Jolly Good Time

Falling for the Clumsy Sun

When everything becomes bittersweet...


After visiting Santorini, Florence, Zurich, Paris, Berlin, and Amsterdam within the span of twenty three days,  Eric and Yongsun finally reached the last leg of their honeymoon destination. But in comparison to their previous destinations where they both had everything planned and scheduled for them, this time, the couple had their own choice of doing things on their own. They, in their case, Yongsun, couldn't be anymore excited when she found out duing their flight that her Godfather had lent his house for them to use while he's away for an indifinite period of time for a business trip.

As the cab driver made the curve, Eric noticed a lady standing by the gate of the house were to stay at.

"And here we are." The driver said putting the breaks on and getting off to help with the luggage.

As soon as they got off, the lady came to their side who greeted and introduced herself to them nicely. Her name is Yongja Emma Baker - originally Shin Yongja but got married and took up the last name of her British husband.

The lady entertained them for a little while providing tea and biscuits and telling them stories of Yongjoon's adoration towards his godchild before showing them the house and leaving the couple to rest. 

After getting themselves ready for bed, Yongsun just waited for her husband to get to the bed before cuddling with him.

"I'm so tired." Yongsun groaned nuzzling herself on his chest.

Eric couldn't help but chuckle as he checked that it was only quarter to six in the afternoon but it was already dark out. "It's still early though. Do you really want to sleep instead of going out for dinner?"

She looked up to meet his face. "Wait. Are you hungry?" She didn't wait for his reply and got up to leave the bed but her husband already took her by the waist and pulled her back to bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked chuckling at his wife's cute attempt.

"You're hungry. You shouldn't be going to bed hungry. Let's go." She said getting up and pulling him up as well.

"Aniya. I'm not hungry." Eric said but she just pouted and told him to get up. "Really. I'm not."


He stopped him with a quick peck on the lips. "I'm not. Promise." He said and pulled her into a hug to keep her still and let her rest.


"But nothing. I'm still full from the flight and the biscuits and I just thought you might be hungry." He said cutting her off.

Yongsun still tried to argue but he kept silencing her with a kiss.

"Arasso~." She whined cutely receiving one last peck before hiding her flushed face on his chest. "Good night oppa."

"Kyeowo. Good night, my Yongsunnie." He said and they cuddled each other to sleep.


Waking up first, Yongsun would let herself settle for a minute to take in her surroundings as she would usually do in the mornings but today, she decided to stay a little while longer in bed to watch her husband's adorable sleeping face. She bit her lip trying to stiffle her giggle watching how her husband's lips always purse up when he sleeps or concentrates on something and it always amuses her.

"Good morning." She whispered and peck his pursed lips before quietly and carefully slipping of the bed.

Still new to the house and knowing that she and Eric are the only one occupying it, she crept down the halls and opened every room checking them one by one. And after she had done that, noticing the time, she followed her trail back and went down to the kitchen to familiarize herself with everything and to check if they needed to drive to the grocery store. As it turns out, she found a note on fridge saying that her Yong-appa had the pantries restocked with all of her favorites or whatever they could find that match her taste just for her sake.

Knowing she won't be able to contact her godfather to thank him, she turned the note and left it on the fridge door as a reminder to thank him later. Checking one of the cupboards, she found where the cocoas, coffee, and teas were and even the mugs.

She almost jumped after a pair of arms, who she recognized immediately, wrapped itself around her waist and felt the chin on her shoulder as she plugged in the heater to boil some water for the cocoa.

"Morning." His groggy voice greeted her and it felt like velvet to her ears.

"Good morning." She said turning around to hug him properly.

This is like another typical morning for the two of them. Every morning, starting from the first day of their honeymoon, with Eric who usually wakes up first, the couple would end up being all lovey-dovey before the start of breakfast.

Yongsun nuzzled her head on his chest breathing in the scent of mint knowing that he had already washed his face and taken care of his morning breath.

As he'd started three weeks ago, he raised her chin up and gave her a chaste kiss. "What 're you doing?"

"I'm making us cocoa." She said with a sheepish grin before turning back to put a couple of tablespoons on each cup while he still wrapped his arms around her waist.

He hummed and rested his chin on her shoulder. "So... What do you want to do today?"

"I..." She bit her lip trying not to get too excited in the early morning. 


But as it is... With her being her bubbly excited self, she turned around again and held his hands and squeaked, "We are in Camden!"

He was taken  a back for a second before finding the amusement in her enthusiasm. "Okay. Yes. I know we're in Camden. And?"

Yongsun pouted when he didn't get what she meant and turned around to turn the heater off and poured some hot water on their still powdery drink.

Eric knew he just did something wrong so instead of letting her do the mixing he took the spoon from her hand and did it himself. "So, what's in Camden?" He asked in the most gentle way he can so not to make her more upset.

"Amy Winehouse lived near here." Yongsun mumbled after a few minutes.

"Oh." He knew his wife idolized the British singer but had forgotten that she did live near the area where they are currently staying. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." He said cupping her chubby cheeks and kissed them before giving her lips a peck.

"Erm." She hummed letting him off taking the cup of hot cocoa he was handing her. "Do you think we can go and visit her house today?"

"Well, thankfully, they haven't given us any particular itenerary to follow this time around so why not?" He said taking a sip of the delicious beverage.

That had her smiling again. "Okay."


After watching the sunrise with hot cocoa and a blanket to keep them warm, the couple got themselves ready and was out the door when they were surprised to find a man dressed in a chauffeur's uniform smiling and waving at them as he stood next to a car.

"Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Nam." The man greeted courteously.

Eric and Yongsun looked confused for a moment. "Good morning to you, too. Uhm, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

"Ofcourse. How rude of me." The man pulled his jacket and stood up straight in attention facing the couple and held out his hand. "I am Thomas Hall. I was called in by Mr. Bae to assist you and Mrs. Nam in anyway possible. I am in your utmost disposable for as long as you need me."

"Oh." The couple chorused.

"We would have had the chance to meet yesterday, unfortunately, I had been called for a different errand two towns over and only had arrived later in the evening." Mr. Hall explained as he opened the door. "Now, where shall I take you first?

The couple looked at each other and quietly communicated whether they could trust the man or not and in the end, with Yongsun's gut feeling about the man, they both entered the car and asked the man if he could take them somewhere great for breakfast.

"I know just the place." The chauffeur said and started the car.

On their way, Eric made a point to get to know the man asking him how long his been working for Yongsun's godfather, where he lived and whatever basic information he needed to know about the man. Mr. Hall didn't seem to mind his questions and answered every single one of them without fail.

They then continued talking about other things a little while later until they've arrived to a quaint restaurant near a park.

Yongsun shyly asked the man to join them but he declined bashfully saying he had already had his breakfast before arriving to the house. 


After a healthy breakfast, the couple then decided to head out to their first stop for the day at the late singer, Amy Winehouse's Camden home. Lucky for them, right as they got out of the car, a middle age man was about to enter the gate to the singer's compound. They politely asked the man if they could take a couple of photos and he gladly obliged seeing the excitement from Yongsun's eyes. A couple of minutes and loads of pictures later, Yongsun felt that she had more than enough and thanked the man again before they went their merry ways.

Once they were in clear distance of the house, Yongsun squealed like a teenager who's been asked out on a date for the first time.

Eric couldn't help but be amused at his wife and just adore her more.

For the rest of the day, the couple decided to visit other destinations close by such Madame Tuassud's Wax Museum, Amy Winehouse's statue by the river, and other places they could think of or whereever Mr. Hall brought them. In total, they've visited at least ten places spending a couple of minutes and some more or less an hour at that specific destination. 

By the time they decided to head off to the market as their last visit for the day, it was already half past six and the night sky had already enveloped the town,save for the lamps and business establisments still open keeping the their light on to brighten the night of their own town.

"I thought you sad that your Yong-appa already had the pantries, the freezer and cupboards restocked?" Eric asked Yongsun as they entered a meat shop that Mr. Hall had recomended for them to buy meat from.

"He did. I was just hoping we could buy a couple servings and cook them Korean style for ahjussi as a thank you gift." Yongsun answered pulling him to look for the perfect slice of meat she needed.


The next morning, after planning and mapping out the places they planned to visit, the couple - with their trusty chauffeur Mr. Halls or Tom - started of their journey with Leadenhall Market as their first tourist spot.

Why Leadenhall Market?

Well, both being a fan of Harry Potter, Eric and Yongsun made it a point to visit atleast a few of the movie saga's filming locations. And ofcourse, with the easiest access, the entrances to the Leaky Couldron were the first one they mapped out. Along with it, they checked the map for other nearby tourist destinations and placed some tags in there as well.

"Do you really think we can visit all of this places in one day?" Yongsun turned to Eric who was strapping her in on her seat. "I mean, Leadenhall Market, Tower of London, The View from The Shard, London Bridge..." 

She listed down more or less ten other spots.

"Well, there are alot of places we want to visit. So for today, we'll go where we can go." Eric answered as he strapped himself in.


"Plus, our family and friends aren't that eager to see us back any time soon so..." Eric showed his silly grin making Yongsun laugh.

"Eoh. You're right." Yongsun agreed. "I'm sure Byul wouldn't mind taking care of my kids a little longer."

"I don't know what got you upset with her but I'm okay with it." Eric commented with a wider grin on his face.

Clearly the two were still at a banter over some matter that Yongsun doesn't have any idea about.

His wife couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculousness and Mr. Hall, who silently watched from his seat, felt nostalgic watching the couple being so sweet and lovey-dovey couldn't help but make a remark about it that made the two of them pause. 

"You two would make lovely children someday." Mr. Hall said making the couple instantly freeze and blush for no reason. Seeing as he didn't notice their expression he went on and added, "How many little buggers do you two plan on having?"

Considering that the two hadn't even gotten to that part in their marriage just yet, the couple haven't had any form of discussion when it came to having children. It's not like they were content on living in the moment, it's more like they are just living in the moment.

Not wanting things to go awkward, Eric grinned and turned to his wife. "Yongsun-ah~. Tom's asking us how many babies we want?"

He couldn't help but chuckle at her fidgetting but then she stopped and gave him a smack on the shoulder and quietly said, "Two."

Eric was a little suprised but kept it to himself and kept going. "Just two?"

"Ani wae~" Yongsun whined at his teasing. "Fine. Three then."

Tom chuckled with Eric as his wife whined.

"I think she meant to say multiply it by three so that'll be six." Eric said turning to the man infront of them who laughed at Yongsun's gasp and shriek.




~ credits to the owners


*N: Yooha!

     Hmmm... At this point, I don't really know what to say.

     At first, I almost made a mistake of updating a way crappier chapter than this before the last ep. of Ddongie couple but decided to scrap that. I didn't want to put that chapter up because if I did, the total number of honeymoon chapters would be longer than I had planned. 

     Anyway, compared to the first couple of drafts that I finished, this one by far is the one closest to normal?..

    I'm really disappointed at myself for not doing my best but I hope you guys still read it.

    As always, Thank you ALL for subscribing, commenting, I really hope you guys had fun reading this.

    'til next time!


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u back...
need to read from the beginning XD
Author-nim I missed your story so much TT I really wanted to see how their story continues, please don't abandon this fanfic =(( I really love their "arranged marriage" concept...
Author-nim, although I started to read this story only in 2018, but I'm still looking forward to see how their story goes. Please do update soon =) have a nice day author-nim =D
Chapter 43: I hope this is not the end of the story right author-nim? I really like this story and I've been re-reading from time to time, always checking on the updates. Please update soon author-nim ToT
jikooklovesme #5
I wanna know the baby's name ~ I miss ddongie couple so much :'(
jikooklovesme #6
Please update as soon as you can authornim~ ?
Chapter 43: thanks so much for great and sweet story! hope that you can update soon authornim!