Chapter 22

Maybe It Is Love

Gosh! I don't know what's happening in my life. I'm going trough a study crisis.

And guess what? When I wrote half of the chapter, my phone battery suddenly died and everything I wrote was gone before I could save it. So, I had to write again.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this chappie. I tried to squeeze in a little bit of Hanchul in this chapter~

So, here, enjoy! And tell me if you like it!



Donghae had just returned from the café and had changed his clothes. Eunhyuk wasn’t home yet and it was almost time for dinner. So, the brunette decided to busy himself with making his dinner.


He was making dinner only for himself because he knew that Eunhyuk won’t even touch his poor excuse of food which was only ramen. Donghae had secretly tried to cook some decent food one day when his husband hadn’t been at home. But it only ended up as a disaster reminding him that cooking wasn’t his thing. So, he had given up the idea of it and cooked for himself a nice and big bowl of ramen to devour instead. But that didn’t mean that Donghae wasn’t going to learn how to cook again. It was his dream to cook and watch his husband eating his food as if he were eating the most delicious food ever. But this time Donghae was going to learn first. Kyungsoo was teaching him bit by bit and Donghae decided to also ask Ryeowook to teach him. He didn’t want to ruin the ingredients or burn the food pathetically again.


Donghae lifted his head up at the sound of the main door opening. A shy smile crept onto his face as he watched his husband taking off his shoes.


“Hyukkie!” the brunette beamed at the elder male who was heading towards his room with a cold expression on his face. Eunhyuk ignored the brunette, pretending that he didn’t hear the other talking to him.


“Hyukkie, where were you?”


Donghae frowned when Eunhyuk didn’t answer his question. Instead, the redheaded male muttered in a rude tone, “I’m going to take a shower. Don’t disturb me.”


The brunette flinched at the loud sound of Eunhyuk slamming his bedroom door shut. What happened? Is he in a bad mood? He wondered with a pout on his thin lips. Donghae was kind of happy that day. He was feeling shy seeing his husband because of what happened in the morning.


Eunhyuk had asked for some time from him. Eunhyuk apologized for hurting him.


The brunette couldn’t help blushing because he had shared a very romantic moment with the elder boy and it somehow told him that everything was going to change for the better.


Maybe he just had to wait a bit. And then Eunhyuk would not despise him anymore. He just had to give the other boy some more time and if it would make the elder fond of his presence, he was more than willing to take the chance.







Eunhyuk relaxed under the warm water, taking time to wash his body properly. With his eyes closed, he remembered the events of the day.


Though he had gone to a club to find some random girl to , he couldn’t take the girl to bed. Donghae’s face was haunting his mind all the time as if to guilt trap him. He couldn’t kiss any girl without having to deal with his heart that was refusing to co-operate. He was feeling guilty because somewhere in his conscious, he felt that he was at fault too which pissed him off even more.


Eunhyuk sighed and reached out to turn the shower off. He wrapped a towel around his waist and brought the other towel to dry his head. As he stepped out of the bathroom, his eyes fell upon the table clock on his bedside table. The clock showed 9:30 pm.


It was dinner time so Eunhyuk quickly dressed himself in his pajamas and walked out of his bedroom.


He saw that Donghae wasn’t there but his bowl full of ramen was on the dining table unattended. He scrunched up his nose at Donghae’s dinner. The brunette’s habit of eating ramen was getting on his nerves. Without a second thought, Eunhyuk took the bowl and walking towards the trash can, he dumped the ramen in there, placing the empty bowl on the same place it was before.


Then he walked around the kitchen counter to make dinner, cooking for two persons. Eunhyuk was tired and so he settled for making an easy dinner that took very little time to be prepared. He was almost done when Donghae walked out of his own bedroom. The younger boy smiled at the redheaded male before taking a sit at the dining table, ready for dinner when he noticed that his bowl of ramen was empty.


“Where did my dinner go?” he mumbled, loud enough for the elder boy to hear him.


He snickered at Donghae’s question and took two plates to serve the food he had cooked.


Donghae heard the noise Eunhyuk made and looked at him suspiciously, “Hyukkie, why is my bowl empty?”


The brunette didn’t understand how his dinner could disappear if it wasn’t Eunhyuk’s doing. He had just received a call from a classmate who hadn’t gone to school asking if they had any homework for the next day. He just went away for about ten minutes to inform her about what homeworks they had and when he returned, his food was gone.


“Hyukkie, I’m hungry,” the brunette pouted as his stomach growled in hunger.


Eunhyuk rolled his eyes - though his heart fluttered in his chest at the younger boy’s cuteness, he reminded himself not to fall for it - and then walked around the kitchen counter, placing one of the plates in front of Donghae before pulling out a chair for himself to sit.


“Eat,” he commanded the younger, digging in his own meal.


“Huh?” Donghae stared at the elder boy in confusion who didn’t answer. The redheaded male continued eating his dinner without even looking up from his plate.


A small smile tugged the corners of the brunette’s lips upwards as he realized what was going on. Eunhyuk cooked for him. He didn’t want Donghae to eat unhealthy food so he made him dinner.


His cheeks grew pink and his smile turned into a grin as he tasted the food. It was delicious. Donghae again wondered how Eunhyuk could cook such nice foods. He kept glancing at the elder boy secretly as he ate.


Eunhyuk never took his eyes off his food until his plate was empty. Taking the empty plate, he got up to bring it to the sink for washing and brunette boy’s gaze followed him.


Donghae admired his husband from head to toe. His red hair contrasting with the skin of his neck, his broad shoulders. His thin but muscular form. Eunhyuk was like a model. So handsome and good-looking that Donghae swore his breath hitched every time he was around the elder boy.


“I’m going to my room,” Donghae’s thoughts were interrupted by Eunhyuk’s voice.


“Y-Yeah, o-okay,” Donghae stuttered in response.


The elder boy was walking to his bedroom but stopped midway and turned to look at Donghae, “Don’t eat those things anymore.” He said with an unreadable expression and turned around, his back facing the brunette, “From now on, I’ll cook dinner for both of us.” Saying that, he walked into his room, closing the door behind him and left Donghae alone to deal with his pounding heart and pink cheeks.







Donghae was now sitting on the roof with Yunho sitting next to him. They were silently eating, enjoying the silence. But Donghae had a question in his mind. How much he thought, he couldn’t find the answer. It was complicated and Donghae wanted to know so he decided to ask his friend.




“Hmm?” Yunho hummed in answer, still eating his lunch.


“Why do you want Jaejoong hyung to be jealous?” Donghae asked with a frown, still trying to understand it by himself.


It had been two weeks since they started this act of Donghae loving Yunho and the brunette still couldn’t get why the elder planned to make Jaejoong jealous.


Yunho stopped eating as he heard the question.


He smiled at that, “What do you mean?”


“I mean, he thinks you are not serious about him. He thinks you don’t really love him. If we flirt in front of him, won’t he get the wrong idea? I mean, won’t he think that he was right about you not loving him?” Donghae shrugged, tone unsure.


Yunho chuckled, “It’s because I know him.”


“I..... don’t understand,” the brunette mumbled.


“I know him well and I know that he is the type to hold onto something, even if he has to fight for it, he’ll have it. But,” Yunho sighed, smiling bitterly, “he didn’t even try to hold onto me. He gave up too easily. I want him to fight for me and claim me. I want him to punch me in the face and tell me how much I mean to him, how much he suffered and how much he wants me, and I want him to say that he’ll never let me go again.”







Heechul was staring at the distance while thinking.


He sighed as he remembered the conversation he had with Eunhyuk almost one week ago.


“I didn’t even say the marriage vows properly, hyyng!”


He didn’t know why Eunhyuk was in denial so much. He never really thought much about Eunhyuk not having completed his wedding vows. But after Eunhyuk mentioned it that day, he just couldn’t imagine how hurt Donghae would be if he heard about it. It’s not like Heechul was planning to tell him though. But he just had a really bad feeling about it.


Heechul was startled when he was suddenly embraced from behind. But after the surprise of the moment was over, he blushed, realizing who it was.


“Hangeng-ssi, what are you doing?” he mumbled without looking back to face the other man.


“Courting you,” Hangeng replied with a handsome smirk, “And again, Heechul, you used the ssi.” Hangeng chuckled.


“Uh, sorry. It won’t happen again,” Heechul said with a sheepish smile.


He yelped loudly as Hangeng pecked his lips. “This is for making the same mistake again,” he smirked and then pulled Heechul up from his chair, entwining their fingers and then dragging the elder boy out of the class.


“Where are we going?” he asked and stumbled in his steps but was caught by Hangeng before he could fall.


“Be careful,” Hangeng said, straightening the elder male by his waist. “You could fall,” he stared at the elder boy with affection, caressing Heechul’s cheeks with a smile on his face.


Heechul tried to hide the blush on his face by lowering his head.


Hangeng chuckled and lifted his face up by placing his index finger under the shy male’s chin. “I’ll ask you for the 39th time, Heechul. Be my boyfriend.”


Heechul laughed, “That didn’t sound like a question, Hangeng.”


“That’s because it is not. Because this time, I’m not taking no as an answer.”







“That was expected,” Donghae muttered the next day, swallowing the food that was in his mouth, “Yesung and Wook got together. And then Kyu and Min happened. It’s not a surprise that you finally accepted to be Hangeng hyung’s boyfriend.”


Heechul rolled his eyes as everyone at the table laughed. “Next it is your turn baby Hae. So, don’t try to be smart. Just eat.”


“His turn? Who is he going to end up with? Siwon?” Kyuhyun snickered from the other side of the table.


“Siwon laughed, “No, thanks. I still prefer .”


“Don’t worry, he has Yunho, right?” Sungmin asked, not noticing the glare Eunhyuk was sending towards him for mentioning the name he hated the most in the world.


Yesung nodded, “They look like they are already dating though.”


Donghae choked on his food dramatically. Ryeowook, who was beside him, quickly gave him his water bottle.


After a lot of coughs Donghae calmed down and then scrunched his nose in disgust, “Yunho and me dating? Yuck. I’d die before I date him. How did you guys even think of that?” the brunette shuddered as he imagined himself going on a date with his friend.


“Well, because you two start acting like couples out of the blue multiple times a day?” Sungmin mumbled, his tone unsure seeing the brunette’s reaction at the mention of him and Yunho dating.


Kyuhyun couldn’t stifle his laughter anymore and so he burst out in loud laughter, the sound echoing in the whole cafeteria. Hangeng and Ryeowook also started laughing but they weren’t laughing so hard as Kyuhyun who had tears in his eyes. “Gosh! I can’t even imagine Yunho and Hae dating. Even the idea of it is hilarious,” he exclaimed between his laughs, clutching his stomach which was hurting for laughing too hard.


“I-I don’t understand. What’s so funny about it?” Sungmin cluelessly asked, looking at his boyfriend innocently.


Donghae chuckled, “Kyu is right. Even the thought of dating Yunho is weird. We are just friends.”


Eunhyuk was quietly listening to the conversation without himself saying a word. The past two weeks he had spent half of his days glaring at Donghae clinging onto Yunho. So, hearing Donghae say that they were just friends made his patience snap. Friends didn’t stick together like glue all the time. Even Eunhyuk didn’t stick together with his friends like that. And Yunho wasn’t even Donghae’s best friend.

Eunhyuk huffed, gaining the brunette’s attention who noticed the change in the redheaded boy’s mood.


“Friends. Right. I don’t remember ever seeing friends who always walk in the corridor holding hands,” Eunhyuk chuckled sarcastically, looking straight in Donghae’s eyes with a cold expression.


The brunette shivered as he looked in the other boy’s cold eyes. He felt like Eunhyuk could see deep into his soul with those almond eyes. It was like the elder boy hypnotized him with his eyes because he couldn’t look away from the other’s accusing gaze. There was something else playing in the redheaded male’s orbs and if Donghae didn’t know better, he’d have thought it was jealousy.


The whole table suddenly quieted down, sensing the tension rising around the two.


“I’m just helping him to get back together with his ex-boyfriend,” the brunette murmured, loud enough for the whole table to hear, but saying it like the answer was only meant for Eunhyuk without breaking their eye contact.


The latter blinked his eyes in confusion, the emotions in his eyes changing from anger to surprise.


Donghae bit his lip, not knowing what to do at the sudden change of emotion in the elder boy’s orbs. So, he broke their eye contact and glanced at his friends for a couple of seconds before forcing a laugh to lighten the mood.


“You know Kim Jaejoong? The boy who is sitting at the table in the corner?” he asked his friends and Eunhyuk, setting his eyes on the raven headed pretty boy who was eating alone. They followed his gaze and watched the mentioned boy.


“Didn’t he transfer here a few weeks ago?” Ryeowook asked, recognizing Jaejoong.


“He is Yunho’s ex. I met him a few days after he transferred. He was crying, sitting alone on the stairs. What I realized was he and Yunho both love each other a lot but because of some misunderstanding, he transferred here without telling Yunho anything. So, Yunho also transferred here to get him back. So, I’m just helping him by making Jaejoong hyung jealous,” the brunette shrugged and then noticed his friends still staring at Jaejoong like they were watching a drama.


“Guys, stop watching him like that!” he snapped, tone a mixture of whisper and yell.


“So, you don’t like Yunho?” Eunhyuk asked dumbly, trying to process the information he just got. So, I was getting all worked up over nothing?







“Now do you understand?” Heechul turned his head to the side, staring at his friend who was looking at the sky above. They were lying in the middle of the grassy field, using their bended arms as pillows.


“What?” Eunhyuk hummed, a small smile of satisfaction visible on his lips.


Heechul stared at Eunhyuk for a few seconds, long enough for the younger to wonder why the other wasn’t speaking yet.


He let out an inaudible sigh and then looked at the sky like the redheaded boy. “Donghae,” Heechul said.


“Huh?” Eunhyuk furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what the elder boy meant.


“Donghae. He only loves you. Do you understand that now?”


Eunhyuk’s furrowed brows straightened, small tinkle of joy replacing the confusion in his eyes, “Yeah, I do.”


“Then? What do you plan to do now?” the elder male inquired, calmly waiting for his friend’s answer.


After an unsure frown and a couple of seconds of thinking, Eunhyuk shrugged, “I...... don’t know.”


Heechul huffed; wondering if the younger was really that dumb.


“Do you love him, Hyuk?”


“No,” Heechul felt disappointed at the answer, asking himself if he had committed a big sin by trying to make Eunhyuk fall for Donghae.


Because if he hadn’t given the brunette hope, maybe he’d never have experienced such pain. The pain of being drowned by an unrequited love. It’s a cruel experience. Heechul knew how it felt like. To die little by little everyday inside, hoping for the person you love to spare a little glance at you. And if he did, wondering if he looked at you because he held a special meaning or if it was just a normal glance without any feelings involved. He knew and he didn’t want Donghae to experience the same pain or know that horrible feeling.


That’s why he tried so much. But maybe Donghae would’ve been better if he didn’t try at all.


Heechul groaned, faking a yawn and stood up. He was tired of it. And he knew Donghae was too. So, he wouldn’t force Eunhyuk to accept his feelings anymore.


Because the brunette would be better if he let Eunhyuk go.


“I’m going to class. Skipping classes didn’t turn out to be as fun as I thought. Hope you’ll not regret what you said today.” Not giving the younger male a chance to answer, he walked away and headed to his next class.


Eunhyuk started at Heechul’s figure for a few seconds before he closed his eyes and exhaled a deep breath. I don’t love him yet. But maybe, I can fall in love soon.







Donghae left the old-looking building and inhaled deeply, taking in as much oxygen as possible.


He had made his decision.


The dull ache in his heart intensified and spread throughout his whole body. But he didn’t have the right to complain. A loud sob escaped his thin lips and he clutched his shirt tightly, making a failed attempt to grab his heart. The pain was slowly killing him.


He didn’t have much time for all the things he wanted to do with his Eunhyuk. He cried, standing on the sidewalk of the street, biting his lip in an attempt to muffle his sobs as much as possible.


He had only twenty days left. Twenty days before his one and only love’s birthday. And he wanted to make Eunhyuk the happiest on that day.


Big tears trailed down his cheeks, mixing with the dusty ground.


Donghae had decided to give Eunhyuk the best gift ever. And he was sure that his husband would love his gift the most. 


 A/N: Do you like this chapter???? Do you???

Let me tell you a secret, okay? *whispering* Next chappie is Eunhae's date.

Hahaha don't hate me because of all the angst I wrote, okay?

I'm so thankful that you guys like this story so much! Thanks for upvoting and commentibg, guys.

For the new subcribers, I hope you are enjoying this. Let me know what you think about this story, okay?

Love you, guys!!! <3 <3 <333

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I'm THIS close to losing my . My head is exploding and anger issues are rising.


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Chapter 43: nice story indeed , i keep rereading this ;) ,thank you for writing
Chapter 43: Merci pour cette histoire. 💙
194 streak #3
Chapter 30: Forgot just how good a read this was.....enjoying the second time
Chapter 35: I love the omc reference
18 streak #5
Chapter 45: This story was great just the right amount of angst but I’m glad you got the plagiarized story taken down I really hope people can actually be creative & stop stealing someone else’s work
Shubha #6
Chapter 40: Just slap that bastered, who palagarised it, I am writer too, I know how hard to creat a story, but ppl are cunning,taking somebody work as theirs it's disgusting ppl
Congrats to u!!!! I'm getting good newz today!!! Something nice in 2020!!!
Chapter 45: Congrats, finally 💗
Chapter 45: Congrats dear ❤️ i feel really happy for you.
Chapter 45: I’m so glad it got resolved! 💙💙💙
What a relief it must be!
Good luck with your studies. 😊