[I.MxEveryone] - Lost & Found [Pt. 1]

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

A/N: [Requested]

As the title implies, there will be a second part. I figured it was too long for it to be one chapter. Anyway, I hope y'all like it. I've always wanted to write an Omegaverse story. I didn't know who I would make Alphas and Betas, so I just decided to make them all Alphas to make everything easier. It kinda brought about the "forbidden zone" idea.

Also, I've read this so many times, I'm sorry if I missed any mistakes. I don't notice them anymore.

[3rd Person POV]

He ran.

He ran as fast as he could. His wolf instincts took him as far as his body would allow him. Changkyun ran for an hour, right into a forbidden zone. His pack had told him never to go this way, --they said something about a rumored all Alpha pack--, but he did anyway. It was his best option. He knew that if they told him never to come this way, that means they wouldn't follow him. He was right. About 10 minutes ago, he could sense that they had stopped pursuing him. That didn't stop him. 

He kept running. 

He reached a river. There was a large rock right next to it with a log in front of it. Changkyun sat down to rest. As his adrenaline was wearing off, all the pain and blood came rushing back. The scratches on his legs and back stung. He tried to apply pressure to lessen the bleeding, but he soon found himself getting lightheaded. 

"You can't collapse here." Changkyun whispered to himself. Bracing his body to get up, he pushed upwards only to slide back down pathetically. His arms and legs gave out. He really wasn't gonna be able to go anywhere right now. "Ugh, my life..." Giving up, he rested his head against the rock. Some tears escaped his eyes just as everything went black.


"There's a disturbance in the force." Minhyuk said as he sat up quickly. He sniffed the air, noticing what smells faintly like an Omega.


"He means there's a breach in our territory. I sense it too." Wonho clarified to the young ones.

"I smell it. Smells like someone is hurt." Kihyun stood up and sniffed the air. 

"Come on, let's go check it out." Shownu signaled for his pack to follow him out. Most of them stood up to leave. Jooheon, on the other hand, folded his arms over his chest. He stood firmly in his place.

"Hyung, if this was a scary movie, you'd get us killed. How do we know whatever's out there isn't hostile?!" Hyungwon came up behind the younger and pushed him forward. 

"If my lazy is going, you're going. I won't allow you to chicken out when I can't."


Much to Jooheon's dismay, they all thought it was a good idea if they split up and search their territory for the mystery visitor. Jooheon highly disapproved, but there was no going against his Hyungs. 

"Damn. Have these people never seen a scary movie in their life? You never split up, especially in the woods. It'll be my luck that some ing murderer with a goddamn chainsaw runs through here and kills me."

"I can hear you, Jooheon!" He looked to the left to see Kihyun watching him. 

"Well come over here so I don't die alone!" Jooheon yelled back, right before tripping on something. He fell over a rock and landed hard on his back. 

"Oh my god, Jooheon!" The sound of foot steps on leaves was all Jooheon could hear. Apparently Kihyun must've yelled loud enough for the others to hear, because that's when he heard all sorts of foot steps coming for him. He groaned as he tried to sit up. Kihyun grabbed his hand to help him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good- what the hell?" He jumped as he saw a person behind Kihyun. The look on his face prompted Kihyun to turn around as well.

"I guess this is our intruder." Wonho jumped down over the rock and landed next to Jooheon. One by one the other three showed up, each coming from different directions. Wonho crept up to the boy and put his fingers on his neck. "There's a pulse, so he's still alive." Shownu came up to the other side of the boy to inspect him. He looked badly hurt.

"We should get him back to the house." Shownu made the move to lift up the boy. He picked him up bridal style and nudged his head in the direction of the house. Minhyuk scrambled to help Kihyun lift up Jooheon, who gladly voiced his pain. 

"You're such a baby." Jooheon smacked the side of Minhyuk's head.

"Try falling from that high and tell me if it doesn't hurt." The two continued to bicker the whole way back.

Once they got back, the boy was placed in a room in which Kihyun kicked them all out of. He refused to let anyone else in the room while he worked with the boy, mostly because none of them really had a gentle touch. Also, he figured the Omega would feel better knowing only one of them handled him instead of all 6. 

"There's scratches on his legs and back. There's also bruises scattered on his body, all below the neck. Seems like he got into a fight and ran as far as he could." Kihyun explained to Shownu after fixing up the Omega. "I cleaned him up as best as I could. He needs to heal on his own. Oh and I burned Incense to mask his scent, if anyone's looking for him."

"Good idea. We don't need a turf war when we don't know anything about him." He patted the younger's shoulder. "Let's go find the others. I'm pretty sure we'll hear him if he wakes up." The two made their way to the living room to find the boys horsing around and giggling over their stupidity.


2 days later

Changkyun woke up slowly. His eyes felt heavy and his body ached. The area was dark with a warm orange hue. His vision was blurry. He figured the sun was setting, he must've been out for a few hours. The rock he rested against got softer. Maybe he picked a decent spot to rest at after all, but he needed to get going. 

As he lifted his body, he could feel something weird. Looking down, he examined what it was only to learn that it was a blanket.

This is not where I passed out. ! I've been abducted! They found me and brought me back. What am I gonna do now?!

Changkyun took a whiff of the incense and instantly felt relaxed. He let the scent wash over him, knowing he needed to be calm before attempting his grand escape. Again.

As he flung the blanket off of him, he sat up with all his might. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but at least he had on shorts. Sighing in relief, he shifted his legs over the edge of the bed; bandages visible all over them. He knew this was the hard part. The floor seemed so far down, but it had to be done. Changkyun pushed off the bed to stand up. 

That wasn't too bad.

He took his first step and realized he spoke too soon. Pain shot up his back causing him to brace himself against the bed. His adrenaline was back. The boy needed to get out; he wasn't gonna let some injuries stop him for getting away. 

The next few steps came easier now that he knew what to expect. He had managed to reach the door in a matter of minutes, not forgetting to click on the light. It felt like forever to him. Cracking the door open, he followed the wall all the way to a lit up area. It was probably a bad move, but he wanted to see what he was working with. Changkyun had counted 6 guys and by the smell of their scents, they were all Alphas.

Huh, imagine that. The rumors are true. How the hell do they get along? Trapped in here with nothing but Alphas... Wait... , I'm an Omega... ! Not good!

Just then, one of them looked behind him and locked gazes with Changkyun. 

"Hey, you're up!" The guy shouted, drawing attention from the other guys. 

Not saying a word to him, Changkyun turned around and scrambled back to the room he was in. His sense of danger far more important than his injuries. Fumbling with the door handle, he found the lock and locked it just when one of them reached the door.

"What? It's locked."

"Open up! We come in peace!" Someone from the back shouted.

"Knock it off." Another person whispered in response. 

"Seriously, we just want to talk." Changkyun shook his head, even though none of them could see him do it. That's when it happened. 

"Open the door." A dominate voice came outta nowhere and shook Changkyun's entire core. Pack leader. His Omega instincts kicked in, so he reluctantly obeyed the Alpha and opened the door. His head was down, similar to a puppy being scolded. 

"If he wasn't scared earlier, he's scared now." A short male scoffed and pushed his way in front. "Hi, my name is Kihyun. I'm the one who treated your wounds and fixed you up." That was when Changkyun remembered he was only wearing shorts. He casually covered his torso, shyness rushing over him from being stared at by so many Alphas. 

"There's no need to be afraid." Kihyun signaled for Changkyun to go sit back down on the bed. He hesitated, but did as he was told. "We found you in the woods. You crossed into our territory, so we came looking for you." Kihyun sat down in a chair across from Changkyun. The two now focused on each other. Changkyun had almost forgot about the other 5 until he saw them file into the room. One of the males came and sat next to Kihyun. His dominate aura made Changkyun think that maybe this was the pack leader whose voice he heard and he was right. "Oh, um, I guess I should introduced everyone. This is Shownu, our pack leader." He pointed to the male next to him. "Those four over there are Minhyuk, Hyungwon, Jooheon and Wonho." Each raising their hand respectively as their names were called. 

"My name is Changkyun."

They look like a pack of misfits... I guess I'd fit in here, if they let me stay... Wait, I can't stay here. That's probably not the brightest idea.

"I guess we should start with why you're here, Changkyun." The leader cut straight to the chase. 

"You know how they say male Omegas are rare?" They all nodded. Changkyun scratches his neck. He was uncomfortable sharing with people he didn't know, but he owed them an explanation. "Well, some very important guy found out about me and tried to buy me from my pack. He apparently offered them an enormous price, so they married me off. I spent a week with him. We were suppose to get married at the end of the month, but I ran away. H-He wasn't the nicest guy." Changkyun lowered his head. The other males caught onto what the boy was talking about. 

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." 

"No, it's fine. It's uh... Well, it's how I got these bruises and I got the scratches when I was running away. The guards did those." There was 2 minutes of silence before anyone spoke up. They were all shocked that the guy would hurt the boy knowing how rare he was. Shownu looked around at everyone's faces. He could see how much the boy was getting to them. They were starting to care about him. All their Alpha instincts were showing.

"Considering none of us would be able to sleep right if we let this go, you're welcome to stay here." Changkyun's face lit up, then he thought about what he said earlier. He probably shouldn't stay here, but there was no way he could leave in his current condition. "Well, you're allowed to stay here until you heal. Once you're all better, it's your choice if you want to stay with our pack or not."


"Okay!" Kihyun stood up and gestured for everyone to leave. They each left the room, their inner Alphas worrying over the boy. The younger could smell their scents in the air. "We should let you rest more. I'll come back with some food." He smiled as he closed the door.

Changkyun released a sigh of relief. He still wasn't completely relaxed, regardless of the Incense, but he figured he might as well get comfortable since they're offering the room to him. He scooted back a little further on the bed so his legs were barely touching the floor. 

He let his hands and eyes wander at that moment. He felt the bed sheets as well as eyeing the orange tinted items on the wall from the still lit incense. The bed felt smooth and plush; way more comfortable than he realized. Then the room itself was nicely decorated, something you wouldn't really expect from an all Alpha pack. He smiled, thinking about how they outdid themselves with the Decor and the burning Incense.

It's a smart idea.

Just then, one of the Alphas, Kihyun, popped open the door. He carried the plate over to him. Another followed in, Minhyuk, he remembered. He was carrying a small folded table under his arm and a drink. They proceeded to set up everything right in front of Changkyun. He looked at the plate, amazed at how good the food looks. His stomach aches at the sight. It was then that he realized just how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten anything since he broke out of that man's house; 2 hours beforehand, to be precise. He wasn't stupid enough to leave before eating something.

"I'm pretty sure you're hungry, after all it's been 2 days." He smiled.

"2 days! What?!" Changkyun tore his gaze away from the food to stare at the Alphas in disbelief.

"Yeah. We found you 2 days ago laying by a big rock." Minhyuk added as Kihyun handed Changkyun something to eat with. 

"I've been unconscious for 2 days and they haven't found me?" The two males nodded. "I guess they must be really scared of this place." Kihyun's eyebrows scrunched while Minhyuk tilted his head to the side, both were clearly confused by the boy's words. "Oh uh, I'm not sure how long your pack has been here, but a few years ago when I presented as an Omega, they warned me never to go over here. They said a dangerous all Alpha pack was over here, so the Omegas were all banned from this direction. It's why I came this way. I wasn't sure if that rumor was true, but they all freaked out about it so I used it to my advantage. They seemed to stop following me once I made it into your territory."

As Changkyun explained himself, the two males smiled. Their reputation was insanely fabricated, but that worked in their favor. No one messes with them, leaving everyone to avoid their territory. Everything they owned was virtually untouched and worth a lot, so they didn't mind the lack of company.

"Being here now, I can see that everyone is overreacting. You all are so nice and nowhere near scary, but then again, I haven't been here long enough to see any of you go feral." Changkyun shrugged and finally leaned forward to take a bite of his food. He savored it, missing the taste of a well cooked meal. He took two more bites shortly after.

"You know, ever since we came here, you're the only visitor we've had." 


"Yeah, like you said, everyone thinks we're dangerous and we let them continue to think that." 

"You're the only one brave enough to cross over here." Minhyuk added to Kihyun's previous statement. "Now that you're here, we'll protect you."


And that they did. 

It took Changkyun a week to heal up. Lucky for them, the boy really wasn't being pursued anymore. It was almost as if they forgot about him. The need for Incense decreased and Changkyun had became brave enough to hang out with the younger Alphas in the living room. He even hung around Kihyun in the kitchen. The Alpha had explained to him that since he came from a dominate Omega family, he learned how to cook pretty quick and pretty well. He's been trying to teach the other boys how too. Kihyun stressed the importance of not being the only one cooking, it just so happened that it was his day today.

He's been hanging with the younger Alphas all day. They were playing a game together, casually talking about pointless things. Wonho and Kihyun had left to go grocery shopping while Shownu and Minhyuk went to a different town 2 hours ago. Changkyun wasn't sure why, they refused to say, but he really wasn't gonna pry. He was still just happy that they allowed him to be there. 

"Hey!" Minhyuk shouted into the room as they both entered. He'd be lying if he said that their appearance didn't scare him.

Speak of the devil.

"So, what'd you find out?" Hyungwon looked up from the TV screen, Jooheon mimicking the latter's actions. 

"They gave up the search and they think he's dead." 

"Who?!" Changkyun panicked.

"You. We went to a nearby town and heard some people talking about the young Omega that escaped from an Alpha's mansion. We figured it could only be you." 

"I see. I guess that's good then. They really won't come looking for me, ever." Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"So, the offer still stands. You're pretty much healed up and moving. Have you decided if you wanted to stay or not?" Shownu sat down on the couch adjacent to their own.

"I really don't wanna be a bother..." As if on cue, there was a chorus of protests. All of them were saying that he would never be a bother to them. Changkyun smiled at the comforting statements. "If you all really feel that way, then I guess I will stay."

"Well then, we officially welcome you to our pack." Minhyuk chimed, a big smile formed on his face.

"I'll text Kihyun." Changkyun wanted to ask why, he was nosy as hell, but he knew it was a matter between them.

When the other two males returned from shopping, the matter had became clear. They bought him clothes.

"Since Kihyun is the closest to your height, we kinda used his measurements and then we got the next size down. We hope they fit and that you like them, the shop owner helped us pick stuff out." Wonho explained, a small blush on his face. Changkyun was handed two bags, one with shirts and one with pants in them. The Omegas could smell how nervous they were. None of them had ever given any Omega, that wasn't family, this many gifts before. He could tell that they really wanted his approval. 

"I'll go try them on now." He smiled, making his way to what was now his room indefinitely.

As he sat the bags down on the bed, his heart started beating faster. This is his bed, his room. These clothes were his. The Alphas were kind and don't seem to mind taking care of him. 

Their Omega.

If he had to be honest, he didn't mind the sound of that. He was really happy to be near Alphas that took care of him instead of hurt him. This was a milestone for Changkyun. He couldn't help but wonder what was next to come.



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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡