"Henry Lau. I'm turning twenty seven on October so you can just call me oppa." He said still with that greasy act and she simply smiled awkwardly.

Then to the last person. He got up, removed his shades and introduced himself.

Omo- yah!

"Hi. I'm - "

"Kim Kyu-Jong." She blurted his name before he could say it.

"Really, man? Do you really think she wouldn't recognize you?" Henry nudged the guy.

"Yeah. I guess you know me. Anyway, you can just call me Kyu-oppa or whatever you want." He said smiling shyly as he shook her hand.

No way! There is... Gosh! I actually get the chance to meet him! 

Byul was screaming with excitement and embarassment inside her head. Focus you idiot! This is no time to go gaga over your idol.

"So, what's going on? Where's Eric and the rest of the entourage?" Ailee asked.

"Uhm, unnie and Wheein are deep in sleep and oppa went to the grocery with Hyejin." She answered. "They're-"




'my cuteness shall not be denied!'

'did you say ~cute<3'

Eddie Nam

Amy 'Ailee' Lee

Henry Lau

Kim Kyu-Jong



Lee 'James' Joo Hyun




     How's everybody?

     Me? I am way way beyond good, great or awesome! I feel like I'm in Seventh Heaven for 'NO' reason at all.

    Gah! That episode really got me hyped up and even their DJing Session made it worst! LOL

    Anyway, I hope you guys like this chappie and keep on reading.

   And of course, (never forget to say thanks :) THANKS to all for reading, subbing and the comments!

    Please don't forget to Subscribe, Comment and Simply Enjoy! :D 


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u back...
need to read from the beginning XD
Author-nim I missed your story so much TT I really wanted to see how their story continues, please don't abandon this fanfic =(( I really love their "arranged marriage" concept...
Author-nim, although I started to read this story only in 2018, but I'm still looking forward to see how their story goes. Please do update soon =) have a nice day author-nim =D
Chapter 43: I hope this is not the end of the story right author-nim? I really like this story and I've been re-reading from time to time, always checking on the updates. Please update soon author-nim ToT
jikooklovesme #5
I wanna know the baby's name ~ I miss ddongie couple so much :'(
jikooklovesme #6
Please update as soon as you can authornim~ ?
Chapter 43: thanks so much for great and sweet story! hope that you can update soon authornim!