Chapter 16

Maybe It Is Love

Eunhyuk was having too much fun by flirting with Somin. The girl was pretty and had a very good sense of humor. She was also blushing whenever Eunhyuk would say something cheesy yet erted at the same time. What a great way of spending valentine’s day.


“So, then you just shoved it in his mouth?” Somin asked with a very amused expression.


“Pretty much. Siwon is not really a big fan of octopus. For some reason, he just freaks out whenever I force him to eat one,” Eunhyuk replied, remembering the time he forced Siwon to actually eat an octopus.


Somin giggled, “That was funny.”




“What time is it?” Somin asked then.


Eunhyuk checked his wrist watch, “It’s 3: 20 pm.”


“Ah, I have to go now,” she said, disappointed at the thought.


“It was nice to know you. A beauty like you shouldn’t be spared alone for the night,” the redhead said with a sly grin. Somin blushed and punched his shoulder, “You are too much, Eunhyuk.”


“I know,” he replied, smirking.


“Sun-ah,” Somin shouted, gaining both Sun and Junsu’s attention and they stopped walking to turn around. Eunhyuk and Somin walked to the couple.


“Sun-ah, it’s time for us to go,” Somin said.


“Yeah, Appa said we have to go home early and if we’re late he’ll be angry,” Sun replied, nodding her head.


“Okay, I’ll take you home,” Junsu said, kissing Sun on her forehead and then turned to look at Eunhyuk. “Thanks, dude,” he said gratefully.


“No problem. I had a really good time,” Eunhyuk replied, winking at Somin and she blushed.


As they left - Junsu and Sun holding hands while Somin quietly followed them -, Eunhyuk remembered that a certain brunette had come with him and it dawned onto him that he didn’t hear Donghae calling for him or anything from the younger since they exited that shop where he had bought a gift for Somin. And it had been more than an hour since that incident.


He turned around to face the brunette but was surprised when he didn’t find the younger boy where he was supposed to be. Where is that idiot?


Eunhyuk was getting impatient. He thought Donghae must have gone to a shop nearby to buy something but then remembered that the other boy didn’t even bring his wallet.


I’m not good with crowds. I tend to get lost easily.


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened as he remembered what Donghae said. ! What if he really did get lost? He thought, worried about the other boy. But he can go back to our car by himself, right?


I don’t know this place well. I never came here before. Donghae’s words rang in his mind. Double .


I was afraid to come alone. The brunette had said.


“What if something happens to him? I can’t let that happen. I have to find him. But how will I find him in this huge fair?” Eunhyuk fisted his hair in his hands in frustration.


Oh, I can call him. He popped his phone out of his pocket and started searching for Donghae in his contact list. After searching some more, he let out a frustrated groan. Why the hell don’t I have his phone number?


Eunhyuk started walking to the direction he came from, hoping to find the stupid brunette before anything bad happened to the said boy.







Eunhyuk was walking through the crowd, keeping his eyes alert for brown hair, brown eyes, white shirt or anything that looked like Donghae. He looked for Donghae here and there, wishing to find him, smacking his own head for not checking if the brunette was with them when he was with Somin. His heart was beating fast in worry as he kept searching for the brunette without stopping. It was 5 o’ clock and he still couldn’t find the younger boy.


Eunhyuk stopped as his gaze fell upon the playground arranged for kids. There, on a swing, was sitting Donghae, holding an ice-cream in his hand and lapping it like a kid, smearing the cream around his lips and on his cheeks in the process, making a mess. Eunhyuk panted for oxygen and relaxed little by little as he watched Donghae, surrounded by kids and looking like a kid himself while the kids giggled and laughed at his eating habits.


Eunhyuk walked to him furiously and smacked him on the forehead and Donghae winced, “What was that for?”


“For disappearing without saying anything. Where the were you, huh? Here I was searching for you like a madman and you were busy eating ice-cream? Like, what the ?” Eunhyuk yelled at the brunette angrily and eyed the kids who were gaping at him cutely. He reminded himself that he shouldn’t cuss in front of kids.


“I was hungry and this angels gave it to me,” he smiled at the kids and the said angels grinned at him as Donghae continued, “I’m sorry if I ruined your date. I didn’t think you’d care anyway.” Though his voice was low as he said the last sentence,Eunhyuk heard it but decided not to comment.


“Hyung, is he your husband?” one of the kids asked Donghae, pointing a finger at Eunhyuk. Donghae nodded.


“Woah, hyung’s husband is handsome,” another kid said and the others nodded.


“But I don’t like hyung’s husband. He is not cute like hyung. I like hyung more,” the smallest kid pouted. The others nodded. Donghae giggled and ruffled the kid’s head, “Thank you, Tao-tao.”


“What the- yah, get up. We’re leaving now. And next time don’t just disappear without saying anything,” Eunhyuk scolded Donghae.


“Why are you talking to hyung like that?” A tall kid who was standing beside Tao, glared at Eunhyuk,”You should pamper hyung. And you left hyung alone and hyung was so scared. I’d never leave my Taozi alone like that,” the kid wrapped his arms around Tao’s small waist and kissed the smaller kid’s forehead. Tao grinned at the tall kid and then yawned. “Yifan ge, I’m sleepy,” he said cutely.


“Let me take you to your appa and we will go home. Then you can sleep, Taozi,” Yifan said as he caressed Tao’s cheek.


“Okay, gege,” Tao said and then turned to look at them, “Bye, hyung and hyung’s husband.”


Donghae smiled cutely and waved at them. He finished his ice-cream and got up from the swing as he said goodbye to the rest of the kids.



“Let’s go,” he turned to look at Eunhyuk but found the redheaded boy looking at the direction where Tao and Yifan disappeared with his mouth hanging open.


Eunhyuk shook his head and started walking away as Donghae closely followed behind. “What the was that? Are those kids dating?” Eunhyuk murmured absentmindedly.


Donghae grinned, “They are just very good friends but they might start dating once they grow up.”


“The taller kid is scary.”


“He cares a lot about Tao,” the younger sighed, “I also had a friend like him when I was three. He was so sweet. I wonder where he is now.”


Eunhyuk stopped walking to look at the brunette, “How can you possibly have memories from when you were three years old?”


“I don’t remember anything but I have photos and videos from my childhood, you know. I saw him in those videos,” Donghae replied with a small smile.


“Whatever, let’s get back.”


Donghae nodded,”Call the others and ask where they are. Then we can all go back.”







Donghae was walking to the locker room for the books of his next class after lunch. He was about to close his locker when he heard someone giggle. After a few seconds, he heard someone making some weird noises. He quietly walked to the locker from where the sound was coming and then stopped at the sight that welcomed him.


Eunhyuk was pinning a girl against a locker while kissing the daylights out of her. His hands were groping the private parts of her body while she was ing his shirt. The sight made Donghae furious. While he was busy getting depressed over the fact that Eunhyuk chose a girl over him on valentine’s day, his husband was busy screwing some other girl.


It was good that Donghae knew the girl’s name. He tried his best not to show his anger on his face and coughed to gain the kissing duo’s attention.


“Excuse me, are you Jessica?” The girl broke the kiss and turned to look at Donghae, “Yeah.”


“Mr. Han was looking for you,” Donghae replied with a very fake and sweet smile. Mr. Han wasn’t actually looking for Jessica but the brunette didn’t care. He just wanted Jessica to keep her hands away from his Hyukkie. He could see the redheaded boy glaring at him from the corner of his eyes. He ignored the elder boy’s burning gaze and scrunched his nose as Jessica kissed Eunhyuk passionately, “See you later, oppa.” She winked at him and started walking to the teachers’ office.


“Why did you do that?” Eunhyuk asked Donghae with his arms crossed over his chest.


“Did what?” the brunette asked back.


“You lied to her saying that Mr. Han was looking for her,” the redheaded boy replied coldly.


“I just felt like it,” the brunette replied in a similar tone, “And why were you making out with her?” he asked in a rude voice.


“And why should I answer you? Who are you to question me about whatever I do?” Eunhyuk said in an angry tone making Donghae a bit afraid. But he decided that he was going to answer the question to remind his husband who he was.


“I am your wife. So I have every right to question you,” Donghae said.


Eunhyuk chuckled rudely, he grabbed the brunette by his collar and slammed him against the locker. Donghae whimpered at the slight pain he felt as his head collided with the hard metal. Eunhyuk’s face was just two inches away from his own. “Just because I completed the rituals on the altar, doesn’t mean that I accept you as my wife. You are too ugly for me to even consider liking you. Get that registered in that big head of yours and don’t try to meddle with my life again,” Eunhyuk hissed through his teeth and glared at the brunette before releasing his hold on Donghae’s collar and walking away, leaving the younger standing there alone.







Eunhyuk was craving coffee. For some unknown reason, he wanted to drink coffee that day even though he didn’t like coffee that much. That’s why he found himself ringing the doorbell of Merin’s Café after school in a particular day.


He had a headache and the fact that a certain brunette had suddenly become the jealous type didn’t help at all. In the past days, his life had become hell. And Donghae trying to become a typical wife annoyed the hell out of the redheaded teenager. The brunette would always interfere when he’d be having intimate moments with a girl and so Eunhyuk couldn’t any girl the past four days. And as the teenager that he was, he couldn’t have a good day without . 


So here he was, now sitting at a table in a corner of the café, drinking a cup of coffee that a cute waitress brought him after he ordered it. And of course, he tried to flirt with the cute girl but it seemed like she wasn’t interested in him. He got to know that the girl’s name was Kei. The café didn’t have much customer at that time and so Kei chatted with him and kept him company. After chatting for a while, he got to know that Kei had crush on two boys that worked in the café.


Those were minor crushes, nothing serious.


The bell of the shop rang and a boy came running inside and greeted Kei who was attending to another customer. And without another word he rushed to the room for employees. Eunhyuk didn’t bother to look at the boy’s face though. He was too busy sipping on his coffee and checking his Instagram account.


“Hey, Hyuk. What are you doing here?” he looked up as he heard the voice a few minutes later.


“Oh, Kyuhyun.....I just came for coffee,” Eunhyuk replied smiling once he saw the person in front of him. Then he noticed the brunette’s uniform, “You work here?”


“Yeah, I’m a part-timer.”


“Kyuhyun,” the boy turned around to look at his boss, Zhoumi.


“Sorry, boss, I’m late today. I was with a teacher to discuss about study,” Kyuhyun said looking down.


Zhoumi smiled, “It’s okay. Study comes first,” he patted Kyuhyun’s shoulder.


Kyuhyun sighed in relief because he thought he’d be scolded for being late. Then he remembered, “About Donghae......he can’t come to work today-”


Zhoumi cut him, “I know, he called to inform me about it.”


Eunhyuk frowned at the mention of the younger, “Donghae works here?”


“Yeah, he joined not even a week ago,” Kyuhyun replied.


Eunhyuk remembered Donghae saying something about being bored at home.


“Is this your friend?” Zhoumi asked the brunette, gesturing at the redheaded boy.


“Yes, boss.”


Zhoumi smiled at Eunhyuk, “Nice to meet you. I’m Zhoumi by the way,” he extended his hand for Eunhyuk to shake.


The redheaded boy shook the other’s hand with a polite smile, “I’m Hyukjae but you can call me Eunhyuk.”


“Get to work quickly,” Zhoumi smiled at Kyuhyun for the last time before walking back to his office room.


“Whoa, you can be a gentleman when you want to,” Kyuhyun said with a teasing smile.


“What are you talking about, Cho Kyuhyun? I’m always a gentleman,” Eunhyuk acted innocent.


“Yeah, yeah. A gentleman who shoves his tongue down girls’ throat whenever he gets a chance,” he murmured. Eunhyuk laughed at that.


“I’ve to start working, call me if you need something,” with that the boy started attending to other customers who were calling him for something.







It was almost 8 pm in the evening when Eunhyuk reached home that day. After the café, he had gone to a bar to have some fun.


The entire apartment was quiet with lights off. Eunhyuk frowned. Usually there’d be sound of Donghae humming a song or the TV. But it was so quiet that Eunhyuk sensed that something was wrong. He went to his room and took his clothes off and went to shower. It was winter and so he made sure that the water was warm. When he finished showering, he wore his pajamas and decided to check on the brunette.


He knocked on the closed door of the latter’s bedroom. He waited for a minute but there was no answer. He pushed the door open and entered the room and was blinded by the darkness. After a while of groping the wall, he succeeded in turning the lights on.


Donghae was lying on the bed with thick blankets around his body. He was shivering and he whimpered when the light disturbed his eyes. Eunhyuk furrowed his eyebrows, a frown forming on his forehead in worry. He walked to the younger boy’s bed and bent down a little so that he could look at the brunette’s face closely. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, voice laced with concern. The brunette opened his eyes slowly, closing his eyelids immediately at the disturbance of light. He tried to open them again, adjusting to the light little by little.


“Hyukkie?” he asked weakly, confused as to why Eunhyuk was there in his room.


Donghae shivered and a whimper escaped his lips as cold wind hit his face, coming through the open window. Eunhyuk noticed it and placed the back of his hand on the younger’s forehead, feeling his overly warm skin. “You have a fever,” he stated with a worried voice.


“I-I’m okay,” the brunette whispered weakly, stuttering and shivering because of the cold.


“Bull,” Eunhyuk walked around the bed to close the window. He then came back to Donghae’s side and sat on the bed facing the sick boy. “Have you eaten?” he asked, caressing Donghae’s hair.


Donghae shook his head, trying to speak, “I don’t want to.”


Eunhyuk sighed. If Donghae skipped dinner, he’d become weaker. Donghae was already in such a weak state that Eunhyuk didn’t want it to be worse. He stood up and caressed Donghae’s cheek, “Wait here. I’ll be back.”


Eunhyuk went to the kitchen to make something for dinner. He knew that Donghae never ate anything other than ramen or omelet for dinner, so he decided to cook something for the younger boy and he himself was hungry. Even though Eunhyuk didn’t like Donghae, somewhere deep inside, he cared for him. And he was aware of the fact. He always tried not to care but seeing Donghae sick and weak, his caring side came out.


When the food was ready, he served it in two plates and poured water in two glasses for both of them. He took a spoon because he was sure that Donghae won’t be able to hold chopsticks properly because of how weak he was. He placed all the things on a tray and went to the younger boy’s bedroom.


When he entered the room, he found Donghae sitting on the bed while leaning against the headboard with the blankets wrapped around his body. The younger boy looked up when he felt the redheaded male’s presence in the room. Eunhyuk placed the tray on the bed in front of Donghae and sat down facing the brunette, putting the tray in the middle of them.


“W-What are you-”


“You need to eat, Donghae,” the elder boy stated firmly.


“You c-cooked for m-me?” Donghae asked, looking at Eunhyuk for answer. There were so many emotions in his eyes that Eunhyuk had to look away. “Yeah,” he replied softly and handed the spoon to Donghae, “Eat or your fever will get worse.”


“O-Okay,” Donghae smiled softly.


They ate quietly, Eunhyuk helping Donghae whenever he needed it and Donghae telling him how good the food was.


Eunhyuk washed the plates and returned to the room with a damp cloth in his hand. He took the younger boy’s clothes off and wiped his body with the wet cloth to lessen the heat of his body and helped Donghae to wear his pajamas.


Eunhyuk was tired but he didn’t want to leave Donghae alone. He wanted to be there if Donghae needed something. But he was sleepy and so he climbed on the bed and lay beside Donghae. He could see Donghae shivering. So, he wrapped the blankets around both of them and hugged the brunette’s waist, resting the brunette’s head on his chest. Donghae’s body tensed immediately. Eunhyuk ran his fingers through Donghae’s hair and Donghae’s body began to relax.


“Sleep,” Eunhyuk whispered, “I won’t do anything weird.”


Donghae nodded his head slowly. “Thank you,” he whispered, loud enough for Eunhyuk to hear.


Eunhyuk fell asleep immediately, sharing warmth with the boy in his arms. He didn’t notice the droplets of tears that fell out of Donghae’s eyes as the boy’s lips curved up, forming a small but satisfied smile.



A/N: So, here's the next chapter. I personally think that the end of this chapter was beautiful. Thanks for subscribing and commenting.

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
194 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊