MIIL plagiarised: Notice!

Maybe It Is Love

Hello, everyone! As you can see from the heading, I'm here to address a plagiarism issue today.

Yes, you read it right.

My story, "Maybe It Is Love" has been plagiarised by someone on Wattpad. And I'm pissed.


This is the plagiarised version of my story in Wattpad. I stumbled upon this a few days ago while searching for fanfics related to this ship. And I was shocked and in disbelief when I saw this fanfic in one of the highest ranks of a related tag. You can visit the plagiarised version by clicking on the above image.

They changed the named to "Is It Love?" which is like a question to the name of my fic, "Maybe It Is Love". (The amount of creativity, guys! I was angry and amused at the same time because I wish I were this talented.)

As you know, I started my fic 'Maybe It Is Love' on 15th december, 2015.

Whereas this Thai BL drama "Tharntype: The series" only started airing last year, on 2019.

So, it's proved that I am the original author because you can't make a fanfic about a ship that wasn't even born. (Or maybe, this person has the ability to see future? Idk, seems so.)

I was shocked because as you can see in the screenshots below, the description is the exact same as my story 'Maybe It Is Love'. The only difference is that this person, edited the names of the actual characters and replaced them with Mew and Gulf [They're the actors of the Thai BL drama mentioned above].

This person even credited their old story. Which is an absolute lie cause it is my story and I didn't upload it on any other site except for asianfanfics.


So, to confirm my suspicions, I started reading the story to see if they made the chapters by replacing the names too. And this is what I found.


1st chapter

It's clearly visible that they did the same thing on the chapters too. Replaced Donghae with Gulf and at the end, replaced Kyuhyun with Ohm. (I'm absolutely pissed.)

They also did some more replacements of characters and some words to make it seem like a fanfic for a Thai drama. Like, replacing "South Korea" with "Thailand" and "Seoul" with "Bangkok". You get it. (Such creativity it blows my mind away.)

They did character replacements like, replacing Yunjae with GodBas from '2moons', Kyumin with OhmFluke I believe, Hyuna with Yaya, Heechul with Earth and a lot more lmao I don't have the patience to write. Like, kpop characters got replaced with Thai BL drama actors.

Here's a little demo


Starting from chapter 3, they merged multiple chapters into one. As a result the plagiarised version ends at 15 chapters. Those 15 chapters are a merged result of upto chapter 30 of MIIL which is my story. They also merged chapter 31 and 32 of MIIL and uploaded it as an epilogue in the plagiarised version. (I'm this close to killing someone istg).

Some more screenshots for you:

Here's Yunjae getting replaced with GodtBas.


Chapter 32 of MIIL vs. Plagiarised epilogue:


This is how chapter 32 of MIIL ends:

And this is how the Epilogue of the Plagiarised version ends. Oh, you see that author's note at the end? So, it appears, they used another title to plagiarise my story at first (maybe they used the actual name? I can't be sure as I didn't find it earlier) but changed the story title later probably fearing that someone might find the story and recognize it.

Not only that! They're also pretending to be me, as in sujueh32. My aff profile shows that I'm from Bangladesh and my readers know it too.

This person named Just_An_Old_Writer states in their profile bio that they are from Korea/Bangladesh. This is most probably to make sure if anyone finds this story, they'll think it's me who posted it in Wattpad.

Really, honey? If you're from the same country, why don't we meet? I'd very much love to get to know you and maybe learn some of those skills you got?


It seems like this person forgot to replace some words when they first posted it. In one chapter in MIIL I mention that Donghae studies at SM High school. In the plagiarised version, it is Bangkok International High School instead.

There were a lot of comments in that paragraph so I clicked on the comments out of curiosity.

It seems they forgot to edit the school name at first so people were confused why it stated a Korean High School.


It seems from their notes that they kept unpublishing their plagiarised story. Oh, honey, got scared that I'll find you? Guess what? Knock, knock! I did!


I know I sound like a scary right now but you all should know that one of the things I hate the most is getting my works stolen by someone or someone using my works without permission. It is clearly stated in the description of all my stories that I don't allow plagiarism.

What hurt the most is the knowledge that this hateful act was done by one of my readers. One of those people I trusted enough to share my story with. "Maybe It Is Love" is my most treasured story because this is the first ever story I wrote and this fic is the work that shows my growth and improvement as a writer. I still come back to read this fic when I don't have inspiration to write and I know some of you come back to read it often too.

And just when I decided I was gonna come back to writing and finishing my stories, this happens.


I see a lot of people from other fandoms reading the plagiarised version in Wattpad and it's honestly very discouraging. You spend your time, effort and emotions to deliver a story and then it gets claimed by someone else. Someone else gets credit for your work that you worked so hard on. How would you feel?


I don't know who is behind this but if you have any shame, come forward and contact me in my inbox. I tried messaging this person on Wattpad but haven't gotten any reply. But I can't see my fic sitting there where it doesn't belong for one more seond.


I would request you all to please go to Wattpad and comment there to let the readers there know that this story belongs to someone else. And report the story too.


At this point, I don't even know if I'll have the motivation to finish my other fics. I'm trying very hard not to explode. I'm considering unpublishing my others fics in case this happens again. Idk guys, I just need to clear my head and see that plagiarised story gone. And if any of you might have an idea about who could've done this, please contact me.

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Thank you!
I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
189 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊