[HyungKyun] - Sweet

Monsta X - Drabbles & Short Stories

A/N: [Requested] - Hope you like it~

Figured that i'd update something since I haven't done it in a good minute. I got it from a prompt that I found on otpprompts, but I don't have the link.

Edit [3/4/18]: Prompt submitted by herstorycallyinaccurate to otpprompts

[3rd Person POV]

"Yah, Minhyuk. I got the cookies you wanted. It was cookies, right? It better be..." Changkyun adjusted the phone so that it was resting in between his ear and shoulder while he fixed the bags that were currently hanging harshly on his wrists. After he successfully fixed it, he took the phone back into his hand.

"YES! Oh my god! Thank you! Hurry and bring it up, I'm craving."

"Craving? What the-" Changkyun was cut mid sentence when he felt himself run into a figure as he turned the corner. He lost his balance but something grabbed his arm to keep him upright.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" The brunette looked up to see his next door neighbor, Hyungwon, whose name he learned from the older's friend screaming outside their doors.

"No, it's okay! I should've been paying attention." Hyungwon reached down and picked up the phone that Changkyun never realized he dropped. The could both hear Minhyuk frantically yelling on the other end. Changkyun grabbed the phone and put it to his ear. "Minhyuk! Shut up! I'm fine; the cookies are fine; everything's fine! I'm on my way up. Chill for a second." With that said, Changkyun hung up the phone to prevent Minhyuk from screaming at him more.

"Your friend is very caring." Hyungwon smiled at the younger, who let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, although I think he was more worried about the cookies." Changkyun put the phone in his pocket and took some of the bags in his free hand to even himself out. "Anyway, thanks for saving me from falling."

"Not a problem."

"I guess I have to go before my roommate actually comes down here yelling. I'll see you around though." They smiled at each other before Hyungwon stepped out of the way to let Changkyun pass on by. The younger did so, scurrying away quickly after to avoid any more embarrassing moments. Once he got to the elevator, Changkyun was safe.

It took him about 2 minutes to get to his apartment, in which Minhyuk was already waiting for him. The older was leaning against the door frame, facing the direction that Changkyun was coming from.

"Took you long enough."

"Well, I'm sorry. I accidently ran into our neighbor while talking to you. Literally. I wasn't paying attention."

"You should look where you're going next time." Changkyun pushed pass Minhyuk and set the bags on the nearest table.

"Talk to me like that and maybe I'll keep your cookies."

"Oh my god! No, I love you! Please don't..." Minhyuk slid into the room, almost getting on his knees to beg for forgiveness. Changkyun handed him the cookies before he could, earning an excited squeal out of the other. He opened the package without a second thought and shoved one cookie into his mouth. He handed one to Changkyun along with the muffled word 'payment'. The younger happily ate the cookie as he moved the bags to the kitchen. Minhyuk stayed behind to lock the door. "So, which neighbor did you bulldoze through?" Minhyuk called out once he finished chewing his cookie.

"I did no such thing... It was Hyungwon."

"Ooh, that hot guy from across the hall that you like?"

"I-I don't like him." Changkyun busied himself with putting the groceries away, hoping Minhyuk would drop the conversation, but that wasn't gonna happen so easily. The older emerged from around the corner with a look of disdain.

"Quit playing. You're always drooling over him. Don't think I don't see you."

"I don't even know him like that."

"Still, I see you like this all the time. You have a crush on him and you're too wimpy to admit it." Minhyuk went over to Changkyun and petted his head. "It's okay. I've got a plan, so don't worry."

"Don't worry? Minhyuk, you're insane." The older simply smiled and walked away, making Changkyun worry even more.


About 4 hours later, there was a knock on their door. Minhyuk was the first to get up and answer it only to find the Hyungwon on the other side.

"Speak of the devil."


"Oh, nothing... Can I help you with something?" Hyungwon held out a container and gave a slight smile.

"You wouldn't happen to have any sugar that I can borrow, would you?" Minhyuk stared at the cup before stepping back into the house.

"One second." He shut the door, not bothering to take the container with him. Hyungwon dropped his hands back to his side, waiting for the latter to come back. A minute had passed before the door was opened again.

"Minhyuk, what are you-"

"He's as sweet as can be, take him instead!" Minhyuk shoved Changkyun out the apartment, causing him to lose his balance and land in Hyungwon's arms. He stuck some shoes out and shut the door, not forgetting to lock it. Changkyun regained his position and ran up to the door.

"Minhyuk, let me back in!" Changkyun banged on the door a few times.

"No! Give him some sugar!"


"I'm not letting you back in until you two talk. So, get to it!" Everyone fell silent, especially Changkyun as he had soon realized that this is what Minhyuk could've been planning

"I take it your friend is trying to set us up...?"

"Maybe... yeah. I may have a slight crush on you. I told him and he ran with it.." Changkyun looked back at Hyungwon only to see a shocked look on his face. "Oh , I said too much." Changkyun grabbed his shoes and turned to walk down the hall. He wanted to get away again so he wouldn't embarrass himself. He didn't even take 2 steps before Hyungwon pulled him back.

"Wait. It's not a bad thing." The younger felt his heart skip a beat at Hyungwon's words. "I mean, you are cute and if you're as sweet as he says, I wouldn't mind it."

"Not good enough! I need a guarantee!" Minhyuk shouted, cutting the calming atmosphere in half. Changkyun casually let his hand bang on the door once.

"Quit listening." The younger proceeded to put on his shoes. He checked his pockets and found that he still had his wallet with him. "Since my roommate refuses to act like a normal person, I'll go buy you some sugar."

"You really don't have to buy it." Changkyun looked up and smiled.

"Nah, it's fine. It gives us a chance to..." The brunette stopped talking and mouthed 'get away from him' while pointing back at the door. Hyungwon laughed. The two had set out for the convenience store right outside their building in hopes of finding sugar.


As they arrived to the convenience store, the two were relieved to see that they sold somewhat small bags of sugar. Changkyun grabbed 2 of the little bags and they both walked up to the counter. 

"Thanks for buying these. It's probably more than I need though." 

"Think of it as compensation for my roommate slamming the door in your face." The two laughed as Changkyun paid for the small items. He took the bag and handed it to Hyungwon, who took it with a smile.

"You know... Maybe I should treat you to something for getting this for me." Changkyun's face reddened at the older's sudden words. 

"Whatever you're making with the sugar would be just fine." The two headed back out the door, walking in the direction of their apartments.

"Cool, pancakes it is."

"Pancakes? You were making pancakes at the this hour?" Hyungwon's hand slid up to the back of his neck, the signature gesture for shy embarrassment.

"If I can make it, I'll eat it at any time. Trust me, having pancakes late in the day is great. How about we could just head to my place and I can show you how great it is?" Hyungwon's eye brow lifted slightly, giving the brunette thoughts that he didn't think he would have that day.

"Sure. Minhyuk has cookies, so he won't miss me." They both laughed at the younger's words. 

With that said, they begun discussing other things on the walk back. Unconsciously, the two walked faster, ready to get up to the room. It took them a few  minutes to get there. As they approached the room, Changkyun glanced down to his door.

"Do you think he'll count this?"

"Pancakes in the middle of the day? That's definitely a date in my book. He'll count it." The older boldly stated as he opened the door. "He'll figure it out if you're not back in 30 minutes or so." He took Changkyun's hand and pulled him into the apartment, not forgetting to lock the door behind them.


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[10/18]: Using my bro's Nextbook, so I cant really do any of the usual stuff that I do. Here's a new update tho~


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there, I came across this story while searching for something interesting to read. Although I didn't notice the tags properly until I was here, so I thought I'd give ShowKi a try. I don't really ship them but I like them both. Anyway, I enjoyed the drabble. It was really nice and made me yearn for more ^^ and I'll maybe drop by again someday and check if you have anymore ShowKi drabbles!
Chapter 7: Cuteeee
Chapter 21: Imagine u wake up and have six guys around..
°° wow!
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 16: This was so cute. And Minhyuk I totally understand believe me. Aww my Changkyunnie baby. He has such a good friend in you. I'm all soft like Jello because of this chapter. Kudos
um1997 #5
Chapter 15: This is honestly so cute!!!
I loved it!
annethundr05 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh they are so bad. Lol XD Shownu had to be the brave one and check. Today was adorable and funny. KiKyun being trolls, I love it.
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 10: Aww, busted. This an adorable ShowKyun drabble. My my bias Kyunnie and my bias-wrecker Hyunwoo. I'm all soft now.
Chapter 19: Hahahaha cuteeee maknae line <33
Chapter 18: Aaaa Showki ♡