Chapter 2

Maybe It Is Love

Donghae was heading towards the school’s main gate. He was once again checking his phone. The man who had called earlier said that he would inform him about the meeting place but no calls or messages informing that came. So, Donghae was a little confused.


But as soon as he reached the school gate, he noticed something. Standing there was an expensive and big white car near the gate. And a man in a professional suit was standing in front of the car who bowed his head at Donghae upon seeing him. Donghae was stunned upon seeing the man bowing at him. For a moment Donghae wandered if that man was really greeting him. But when the man walked forward and talked to him, his confusion was cleared.


“Hello, Mr. Lee Donghae, I was waiting for you,” that man said.


Donghae pointed his forefinger at himself, “Me?”


“Yes, sir. Mr. Lee, my boss sent me to pick you up. Please, get into the car,” he said and walked back to the car and opened the door for Donghae to get in. Donghae smiled awkwardly as he walked to the car but stopped in front of the opened door wandering if he should get in or not. What if this is a trap? What if this man wants to kidnap me? What if......what if..., his thoughts were interrupted by the man.


“Is there any problem, sir?” the man asked.


“What? problem at all,” Donghae smiled a little at the man and got into the car. The whole journey was quite. Donghae was looking outside through the window. After almost twenty minutes, the car stopped, indicating that they had reached their destination. The man opened the door for Donghae to get off which Donghae did. They were in front of a fancy restaurant.

“Mr Lee is waiting for you inside. Please, come with me,” the man said which caught Donghae’s attention. He followed the man inside quietly. The restaurant was not that crowded. There were just a few couples and families. Donghae noticed a table where a man, probably in his fifties was sitting alone who smiled at Donghae and stood up. Donghae guessed that the man was Mr. Lee and also smiled.


“Hello, Donghae. Nice to meet you,” he spread his hand forward for Donghae.


The brunette boy took his hand and shook it lightly, “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Lee.”


They took their seats as the waiter came and asked, “What would you like to eat, sir?”


Mr. Lee turned towards Donghae and asked, “What would you take, dear?”


“Anything will be fine, Mr. Lee,” he answered politely.


“Two coffees, please,” Mr. Lee told the waiter. As the waiter left, he turned to Donghae.


“So, what did you want to talk about?” Donghae asked.


“Yes, as I’ve informed you, your parents and I used to be great friends. When you were little, your mother and my wife made a promise. I and your father promised them to fulfill their wish. Now your parents and as well as my wife are no more. So, it is my responsibility to keep that promise. So I want to talk to you about that matter now.”


Donghae was listening attentively. He nodded and said, “Yes, I’ll also try to keep the promise. So, what is it?”


Mr. Lee took a deep breath and said, “You have to marry my son.”



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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
194 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊