[HyungWonHo] - Fire

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

A/N: First update of the year, but it's not ShowKi. I'm currently writing a story for them since some of you want it. For now, here's a filler.

[3rd Person POV]

Hyungwon's head snapped up at the sound of an alarm blaring. His window was open and the sound became amplified by his room. It was getting annoying, so he went to go close his window. As he glanced out, the sidewalk was painted a bright red color. The apartment right next to his was on fire. That was also the moment he heard a large piece of wood drop break and drop down in front of his window. He jerked back from shock and stepped away from the window. At that moment, there was a loud knock on his door. It sounded like the police, so Hyungwon instantly went to see who it was.

"Hello?" He was greeted by two firefighters. Now probably wasn't the time, but Hyungwon felt extremely self-conscious about what he was wearing. 

"Sir, are you the only one who lives here?" He nodded quickly, still not over his shock. "We'll have to ask you to evacuate your house until we contain those fires." Hyungwon quickly got his shoes and left his building. 

He was escorted over to the crowd of people who also had to be evacuated. There he saw a few of the neighbors he knew and some that he saw before but didn't really know. Among them was his hot neighbor from upstairs, Wonho. Weirdly, the only available spot for Hyungwon to go was right next to him. That's where he went. 

He looked at the older, noticing how warm he looked. Wonho had a really big comforter on him, making the younger slightly jealous. Hyungwon was wearing a tank top, that kinda stuck to his body, and his boxers. He didn't have time to get some pants, but he wasn't alone. There were a lot of people in night gowns, robes and boxers too. Either way, they were all still wearing more than he was. Then you have Wonho with his gigantic blanket. He probably answered the door like that. 

Hyungwon turned his attention to the firefighters, who were trying to put out the blaze. It hadn't even been a minute and Hyungwon was already freezing. He was getting impatient, aside from his feeling of sadness at seeing someone's house burning up. He truly did hope that they were out and safe, but the shiver that ran down his body made his mind race to how cold it was.

"Psst." Hyungwon heard a voice, almost like a bee buzzing, but he didn't know where it came from. "Hey..." He turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw Wonho staring at him. Wonho made a motion with his head, telling Hyungwon to come closer. Like an idiot, Hyungwon did what he was told. Wonho was hot, and he was not about to let this one go.


"Are you cold?" Hyungwon looked at himself and then nodded. "Come here." Wonho opened his blanket a little, revealing the very reason why he needed it. Wonho was ultimately wearing less than anyone there. He only had his boxers on, not to mention, it was the tight kind at that. Nothing more, nothing less; other than shoes, but those didn't count. Hyungwon blushed and put his hand up.

"Oh no, that's okay." 

"Come on. You're shivering. No one else is but you. I'm only trying to help you warm up. I figured you could use someone to get warmth from." Hyungwon bit his bottom lip, listening to Wonho's reasoning.

"O-Okay." He slowly moved towards Wonho's lap, realizing the his neighbor wanted him to sit there instead of right beside him. He immediately felt self-conscious again. Hyungwon pushed past it though and sat down on Wonho's lap. The latter took the blanket and wrapped it around Hyungwon; hugging him close so they could get the most coverage from the comforter.

"Better?" Hyungwon nodded. It was definitely better, but now he was highly aware of the latter's bare chest and lack of clothes now that his arm was touching Wonho. "Truth be told, I was a little jealous. Everyone here had someone to hug and I didn't, but then you walked out and I had the sudden urge to get you to come over here."

"Ah, you tricked me?"

"It was harmless. I just wanted someone to cuddle with..." Wonho took a pause, allowing Hyungwon to give him a look. "What? I felt left out back here." Hyungwon smiled and adjusted himself. He stuck his arm behind Wonho's head, letting Wonho pulled the blonde closer in a tighter hug.

"You're lucky you're hot. I wouldn't sit on just anyone's lap like this, you know."

"I guess I'm not just anyone then."

"Yeah, you're the hot neighbor that I have a slight crush on." Wonho laughed at Hyungwon's sudden declaration of love. Hyungwon didn't really care. 

"Only 'slight'? Why not bigger than that? I'm definitely boyfriend material. You see that I gave you my blanket when you got cold. That should give me some brownie points." Wonho was speaking in a playful tone, but he was serious. He really wanted to know why it was only a slight crush and not a full blown one. 

His thought was silenced by a pair of lips that kissed his own. Hyungwon's hands softly gripped Wonho's hair and then let it go. His other hand came to rest on the latter's collarbone. It looked like an innocent kiss, but both knew it was gonna turn into something more as they pulled away. 

"You're lips are definitely boyfriend material..." Wonho bit his lip and raised an eyebrow at his own statement.

"Are you having dirty thoughts about my lips?" Hyungwon asked, blushing slightly at everything that was Wonho at the moment.


"Buy me dinner first and then we'll talk." Wonho laughed and hugged Hyungwon tighter. Seeing the younger act like this was kinda cute. He enjoyed it.

"Okay, it's a date."


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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡