Baby Talks

Falling for the Clumsy Sun


Eric found himself lost again in thought as he watched his friends and family interact around him. Counting the years, it really hadn't been that long since everyone met each other but considering how they talked, joked, and laughed together, you'd think that everybody knew one another much longer. Weighing it all, one thing he couldn't figure out is if them being this close and tight knit is either a good or a bad thing. 

Maybe  in some ways, for his own advantages, he considers it as a good thing especially when the younger girls turn onhis side when concerning his wife. But then again, that could also be a bad thing as they would immediately turn against him especially when he'd wrong one of them. 

It's more of a two-sides-of-a-coin thing really. But hilarious and threatening in its own situation.

"Four years, huh?"

The day dreaming man awoken from his daze turnign to meet his friend who was holding out a glass of wine for him. Taking the glass, he made gesture to his friend before taking a sip.

"Man. Still can't believe time can pass by without us noticing it." James regarded as he watched his wife and child from their way.

Eric chuckled and set outa  satisfied sigh. "Yeah. But looking at them, it kind of feels longer than four years. Looking at all of them, it feels more like ten years or so." His friend just chuckled. "Yeah. Until I notice that cute little baby then I realize it really hadn't been that long."

"Yeah." James agreed watching his daughter with much adoration. "But considering how you both started, it's a feat that you two have managed to last this long. Even with your careers and all."

Eric smiled and hummed his response as his eyes simply dwelled on the bubbly child. "How old is Jaimee again?"

"Oh, she just had her birhtday three months ago so she's three years and three months old." He answered and Eric nodded.

But as the man was about to swallow, a realization hit him and it made him almost choke on the wine. 

"Hey. You okay, man?" James asked patting his back.

Oh GOD! Eric thought as he recovered his breathing.

"Hey, what happened? Do you need me to get you some water?" James asked.

Recovering from his incident, Eric shook his head and took a couple of breaths before standing up straight and downing all that remained of his red velvety beverage. "I'm good. I'm good."

"O-kay?.." Silence enveloped them for a few minutes and they just stood their watching everyone go about their evening until James initiated a new conversation. "Speaking of which, do you guys have any plans?"

"Hmm? Plans for what?"

"Ah... For kids?" James answered. "I mean, haven't you two ever talked about it?"

"Oh. Oh. I-uhm... Well... Uhm..." Eric caught himself flustered by his friend's inquiriy. "Well, uhm... We really haven't talked about it."

James gave him a look then when he saw that his friend was indeed telling the truth, he chuckled. "Well, that about shattered your peace. But seriously," he took a pause to take a sip of his wine. "Don't either of you want kids?"

Eric didn't need to say the words but just for his own affirmation, he wanted to hear himself say it. "I do want them. I just don't know if she feels the same." The latter came out as a whisper as he felt shame in himself for an unknown reason.

"Look." James pointed a finger to where his wife and daughter is and he saw that his own wife had joined them. "I think that should give you an insight." The taller gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving him alone in his thoughts once more.


A little Yongsun... I wonder what it's like... 

One of his idiotic smile drew up as the image of him carrying and playing with a little girl who looks exactly like her mother warmed his heart. 

This wasn't the first time he'd had the image in his head but this is the first time he'd had more desire for it and just bringing up the idea made him want it even more sooner rather than later.  Thinking about it more, both of them had stable careers, generate more income than necessary for a two person family and he had no problem and is very much open when it came to the idea of having a child or two. But although as much as he wants a child soon, the question remains if whether his wife felt the same or is even open with the idea of them having little rugrats running around their compound.

As his mind got lost in the mix of joy and worry, someone who seemed quite amused but somewhat concerned came next to him and tapped him on the shoulder waking him into reality.

"As funny as your idiot face looks like now, I don't think Yongsun would appreciate you looking like that in front of your friends and family." Hyunyong commented taking a swig of the drink on her hand. "Although, I don't think it wouldn't matter since they've all probably seen it a lot of times already."

Eric scoffed but ignored the girl's remark. "When did you arrive?"

"About the time you and the American started talking about babies." She answered nonchalantly taking another swig then turned to face him with a teasing smirk on her face. "So? When am I going to meet my nieces?"

Another scoff he was about to say something back when he beat him to it with another question.

"Have you two even talked about it?"

Teasing or not, the question was enough for him to let out a sigh of frustration. What is it with people asking me about thisHe thought to himself then turned to his cousin sister-in-law and said, "No. Not yet."

"Well, at least you said not yet." The woman shrugged. "So when are you going to talk to her about it?"

Letting out a frustrated groan, he turned to face the woman and retorted, "What about you? When are you and John-"

She didn't let him finish as she took a step forward before turning around to face him and tapiing on her lower abdomen with a smug look on her face.

Eric's brows furrowed until a second later, he gasped. "Are you kidding me?!" He asked in screaming whisper dumbfounded at the news.

"Brother dear," Hyunyong always called him that when she is enjoying teasing or mocking him. "When I work fast, I mean I work fast."   The woman snorted at his still shocked and annoyed expression before leaving him alone.


Watching her leave, he couldn't help but agree with her. 

Ever since that day she and Yongsun made up around two years ago, he watched over the woman carefully like a hawk making sure that she wouldn't cause harm to Yongsun once more or to simply give his wife some false hope only to break it when their bond was about to heal.

True, he had doubts that the girl could change and he knew it would take him some time and convincing  and she did nothing but that. Within the span of a week since she began living with them, she had  followed through hat her cousin suggested for her to do getting herself enrolled in some courses on the second day and on the fourth day, she managed to sniff out the culprits who's been conducting some major company crimes and chased them out without causing any trouble.

And within two months, Hyunyong moved out of the house after finding an apartment she could rent on her own and although he didn't openly admit it, he sort of missed the woman -except when he is reminded of how annoying she could get. Then on the next couple of months, she comes around introducing some boyfriend she knew from high school who happened to be one of her professor in one of her class and in another three months, they got married. So far, everything about the girl's life, as he had attested, has been fast but stable.


Busy playing with Jaimee, Yongsun couldn't help but coo at the little three year old who also seemed to enjoy her godmother's attention.

"Why are you so cute!" She giggled as the three year old held up a piece of bread for her to eat. "Thank you."

"Ummy!" Yongsun let out an Oh! at the three year olds scolding voice. "You'we eating! No talkie!"

Everyone who saw that laughed and cooed at the miniature version of Ailee.

"Arasso-yo. Sorry, baby." Yongsun said after swallowing her piece of bread. Looking around, she watched out for anyone especially the babe's parents before trying to sneak inside to get her some treat. "Jaimee, should we go get some pocky sticks?" She whispered to the toddler who eagerly nodded. "Le'go!"

As she tried to smuggle the little cutie patotie inside the kitchen, James noticed them and immediately stopped them in their way. "Ah ah ah. Now where do you think you're going?"

"Pocky. Daddy. Pwease?" Jaimee knew how to work her big doe eyes and pouty lips when she needed to and it always works especially when it comes to her father.

Yongsun looked away waiting for the tot's dad to give his sigh of defeat and he did just that in the matter of three seconds. "Fine. But only one. And you have to tell mommy after."

"Okway! Thank you, daddy." The little said and he blowing him some kisses, it just melted their hearts.

"You are in so much trouble with Ailee." The man cautioned but she just grinned. "I can always tell her that I am her godmother and as so, it is my duty to spoil my cutie patotie even if I get in trouble."

The tall bulky man chuckled. "You know you could always make your own. You've had what? Four years of practice?"

That got her blushing and instead of saying something back, she just stuck her tongue out at him before running off inside to get the chocolate snack for the little girl.


Some hours later, after unwillingly handing back the sleepy tot to her parents, Yongsun walked back to her members and noticed a strange atmosphere. 

"Okay," She started with an eyebrow raised before taking a seat next to Byul. "Wheein's having her beery dessert but still sulky. Byul is oddly sober but with a dessert that doesn't seem to have any alcohol in it and you, my pretty, seem to be the only one in the normal mood today." She stated her observation cooing at the maknae who is obviously drunk but not to drunk to not understand what was going on. "What's going on baby?" She asked the normal one.

Giggling while scooting over to cuddle with her unnie, Hyejin leaned close to her ear but didn't whisper, "That puppWhee is jealous because you've been spoiling some certain cutie pie giving her all your attention and this unnie has been out of it since we got her and just started shoving food down . Also, she's been avoiding lover boy all night long." She whispered the latter and couldn't help but giggle at her own self.

"Awe! Come here my puppy." Wheein scoffed at her unnie's teasing but grudgingly crossed the room to seat next to her and cuddle on her otherside while shoving the dazed girl aside.

The movement seemed to have woken the girl as she yelled slightly at the younger girl only to stop when a certain hunk tried to approach her but she was quicker to get up and leave. And much to Yongsun's surprise, the girl turned to hide by her husband. But then again, it wasn't much of a surprise since the two had grown close like bickering brother and sister. Even Eric's parent's acknowledged the close bond between the two and this one time, with a drunk Nam Misun, pleaded Byul to adopt them. It was a laugh but she clearly saw the love both husband and wife showed for the girl much as the same they showed her.



Eric felt someone wrap their arms around his waist as the familiar warmth and scent of spring traveled to his nose. Turning around, he cupped his captures face and pulled her for a much needed kiss. "Hi." He greeted back a little while later and they just stayed like that for a few moments.

It's been an hour since all of their visitors left and the two had just finally rejoined each others company.

"I missed you, you know." He said planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Hmmm... I'd say the same but I really enjoyed spending time with my Jaimee." She teased. "Did you get to spend sometime with her this time?"

"I did. But I would have spent more time with her if somebody didn't decide on hogging her the whole evening." She just scoffed and gave him a light nudge in the ribs at his remark.

"She's just so cute. I don't even feel guilty about stealing her from her parents for the night." Yongsun cooed as memories of the adorable patotie came to mind.

Eric chuckled but that soon faded as he felt like this could be the chance for him to ask her. He didn't think about it cause he knew that if he did, it would take him more time before he could find the courage again. And like that, without even thinking about it, with a serious but cautious tone, he asked, "Do you want one?"

"Hmm?" Yongsun looked up, curiousity evident on her face and he couldn't help but blush feeling like a complete idiot. But since it was out, he just felt wrong to stop there. "I...I-uh... I-I just... I just thought maybe...I mean... you know... I-uhm..." He badly wanted to curse himself and hide away in a hole until he heard her stiffle a giggle and he just felt more of an idiot falling for her trick. "Why I oughta-"

"Shouldn't we get started then?" Yongsun cut him off with a wide grin on her face.

When he just stood there challenging her thinking it was just one of her tricks, she let out a frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes before backing away from him. "And here I thought we were on the same page..." She grumbled taking a few steps away from him before she felt a hand grab her making her yelp before that mouth of her got sealed with another.

He wasn't being rough but as soon as his lips touched hers, he felt the urgency and the make out session got heated immediately.

"You tease. Just for that," he paused trying to catch a breathe, "I'm calling you in sick tomorrow."

She giggle thinking he was joking but he didn't flinch making her gasp. "Oppa! You can't-"

He crushed his lips cutting her off before crouching down to carry her bridal style to their bedroom.

"Might as well call you in for the whole week." He muttered with a smirk on his face.



*N: Yep...

     Kekeke.... I have to move things up... I've been really slowing the pace down the middle and I just have to move things up to finish story before I can even think of writing and posting anything else. :) 

     Also, although I haven't posted it in the few chaps, I'm really grateful to everyone. For the SUB, COMMENTS and everything else, THANKS LOTS :) <3

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u back...
need to read from the beginning XD
Author-nim I missed your story so much TT I really wanted to see how their story continues, please don't abandon this fanfic =(( I really love their "arranged marriage" concept...
Author-nim, although I started to read this story only in 2018, but I'm still looking forward to see how their story goes. Please do update soon =) have a nice day author-nim =D
Chapter 43: I hope this is not the end of the story right author-nim? I really like this story and I've been re-reading from time to time, always checking on the updates. Please update soon author-nim ToT
jikooklovesme #5
I wanna know the baby's name ~ I miss ddongie couple so much :'(
jikooklovesme #6
Please update as soon as you can authornim~ ?
Chapter 43: thanks so much for great and sweet story! hope that you can update soon authornim!