[I.MxEveryone] - Guilty & Innocent [Pt. 2]

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

[3rd Person POV]

It's been 2 months since the All-Alpha pack took Changkyun in as their own. They took care of him, gave him a room, food, clothes, etc. Changkyun couldn't have been happier. 

Although, he did notice something going on with the Alphas 1 month into him staying there. 

First off, he's noticed a difference in how they treat him, as in, they get antsy when another Alpha talks to the Omega. Even if it's someone in the pack, he would hear small growls, but they would clear their throats and apologize, seeking a pat on the head from the Omega as reassurance. 

It didn't start until he was helping Minhyuk in the kitchen on his day to cook and Wonho walked in, wanting to show something funny to the both of them. Minhyuk had growled lowly at the sight of Wonho coming closer to the Omega. Minhyuk had bit his lip in embarrassment and lowered his head as a sign of submission to the older Alpha. Changkyun petted his head and told him that it was alright. This started the craze. 

Kihyun had did it to Shownu, which was hilarious because Shownu actually flinched a little. Everyone was scared of Kihyun, doesn't matter who you are. They put up the biggest front, but Changkyun could tell that everyone has something about Kihyun that they were afraid of, most of which were either physical hits or poison-in-the-food kind of threats.

Next, Jooheon growled at Hyungwon when they were playing in the living room. They were playing a fighting game, in which to do the special move, you had to do this insane curve with the analog stick. Changkyun was having a tough time trying to get the curve, so Hyungwon reached over to help him. Once their hands touched even the slightest, Jooheon released a growl. 

Everyone stopped immediately, silence washing over them as Jooheon realized what he did. Somewhere deep in the depths of the kitchen, they heard someone laugh. Wonho had heard the younger growl and instantly knew the reason why without even seeing it. Jooheon had felt so embarrassed, he was legit about to walk out the house, but the small pets from Changkyun on his head stopped and calmed him down. 

After those three incidents, Changkyun came to the realization that him petting them on the head was the only way they wouldn't tear each other apart because of the jealousy. It was almost as if they did it on purpose, half the time, to get affection from the Omega. It was starting to occur way too often for it to be accidental anymore.

A few weeks later.

The second thing that occurred was the fact that Changkyun hasn't seen Jooheon nor Hyungwon in 2 days. Not a trace, not a scent. He was actually worried, so he asked Shownu about it.

"They're in rut."

"Really? Where do they go?"

"The dungeon." Wonho mumbled as he walked into the room.  Minhyuk shot a rubber band at the older from the other side of the room while protesting his answer. "Ow, you ." Wonho cursed and shot the rubber band back at him, earning a playful laugh from him.

"It's not a dungeon.... But it's a dungeon." Kihyun calmly added from his spot next to Minhyuk. His face turned sour as the rubber band had bounced off of Minhyuk and landed on him. Just to with them, he confiscated their toy and shoved it in his pocket. That didn't stop Minhyuk. Thus begun the battle of the ages.

"Will y'all shut up? It's just the basement. They only hate it since that's where we go for our ruts and we can't leave for 2-3 days. Normally, there's only one of us down there at a time, but they both went into rut at the same time. It should be ending for them soon." Changkyun had learned about ruts. They had told him that they were an Alpha's equivalent to an Omega's heat, but it's far scarier, more violent, less frequent, and not as ually driven as heats are (although it can be solved that way). He was even told that the Alpha's Mate will help them with the rut, but if they're not mated, it's best to stay away from them. Changkyun was worried. He knew going through the rut by themselves would be strenuous, so he kinda wanted to help.

"Should... Should I help them?" The Omega whispered to Shownu, kinda nervous.

"Have you ever been near an Alpha in rut?" The boy shook his head. "Then no, we wouldn't want you to get hurt." He patted the younger's shoulder a few times before moving his hand behind the latter's head, turning him to face the opposite direction. "Don't worry too much about them. They're okay. We always make sure things don't get out of hand." Changkyun smiled, but his chest felt funny knowing that they were going through this by themselves.

Not even 3 days after that, Changkyun had went into heat. No one noticed, not even Changkyun. The house was just getting off the scent of rut, when it was beginning to be filled with the scent of heat. When it flared up, it just so happened that everyone was gone except for Changkyun. 

Since everyone was gone, and he was blinded by lust, Changkyun went on a looting spree. Without realizing what he was doing, he wandered into each of the Alpha's rooms and took 1 piece of clothing. Proud of his haul, he quickly made it back to his room and set the clothes on the bed. A couple of incense were lit before he curled up in his bed with the clothes. 


"I'm just saying. The store could've labeled stuff a little better." 

"They were probably in the middle of it, we just went there at a bad time." They were all grumbling about their little confusing shopping trip as they walked up to the front door. Once it was opened, the scent hit them full force. 


"Okay, so now it makes sense." Everyone looked at Shownu, wondering what the leader could possibly be talking about. "Normally there's never two of us going through rut at the same time. I'm thinking, because Hyungwon and Jooheon spent the most time with Changkyun, they somehow sensed his pre-heat. It caused them to go into rut." They all started nodding like a really important equation got solved. 

"What should we do?" Shownu thought hard about the question. It's no secret that they all kinda wanna help the Omega. The biggest problem would be who gets to help him and how would they avoid any potentially jealous actions...

"Well, whoever Changkyun goes to is who he wants to help him. It's gonna be his choice, so we shouldn't push him."

"No fair. We all know you're first, I mean, you're the leader." The older male shrugged. He found the whining amusing because they were probably right.

"You never know, I could be last."

Unfortunately for everyone, Changkyun spent all of his time in his room. He only opened the door to get the food that they left for him. The omega had never been near an Alpha when he was in heat, just like he's never been near one in rut. He simply didn't know how to handle the mess that he was going through.

He was afraid that they wouldn't want him after seeing him in heat. He was so worried that he would ruin everything between him and the Alphas, so he didn't want to make his heat into a big deal, no matter how much he wanted them. He raided their rooms for the clothes and he settled for that. The scents on the clothing items tied him over so he wouldn't have to bother anyone. 

The Alphas on the other hand were a little depressed. The Omega didn't pick anyone, so they all thought that Changkyun didn't want them. Everyone decided to wait it out and talk to the younger when everything was over and calm. 


"Guys, have y'all seen my white turtleneck? I can't find it anywhere. I could've sworn I had it a few days ago..." Wonho searched all over the main room, looking high and low. Changkyun perked up, eyes wide as he realized that he had it. He never told anyone about it, so he thought maybe he should sneak off before anyone thinks to ask him.

"You're missing a sweater too? I'm missing a black sweater." Kihyun turned around to face Wonho. Changkyun had stood up from his spot and casually stretched. 

"I'm missing a green plaid shirt. Minhyuk is missing a red button up. He tried to cut me cause he thought I took it. ." Hyungwon grumbled to himself, curses soon trailing off into the air. Shownu walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn and placed it on the table. 

"I'm missing a black silk shirt and I think Jooheon said he was missing something too. It was a uh... Oh, it was a blue graphic tee." Changkyun bit his bottom lip. He pretended to make his way to the bookshelf near the door and as soon as he got to it, he turned to make a break for it. 

"Changkyun?" Minhyuk rounded the corner of the doorway at the same time. Changkyun bumped into him. The scent of fear that Changkyun was trying so desperately to hide seeped out, alerting the rest of the pack. The Omega scurried away to his room without a second thought. 

"Do you think...?"

"I got it." Shownu held his hand up and walked to the small male's room. He knocked on the door and waited a minute before opening it. Changkyun was sitting on his bed, in which Shownu could clearly see a lump under the sheets. "Changkyun?"

"Hyung, I..." The smaller male fiddled with his fingers, but soon caved in without much coaxing  besides the look on the Alpha's face. "I took the shirts! I'm sorry, I just..." Shownu walked in and sat next to the younger. "When I did it, nobody was here and I wanted to be closer to everyone, so I took the shirts. I didn't mean to steal from you all. I meant to give them back, but it felt nice sleeping with them."

"It's alright. It's normal for an Omega to feel this way about their Alpha, well in your case, Alphas. I'm sure they won't mind giving you a shirt with their scent on it. I know I won't." Changkyun smiled, but then his cheeks darkened at his impending embarrassment. He pulled back the sheet to reveal the lump of clothes he was trying to hide.

"What should we do about this then?" Shownu smiled and petted that smaller boy's head.

"We'll lie, say you found them in the laundry the other day and that's why you scurried off so fast." The Omega couldn't help but laugh at the lie. 

"Thanks, hyung."

"You're welcome."

The two grabbed the clothes and brought them to the laundry room. They dropped the clothes in the hamper, deciding to wait for a bigger load so they wouldn't waste water. As Changkyun went to leave, Shownu placed his hand on the younger's shoulder.

"Hyung?" He looked back and bit his lip.

"I just want to say, you can always come to us, especially when you need help. Don't be afraid. We're always here." He smiled. Changkyun knew exactly what he was talking about; his heat. 

"I was afraid. I had so many emotions going on that I didn't want to burden anyone with any of it." He looked down and shrugged.

"Nothing is gonna change. We'll be happy to help, in fact we were kinda looking forward to it." A small blush formed on Shownu's face. The Omega found the sight of it so endearing. 

"I'll keep that in mind next time." The two ended their conversation and made it back to the group of boys in the living room. Most of the popcorn was gone already, so Changkyun made more. While he was gone, Shownu took the time to talk to the rest.

After the leader explained the clothing situation (i.e the lie) and the Omega's feelings, it had now became a weekly routine for them to give the Omega something with their scent on it. They had noticed that he slept better because of it and it has calmed him down a lot when he gets anxious.

He often has dreams, or rather, nightmares about being taken back to that house by that horrible man. The bruises that littered his body. He would break out into a cold sweat and jolt himself up. It would always take him a minute to realize that he wasn't in that house anymore. Once he wakes up and sees their clothes, he's instantly lulled back into a strong sense of security. The sight of the tangled clothes next to his pillow was such a relief to him. He would smile to himself every time just before going back to sleep.

This was his home, and that's how it was gonna stay.

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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡