Chapter 32

Maybe It Is Love

You guys are going to love me after reading this chapter. Kekeke~

Before reading this chapter, please, make sure that you have read the previous chapter. The views for chapter 31 shows that not even half of the subscribers read it.



“Ah-choo!” two males sneezed at the same time, rubbing their noses right after. They both glanced at each other for a moment before another sneeze came.


“Ah-choo!” they sneezed, together again, sniffling to make the irritation in their noses go away.


“Geez, how the hell did you two catch a cold at the same time?” Kyuhyun muttered eyeing his two friends who sat in different corners of the room as they all watched a movie.


They were all having a sleepover at Donghae’s apartment like Eunhyuk had suggested. Kyuhyun had agreed immediately at the idea the other day because he remembered Donghae telling him that he had moved but they never really found out where his new apartment was. Heechul had opposed the idea for some reason but he had to agree at the end.


Donghae’s apartment couldn’t actually be called an apartment. It was a rooftop room which was spacious enough for him to divide it into a bedroom and a kitchen by adding a hardboard in the middle. The space of the kitchen was very small but the bedroom was bigger. There was no bed, only a mattress that was spread on the floor. They had asked Donghae why he hadn’t bought a bed yet because hadn’t it been almost three months since he moved? But the brunette just shrugged and it looked like he was struggling to find an excuse.


They had let the topic go eventually and after a lot of noise and arguments, decided to watch an action movie.


All the couples were sitting in the middle of the room and Donghae was at the right corner of the room while Eunhyuk and Siwon occupied the other corner.


Another loud sneeze broke through the room and Kyuhyun huffed in annoyance, “So?”


“Got caught in the rain,” Eunhyuk answered with disinterest.


“Me too,” Donghae muttered, remembering the previous evening.


“Were you two fighting in the rain or what?” Yesung snickered, making Eunhyuk glare at him.


“Actually it’s the opposite,” Eunhyuk grudgingly replied.


“What is that even supposed to mean?” Sungmin eyed the two sick boys curiously.


Eunhyuk was going to say something but Donghae immediately cut him off, “Nothing. I’ll go and make some hot chocolate.”


He got up from the mattress and left the bedroom for the joint kitchen.


Eunhyuk stared at his back till the brunette could be seen and turned back to the movie once he had nothing to stare at anymore. He felt another sneeze coming and prepared himself for it, this time succeeding to make less sound. He needed to drink something hot.


“I’ll go and drink some water,” he muttered before getting up and walking to the same kitchen Donghae had disappeared into earlier.


Eunhyuk was glad that he finally knew where Donghae lived at this moment. He didn’t approve of the rooftop apartment for the brunette to live in because it was not safe at all. A thief could break in anytime and Donghae wouldn’t even have anybody to save him. And the place was uncomfortable as well. All of them were surprised when they first entered the small place and they had worriedly asked Donghae why, instead of renting a better apartment, he had chosen this crappy space to live in.


The brunette had answered with hesitation that he needed an apartment as soon as possible and this one was the best that he could find with an affordable rent.


But even if Donghae said he liked it, it was a big no for Eunhyuk. He couldn’t let his wife live uncomfortably in such a small place with such poor protection when he had a real home somewhere else. And Eunhyuk promised that he would make everything right between them in a couple of days and take Donghae back to their own apartment, their home.


When Eunhyuk entered the kitchen, he almost crashed with Donghae’s body because the space in there was really small and it could hardly fit two grown persons there.


Donghae yelped slightly at the elder boy’s sudden appearance. “D-Do you need something?”


“Yeah, I.... I’m thirsty.” Eunhyuk replied after trying to find his words.


“Oh, wait, I’ll pour you some,” Donghae said, turning around to find a glass and a jar of water.


As the younger boy poured water for him, Eunhyuk couldn’t help trailing his eyes over Donghae’s whole body. His back view was beautiful too, tempting him to just wrap his arms around Donghae’s waist and Eunhyuk’s brain was telling him to give into the temptation.


Donghae’s waist wasn’t as thin as a girl’s but it was thin enough for Eunhyuk to envelope him into a warm hug without worrying about breaking him. His body was petite but his posture was manly and it somehow made him even more appealing.


Honestly, if someone had told him before that one day he would be going crazy over a man’s body, Eunhyuk would’ve cracked to laughter at the joke. But at this moment, he couldn’t even find himself thinking about any girl because this man before him had stole all of his heart and Eunhyuk only had eyes for him.


“Here,” Donghae handed him a glass, breaking him out of the daze. Eunhyuk took it from him and gulped down some water, feeling it going down his throat and easing the uncomfortable itch.


Donghae turned back to the stove and Eunhyuk curiously looked over his shoulder, “What are you cooking?”


“Tasty and delicious ramen with omelette,” Donghae replied, not looking at him.


Eunhyuk frowned at the answer, “You’re back to eating ramen again? Didn’t I tell you to stop eating those unhealthy foods?”


Donghae pouted, “I like eating ramen. And I don’t know how to cook anything else anyway.”


Eunhyuk’s heart started beating a bit faster as he stared at the thin lips forming an adorable pout.


“But you cooked me a whole meal, didn’t you?”


Donghae’s body became stiff at the mention of the event that brought back other memories too. But he was curious if Eunhyuk liked it or not. So, keeping his embarrassment to himself, he decided to ask the questions that were running in his mind, “Did you eat it? Was it any good?”


What if it tasted bad? What if he hated it? Oh no! How will I face him again after knowing that it was probably too bad for him to eat? Panic suddenly settled in Donghae’s mind.


Eunhyuk was just going to open his mouth to answer when Donghae suddenly interrupted him, “Wait, no, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know anyway. Just don’t complain about my ramen or you’re not going to get any food tonight.”


Eunhyuk instantly shut his mouth because even if he didn’t like the thought of having a bowl of ramen at dinner, the idea of starving was less appealing. And Eunhyuk also liked the fact that Donghae was acting like an angry wife.


As he watched Donghae work, standing behind him with such small distance between them, Eunhyuk’s eyes followed the movements of Donghae’s hands. And then the shiny ring around his ring finger caught his attention.


“You’re still wearing it,” Eunhyuk mumbled, somewhat relieved that Donghae didn’t take the ring off.


Donghae hummed questioningly at the statement, following Eunhyuk’s gaze only to find the elder boy staring at his wedding ring. The brunette averted his eyes, “Don’t worry. I-I’ll take it off soon.”


Eunhyuk’s jaw clenched at the other boy’s words, “I never said that you should take it off.”


Donghae turned to face him completely with confusion written all over his face, “But..... it bothers you, right?”


Eunhyuk chuckled softly and shook his head, “No, it doesn’t.”


Then he brought his palm up and stared at it, making Donghae follow the action with his eyes. Donghae gasped as he felt his eyes water, “You..... y-you’re wearing it too.”


Eunhyuk nodded slowly as his eyes filled with love for the male in front of him, “Yeah.”


“W-Why?” Donghae stuttered out the question, still not being able to believe that he was finally seeing their wedding ring around Eunhyuk’s finger.


Bringing up the hand that held the sign of their marriage, Eunhyuk cupped the brunette’s face with a tenderness he had never felt for anybody else before, “Because I-”


“Hyuk, What are you doing in the kitchen for so long? You guys aren’t fighting, are you?” Yesung’s voice broke them out of their moment and Donghae quickly turned around, facing the stove again.


“Um... you should go back.”


“Uh... okay,” Eunhyuk scratched his head awkwardly before quietly walking out of the kitchen







“Let’s play truth and dare. It’ll be fun!” Sungmin jumped up and down in excitement, making Kyuhyun chuckle at his boyfriend’s cuteness.


“Sit still, Min,” he held the smaller boy’s waist and pulled him onto his lap. Sungmin stopped jumping and giggled at his boyfriend’s action. He buried his face in Kyuhyun’s neck and hummed, “Okay.”


They had finished dinner and also the movie was over. To be honest, even if Eunhyuk didn’t like ramen, he enjoyed the dinner quite a lot. He didn’t know if it was because Donghae was the one who cooked it but he thought it was delicious.


All the boys were enjoying their time and even if it was already time to sleep, they decided that sleeping late one night wouldn’t harm them.


As they all sat shaping a circle, a bottle was placed in the middle for the game to start. Sungmin spinned the bottle and after a few seconds, it stopped. The cap of the bottle was pointing at Yesung and the bottom was pointing at Heechul who smirked.


“Well, Yesungie, what do you choose? Truth or dare?” he asked with a vicious smirk which made Yesung suspicious. He knew that if he chose dare, Heechul would give him a very embarrassing task.


“Truth,” he replied, making Heechul huff.


“Aish! You’re no fun. Okay then, tell me. How many times have you and Ryeowook ed?”


Yesung choked at the question and Ryeowook started blushing madly, “W-What? What kind of question is that?”


Donghae was almost dying of laughter and the other boys also started cackling loudly at the couple’s flustered reaction.


“Stop laughing, damnit! I-I didn’t count,” Yesung muttered, glaring at his friends as Ryeowook hid his red face in his chest in embarrassment.


Heechul laughed wholeheartedly, “Okay, okay, let’s move on.”


The bottle was spinned again and this time, Siwon became the victim.


“So, truth or dare?” Hangeng asked.


“Dare,” Siwon answered, not suspecting what was going inside the elder male’s head.


“Okay,” Hangeng wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “Call the girl you are dating and ask her if you could spend the night at her house tonight.”


Siwon looked at him in disbelief as all the boys began cheering loudly.


“Do it! Do it! Do it!” they kept chanting like a bunch of kids.


“Can’t I pass this one?” Siwon asked helplessly but he was met with several noises of disapproval.


Okay, I’ll do it but if she dumps me, I will kill each of you,” he threatened before nervously picking up his phone. Praying to God in his mind, Siwon dialed her number and pressed the phone close to his ear.


After a few seconds, he greeted her, “Hey, what are you doing?”


“Um.... I was wondering, you know, can I come over?” Siwon bit his lip and crossed his fingers so that she wouldn’t be angry.


His eyes widened at her answer and he nodded, “Okay.”


As he hung up the call, his friends started questioning him, “What did she say?”


They all eagerly waited for his response. A grin slowly crept on Siwon’s face, “She said okay.”


“Yayy!” they all cheered loudly.


The game continued and they were having a lot of fun laughing and making fun of each other.


Kyuhyun was dared to Sungmin in public, Ryeowook was told to confess his most embarrassing experience and many more. Siwon had to take his leave after a while because he was going to spend the night cuddling his girlfriend. Eunhyuk saying that he was going to get laid that night.


The bottle kept spinning and they stared at it with anticipation, wondering who it will point to next. And then it finally stopped spinning, pointing its cap at Donghae while the bottom faced Eunhyuk.


They looked up and stared into each other’s eyes and it felt like only the two of them existed at that moment.


“Truth or dare?” Eunhyuk asked softly yet there was an intensity in his voice which made Donghae gulp.


“Truth,” he replied in a similar tone, only his voice didn’t sound as firm as he tried to appear as.


For a few seconds Eunhyuk just stared, without saying anything as if he had been searching for something in the depth of the brunette boy’s orbs before uttering what he wanted to know, “Do you still love me?”


Donghae’s breath hitched at the question. Eunhyuk’s almond shaped eyes were keeping him in a trance. But then the confused whispers and gasps from their friends pulled him out of the daze, making him avert his eyes downwards.


“No, look at me,” Eunhyuk protested immediately, “Look into my eyes and answer, Hae. Do you still love me?”


Donghae complied and kept his eyes set on the elder boy’s ones, feeling something warming his heart up because Eunhyuk was giving him a really warm and affectionate look as if he had wanted him to say yes.


But reality was cruel and Donghae had already learned it well. So, he just shook his head, “You’re tired, Eunhyuk. You should go to sleep.”


Kyuhyun was staring at them with furrowed eyebrows and a similar expression could be seen on the others’ faces as well. Several questions were running through their minds and they wanted to express all of their confusion but one hard look from Heechul and a shake of his head shut them up. It was not a good time to ask a question and interrupt the little emotional war going on between Eunhyuk and Donghae.


“But I didn’t get my answer yet,” Eunhyuk said in a firm tone. But the look in Donghae’s eyes was enough to give him the answer he was looking for.


“You do,” he answered to his own question, “You still love me.”


“No, I don’t,” Donghae’s voice cracked at the end.


“Don’t lie,” a small smile grazed the redheaded boy’s lips.


“Okay, it’s late. Let’s stop playing and sleep. I’m tired,” Donghae murmured before getting up and yelling, “Everybody, move.”







So, they all ended up huddled together, side-by-side on a large mattress spread on the floor. Donghae just moved into the rooftop apartment about one and a half weeks ago and he had yet to buy a bed for himself. And as his room was not that big, they thought that it was better to sleep on the mattress. The sleeping arrangement turned out a bit like this - Eunhyuk by the wall at one side of the room, on his left Heechul, Hangeng, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Yesung, Ryeowook and beside him, by the other side of the opposite wall slept Donghae.


The brunette had declared that he wanted to keep as much distance as possible between him and the redheaded boy. Thus they ended up at two sides of the room with three couples between them.


Some of them had already fallen asleep but some were still tossing and turning in their sleep. Heechul grunted in annoyance after trying to find a comfortable position for the nth time, “! I can’t sleep if I’m lot lying by the wall.”


He shook Eunhyuk awake, “Hyuk, get up and change places with me. Let me sleep by the wall.”


Eunhyuk groaned as he was woken up so abruptly from a peaceful sleep, “What the hell, hyung!”


Heechul tried to scare him by glaring but it was dark and Eunhyuk was sleepy. So he didn’t notice the dangerous glare directed at him.


“Just get up,” he mumbled before urging Eunhyuk with painful pats on his back.


Annoyed and needy for a good sleep, Eunhyuk eventually got up and tried to lie down between Heechul and Hangeng but then Heechul pulled his boyfriend closer to him, “He is sleeping with me. Go to the other side.”


Too tired to argue, Eunhyuk complied and lay down between Hangeng and Sungmin. Then, he closed his eyes thinking that he could finally sleep without having to listen to Heechul’s complaints.


After a few minutes of lying beside Sungmin, Eunhyuk began to get frustrated. Kyuhyun and Sungmin weren’t sleeping as they had thought. Instead, they were passionately making out.


Kyuhyun was hovering over the strawberry-blonde and was whispering dirty words into his ear, making the smaller boy moan. Even though he was trying to suppress the sounds, his gasps and whimpers were enough to make the sleep deprived Eunhyuk hiss in irritation.


What the ! If they are so then they shouldn’t have ing slept over in the first place. Eunhyuk cursed in his mind.


The redheaded boy himself had been leading a less life for a long time. From the day he had started accepting his feelings for Donghae, he hadn’t touched any girl. And for a teenager like him who was somewhat addicted to , it was getting more frustrating as the days went by. And the fact that his wife had a y body with a delicious back curve wasn’t helping at all. And on top of that, he had to endure live taking place right beside him.


At the end, Eunhyuk had enough and got up again, lying down between Yesung and Ryeowook who were cuddling peacefully until then.


Both were abruptly pulled out of sleep because of their friend’s sudden interference and blinked questioningly at him.


“Can’t sleep beside them,” Eunhyuk explained with a sleepy voice before settling himself comfortably on the mattress and falling asleep.


Ryeowook stared at his boyfriend with a longing gaze. He wanted to sleep with his boyfriend because whenever Yesung was hugging him, he could have a peaceful and relaxing sleep but maybe they couldn’t be together that night.


Yesung was sad too. His arms felt empty because he didn’t have Ryeowook to hold in his embrace. And the look in his small boyfriend’s eyes made him want to console him and make him smile again. But with Eunhyuk sleeping between them, it wasn’t possible.


“Hyuk,” Yesung tapped his sleeping friend’s shoulder, trying to wake him up quietly who hummed in answer, half-awake and half-asleep. “Can you, please, shift somewhere else? Wookie can’t sleep without me.”


Eunhyuk opened an eye and frowned, “What?”


“Can you sleep on Wookie’s left, please? I need him here beside me,” Yesung mumbled, giving his friend a pleading look.


“Whatever, will someone let me sleep?” Eunhyuk cussed under his breath before getting up again. Ryeowook quickly rolled beside his boyfriend and hugged him tightly, giggling happily. Yesung placed a kiss on his forehead and closed his eyes, pulling him closer.


Eunhyuk lay down on the empty space beside Ryeowook and turned his back on the couple. He swore that he would kill the person who would dare to disturb him again.


But as soon as his eyes fell on the person who was sleeping on his other side, Eunhyuk froze.


It was Donghae. The brunette was facing the wall and Eunhyuk realized that because of changing his spot again and again, he had ended up at the other side of the room beside his wife.


It was like fate. They were supposed to be with each other. Eunhyuk couldn’t feel anger towards his friends anymore.


Eunhyuk wondered if he could hug the brunette. Would he be angry?


Then suddenly, Donghae shifted and turned around, making Eunhyuk’s body stiffen. He didn’t want the younger boy to wake up because he would surely not want to sleep beside him.


When the brunette finally stopped moving, Eunhyuk relaxed and stared at the other boy’s sleeping face. He thought he would never see the younger boy’s sleeping face. He looked so pretty and so cute that Eunhyuk wanted to pull him into his embrace and protect him from anything that could hurt him while he was sleeping. He still remembered the night Donghae had wanted to cuddle him because he was afraid of the ghosts that could attack him in his sleep.


But Eunhyuk wasn’t sure if Donghae would want to cuddle him at this moment. He didn’t want the brunette to get angry because he took advantage of his sleeping state.


His breath hitched in alert when Donghae shifted again and before he could realize what was happening, Donghae moved closer to him and curled himself into a ball against Eunhyuk’s body, clutching onto his shirt tightly.


“Hyukkie,” the brunette breathed out the name cutely in his sleep.


Eunhyuk grinned and wrapped his arms around his wife, curling his own body around Donghae’s smaller one. All his earlier hesitation was thrown out of the window as he sniffed in his wife’s natural scent.


Yes, they belonged together and Eunhyuk would do everything to keep the younger boy beside him forever.







“I don’t understand. What was Hyuk saying last night? Does Hae-hae really have feelings for him?” Sungmin scrunched his nose in thought.


Donghae had gone to the teachers’ room to submit an assignment he was late for. And they had taken this opportunity to express their thoughts about the huge shock they had gotten the previous night. It was honestly a surprise because Donghae and Eunhyuk were always fighting with words whenever they were together. So when did Donghae even fall in love with him?


Ryeowook bit his lip as he processed his own thoughts, “How long has it been? I’m surprised that we didn’t even notice.”


“It seems like Hyuk already knows about it for a long while too. I’m really concerned about Donghae. But what surprised me the most is that Hyuk didn’t look uncomfortable while talking about it. And they were even cuddling this morning when I woke up,” Yesung could feel that there was definitely something that they were missing.


“Heechul hyung, you know something, don’t you?” Kyuhyun eyed the elder male suspiciously.


Heechul sighed, “Yeah, I do but I don’t think I should be the one to tell you anything. Just wait a few more days and you will find out. Don’t ask baby Hae anything about this matter.”


“Okay,” they all nodded.


“But I can’t stop worrying. Why did Hae have to fall for a straight guy like Hyuk?” Kyuhyun mumbled absentmindedly.







Donghae was returning to class from the teachers’ room when something caught his eye.


A very cute girl was standing in front of Eunhyuk outside the classroom with red cheeks and shy eyes. Eunhyuk hadn’t seen him yet so Donghae stepped a little closer to hear what she was saying.


The girl held up a round box and smiled nervously, “Oppa, I-I made some cookies for you. I-I like you. Will you, please, go out w-with me?”


Donghae’s eyes widened at the confession. His heart was aching but he knew that it was the reality. This girl was much smaller than him with a thin waist and smooth skin. She had pretty facial features and from the way she was behaving, he was sure that she had a cute personality too.


She was the type of girl who would be perfect for Eunhyuk. And it hurt knowing that Donghae could never be compared to her.


Then suddenly Eunhyuk looked up and their eyes met, making Donghae freeze. Eunhyuk must have noticed the tears b in the brunette’s eyes because when Donghae turned around and ran off, he mumbled an apology towards the girl and ran after him. Again.


“I’m sorry but I can’t accept you. I already have someone I love.”


When Eunhyuk found Donghae on the school’s roof, the brunette was sitting on the cement ground, leaning against the railings. His face was buried in his knees which were being hugged close to his chest as he cried his heart out.


With an affectionate chuckle, Eunhyuk slowly walked towards him and stood in front of the crying brunette. His heart couldn’t take the sight of Donghae’s tears but it was cute in a way. Eunhyuk’s heart felt warm at the realization that Donghae loved and cared for him so much that he was crying so badly because he thought Eunhyuk was taken by another girl.


“Why are you crying?” he asked the brunette in a gentle tone who cried more hearing his voice.


“I just f-feel like crying,” Donghae sobbed, not wanting Eunhyuk to know that he was crying because of him.


“Liar,” the redheaded boy accused, “You’re crying because that girl proposed to me. Because you love me.”


Donghae cried more and hiccuped, “No, I’m not.”


Eunhyuk shook his head stubbornly, “Stop lying and admit it already. You still love me.”


The brunette was getting a bit irritated so he started yelling, “Okay, I do love you. So what? What are you doing here anyway? Just go back to your g-girlfriend.”


Sighing loudly, Eunhyuk sat beside the brunette, keeping about an inch of distance between them and leaned his back against the railings too. After listening to Donghae’s hiccups and sobs for a few seconds, he opened his mouth, “I didn’t accept her confession. So, she’s not my girlfriend.”


Donghae stopped crying and looked up, blinking his teary eyes at the elder boy, “What? Why?”


Eunhyuk smiled, chuckling to himself. He was feeling a bit shy to be honest, “Because I already have someone I love. That person is the prettiest, cutest and most beautiful person I have ever met.”


Donghae felt like his heart was being twisted painfully. H-He likes someone?


It’s not like he had never known that Eunhyuk could also fall for someone, someone that wasn’t him. But hearing it being confirmed like this made his eyes water even more.


“S-She is?”


“Yeah, he is perfect. Well, no, he is not perfect actually. He can’t cook, eats unhealthy foods and fears ghosts. But he is someone I am ready to share my life with forever,” Eunhyuk smiled, hoping that Donghae would pick up the hint quickly.


The younger boy’s eyes widened in shock, “He? You like a b-boy?”


Eunhyuk nodded his head, observing the brunette’s reaction.


Donghae didn’t know how to feel. All this time, he had been feeling terrible because Eunhyuk was straight and would never like a boy like him. But actually Eunhyuk fell for a guy at the end.


But that guy wasn’t Donghae. He felt even worse because another boy could steal Eunhyuk’s heart but Donghae couldn’t do it even after staying with him all this time. “Oh,” he didn’t know what to say. He felt like he was the only one Eunhyuk would never look at.


The elder boy could see the way Donghae was biting his lower lip and trying not to break into a crying session again. He shook his head and chuckled. There was a reason why he always said Donghae was stupid. But he didn’t mind because it was cute and very endearing.


Deciding not to make things more complicated and end all this confusion for once and all, Eunhyuk moved closer to the younger boy and cupped his cheeks, “It’s you, idiot.”


Then before Donghae could understand what was going on, Eunhyuk pinned him against the railings and attacked his lips, kissing him passionately.


Donghae whimpered at the sudden kiss, eyes wide in shock both because of it and the confession. He couldn’t believe what was happening anymore.


Eunhyuk’s tongue was his lips and his hand was pulling Donghae closer to his own body. The brunette needed answers so he broke the kiss with much difficulty, “W-What did you say?”


“I said that I love you. Now shut up and let me kiss you. I’ve been waiting for this so long,” Eunhyuk said breathlessly before claiming the younger boy’s lips again.


Donghae let out a whimper as he gasped for air. The kiss wasn’t gentle at all. There was an unexplainable urgency and hunger in the way Eunhyuk was moving his lips, Donghae’s bottom lip and biting it to seek entrance to his cavern, Donghae could only clutch the fabric of Eunhyuk’s shirt tighter to steady himself. His mind was losing all rationality and his brain stopped working. Eunhyuk kissed him like he didn’t want to stop anytime soon.


Eunhyuk entered his tongue into the other boy’s mouth and tasted every corner of his mouth, groaning at the sweet taste. Their tongues tangled together as Donghae kissed back, just as messily as Eunhyuk but still full of passion and love. He didn’t know if he was dreaming but he was too happy to think.


Eunhyuk loved him. He loves me. He loves me, his mind kept chanting the words without stopping.


When they parted for breath, Donghae sobbed again, but this time because of happiness. “I-I can’t believe this. Am I d-dreaming? I love you too, Hyukkie. I love you so much.” He buried his head in the elder boy’s chest, crying with all his emotions at sixes and sevens.


Eunhyuk placed another wet kiss on his lips before gently wiping his tears away, “You’re not dreaming, Hae. I love you and only you. I’m sorry for making you cry so much because of me but please, don’t run away from me again, baby. Now stop crying and let’s go home. This husband can’t survive without his wife.”



A/N: Do you love me yet? Hahaha~ The angst is officially over. This chapter is full of fluff omg! I wrote this chapter so quickly that I'm surprised too. Thank you all for reading. Special thanks to those who commented in the previoys chapter and upvoted.

I don't know if you have read the story feed yet. I'm quite disappointed because not even half of the readers read the previous chapter. It's like a lot of people are losing interest in this story.

Okay, I am super happy nowadays because SJ is back and all those shows and performances are making me grin. Please, comment for this chapter and let me know about your thoughts. Love ya~

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
194 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊