Finding Tzuyu

Natural Disaster
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Being alone is something that someone needs for a "me time" to discover oneself, to think about everything. The past, the present and the future.. Anything under the sun and sometimes it keeps someone together.. And makes someone ask... "What am I doing here?" A woman who seemed taller than average, has a fair complexion with a long raven hair asked herself. She looks around this empty long table with tons of empty cans of beer and untouched food. Cakes and Spaghetti and fish and breads which would be her favorite.

"Interesting question." A robotic voice answered her and she looks at the source of the voice and she chuckled.

"Do you know what am I doing here?' She asked once again, she sounded drunken and high for some reason, oh yes because all of the empty cans were caused by her.

"Who me?" The source of the voice seems to mock her and she chuckled again. 

"Yes! You. who else?!" She shouted. 

"I thought so." It answered once more with confidence in its tone and she seemed to be offended.

"Why are you mocking me?!" She answered in a trouble tone.

"We were talking about you, not me." She answered confidently. 

"Oh yes?! Me?! About me?! Really?" She asked in a higher tone, she seems really lost with alcohol in her system.

"I'm not sure I understand." She answered back and because of that statement it hit the girl big time in something. The raven-haired girl started sobbing... And sobbing... 

"No one understands me.. They all want to run my life! They tell me to do this, do that?! That is not what I want! I want to be a me, free, be the Tzuyu I am." She keeps on sobbing and sobbing.. "I want to pursue my dreams not pursue theirs!"

"Okay, I find this on the web for dreams"

"God Siri! Shut up!" She replied on the machine. Her eyes are half open as alcohol got in her system that even the machine seems to be pissing her off. "Do I deserve that?" Siri replied 

"No you don't.. I'm sorry.. I just feel so lost." Tzuyu answered back and she wipes her tears as if she realized she looks too pathetic at this situation.

"No need to apologize," Siri answered.

"It's just you know, they want me to become an actress.. I did not come for that I wanted to become an idol.. Not some sort of model, I should have just stayed in Taiwan.. Now what?! They don't want to sign me in because I refused?! Oh.." She outburst talking to the machine like she is her only friend.

"I'm not sure I understand," Siri answered back and she chuckled on Siri's reply.

"I just don't know what to do now? Should I grab it and just forget what I want or ...What do you think?" She asked looking frustrated searching for answers.

"It is nice of you to ask, but it doesn't really matter what I think." Siri answered and Tzuyu just took a deep breath and she slammed her head on the table. "Happy Birthday to you Tzuyu.. You are hopeless." She said to herself and started sobbing as her face on the desk.

"How long had she been there?" A woman with big eyes, long black hair and bangs, wearing a corporate attire followed by a brown-haired woman in tank top and short shorts, entered the bar looking so stressed, they seemed to be tasked to take care of this dope girl named Chou Tzuyu.

"Ten hours. She paid for everything so it all good." The bar tender answered.

"NO, IT IS NOT GOOD AMBER!" The woman in corporate attire shouted.

"Hey, Jihyo chill.. Will you." Amber put both of her hands up as if she is surrendering or something to this woman in rage.

"She is a debuting actress and we cannot have scandals like this just right before she debuts. That is a career suicide! Do you think that is okay?!" Jihyo said in rage and she is even holding her temples as she looks so mad, she is talent recruiter for their company and Tzuyu is one of the few she recruited.

"Not my problem Jihyo, she came here rented VIP and wanted drinks paid for it I served her. I own a bar, it's a business." Amber explained cutely, she is also known as a player.. She just looks so pretty amazing.

"Amber has a point here Jihyo. It was Tzuyu who came here." The brown haired girl is assisting Tzuyu as her arm is around her neck and she is hugging Tzuyu sideways.

"Yeah whatever Momo.. Just get her inside the car and we need to get her to my place or the hospital." Jihyo answered in frustration. Momo is a choreographer in JYP, the company where Jihyo is recruiting and the company where Tzuyu is a trainee... She does not normally need to take care of trainees it is just Jihyo is one of her friends and she is helping her.  Momo walks out of the bar helping the drunken Tzuyu.

"She is fine. She just looks drunk." Amber commented.

Jihyo rolled her eyes as she sees Amber looking at Tzuyu or Momo's . "Tzuyu is off limits Amber, she is a star and Momo? She..."

"So Jungyeon and her had not broken up yet?" Amber asked as if she wants them to break up. "Damn she is so hot," Amber commented.

"Keep yourself together." Jihyo said as if she is jealous or something. "Anyway, thanks for the call." Jihyo sounded like she was disappointed on Amber reason for calling. "Don't worry about it.. Anything for you." Amber smiled and wink.. As if they have some sort of secrets shared together in the past. They stopped for a while and look at each other meaningfully. "I better go." Jihyo said and Amber nodded and smiled waving goodbye to Jihyo.. The girl in corporate attire just walk immediately out of the bar and Amber sighed. 

"A very strong woman boss." One of the employees approached Amber as she is following Jihyo with her gaze.

"Young and strong." Amber commented and let out a sigh... She looks at the person next to her as if it is asking for answers.. "Let's say she is the one that got away." Amber said and she keeps on sighing big time.


"OWAKK!!" Too much alcohol is never good in the body as it makes someone feel nausea and throwing up.. World spinning round and round and it is never different for Tzuyu at all.

"She is really making a mess." Momo said as she holds on Tzuyu's hair and let the younger girl vomit in an empty bin. They are inside Jihyo's humble home, Tzuyu so happen to live in the dorm and she can't be seen like that.. Or she'd be dead...
They still believe in punishment and all sorts.

"Yeah, this is the first time she drank too much. That it seems to kill her.,"Jihyo said looking at Tzuyu with sympathy.

"Do you think she'll die? Cause I can call my doctor friend and check her up." Momo suggested all panicky... She is just a person with slow common sense.

"I will kill her first because of the mess she made to my car.. That will cost a lot for car wash!" Jihyo said as she almost pukes herself on the amount of vomit that Tzuyu did while they are driving back. Momo chuckled a bit. "Nah! She'll live she is just too drunk." Jihyo sighed and leaned on the wall as she looks at Tzuyu, she feels pity towards the girl.

"Hey Jihyo." Momo called as if she knows what her friend is thinking about. "You tried talking to him about Tzuyu and his decision is final.. He cannot lose her because of too much activities... Her heart condition is not allowing her.." Momo explained, she too shares the same sentiments as her friend. Tzuyu has this rare case of heart artery problem that too much stress could cause heart attack, she was planning to hide it to the rest of the world but she got a heart attack on the actual selection of to debut idols.. She is a gem that company could not let go of so they have decided to have her debut as an actress which she is against to do so.. This is not what she wanted she thought.

Jihyo sighed and Tzuyu started coughing ... Momo and Jihyo look at each other.. Then Tzuyu coughed louder. "I can't ---"

"You can't what?" Momo asked immediately that looks like she is about to panic....

"I think she can't breathe Momo.." Jihyo said in panic.. As she tried to assist Tzuyu.. "I can't --- breathe..." And Jihyo was right Tzuyu could not breathe... "Ottoke.. Is she dying?" Momo asked in panic.. Tzuyu is catching her breathe.... Really hard... "Do something M

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Girl08 #1
Chapter 7: I think Mina and Nayeon's relationship is the definition of toxic. They're only hurting each other and they were not able to grow as a person when they're together.
Chou_Sana #2
Chapter 1: Saida please
BangTwice233 #4
Satzu please
Chapter 9: Waiting for update ")
Chapter 1: <3
Chapter 9: Team SaiDa pleeeeeease <3
sowonyl #8
Chapter 7: pls saida saida saida
hello, i really hope this story isn't dead yet
...i'm not pushing but i'll be waiting
jetijetijeti_ #10
Chapter 9: minayeon. satzu. update pls!!!