Chapter 28

Maybe It Is Love

With careful steps, Eunhyuk got out of his bedroom. As he walked to the door of Donghae’s bedroom, his heart started beating faster due to both nervousness and excitement.


Holding the doorknob, he slowly pushed the door open. The door made a noise and Eunhyuk froze on his spot. As he heard no movement from inside, he found courage to try again and opened the door enough for him to enter without difficulty.


Holding his breath, the redheaded boy got into the room through the little space the door had and quietly tiptoed inside.


Donghae was soundly sleeping on his bed, wrapped in a thin blanket. The doll Eunhyuk had seen the previous day was still resting beside his pillow.


Trying not to make any noise, Eunhyuk stepped towards the bedside table. Crouching down on his toes in front of it, he slowly reached for the small handle of the second drawer.


Donghae kept the DVDs here.


As he pulled the drawer open, the brunette shifted on the bed, making Eunhyuk stop abruptly.


Eunhyuk stared at the sleeping brunette with cautious eyes as he turned to face him, eyes closed and a pout on his lips. He made a small noise before falling motionless again except for his chest moving up and down slightly for breathing.


Eunhyuk couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto his face as he observed the younger boy. He looked so damn cute and defenseless, like a little puppy. Donghae’s nose was scrunched a little, making him look even more adorable. Eunhyuk wanted to pinch that small round nose to see how Donghae would react but he didn’t want to risk waking him up.


Forgetting about the DVDs for a while, Eunhyuk folded his hands on the mattress of the bed and rested his head on them, sitting beside the bed. He then stared at Donghae’s profile, watching him sleep without being aware of the elder boy’s presence in his room. Eunhyuk traveled his eyes on the brunette’s face, taking his time to analyze all the little details there were.


His hair, smooth and silky, a bit longer than necessary as it fell messily on the brunette’s forehead, covering it from view. It was dark and his hair seemed black. But Eunhyuk knew that it’s color actually was a beautiful brown.


Then his eyesbrows, not too thick or too thin, a bit crooked near the start of the nose. His eyebrows were just the right size and shape to make him look prettier than he already was.


Then Eunhyuk’s eyes examined the brunette’s closed eyes. His long eyelashes were brushing against his cheeks as if they had been caressing the soft skin.


Eunhyuk chuckled as his eyes fell on the small button nose of the younger boy. Recently, he had developed an urge to peck that nose whenever he saw it. It was so cute that Eunhyuk wanted to shower it with affection.


Then his eyes traveled downwards, setting on the thin lips, pink and soft. To him, Donghae’s lips looked like a pair of strawberries tempting him to come and have a taste, bite and on them till he would devour all of their sweetness.


Eunhyuk suddenly woke up from the spell that had been casted upon him, remembering why he had come to the brunette’s bedroom in the first place. Feeling somewhat embarrassed for ogling at the defenseless and clueless sleeping beauty on the bed, he quickly picked up the DVDs from the drawer and slowly closed it again.


Eunhyuk stood up on his feet and then turned to leave. But something made him look back again which perhaps, he would blame himself for.


A few seconds later, the redheaded boy was out of Donghae’s bedroom but not before leaving a chaste kiss on the brunette’s nose because he was already reaching his limit.







Eunhyuk his lips, nervousness and excitement turning his thoughts into a mess. He took a deep breath to ready himself to remember the past memories he had forgotten before clicking on the play option.




“Daddy, shh…. hyung sleeping,” a three years old Donghae pouted, telling his father to stop making noise in a cute voice.


His hyung was sleeping. He would wake up if Dad made too much noise.


Little Donghae was sitting on his hyung’s small bed as little Eunhyuk slept peacefully, head resting on the younger toddler’s lap while hugging a plushie. Eunhyuk’s lower lip was jutting out into a pout – an unconscious sleeping habit - as he whined in his sleep.


Alert at the small noise, little Donghae cooed and began to caress the elder toddler’s hair, bringing him to sleep again.


Somewhere in the backgroud, a woman’s voice squealed, muttering repeatedly how cute their babies were. Then there was another giggling voice agreeing as soft awws left their mouths.




That must be our mothers, Eunhyuk chuckled, remembering that his mother was always affectionate and overly clingy to cute things. Maybe Donghae’s mother was like that too.




Little Donghae stared at his sleeping playmate with his brown admiring eyes. His Hyukkie hyung was so cute! He smiled and pecked the sleeping toddler’s cheek.


Eunhyuk’s lips stretched to form a cute smile subconsciously and he popped his thumb into his mouth, it with his little lips.


The cooing sounds in the background became louder and Donghae pouted, “Mom, Auntie, don’t make noise!” he shushed them cutely, lifting his index finger in front of his lips to make a shushing gesture.







“Hwan, come here!” Lee Dongjae, Donghae’s father called Eunhyuk’s father.


The next moment, two young fathers were saying hi to the camera with big grins on their faces.


“Today is the four year anniversary of our little babies. It is the day when they met. In other words, it’s Hae’s birthday!” they cheered loudly.


Lee Hwan then started talking, “We’re on a picnic today because our babies wanted to visit mountains. We can’t let any of their cute couple moments go unrecorded. So, let’s start!”



“Hyung! Look, a buttewfly!” Little Hae gasped cutely as he stared at a butterfly with wings that were a beautiful combination of blue and black. “It’s so pwetty!” he giggled cutely.


Eunhyuk was also staring at the pretty creature with eyes full of awe. “Wow! Hae, it’s coming towards us!”


Donghae, who was just turning four years old, had a little problem with pronouncing ‘r’ as it came out more like ‘w’. Eunhyuk, on the other hand, was four and a half years old. So, his lisp was pretty much gone already.


The butterfly used its pretty wings to fly towards them and sat on Donghae’s arm, making the brunette gasp as his eyes sparkled in wonder.


Eunhyuk started jumping in excitement, “Don’t move, Hae! Don’t move!” He kept saying repeatedly when he was actually the one moving too much.


Donghae stared at the butterfly with wide eyes. He then slowly brought his finger closer to touch it, anticipation building in his little heart.


He wouldn’t hurt it. He would just touch a little.


But before he could even do that, the butterfly got up and flew away.


Donghae’s eyes began to water and his lips trembled, “Waaah!”


“Uh-oh” Eunhyuk stopped jumping and quickly hugged his crying friend, trying to sooth him.


“Don’t cry, Hae,” little Eunhyuk patted the younger toddler’s back worriedly, “Hyung is here.”


“I-I wanted to t-touch it, hyung! But it i-is gone! Waaaaah!” the little brunette cried harder, sniffling on the elder toddler’s shoulder.


Eunhyuk’s heart was in pain too. He didn’t like seeing his Hae cry. He hated seeing tears in his best friend’s brown eyes.


Eunhyuk pouted, jutting out his plump lower lip cutely before cupping Donghae’s face, “Don’t cry, Hae. Hae doesn’t look pretty when he cries.” Then he slowly leaned forward placing an innocent peck on his friend’s lips. It was those kinds of pecks that little kids shared with their parents and friends, full of innocence. “Here, hyung gave you a poppo. So, don’t cry anymore, okay?” He wiped the tears away from Donghae’s face with his small fingers and smiled at the other boy.


Donghae nodded and stopped crying. But cute hiccupps were escaping his mouth which Eunhyuk found adorable.


“T-Thank you, hyung,” the little brunette smiled at his hyung and then pecked his lips. “Here, a poppo for hyung too.”


Eunhyuk grinned, making his cute gums visible and then held Donghae’s hand, “Do you want cake? Let’s go!”




The rest of the night, Eunhyuk stayed up to watch each video several times. Because the moments that they spent together as children were precious and after watching their childhood, Donghae became an even more valuable person for him.


Neither Eunhyuk nor Donghae remembered anything from their past. But those DVDs were enough for the time.







“Wookie?” Yesung called his boyfriend.


“Hmm?” Ryeowook hummed in answer, burying his face in his boyfriend’s chest.


“How much do you love me?” Yesung voiced his thoughts, sounding genuinely curious about it.


Ryeowook was crashing at the elder boy’s house because both of them decided that it would be a good choice to spend the night cuddling and sharing each other’s warmth.


Ryeowook laughed, the sound coming out muffled because of his position, “Do you really want me to answer that?”


Yesung pouted slightly, “Yeah, please, tell me.”


Ryeowook smiled before he got lost in his thoughts. Yesung patiently waited for his answer, caressing his back lovingly.


“I don’t know,” Ryeowook finally answered, shrugging his shoulders before he began to draw circles on Yesung’s chest.


The elder boy was surprised at the answer, a bit unnerved at the possibility of the other boy not loving him enough to answer that. It made him tense as he hugged Ryeowook tighter, trying to wash away the uneasiness from his heart.


“What about you?” Ryeowook spoke, this time lifting his face to look into his boyfriend’s eyes, “How much do you love me?”


With a handsome smile, Yesung pecked the smaller male’s lips and answered in a firm tone, “I love you a lot, so much that I don’t know how to express it in words.”


With a slight blush, Ryeowook smiled at the sweet answer. Then he slowly brought his hand up and cupped Yesung’s cheek, “It’s the same for me. To what depth my feelings have gone for you, even I’m not aware of it. My love for you has gone out of my reach where I can’t see, can’t feel, can’t breathe without you. That’s why I can’t tell you how much I love you. Because that’s something I, myself don’t know.”


Hearing the younger male’s words, Yesung’s chest filled with warmth as his insecurities that had built for a few moments washed away with Ryeowook’s sweet gaze. Not knowing how to control his emotions, he decided to show Ryeowook his feelings with action.


Yesung leaned forward in a swift motion and captured the younger boy’s lips in a passionate kiss. Ryeowook immediately kissed back, opening his mouth to welcome his boyfriend’s tongue that was his lips for entrance. The kiss turned more aggressive as their tongues fought for dominance, tangling with need and teeth clashing with rough bites.


Without letting the kiss break, Yesung got on top of Ryeowook, hovering above his boyfriend’s petite body. As breathing became essential, they parted their lips and sounds of panting filled the room.


Yesung laughed at the cute blush on Ryeowook’s face, “You’re being too cheesy today.”


Ryeowook pouted and playfully punched Yesung’s chest, “You started it.”


Another laughter escaped the elder boy’s mouth and he pecked Ryeowook’s lips sweetly before resting his head on the younger male’s chest.


A comfortable silence filled the room as Yesung concentrated on listening to the other boy’s heartbeat. His heart was beating a bit faster than normal and it made Yesung proud that his lover’s heart was affected so much by him. His own was beating at a fast pace too and Yesung didn’t think he could be happier than this.


Ryeowook suddenly shifted. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his hand to grab Yesung’s one. Nervous fingers entwined with Yesung’s own and then Ryeowook whispered in a sweet voice, “Yesungie, I’m ready.”


Lifting his head, Yesung looked surprised, confused at the words but still somewhere in his heart, he knew what his boyfriend meant.


“Are you sure?” he asked, concerned but excited as well, trying to find any hesitance in his eyes.


Ryeowook giggled, “I’ve never been so sure in my life.”


And Yesung chuckled, eyes twinkling in happiness. Just when he thought he was the happiest man on earth, his boyfriend proved him wrong by showing him how much more happiness he could give him.


“Then get ready, baby. I’ll give all my love to you tonight,” he murmured in a low tone before cupping Ryeowook’s face and claiming his lips. Ryeowook whimpered but it turned into a moan when Yesung lifted his pajama top and began to caress his body.


“Tonight is ours and only ours, baby,” Yesung whispered before begining his mission to explore his lover’s body.







Hyoyeon was tapping her fingers on the steering wheel of her car. Her patience was fading by each moment she spent waiting for her friend.


Eunji told her to pick her up from her house after school. They made plans to go shopping. Eunji’s house was quite far from the mall so Hyoyeon, being a good friend, offered to pick her up.


But it had been fifteen minutes but her friend was still not showing up. Hyoyeon swore if she didn’t come by the next five minutes, she would break the door of her house and kill her with a knife.


As she sighed for the nth time, her eyes suddenly caught a familiar figure walking into an alley a few feet ahead.


She narrowed her as the wind made the familiar brown hair sway slightly.


It was Donghae.


“What is he doing here? His school is far from here,” Hyoyeon mumbled to herself. Her instincts told her to follow the male to wherever he was heading to but she was contemplating if it’d be too much. After all, Donghae should be given some privacy too.


But as Hyoyeon’s motherly instinct kicked in, she decided to cut the crap and be a stalker.


Hyoyeon quickly untied her seatbelt. She was just about to get out of the car when Eunji came running and got in the passenger seat.


“Sorry sorry sorry, I’m late,” She panted and gave Hyoyeon an apologetic smile, “Let’s go.”


Hyoyeon hummed but her eyes didn’t leave the spot that Donghae had been standing a moment ago. It was empty.


“Hyo, is something wrong?” Eunji asked in a worried tone as she noticed Hyoyeon’s expression.


“Um, no. I just saw Donghae,” Hyoyeon replied, something was poking her gut. Eunji smiled, “Oh, he must be visiting someone. Let’s get going.”


Hyoyeon nodded absentmindedly, “Yeah, right.” She started the engine and drove off.


She had a bad feeling about this. She needed to inform Heechul about this.







There was a knock on the door, followed by a hesitating, “Can I come in?” as the door cracked open. Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow at the head full of brown hair that peeked through the door.


“What?” was a short reply from the redheaded boy.


The brunette hesitated for a moment before he took a deep breath and came in. He walked slowly towards the elder boy who was sitting on the bed.


The brunette fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously. He looked up at Eunhyuk who was watching him with a curious glint in his eyes and also a hint of something else which Donghae couldn’t recognize. There was something in Eunhyuk’s eyes that the brunette had never seen before.


Eunhyuk smiled gently at Donghae, his Donghae. Last night, when he had watched their childhood, his started adoring Donghae more. Now all he could think was how much he needed to sort out his feelings about the latter.


Because Donghae had waited enough and Eunhyuk wanted to totally make sure how he felt before he made a move.


“Are you busy?” The brunette asked, biting his lip nervously, afraid of disturbing the elder boy.


Eunhyuk shook his head, “No, do you need something?”


The different kind of emotion in Eunhyuk’s eyes seemed stronger, more intense than it had been just a moment ago and Donghae could finally recognize it.


It was adoration; something that, Donghae knew, was not for him. It made his heart slightly clench in pain.


“What’s wrong?” Eunhyuk asked again because Donghae was not saying anything.


“Five minutes,” the brunette muttered softly. Eunhyuk hummed questioningly, confused.


“Give me five minutes, I promise that this will be the second last thing I’m asking from you,” he looked straight in the elder boy’s confused eyes, “Can you?”


There was a firm sadness in his voice which worried Eunhyuk. He thought for a couple of seconds before muttering an okay.


Donghae’s lips curled into a small smile before he leaned forward, making Eunhyuk fidget in his sitting position.


“Stay still,” Donghae said and the redheaded boy stilled in his position. Donghae placed his hands on both sides of Eunhyuk’s head. Then he pressed his thin lips softly on the elder boy’s forehead.


Eunhyuk stiffened. The younger boy then kissed his eyelids, his nose, his cheeks. He showered every part of his face with soft and sweet, but somehow sad kisses. Then he cupped the elder boy’s face with both hands before his lips touched the plump ones gently.


He felt Eunhyuk stiffen and then relax in his touch. Their eyes closed slowly, their hearts beating in the same pace.


Donghae’s lips were soft on his own which gave Eunhyuk butterflies in his stomach. He wanted this moment to last longer, he wanted to kiss the brunette back, to keep their lips entwined like this. Eunhyuk wanted to keep the confusion aside and savour this moment. But before he could kiss the younger boy back, Donghae broke the kiss. “Sorry,” he muttered and smiled a bit.


Eunhyuk wanted to tell him that it was okay but the words didn’t leave his mouth.


The younger boy pulled him into a hug, he rested his head on the crook of the redheaded boy’s neck and sniffed his scent, reminding himself that it might be his last chance to smell the intoxicating smell of his husband. The thought made him sadder than he already was but he still smiled. At least he could have the elder boy for himself for these five minutes. It was enough for him, it was more than enough.


He was sad and at the same time, he was happy. Sad because the hopes he had built up that one day the person he loved would love him back, those hopes - he had to crush them all down. Happy because at this moment, Eunhyuk didn’t push him away.


He was sad because he couldn’t call the redheaded boy Hyukkie again; because he had to pretend like there had been nothing between them except they were classmates. And truly, there wasn’t.


He was happy because Eunhyuk let Donghae hug him, kiss him, even if it was for five minutes.


“Everything will be back to the way it is supposed to be,” Donghae whispered loudly enough for both of them to hear, “That’s my gift for you. Happy birthday, Hyukkie.” His arms tightened around the elder boy, making Eunhyuk puzzled because his birthday was on Tuesday whereas Donghae was wishing him on Sunday.


Eunhyuk felt something wet on his shoulder. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize that Donghae was crying which led him to wonder what was wrong. He wanted to comfort the brunette so that he would stop crying. Slowly, Eunhyuk caressed Donghae’s back and hugged him back, soothing him. “Hae, why are you crying?” he asked gently.


“I’m not,” Donghae sobbed in a defending voice, making Eunhyuk chuckle. Then his eyes caught the clock hanging on the wall, showing the time.


“Your time is over,” he whispered.


Instantly, Eunhyuk felt Donghae’s arms loosen around his torso. The redheaded boy wanted to smack himself for his stupidity, for saying that the five minutes were over. If his stupid mouth would’nt have uttered those stupid words, he could have hugged Donghae longer.


“Can you, please, come back home earlier from the party tomorrow?” Donghae asked hopefully, “Please, this is the last thing I’m asking you to do for me.”


Eunhyuk didn’t know why Donghae kept saying those words. Why would it be the last time? “What do you mean by last thing you’re asking from me? And okay, I’ll try to come back early.”


Donghae smiled beautifully at the answer, beaming at the other boy, “Thank you.”


Donghae kept smiling lovingly at Eunhyuk and then cupped Eunhyuk’s face. And with a last kiss on Eunhyuk’s forehead, Donghae muttered, “Thanks for letting me have my first kiss, with you whom I love. Thank you, Hyukkie.”



As Donghae walked out, closing the door behind him, Eunhyuk could only think one thing.


Why does he look so sad tonight?


A/N: Honestly speaking, I wrote the last scene of this chapter ages ago. Because this is one of my most favorite moments in this story. Though I changed some sentences because my writing style has changed a lot.

Don't complain 'cause I know you all secretly love the angst. And I love MIIL because of the angst. It is actually my most fav story written by me currently. I have forgotten a lot of details so I'm currently reading itfrom the start. Heck! I don't even remember if YeWook had before or not lmao. :p

Welcome all the new subscribers. I am grateful that you have subscribed and took your time to read this story. Extra thanks to all those people who have commented and upvoted this story up till now.

No, this story is not over yet. ;p

So, have patience and I hope you can support me till it ends. We are actually nearing the . Woohoo! <333

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
194 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊