[ShowKi] - Mistaken

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

A/N: [Requested]

I had considered making this an actual story, but I'm lazy... I may do it in the future. Oh and I am in the process of writing an actual story for the JooKyun story in chapter 9.

[3rd Person POV]

"We need the two of you to go on this trip. Both of your sections are directly related to this client, so we would like for you to work together in getting their investment. You've worked together before, so that shouldn't be a problem." The CEO of their company just started rambling on with orders and business trips, both Hyunwoo and Kihyun simply nodded. He went off on a tangent, not forgetting to hand them their respective packets of info about the client. "The clients general information is in there as well as how your section relates to them. Please follow the demonstration points and key ideas as best as you can while displaying the business pitch." Both nodded once more. It's not like they haven't done something like this before, but apparently this client was really important. The CEO is freaking out. "Okay, that's all. Please get ready to go. A car should pick you both up at your houses by 8 tonight. It takes 1 and 1/2 hours to get to where the client is by plane. We'll pay for your hotel stay for 2 nights." He handed Hyunwoo a company card and shooed them out, trying to get them to get ready immediately. The door closes right behind them, leaving them in a daze.

"I've never seen him so crazy about an investment before." Hyunwoo spoke first, shuffling his papers so he wouldn't drop any.

"Yeah, kinda puts the pressure on us." Kihyun sighed, only to earn a pat on the shoulder from the older.

"It's cool. We got this. We just need time to get ready." Swallowing hard, Kihyun agreed.


Even if it was only less than 2 hours, both Hyunwoo and Kihyun emerged from the plane tired and groggy. They had to review their packets the whole trip, marking important facts and highlighting key idea points. Both were tired of reading and wanted to hurry up and find a room. Hyunwoo had asked a receptionist at the airport for a list of hotels in the area. The woman happily complied and gave him a list of good and/or reasonable hotels. They didn't need anything fancy, so they just stuck with a normal chain hotel. What she failed to mention was the city's local night life.

As they stepped out of the airport and hailed their taxi, the two begun to notice something. This place was very lively, in the wrong way. They didn't think anything of it as Hyunwoo told the driver the hotel they were going to.

"I got a bad feeling..." Kihyun whispered.

"Something is a little weird here." Hyunwoo pointed out the window Kihyun was sitting at. He turned to see what the older was talking about and saw a very active night club... and then another... and then another.

"How many clubs can you have on one street?" Kihyun asked, not really looking for an answer.

"This city sports a wide variety of entertainment." The Taxi driver spoke up, comfirming all of their thoughts. "Whatever you fancy, it's somewhere in this city." Once that was said, both got incredibly nervous.

"Why did we get sent to this place? What kind of client wants to meet us here?" kihyun grumbled, really not liking the kind of environment that they were forced into.

"One that wants a good time. We should probably take him out for drinks after the agreement then." They exchanged looks, shrugging after. They were seriously too tired to really think about a game plan. Kihyun wanted to leave that to their morning tasks.


"Okay, the hotel doesn't seem that bad." Hyunwoo told Kihyun, trying to cheer the younger up, who was still grumbling and cranky. They walked up to the counter and rung the bell. A man came out from another room to greet them. He got a good look at the two males in front of him. He smiled and immediately offered the special room.

"Hello! Thank you for choosing to stay here. May I interest you in one of the special rooms of the evening? It's a double for two with a cheaper booking rate. We have a deal going on these rooms for the week." Hyunwoo looked back at Kihyun, simply to get his opinion. The latter was looking down, as if he was ashamed to be seen. The host bit back a laugh as he watched for a response. He had seen this many times before.

"Psst." Kihyun looked up, shocked. "Did you hear him? He said it was cheaper since they're doing a sale."

"Oh yeah, pick that." Kihyun didn't really care, he just wanted to sleep.

"Okay, we'll take it. We need it for two nights though." The host smiled in response and typed in the information. He swiped an electronic card to correspond with the room, as well as their company card that Hyunwoo handed him, and gave it all back to Hyunwoo.

"3rd floor, on your right. Please enjoy your stay." He winked, making Hyunwoo skeptical on this whole exchange. They turned to go to the elevator with haste. Once in, Hyunwoo exhaled.

"Now I got a bad feeling."

"Me too."

That bad feeling was only confirmed as they walked in the room. Hyunwoo unlocked the door and let Kihyun walk in first. As he was shutting the door, he heard a thud. He turned back to see Kihyun, who so shocked that he dropped his bag. Stepping further in, he could see the problem. This room looked like the splitting image of a themed honeymoon suite. Hyunwoo gave the room a comb over just before laughing.

"This is not funny." Kihyun kicked his bag near a chair. "You know what, I don't care. I'm too tired for this." He flopped down on the bed. Turning his head to the right, he sees a remote. Maybe it's for the TV.

"10 bucks says it's not for the TV." Hyunwoo spoke up. He had sat down in the chair that Kihyun kicked his bag to. Kihyun paused, thinking maybe Hyunwoo is right, but now his curiosity was getting the best of him. He clicked the power button, causing the bed to start vibrating.

"Oh my ." Kihyun sat up, bracing himself against the bed as it shook. The people before them left it on the highest setting. "Not okay." He cut the bed off and threw the remote back on the nightstand. "If it's not for the TV, why the does it have so many buttons?"

"Told you."

"Shut up. Lets just unpack, get washed up and go to sleep." He looked over to see where the bathroom was. Everything looked fine, until he noticed the shower had a clear wall. whoever was in it could be seen from inside the room. His mouth dropped. What did I get myself into?

"Let the record show, I'm pretty sure the front desk guy thought you were an of some sort." A pillow soared through the air, hitting Hyunwoo right in the chest. He simply brushed it off as if it was a feather that was blown his way.

"Why me?! Why not you?"

"I'm not the one who was looking down while we were checking in. Let's not forget the way you're dressed. A silk shirt and black skinny jeans? You look like you're dressed for night life. Plus you're really hot so..." Hyunwoo mindlessly chatter on, completely forgetting about the world around him.

"You think I look hot?"

"Please tell me that's not the only thing you got out of that?"

"Of course not, you basically called me a Street Walker, but that's not important." He stood up and walked over to the older. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the arms of the chair, trapping Hyunwoo in it. "What's important is that you think I'm hot." He smirked. "You know, I've heard some of your employees say that it's hard to get a reaction out of you. It makes me feel great to hear you call me hot." Grabbed his bag, Kihyun straightened back up and headed for the bathroom. "Oh, and don't look in the shower." He pointed his finger at Hyunwoo as if he was pointing at a bad child. Hyunwoo put his hands up in defense.

"I won't, I swear." Kihyun mumbled 'Good' before going into the bathroom. He waited until he heard the water running in order to get up. "How can I survive in a room like this with him for two nights?" As he looked around, he was honestly afraid to press or touch anything else. He opted to lay down on the bed and wait for his turn in the bathroom.


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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡